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Kommentar zu 96: Rückfall in den Rumpelfußball


Bei den Würzburger Kickers fällt Hannover 96 in alte Schemata zurück. Ein Kommentar von Christian Purbs.
Spitzenreiter können die „Roten“ nicht. Wenn es überhaupt etwas Positives beim 0:0 am Freitagabend bei den Würzburger Kickers gab, dann war es der eine Punkt, den die Mannschaft von Trainer Andre Breitenreiter mit nach Hannover brachte. Beim letzten 96-Gastspiel als Tabellenführer in Fürth gab es eine deftige 1:4-Pleite und nicht mal einen Zähler.
Zufrieden kan damit bei 96 niemand sein. Die Mannschaft fiel wieder in alte Schemata zurück, die längst überwunden zu sein schien. Keine Leichtigkeit, keine Souveränität: Mit diesem Rumpelfußball wird der Weg zurück in die Bundesliga schwieriger, als zuletzt viele geglaubt und gehofft hatten.
Das Remis und die Leistung gegen den kampfstarken, aber limitierten Aufsteiger sind ein Rückfall, aber kein Beinbruch. In den Heimspielen gegen die Aufstiegs-Konkurrenten Eintracht Braunschweig und den VfB Stuttgart können die „Roten“ wieder für klare Verhältnisse sorgen. Die Chance auf ein angenehmes und entspanntes Wochenende, an dem 96 entspannt hätte zuschauen können, wie sich die anderen Topteams abstrampeln, hat Hannover jedoch verpasst.

Similarity rank: 4.3

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Okta finishes up 38% in stock market debut


Okta, the identity management software company, went public on the Nasdaq today, continuing a wave of tech IPOs. After pricing its IPO at $17, Okta raised..
Okta, the identity management software company, went public on the Nasdaq today, continuing a wave of tech IPOs. After pricing its IPO at $17 , Okta raised $187 million by selling 11 million shares in the offering.
And the company was greeted with strong investor reception, closing up 38 percent at $23.51 on Friday. While it’s a good omen for its performance in the stock market, it also means the company could have sold its shares for more than $17 — and raised more money.
But it was exciting for Okta to reach this milestone, with CEO Todd McKinnon saying that they see this moment as a “step on the journey.” McKinnon said that like with many startups, a lot of their employees took lower salaries because they believed their equity compensation would be worth something eventually. Some employees had been at the company for the full eight years and “they have to have a chance to sell that at some point.”
Okta closed the day with a market cap of $2.1 billion , above the $1.2 billion valuation at which they had previously raised capital. Venture capitalists poured about $230 million into the company.
Sequoia owned the largest stake prior to the IPO, with 21.2 percent. Andreessen Horowitz owned 19.6 percent, Greylock owned 16.9 percent and Khosla had an 8.1 percent stake.
The San Francisco-based company has built a big business in helping employees securely sign-in to applications on mobile or in the cloud. “Okta is the leading independent provider of identity for the enterprise,” reads the S-1 filing.
But it’s a competitive landscape, and there are some giants in their space, including Microsoft, IBM and Oracle. “We face intense competition, especially from larger, well-established companies, and we may lack sufficient financial or other resources to maintain or improve our competitive position,” warns the risk factors section of the filing.
Okta has managed to steadily grow its revenue, bringing in $160.3 million in the fiscal year ending in January. This compares to $85.9 million in the same period last year and $41 million the year before.
However, losses are widening, with the company in the red for $83.5 million in its latest year. This compares to prior losses of $76.3 million and $59.1 million in the years prior.
Okta is the fifth venture-backed IPO in recent weeks. Snap opened up the “window” and then MuleSoft , Alteryx and Elevate Credit followed suit. Yext is expected to debut next week.

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Japan adopts plan to protect interests on 148 inhabited offshore islands


The Japanese government formulated Friday a basic plan governing its maintenance of 148 inhabited offshore islands, apparently eyeing China’s expansionary…
The Japanese government formulated Friday a basic plan governing its maintenance of 148 inhabited offshore islands, apparently eyeing China’s expansionary activities at sea.
“As a maritime country, we must take long-term, systematic measures to protect, maintain and expand peace, security and our maritime interests,” Prime Minister Shinzo Abe told a meeting of the government’s maritime policy task force that approved the plan.
“The situation surrounding our seas is increasing in severity,” he said.
China has overlapping territorial claims with Japan in the East China Sea and has been developing offshore reefs in the South China Sea to the alarm not only of Association of Southeast Asian Nations members but of China’s neighbors.
The plan, based on a law on the protection of the islands that came into force last week, contains provisions to acquire land on the islands to house administrative or port facilities.
It concerns islands like Niigata Prefecture’s Sado Island and Shimane Prefecture’s Oki Islands in the Sea of Japan.
The task force will work on a new maritime plan concerning security and the use of resources, aiming to have it approved by the Cabinet in the spring of next year.
The government said Friday it has obtained 273 uninhabited islands as national property to clarify Japan’s claims to its territorial waters.
The acquired islands dictate the boundaries of territorial waters and the surrounding exclusive economic zones within which Japan can claim rights over the use of fish and other marine resources.
These do not include two disputed island groups that are effectively out of Japan’s control—a group of Russian-held islands off Hokkaido and the Takeshima islets in the Sea of Japan, which are controlled by South Korea.
Japan, on the other hand, has control over the uninhabited Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea, which China claims and calls Diaoyu. The Japanese government purchased most of the islands from a private owner in 2012.

Similarity rank: 1

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Tracking the explosive growth of open-source software


Many hot new enterprise technologies are centered around free, “open-source” technology. But how can corporate customers, and investors, evaluate all..
Many of today’s hottest new enterprise technologies are centered around free, “open-source” technology. As a result, many big companies — from financial giants to retailers to services firms — are building their businesses around new, community-based technology that represents a sea change from the IT practices of the past.
But how can corporate customers — and investors — evaluate all these new open-source offerings? How can they tell which projects (often strangely named: Ansible, Vagrant, Gradle) are generating the most customer traction? Which ones have the biggest followings among software developers, and the most potential to capture market share?
These questions are especially tough to answer because most open-source companies are still private, and don’t have to disclose key user and financial metrics. (Though that’s changing — open-source giant Cloudera recently announced plans to go public, increasing the market’s focus on open-source technology.)
That’s why we decided to create a new, detailed index to track popular open-source software projects, and gain some insights into the new companies powered by these technologies. It is the Battery Open-Source Software Index (BOSS Index), which we’ve spent months putting together with publicly available information and are introducing here. We hope to update it quarterly — and the index should gain more relevance as more open-source companies using some of these projects grow and go public.
The index contains 40 open-source projects, gleaned from an initial scouring of projects listed on the GitHub source-code repository site, as well as Datamation, an enterprise-IT publication that also tracks open-source projects. The top 25 are listed below, and the full list can be found on our website.
We focused on projects in enterprise IT-related areas like IT operations, including technology powering operating and provisioning systems; data and analytics, including tools for artificial intelligence and machine learning as well as databases; and DevOps, which includes projects focused on the hot new trend of “containers,” which help people develop software quickly in a sort of self-contained environment.
Companies ranked according to four factors. Overall project rating represents the geometric mean of two of the four individual scores, which reflect online discussion activity; search activity; jobs impact; and GitHub activity. All data is as of February 9, 2017.
There are some very well-known names on the list, including projects that have spawned big companies. They include Linux, which underlies Red Hat; MySQL, which powers the company of the same name and was bought by Sun Microsystems (now part of Oracle) for $1 billion in 2008; and Hadoop, which brought us Cloudera and Hortonworks.
But some more-obscure names, like Selenium, also rank highly, indicating there is plenty of grassroots innovation happening in the open-source sector — and many new projects out there that are spawning valuable companies. Still, our research also found that having lots of users for your open-source project does not automatically translate into creating a commercially viable company.
We ranked the projects according to four factors, which included:
Because some projects may have done extremely well, or poorly, on certain criteria — perhaps one had an off-the-charts Google search number, but a sub-par job-postings score — we threw out the top and bottom individual-criteria scores for each project. This is a methodology called “trimmed mean,” and it’s similar to what happens in Olympic gymnastics, where officials throw out an athlete’s highest and lowest scores from each judge and average the remaining ones. (We had no East German judges in our competition, but we are being careful.)
Even so, there’s always room for improvement. Some adoption and popularity criteria, such as download metrics, are obviously somewhat difficult to measure, and surely we haven’t captured all the hottest, new emerging tools. Though with our planned quarterly updates, we should be able to track new leaders as they emerge. So we’d love feedback from the community to improve our numbers, and the index, over time. Please let us know at if you have further insights into any of these metrics.
Here are some other key takeaways from our research.
Perhaps not surprisingly, the open-source project leading our index is Linux, technology that was first released in 1991 and is one of the most widely adopted open-source projects in the world. It is commercialized by companies, including Red Hat, one of the few open-source companies to trade publicly, as well as Ubuntu and SUSE.
Git, which came in at No. 2 on the list, inspired GitHub and GitLab. The wildly popular open-source project serves as a “version-control system” for tracking changes and coordinating work between software developers.
Also high on the list, at No. 3, was MySQL, the database technology first developed in 1995. MySQL currently helps run huge, Web-scale companies like Google, Facebook and Twitter. But it’s also worth noting that several “NoSQL” database technologies — which are non-relational databases, unlike MySQL, and are often better suited for parsing the unstructured data being thrown off by many companies today — also ranked highly.
These NoSQL technologies include MongoDB, which came in at No. 9 in our index; Redis, which is being commercialized by company Redis Labs, at No. 12; Cassandra, which came in at No. 25 and is behind the database company DataStax; and Elasticsearch at No. 7, which is being commercialized by Elastic.
MongoDB raised a new round of financing in late 2015 — the company is estimated to be valued at around $1.5 billion — and now competes against established database players like Oracle, IBM and Microsoft. Overall, several of these NoSQL vendors are growing independently of one another — quite quickly in some cases — rather than converging into one giant system. This points to further fragmentation in the broader data-infrastructure sector, and could lead to the creation of several strong NoSQL players that could be public companies in the future.
As many organizations struggle to manage huge volumes of structured and unstructured data today — generated by everything from security software to tweets to Web-enabled sensors in manufacturing plants — they are increasingly looking for new data-management and storage solutions. That trend is reflected in our index, as more than a dozen (15) of the 40 projects included are open-source technologies powering databases and data processing.
Hadoop, mentioned previously, is one such technology. But Spark, which is commercialized by companies like Databricks, is another, and ranked eighth on our list.
Docker, the container-technology darling that has helped make software development quicker and more efficient, came in at No. 5 in our index. Many view Docker as a possible replacement for technology from public giant VMware, and the fact that Docker can be easily and cheaply accessed through the open-source community has fueled its adoption.
Docker is also competing with open-source platform technologies like Google’s Kubernetes (No. 33) and Mesos to control the “orchestration” layer in software development, or the ability to manage containers across different software environments.
Another hot area for open source is “continuous integration and continuous delivery,” or the ability to write software with code that continuously and seamlessly integrates with other platforms. Some tools in this area include Jenkins (No. 14), which is commercially supported by CloudBees, and TravisCI. In the related DevOps area are technologies such as Maven (No. 30), as well as the fast-growing Artifactory binary repository, a software tool designed to optimize the download and storage of binary files, a platform commercialized by JFrog.*
But as we noted earlier, having lots of users — while essential to eventually gaining commercial traction — does not guarantee that an open-source project will make a good business. That takes a lot of hard work and creativity, particularly in structuring new types of business models; leveraging complicated open-source licenses; and tweaking traditional enterprise-sales practices to fit an open-source product, as we discussed in TechCrunch last year.
What’s more, we’ve found that the chances for commercial success for IT companies leveraging open source can sometimes increase if they offer several open-source technologies that can be used together in a sort of “stack.” Elastic has the “ELK” stack, for example, consisting of the open-source Elasticsearch (No. 7 in our index), Kibana (No. 36) and Logstash (No. 29) projects.
Time-series database company InfluxData,* similarly, sells versions of the “TICK” stack — that stands for Telegraf, InfluxDB, Chronograf and Kapacitor. DevOps company HashiCorp, in one final example, has commercialized many open-source projects, including two that made our list, Vagrant (No. 15) and Vault (No. 40). Software developers like to be able to pick their favorite components from these stacks, in keeping with the “best of breed” product mentality that dominates software development today.
These open-source projects are not your father’s Sun or Oracle. But clearly, CIOs at major global companies now rely on open-source technologies — including many of the ones highlighted in our index — to run key segments of their infrastructure, and many of these projects are going to be around for the long haul. Indeed, at an open-source summit that we hosted last year, IT executives from large companies ranging from Goldman Sachs to Capital One discussed their “open-source first” attitude when it comes to deploying new software and infrastructure. And as more open-source-based companies go public in the coming years, we’ll get even more information about how these top projects are performing, and will continue to track their progress and influence on the industry.
* Denotes a Battery portfolio company.
Nothing here is, or should be considered, investment advice or any recommendation or solicitation to buy or sell any security. Certain information in this article has been obtained from third-party sources and, although believed to be reliable, has not been independently verified as to its accuracy, and its completeness cannot be guaranteed.

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MSZ krytykuje o ustawieniu przez Rosjan tablic z nieprawdziwymi danymi


Ministerstwo Spraw Zagranicznych poinformowało, że z „ogromnym zaniepokojeniem i rozczarowaniem” przyjęło umieszczenie przez stronę rosyjską na terenie polskiego cmentarza wojennego w K…
Ministerstwo Spraw Zagranicznych poinformowało, że z „ogromnym zaniepokojeniem i rozczarowaniem” przyjęło umieszczenie przez stronę rosyjską na terenie polskiego cmentarza wojennego w Katyniu tablic zawierających nieprawdziwe informacje.
Chodzi o dane dotyczące jeńców bolszewickich z czasów wojny w latach 1919-1921, zmarłych w niewoli w Polsce. Podane na tablicach informacje, w szczególności dotyczące liczby zmarłych jeńców, kilkukrotnie przewyższają faktyczne dane, potwierdzone zarówno przez polskich jak i rosyjskich historyków – napisano w komunikacie MSZ-u. Zaznaczono, że zdecydowana większość jeńców zmarła z powodu panujących w obozach warunków wynikających z dramatycznej sytuacji gospodarczej ziem polskich, naznaczonych wieloletnią walką o odzyskanie i utrzymanie niepodległości.
Resort polskiej dyplomacji zauważył też, ze działania strony rosyjskiej mają miejsce w przeddzień planowanych obchodów tragicznych wydarzeń – 77. rocznicy Zbrodni Katyńskiej i 7. rocznicy Katastrofy Smoleńskiej. – Polska jest gotowa do otwartej merytorycznej dyskusji w celu uniknięcia historycznych sporów między naszymi krajami i rozwiązywania tych już istniejących – zapewniono.
Na tablicy zamieszczono informację o 175 tysiącach czerwonoarmistów, którzy zostali wzięci do niewoli, w trakcie wojny polsko – bolszewickiej, a także adnotację, że 75 tysięcy z nich nie wróciło do domów.

Similarity rank: 4.2
Sentiment rank: -1.4

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Trump, Xi end summit with 'tremendous' progress


Chinese leader speaks in positive terms as US president says ‚lots of very potentially bad problems will be going away‘.
US President Donald Trump and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping have announced making progress in narrowing their differences during their Florida summit, but did not elaborate on the achievements.
As the two leaders wrapped up their meeting on Friday at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort, the US leader said: „We have made tremendous progress in our relationship with China“.
„We will be making additional progress. The relationship developed by President Xi and myself I think is outstanding, “ Trump said in contrast to the anti-China rhetoric of his 2016 election campaign.
„And I believe lots of very potentially bad problems will be going away, “ he added, without offering any indication of what differences had been narrowed between the world’s two biggest economies.
Xi also spoke in mostly positive terms, but offered only broad generalities.
„We have engaged in deeper understanding, and have built a trust – a preliminary working relationship and friendship, “ he said.
„I believe we will keep developing in a stable way to form friendly relations … For the peace and stability of the world, we will also fulfill our historical responsibility. “
„Well, I agree with you 100 percent, Mr President, “ Trump replied, speaking to a small pool of journalists allowed into the room for a few minutes.
The two men had a working lunch before Xi’s motorcade left the resort, ending the summit.
Trump had said he intended to raise concerns about China’s trade practices and press Xi to do more to rein in North Korea’s missile and nuclear programmes.
During his campaign, Trump promised to stop what he called the theft of American jobs by China and to rebuild the country’s manufacturing base.
Many blue-collar workers helped propel him to his unexpected election victory on November 8 and Trump is under pressure to deliver for them.
The Republican president, who took office on January 20, tweeted last week that the US could no longer tolerate massive trade deficits and job losses and that his meeting with Xi „will be a very difficult one“.
On Friday, Trump and Xi, politicians with distinctly different styles and experience levels, appeared cordial and businesslike in their interactions, with no outward sign of tensions.
Source: News agencies

Similarity rank: 8

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Ciężarówka wjechała w tłum ludzi w centrum Sztokholmu


Ciężarówka wjechała w tłum ludzi w centrum Sztokholmu, na Drottninggatan – jednej z najpopularniejszych ulic spacerowych w mieście. Trzy osoby nie żyją, a osiem jest rannych – podaje agencja informacyjna TT. Premier Stefan Löfven podczas konferencji prasowej poinformował, że policja zatrzymała podejrzanego. Dodał…
Ciężarówka wjechała w tłum ludzi w centrum Sztokholmu, na Drottninggatan – jednej z najpopularniejszych ulic spacerowych w mieście. Trzy osoby nie żyją, a osiem jest rannych – podaje agencja informacyjna TT. Premier Stefan Löfven podczas konferencji prasowej poinformował, że policja zatrzymała podejrzanego. Dodał, że wszystko wskazuje na to, iż był to atak terrorystyczny.
17:18 Policja zdecydowała, że wszyscy, którzy pracują przy Drottiningattan lub znaleźli się tam z innych przyczyn, mogą już opuścić lokale, w których wcześniej musieli pozostać ze względów bezpieczeństwa.
17:07 Centrum handlowe Mall of Scandinavia w Sztokholmie zostało ewakuowane.
17:04 Kolejne zdjęcia z zatrzymania po ataku w Sztokholmie.
17:01 Według doniesień szwedzkich mediów policja prowadzi właśnie obławę na Dworcu Centralnym w Sztokholmie.
16:57 – To bardzo poważna sytuacja. Powtarzają się schematy, które znamy z Nicei, Berlina i Londynu – mówi były minister spraw zagranicznych Szwecji Carl Bildt.
16:48 Szwedzki portal Expressen opublikował zdjęcie z zatrzymania drugiego napastnika.
16:44 Samochód, za pomocą którego przeprowadzono atak, został przeszukany. Nie znaleziono żadnych materiałów wybuchowych.
16:39 Szwedzkie media donoszą, że w związku z wydarzeniami przy Drottninggatan zostały aresztowane dwie osoby.
16: 38 Król Szwecji Karol XVI Gustaw zabrał głos w sprawie zamachu: „Ja i cała rodzina królewska jesteśmy przerażeni informacjami na temat ataku w Sztokholmie“ – powiedział.
16:33 Tak wyglądało zatrzymanie sprawcy.
16:30 Policja ewakuowała Dworzec Centralny w Sztokholmie.
16:20 Samochód, który został wykorzystany do ataku został prawdopodobnie porwany sprzed budynku Soap Bar – jednego z popularnych klubów w Sztokholmie.
16:15 Według doniesień niektórych mediów w okolicach stacji metra Fridhemsplan słychać było strzały.
16:10 Facebook udostępnił osobom przebywającym w Sztokholmie opcję oznaczania się, jako osoby bezpieczne po ataku.
16:06 Nagranie z miejsca zdarzenia.
16:04 Premier Szwecji potwierdza: wszystko wskazuje na to, że był to atak terrorystyczny.
16:03 Premier Löfven podczas konferencji prasowej: policja zatrzymała podejrzanego.
16:00 Sprawca wykorzystał samochód należący do szwedzkiego browaru Spendrups.
15:56 Premier Szwecji Stefan Löfven jedzie do Sztokholmu.
15:54 Policja radzi osobom, które znajdują się w miejscu tego zdarzenia, aby jak najszybciej oddaliły się w bezpieczne miejsce.
15: 53 Jak podaje szwedzki portal Expressen, ciężarówka została porwana.
15:39 Policjanci na miejscu zdarzenia musieli użyć masek gazowych.
15:37 Pierwsze zdjęcie z miejsca zdarzenia
15.36 Świadkowie w rozmowie z szwedzkimi mediami podają, że tuż po ataku widzieli leżące na ziemi ciała kilku osób.
Do zdarzenia doszło ok. godz. 15.00 na Drottninggatan, jednej z głównych ulic Sztokholmu. Na miejscu trwa akcja ratunkowa. – Byliśmy w pobliskim sklepie obuwniczym, kiedy zauważyliśmy krzyki i ciężarówkę po przeciwnej stronie ulicy – relacjonuje jeden ze świadków Jan Granroth w rozmowie ze szwedzkim dziennikiem Aftonbladet.
Policja nie podaje na razie informacji na temat liczby poszkodowanych. Według szwedzkich mediów trzy osoby nie żyją, a kilkanaście jest rannych.

Similarity rank: 15
Sentiment rank: -0.7

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Bewaffneter Überfall auf Schmuckgeschäft: Polizei nimmt Tatverdächtigen fest


Ein bewaffneter Mann hat Donnerstagnachmittag ein Goldschmiedegeschäft in Kempten überfallen. Die Polizei konnte am Freitag einen Tatverdächtigen festnehmen.
Nach dem bewaffneten Raubüberfall auf ein Goldschmiedegeschäft am Donnerstagnachmittag in der Bäckerstraße in Kempten konnte die Polizei am Freitag einen Tatverdächtigen fassen. Der mit einer Sturmhaube maskierte Mann soll nach Polizeiangaben die Angestellten des Schmuckgeschäfts mit einer Waffe bedroht und Schmuck und Bargeld mitgenommen haben. Der Mann hatte fliehen können. Die Angestellten des Schmuckgeschäfts blieben bei dem Überfall unverletzt.
Eine erste Fahndung der Polizei mit Hubschraubern und Hundeführer blieb zunächst erfolglos. Nach ersten Ermittlungen der Kemptener Staatsanwaltschaft und Kriminalpolizei konnte schließlich Freitagmittag in Friedrichshafen ein 54-jähriger Tatverdächtiger festgenommen werden. Bei der Festnahme hatte der Mann eine Schreckschusspistole, ein Klappmesser und mehrere hundert Euro Bargeld bei sich. Inwieweit es sich dabei um die Tatwaffe und um die Tatbeute handeln könnte, ist noch unklar.

Similarity rank: 2.1

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【4月7日 AFP】 (更新)シリアの 大統領府は7日、 同国中部にあるシャイラト(Shayrat)空軍基地を標的にした米国の ミサイル攻撃について、 「愚かで無責任」 と非難した。
【4月7日 AFP】(更新)シリアの大統領府は7日、同国中部にあるシャイラト( Shayrat )空軍基地を標的にした米国のミサイル攻撃について、「愚かで無責任」と非難した。
一方、シリア国営のシリア・アラブ通信( SANA )は同日、今回の攻撃により、子ども4人を含む9人の民間人が死亡したと報じた。
同通信によると、子ども3人を含む5人はシャイラト空軍基地のすぐそばに位置する、基地と同じ名の村シャイラトで死亡したという。また、「米国のミサイルはハムラト( Al-Hamrat )村をも直撃し、子ども1人を含む民間人4人が死亡した」と報じた。
さらに同通信は「シャイラト空軍基地から4キロ離れたマンズール( Al-Manzul )にある住宅も、ミサイルの直撃を受け、民間人7人が負傷した」と伝えた。(c)AFP

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Порошенко та Гройсман висловили співчуття у зв'язку з терактом у Стокгольмі


Президент України Петро Порошенко та прем’єр-міністр Володимир Гройсман висловили співчуття у зв’язку з терактом у…
Президент України Петро Порошенко та прем’єр-міністр Володимир Гройсман висловили співчуття у зв’язку з терактом у столиці Швеції Стокгольмі, де 7 квітня вантажівка в’їхала у натовп людей, що гуляли однією із центральних вулиць міста.
„Шокований терористичним актом у Швеції. Глибокі співчуття дружньому шведському народу, родинам загиблих і постраждалих в Стокгольмі“, – сказано в повідомленні Порошенка на його сторінці у Twitter.
У свою чергу прем’єр-міністр України Володимир Гройсман наголосив, що у Стокгольмі постраждали ні в чому не винні люди та зазначив, що в Україні добре знають, що таке тероризм.
„Жахливі новини зі Швеції. В Стокгольмі постраждали ні в чому не винні люди. За попередніми оцінками шведської влади – ймовірно йдеться про терористичний акт. Ми добре знаємо що таке тероризм – кожен день боремося з тероризмом на Сході України. Співчуваємо Швеції, родинам жертв і постраждалих“, – сказано в повідомленні на сторінці Гройсана у Facebook.
Нагадаємо, раніше повідомлялося, що в центральній частині Стокгольма в натовп в’їхав вантажний автомобіль.
За попередніми даними, внаслідок інциденту загинули троє людей. Повідомляється також про поранених.
Прем’єр-міністр Швеції Стефан Левен оголосив, що наїзд вантажівки на натовп людей у Стокгольмі є терористичною атакою .

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