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US safety agency wants improved safety standards for batteries


NewsHubThe U. S. Consumer Product Safety Commission said Tuesday that industry needs to learn from the Galaxy Note7 experience and put more safeguards in place during the design and manufacturing stages of lithium-ion batteries.
CPSC said Samsung Electronics “has been accountable in taking steps to drive up the recall response rate and keeps pushing.” Samsung and the agency are working with the wireless industry, battery makers and electrical engineers to review voluntary standards for lithium-ion batteries in smartphones, said agency chairman Elliot Kaye in a statement.
Samsung and external experts such as Exponent and Underwriters Laboratories will also share details from the investigation, she added.
Samsung on Monday blamed faulty batteries supplied by two manufacturers as the likely cause for the overheating and even explosions of the Note7, leading to a costly recall of about 3 million phones.
The CPSC said a 97 percent recovery rate of the devices from consumers had been achieved in the U. S. But the concern of the agency going forward is on the long-term safety of batteries to avoid a recurrence of the problem.
Consumers should “never have to worry that a battery-powered device might put them, their family or their property at risk,” the agency said. It called for the industry “to modernize and improve the safety standards for lithium-ion batteries in consumer electronics and also stay ahead of new power sources that will inevitably come along and replace these.”
CPSC on Tuesday also called for the expansion of a recall of lithium-ion batteries containing Panasonic cells that were used in HP notebook computers. About 101,000 batteries were involved in the recall , which included 41,000 batteries previously recalled in June 2016.
The CPSC’s operating plan for 2017 now includes a project for its technical staff to assess the state of high-density battery technology, marketplace innovations, gaps in safety standards, and research and regulatory activities in other countries, the agency said.

Similarity rank: 1.1

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トヨタ、米で400人雇用 増産へ680億円投資


NewsHub【ニューヨーク共同】トヨタ自動車は24日、米中西部インディアナ州の工場に約6億ドル(約680億円)を投じてスポーツタイプ多目的車(SUV)を増産し、約400人を新規雇用すると発表した。米国での雇用拡大を求めるトランプ米大統領の意向にトヨタが応じた形だ。日本メーカーに同様の動きが広がる可能性がある。 トランプ大統領は23日、日本の自動車市場を閉鎖的だと批判。24日朝にはツイッターに「新工場を国内に建設してほしい」と投稿している。米国で利益を稼ぐ日本メーカーへの圧力は収まらない恐れもある。

Similarity rank: 5.3
Sentiment rank: 3.6

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日本批判にフォードの影 非関税障壁、トランプ氏が標的に :日本経済新聞


日本メーカーが小型車の輸出攻勢をかけた80年代と異なり、いまは日系も米国生産が進む。米国で売る車のうち、北米での現地生産の割合は トヨタ自動車 が7割、 日産自動車 は8割、 ホンダ は9割とされ、米国勢と遜色ない。ところがトランプ氏は23日の会合で「(日本は)日本市場で米国車を売れないようにしている」と断定した。
フィールズCEOはかつてフォードと提携関係にあった マツダ の社長を務め、日本市場の実態に精通する。「日本たたき」に動くトランプ氏との関係でカギを握るのは、創業家出身のビル・フォード会長だといえる。
富士重工業 は北米で多目的スポーツ車(SUV)「フォレスター」や「アウトバック」の販売が伸び、16年の世界販売に占める北米市場の構成比は7割を占める。このうち、約6割は日本で組み立てて輸出している。

Similarity rank: 1.2
Sentiment rank: -0.5

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NewsHub[カルガリー(加アルバータ州) 24日 ロイター] – カナダのフリーランド外相は24日、トランプ米大統領が環太平洋連携協定(TPP)離脱の大統領令に署名したことに関連し、同協定は米国抜きでは実現しないとの考えを示した。 フリーランド外相は記者団に対し「TPPは米国が批准国として参加しなければ効力を持たないような設計になっていた」とし、「このためTPPは米国抜きでは実現しない」と述べた。 トランプ大統領は23日、TPPからの正式離脱に関する大統領令に署名。TPP交渉に参加しているオーストラリアとニュージーランドはこの日、中国などアジア諸国の参加を促すことで協定の存続を目指す考えを示している。

Similarity rank: 2.1
Sentiment rank: 4

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Japan December exports rise 5.4% year/year: MOF


NewsHubJapan ’s exports rose 5.4 percent in December from a year earlier, posting the first gain in 15 months, government data showed on Wednesday, reflecting a pick-up in global demand and effects of a weaker yen.
The rise in the value of exports compared with a 1.2 percent increase expected by economists in a Reuters poll. It followed a 0.4 percent year-on-year decline in November, the Ministry of Finance data showed.
Imports fell 2.6 percent in December, versus the median estimate for a 0.8 percent decrease.
That brought the trade balance to 641.4 billion yen ($5.63 billion) in the black, versus the median estimate for a 270 billion yen surplus. It was the fourth straight month of surplus.

Similarity rank: 2

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Trump’s Presidency Upends Familiar Story Lines


NewsHubOnce upon a time, a charismatic Republican president vowed he would make America great again, and part of his strategy involved being very clear about the nation’s enemies.
It was the 1980s. Ronald Reagan famously labeled the Russian-dominated Soviet Union an “ evil empire ,” and Hollywood did its part to help. The 1984 action movie “ Red Dawn ” told the story of a band of heartland guerrillas, the Wolverines, that confronts a Soviet invading force. A year later, in Rock y IV , Rocky Balboa traveled to the Soviet Union and, wearing his stars-and-stripes boxing trunks, somehow managed to knock out the terrifying Ivan Drago.
Today, it is unclear whom, if anyone, Rocky or the plucky Wolverines would fight: The question of whether Russia should be considered a friend or foe seems more unknowable than ever. And that, indeed, is the case with many formerly stable facts of American life as President Trump has ascended to power.
The scrambling of what’s real and what’s illusion began well before Mr. Trump’s counselor Kellyanne Conway offered the concept of “alternative facts” on Sunday when commenting on false statements by Mr. Trump and Sean Spicer, the White House press secretary, and before Mr. Trump’s repeated false claims on Monday that millions of illegal voters cost him a popular vote majority.
Even since before his inauguration, Mr. Trump’s rise has been characterized by an erosion of surety, bizarre and inscrutable subplots worthy of an airport-bookstore spy thriller, by epistemological questions about what is truth and what is fiction like no time in recent American history.
After an election that played out in a blizzard of untruths and questions whether news is real or fake, it can feel like a hall of mirrors inside a hall of mirrors. Now, Americans are trying to make sense of a Republican president reflexively praising Vladimir V. Putin , who, according to American intelligence assessments , had worked to undermine Mr. Trump’s opponent. Mr. Putin, in turn, is saying those who propagated unsubstantiated salacious reports about Mr. Trump’s behavior in Russia were “worse than prostitutes.”
Questions keep multiplying. Was the election influenced by those Russian hackers — or even by the F. B. I. director? What to make of Mr. Trump’s shifting positions and huge promises? Will Congress really strip health insurance from millions of people, many of them Mr. Trump’s voters? Will Mr. Trump really build a wall along the Mexican border and somehow persuade Mexico to pay for it? How to explain a “populist” upheaval that installed a team of multimillionaires and billionaires at the heart of government? And what is the new government even proposing? Will policy be set by the president’s words and Twitter posts or the congressional testimony of many of his appointees who often take the opposite position he does on significant issues?
Some of the old battle lines once drawn between parties and factions now seem hopelessly scrambled, in part because Mr. Trump scrambled them. Imagine how upside down 2017 would seem to a time-traveling Reaganite from 1982: The American left frets that a Republican president-elect might be too soft on Russia. The Republican Party embraces, or at least seriously flirts with, protectionism over global free trade.
At presidential altitude, the gold standard for political rhetoric used to be something like Lincoln’s first inaugural address , with its carefully calibrated prose-poetry. Now the very notion of “presidential” language and behavior has come in for a makeover. Before the inauguration, Mr. Trump unleashed Twitter barrages against a Hollywood actress, the United States intelligence community, a prominent civil rights leader and some news media outlets. His critics fear that the style, improvised and inflammatory, might create substantive havoc, particularly in the realm of foreign policy, where the smallest gradations of adjective or adverb can affect real lives.
But an upending of the status quo is exactly what many of Mr. Trump’s supporters crave. On Friday, they flocked to Washington for his inauguration, giddy with the hope that Mr. Trump would continue to deploy his outsider style — what his friend, the author Conrad Black, has described as “an Archie Bunker talent at blunt, earthy, and amusing reductionism” — to purge government of curdled ideas and clotted bureaucracies.
Their movement combines America’s revolutionary and nostalgic impulses, with twin promises of radical disruption and a return to a surer, stronger past to which Mr. Trump’s red baseball caps have alluded.
But first, the change, and a headlong hurtle into the unknown. Mr. Trump “was elected as a disrupter,” Walter Russell Mead, the centrist academic at Bard College wrote recently on the website of The American Interest, “and disruption is what a Trump administration will bring.”

Similarity rank: 11
Sentiment rank: 2.3

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‘A Dog’s Purpose’ Filmmakers Defend Treatment of Canine Actor


NewsHubThe leaked video was discomforting enough to prompt calls for a boycott : A German shepherd, filming a scene for the coming movie “ A Dog’s Purpose ,” fought with a trainer to stay out of a pool he clearly didn’t want to go in, then later briefly sank as humans raced to lift him out of the water.
The human behavior in the video, obtained last week by TMZ , was roundly condemned. It was a crippling story for a movie about the love between humans and their pets; dog lovers said they’d skip the movie, and a premiere last week was canceled.
Now, just before the movie is to be released on Friday, several of the people involved in the film are offering more details about what happened in the leaked video. Some of them remain divided between condemning the actions seen in the video and insisting that the treatment of the dog wasn’t quite as bad as it might have looked. They say that the dog was never forced into the water, as the video seems to show, and that the two scenes were recorded at different times.
Dennis Quaid, one of the stars of the film, said on “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” on Monday that “the video does not tell the entire story,” and that the animals “were treated with the greatest respect and care and compassion.” He added that he was not present when the scene was shot in Winnipeg, Manitoba, in October 2015.
“The dog was fine,” he said on NBC’s “Today” on Wednesday. “This was a piece of video that was shot during the making of this. Some unknown person at the time. He also spliced, edited and manipulated that to make it look as if the dog was being abused. The dog had been in that water happily, and even afterwards too.”
The German shepherd, a 2-year-old named Hercules, is now “happy and healthy,” Amblin Entertainment, the film’s producer, and Universal Pictures, its distributor, said in a joint statement last week. Hercules was supplied and trained by Birds and Animals Unlimited , a company that frequently works with the film industry.
The American Humane Association, which monitors animals on movie se ts and had a representative present during filming, said on Tuesday that the video was “misleading and edited.” Production was stopped after Hercules showed signs of stress, and he was not forced to swim, it said.
Several of the association’s findings were echoed by Gavin Polone, the film’s producer, in a column in The Hollywood Reporter , and by Birds and Animals Unlimited on its website. Mr. Polone said he was not present for the scene but had watched unedited footage of the day’s filming.
Mr. Polone, a vegan who said his will was set up to donate all of his money to animal charities when he dies, said Hercules was eager to swim during rehearsal, at one point “desperate to jump in.” The dog had to be held back by a trainer so he wouldn’t go in too soon, he said.
The footage seen in the TMZ video was taken after someone requested that Hercules jump in from the other side of the pool, according to both Mr. Polone and Birds and Animals Unlimited. At that point, the dog squirmed in the trainer’s arms and was visibly uncomfortable.
Birds and Animals Unlimited said that after “less than one minute,” Hercules was brought to the other end of the pool “from which he’d been conditioned to enter, and he did so happily.” Hercules had trained for months for the swimming scenes, the company said.
“He was chosen for the film based on his love of the water,” the company said.
In the second scene in the leaked video, the dog is seen submerging underwater. Birds and Animals Unlimited said “the current carried him closer to the wall at end of the pool than it had in previous takes.”
Mr. Polone said the dog was underwater for four seconds before a diver and handlers lifted him out of the pool. That scene was filmed after Hercules had willingly jumped in, though the footage might give the impression that he had been forced in earlier, Mr. Polone said.
Both of the episodes seen in the video remained “inexcusable,” Mr. Polone said. The trainer should have stopped trying to get Hercules to go in once the dog looked uncomfortable, and Hercules should never have gone underwater, the producer said.
“Seeing that distraught dog in the video did not comport with what I had observed in the prior weeks of production,” he said.
After Hercules went underwater, handlers put him in a warming tent and he did not show signs of stress, the American Humane Association said. The association requested a full veterinary checkup to ensure that the dog remained healthy, it said.
It remains to be seen what effect the defense will have on the box office numbers. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals has maintained its call for a boycott of the film.
In emails to Mr. Polone, Lisa Lange, a senior vice president of PETA , suggested that he “pledge to never use live animals in films again.” A PETA spokeswoman said the organization believed that live animals should be removed entirely from movies and television.
Mr. Polone rejected the suggestion. He said Hollywood should focus on improving its protection of animals on set, and he criticized the American Humane Association’s ability to monitor animals on set.
“I say that we build a better method of protecting animals on sets through a better animal-protective service,” he wrote.
The A. H. A. said last week that it put its employee who was present during filming on administrative leave. A full investigation by an independent animal cruelty expert will be done by the end of the week, it said.
“We take extraordinary steps to ensure the safety of animals, starting long before a film starts shooting with a rigorous script review, detailed inspection of the sets and environment where animals will be, and on-set monitoring by trained certified animal safety representatives,” Mark Stubis, a spokesman, said in a statement.

Similarity rank: 0
Sentiment rank: -0.6

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Кабмин создал рабочую группу по наработке порядка проверки е-деклараций


NewsHubИз открытых источников Кабинет министров Украины создал рабочую группу по наработке порядка проверки электронных деклараций. Соответствующее решение было принято на сегодняшнем заседании правительства.
„Есть предложение создать рабочую группу, которая разработает порядок проверки и предложит принять. Я готов участвовать в ней вместе с учеными. Стыдно, что в течение нескольких месяцев мы не смогли этого сделать“, – отметил министр юстиции Павел Петренко.
Новости по теме: Петренко призвал НАПК к профессиональному диалогу с Минюстом по вопросу порядка проверки е-деклараций
Напомним, Минюст заявил о саботаже со стороны НАПК. По словам Петренко, НАПК – это единственный государственный орган, который не может найти общий язык с Министерством юстиции.
Ранее в НАПК заявили о наличии разногласий с Министерством юстиции в вопросе проверки электронных деклараций чиновников.
До этого Министерство юстиции обвинило НАПК в игнорировании замечаний ведомства о порядке проверки электронных деклараций и мониторинге образа жизни чиновников.

Similarity rank: 4.2

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US court denies DoJ attempts to access Microsoft's overseas data, again


NewsHubMICROSOFT’S ONGOING BATTLE to stop the US authorities from marching into overseas data centres with cyber wheelbarrows and coming out laden has taken another thresh around in the bottom of the basket.
The US Department of Justice (DoJ) has long wanted to get into the Aladdin’s cave of overseas data but has always been turned away by Microsoft. Always in very strongly worded, fist in the air, pro-privacy declarations.
Like a dog that thinks you might have half of a ham sandwich in your pocket – it happens – the DoJ just won’t stop sniffing and fussing, despite all the gentle nudges away.
Microsoft has been fighting this attention since 2013. It does not want the DoJ to access information about a suspected drug gang. Well not that explicitly, it does not want to hand over personal data willy-nilly. And it is sticking to that.
PCWorld reports on the findings of the US appeals court, explaining that the judges could see how the law might have a problem with tech companies storing their data out of reach, but adding that ultimately the law is the law and that a previous decision that found all of this can still stand.
„We recognise at the same time that in many ways the SCA (the U. S. Stored Communications Act) has been left behind by technology,“ Judge Susan Carney wrote in Tuesday’s decision.
„It is overdue for a congressional revision that would continue to protect privacy but would more effectively balance concerns of international comity with law enforcement needs and service provider obligations in the global context in which this case arose. “
Brad Smith is Microsoft’s president and chief legal officer and we expect that it will be him who rises up to comment on what a momentous win this is. He has not done so yet, but it is still early in the morning and he may still be pacing around in his dressing down to the Rocky theme. µ

Similarity rank: 2.1

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В Киеве пьяный водитель сбил полицейскую, которая оформляла ДТП


NewsHubВечером 24 января в Киеве водитель „Volkswagen Transporter“ на высокой скорости сбил сотрудницу патрульной службы, которая оформляла ДТП между „ZAZ Vida“ и „DEO“. Как сообщают „Эспрессо“ , инцидент произошел по улице Электротехнической.
После аварии нарушитель не остановился и даже попытался скрыться от правоохранителей. Однако, его уже через несколько километров догнал другой полицейский и заблокировал.
Правоохранители утверждают, что задержанный водитель был пьяным.
Пострадавшая сотрудница полиции госпитализирована и ее состояние оценивается медиками как критическое. Сейчас девушка находится в коме. В результате аварии она получила травму позвоночника.
В Мариуполе военные попали в аварию, один солдат погиб
21 января в Мариуполе двое военных попали в аварию, в результате которой один из них погиб. В штабе АТО сообщили, что второй пострадавший солдат находится в больнице. Его состояние оценивается как тяжелое.

Similarity rank: 6.4

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