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It’s official: Hong Kong’s port is on the way out so let’s get building


For the first time, a senior government official has said in public that the city should no longer be competing in the container terminal business. That would open the way for our biggest-ever residential mega-project
The “he” in the excerpt above is the chief of Hong Kong’s mainland affairs bureau, Raymond Tam Chi-yuen, and I consider this, the fact of said that Hong Kong should no longer be competing in the container terminal business, to be the most important part of the excerpt. It is important because this is the first time I have heard of a senior government official saying it in public. The context here is that Mr Tam is boosting a Beijing-sponsored scheme called the “Greater Bay Area”. Essentially it comes down to the idea that the major cities of the Pearl River Delta should not compete but work together for the good of all because then we can move mountains… and so on. This particular manifestation of hot air has been exhaled our way many times before, of course, and no doubt it has all the prospects for glorious success that it has had in the past. But that’s not what matters here. What matters is that a Hong Kong government official has finally conceded that a big container port in Hong Kong may not be part of this glorious success and we ought to concede the port business to rivals across the border which are now much better suited to it. They are better suited to it because they are closer to the mainland industrial centres they serve instead of at the end of a traffic-clogged road over a border crossing. Things were not always so, of course. Back in the 1970s there were a number of years when Hong Kong’s domestic exports were almost as great as all of the mainland’s. Back then a container port in Hong Kong made sense. Not now. It all just goes to demonstrate the historical truth that the key to Hong Kong’s success has been to do what the mainland cannot do or, for reasons of ideology, will not do. Once the mainland can and will do it, the time is up for us and we have to do something else. Stick with the old way and we’ ll go out with the old way. The chart shows you one illustration of it, which I recently came across. There are plenty more passenger cars going across the border all the time. Many personal links are being formed. But the container traffic is way down. That particular link is being delinked. Our port is in decline. Now let us turn to future, which is not necessarily best done as Mr Tam has done by turning round 180 degrees and reading the past into the future. What the future holds for us is our biggest-ever residential mega-project. You wondered why our No. 1 developer, Li Ka-shing, is still holding on so firmly, did you? Well, this is it. Our container port at present covers 2.2 square kilometres. Fill in the berths, take back the support yards, do it a bit more reclamation and this can easily become three square kilometres. Just as an exercise, say that you can cover half of it with buildings, give those buildings a plot ratio of 8X, and you already have more than 200, 000 seaside flats of about 600 sq ft each with top-notch transport links already in place. Plug in the numbers as you choose, the answer always comes out enormous. So what are we waiting for? A senior government official has said the port is finished. Let’s start that housing project now.

Similarity rank: 2

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В ГПУ прокомментировали побег беркутовцев в Россию


Экс-беркутовцы могли бежать из Украины, потому что суд не нашел для них времени. Об этом заявил начальник департамента спецрасследований Генпрокуратуры Сергей Горбатюк, передает „112. Украина“. „На сегодняшний день с пограничной службы еще не поступили ответы на наши запросы. Но, по…
Экс-беркутовцы могли бежать из Украины, потому что суд не нашел для них времени.
Об этом заявил начальник департамента спецрасследований Генпрокуратуры Сергей Горбатюк, передает “ 112. Украина „.
„На сегодняшний день с пограничной службы еще не поступили ответы на наши запросы. Но, по предварительным данным, действительно (экс-бойцы „Беркута“ пересекли границу Российской Федерации“, – рассказал Горбатюк.
По его словам, такое бегство было возможно „в любой момент“, исходя из тех мер, которые были выбраны по отношению к ним.
Горбатюк отметил, что с 23 марта обвинительный акт в отношении бывших бойцов „Беркута“ находится в Печерском райсуде, но с тех пор суд не смог собрать заседание для избрания иной меры пресечения.

Similarity rank: 13
Sentiment rank: 0.6

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Trump Reverses Views On Russia, China


NewsHubMOSCOW — World leaders struggled Wednesday to come to grips with a new reality — Donald Trump will be the next U. S. president — and an as yet unanswerable question: How many of his campaign pledges will he actually act on?
The remarkable triumph of the politically untested businessman was welcomed in some countries, such as Russia, while in others it was a major shock.
When Mr. Trump takes office in January, world leaders will confront a man whose stated views represent a sharp break with U. S. foreign policy orthodoxy. He has cozied up to Russian President Vladimir Putin, warned stunned NATO allies they will have to pay for their own protection, floated a ban on Muslims entering the U. S. and vowed to make the Mexican government finance a multibillion-dollar border wall.
These changes, and others, are seen as having the potential to radically remake U. S. policy — a prospect that has given stability-loving partners a cascading case of the jitters.
Leaders from countries that are close allies of the U. S. — including British Prime Minister Theresa May and German Chancellor Angela Merkel — congratulated Mr. Trump and reaffirmed their partnership to the U. S. They were joined by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada — whose immigration site crashed on Tuesday night due to a surge in traffic — and Premier Matteo Renzi of Italy, which faces the anti-establishment whirlwind during a referendum on political overhaul scheduled for Dec. 4.
Canada’s ambassador to Washington, David MacNaughton, also said Wednesday that Canada is open to renegotiating the North American Free Trade Agreement if that’s what Mr. Trump wants.
Mr. Trump’s victory was hailed in Russia, which has taken an increasingly aggressive stance toward the West in recent months. Mr. Putin sent Mr. Trump a congratulatory telegram Wednesday and made a televised statement expressing the hope that frayed U. S.-Russian relations could be put back on track.
“We are aware that it is a difficult path, in view of the unfortunate degradation of relations between the Russian Federation and the United States,” the Russian leader said, adding: “It is not our fault that Russian-American relations are in such a state.”
Russia became a focal point during the presidential campaign, with government officials and Hillary Clinton supporters suggesting Moscow was involved in hacking her campaign’s emails. Mr. Trump raised eyebrows when he expressed admiration for Mr. Putin and his tough leadership style, and some Clinton backers questioned Mr. Trump’s business dealings with Russia.
Dmitri Drobnitski, a columnist at the generally pro-Kremlin website LifeNews, asserted Mr. Trump’s victory will help the world.
“I congratulate the American people with their will and with their democracy and with their strength and with their courage,” he told The Associated Press. “So this is not only a victory for the Americans, who defended their democracy against the liberal, global elite — no, this is a victory that the American people brought to the whole world.”
There is anxiety in Europe among NATO allies who are waiting to see if Mr. Trump follows through on suggestions the U. S. will look at whether they have paid their proper share in considering whether to come to their defense.
That rhetoric has challenged the strategic underpinning of the NATO alliance — in which an attack on one NATO nation is considered an attack on all — at a time when Russia has been ever more confrontational.
Poland’s President Andrzej Duda is a populist who shares a number of ideological similarities with Mr. Trump, but he nevertheless reminded the president-elect Wednesday of the important “strategic partnership” shared by their two nations, including the pledge to send troops to NATO’s eastern flank.
“As a candidate, Trump called into question NATO and trade agreements, and reached out to Moscow,” said Daniela Schwarzer, an expert on trans-Atlantic relations at the German Council on Foreign Relations.
“Even if President Trump doesn’t implement everything, Germany and Europe can’t rely on the trans-Atlantic partnership as usual, and will have to stand up for Western values themselves.”
Mr. Trump’s win also caused trepidation in Mexico, where his remarks calling Mexican immigrants criminals and “rapists” were a deep insult to national pride.
Mr. Trump has suggested slapping a 35 percent tax on automobiles and auto parts made by U. S. companies in Mexico, and financial analysts have predicted a Trump win will threaten billions of dollars in cross-border trade.
Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto said he and Mr. Trump agreed to meet during the transition period.
Mr. Trump’s victory is “as close to a national emergency as Mexico has faced in many decades,” Mexican analyst Alejandro Hope said.
It also caused concern in Cuba, over Mr. Trump’s threat to roll back President Barack Obama’s normalization of relations unless Cuban President Raul Castro agrees to more political freedoms. Mr. Castro sent a terse congratulatory message.
“If he reverses it, it hurts us,” taxi driver Oriel Iglesias Garcia said. “You know tourism will go down.”
Mr. Trump’s electoral triumph was also felt strongly in the volatile Middle East, where multiple crises are unfolding. One major concern is Mr. Trump’s vehement opposition to the historic nuclear agreement between Iran and world powers under which Iran has curbed its nuclear program in exchange for a gradual lifting of international sanctions.
In Iran, leaders emphasized the need to keep the agreement on track despite Mr. Trump’s victory. The deal “cannot be overturned by a single government,” Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said.
Israel’s leader, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, indicated a high comfort level with the next president, hailing Mr. Trump as a “true friend of the state of Israel.” Earlier, Education Minister Naftali Bennett, said Mr. Trump’s victory means that “the era of a Palestinian state is over.”
Iraq’s leader, Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, also congratulated Mr. Trump and expressed hope the “world and the United States will continue to support Iraq in fighting terrorism.”
Turkey’s Prime Minister Binali Yildirim called on Mr. Trump to extradite Pennsylvania-based Muslim cleric Fethullah Gulen — blamed by Ankara for the failed coup in July — as soon as he is sworn in.
Meanwhile, Mr. Trump received congratulations from Dutch anti-Islam populist Geert Wilders and French anti-immigrant politician Marine Le Pen. Hungary’s border-fence-building prime minister, Viktor Orban, also called the election “great news.” Hindu nationalists in India also were celebrating.
Without commenting directly on Mr. Trump’s election, China’s government said Beijing hopes to work with the new U. S. administration. Nicaragua’s leftist President Daniel Ortega and Venezuela’s foreign ministry also sent their well wishes.
Elsewhere, there was one curious constituency that seemed to be happy about the new American president-elect: Islamist extremists, who believe that the victory of a candidate like Mr. Trump undermines the United States’ moral standing in the world.
The Washington Post, The Seattle Times and Bloomberg News contributed.

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Тысячи эвакуированных сирийцев заблокированы в автобусах возле Алеппо


КИЕВ. 15 апреля. УНН. Тысячи людей, которых сирийское правительство и повстанцы договорились эвакуировать, оказались заблокированными в автобусах неподалеку …
Как отмечает издание, тысячи сирийцев — гражданских и повстанцев — которых 14 апреля начали эвакуировать из четырех городов, находящихся в осаде, заблокированы в автобусах на двух станциях вблизи Алеппо.
Сирийский центр мониторинга соблюдения прав человека сообщил, что люди с утра пятницы вынуждены находиться в автобусах без еды и нормальных условий для сна и гигиены.
Согласно сообщению, причиной задержки стал спор между правительственными силами и повстанцами о выполнении достигнутых ранее договоренностей о вывозе людей. Согласно этим договоренностям, эвакуации подлежат два города с преимущественно шиитским населением — Фуа и Кафрая — на северо-западе провинции Идлиб, подконтрольных правительству, но заблокированных повстанцами. В обмен на это правительство разрешило эвакуацию двух городов с суннитским населением — Забадани и Мада — неподалеку от границы с Ливаном, которые контролируют повстанцы и блокируют правительственные войска и их союзники.
По данным центра мониторинга соблюдения прав человека, эвакуацию заблокировала группировка “Тахрир аш-Шам”, которую связывают с “Аль-Каидой”. Представители группировки требуют, чтобы в Фуа и Кафраю вернулись около сотни верных сирийскому правительству бойцов, которые якобы находятся в автобусах с эвакуированными в обход договоренностей.

Similarity rank: 8

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Graphic Fail: USA Today Thought MOAB Was Almost As Destructive as Hiroshima A-Bomb


On Thursday, the U. S. military dropped a MOAB (Mother Of All Bombs) on an ISIS tunnel complex in Nangahar Province in Afghanistan. Shortly after that, USA Today posted a breathtakingly ignorant graphic purporting to show that the MOAB contained over 70 percent…
On Thursday, the U. S. military dropped a MOAB (Mother Of All Bombs) on an ISIS tunnel complex in Nangahar Province in Afghanistan. Shortly after that, USA Today posted a breathtakingly ignorant graphic purporting to show that the MOAB contained over 70 percent of the destructive force of the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, Japan.
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This epic fail occurred even though the following comparison was known early on:
The destructive force of the MOAB dropped on ISIS therefore had 0.07 percent of the force of the first A-bomb.
That comparison was totally lost on the graphic-creating wizards at USA Today and its alleged layers of editors and fact-checkers (HT Washington Free Beacon; red box is mine) :
The graphic appeared at USA Today’s original published story on the attack for several hours, but has since been corrected to indicate that the Hiroshima A-bomb had the force of 15 kilotons of TNT.
Given the genuine comparison, though, the real question is why the post-correction graphic remains. In the words of one commenter at the story who was one of the first to point out the original graphic’s error:
It is indeed disingenuous to compare the two — unless the goal, even after the correction, was to somehow create a false equivalence between a conventional bomb which reportedly killed almost 100  in an attack targeting enemy combatants and an atomic bomb which leveled an entire city, killed 90, 000 – 146, 000 of its inhabitants, and left thousands of others with life-shortening and deeply life-affecting burns and radiation-caused illnesses.
USA Today’s error gives away the fact that someone there actually believed that the U. S. military under Donald Trump — but not requiring his permission — dropped a bomb 73 percent as destructive as the Hiroshima A-bomb. Further, those involved in reviewing the graphic before or perhaps immediately after it went live, which one would hope included reporters Jim Michaels and Tom Vanden Brook, either agreed with that comparison or were too naive to question it.
In other words, there is every reason to believe that Trump Derangement Syndrome — originally betrayed when USA Today’s Editorial Board broke a since-inception 34-year tradition of abstaining from presidential election recommendations by declaring the Republican nominee „unfit for the presidency“ — is thriving at the enterprise which pretends to be „The Nation’s Newspaper.“
Cross-posted at .

Similarity rank: 1

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В поезде Киев – Мариуполь пассажирка родила девочку


Женщину с новорожденной высадили в Запорожье.
Женщину с новорожденной высадили в Запорожье.
В поезда Киев – Мариуполь одна из пассажирок родила девочку. Об этом сообщил глава Укрзализныци Войцех Балчун.
„Хорошая весть к празднику. Сегодня в поезде Киев – Мариуполь родилась девочка! Проводники поезда №83/84 оказали помощь пассажирке, у которой во время поездки начались роды“, – написал он на своей странице в Facebook.
По словам Балчуна, необходимую помощь пассажирке оказали две проводницы, одна из которых имеет опыт работы в медицинском учреждении.
Железнодорожники вызвали „скорую помощь“ на ближайшую станцию – Запорожье. Сейчас мама и новорожденная находятся в роддоме областного центра под присмотром врачей.
Как сообщал Корреспондент.net, в июне 2016 года на Львовщине женщина родила ребенка в электричке. Причем с ней в поезде ехал двухлетний мальчик. Женщине помогла проводница и фельдшер, который ехал в одном из вагонов.

Similarity rank: 14
Sentiment rank: 4
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После слов Турчинова о Донбассе Лавров закатил истерику в Москве: стало известно, что именно разозлило главу МИД РФ


Глава МИД России Сергей Лавров устроил настоящую истерику в Москве и заявил что Украина отказывается выполнять Минские соглашения. Об этом он заявил в ответ на заявление секретаря СНБО Александра Турчинова о безальтернативности движения украинской армии в сторону восточных рубежей страны, комментируя освобождение Донбасса.
Гневное заявление Лавров сделал сегодня на брифинге
для прессы в Москве.
Он сообщил, что заявление Турчинова подчеркивает отказ
Украины от выполнения Минских соглашений в части кластера безопасности, который
считается самым главным и неотъемлемым.
Лавров пригрозил, что на следующей встрече в „Нормандском
формате“ указанный эпизод обязательно станет важнейшей темой для
При этом социальные сети отреагировали на выпад
Лаврова волной шуток:
Ранее мэр Львова заявил,
что только привлечение США позволит усмирить РФ.

Similarity rank: 9.3
Sentiment rank: 0
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TW sentiment: -10

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Hitler’s Mein Kampf returns to Japanese schools as ‘teaching material’


Japan has okayed using Mein Kampf, Hitler’s autobiography and Nazi manifesto, in schools for educational purposes just weeks after the similarly controversial Imperial Rescript on Education was approved as “teaching material, ” according to media reports.
Although the Japanese government approved Hitler’s infamous book as “teaching material” for schools on Friday, using it to promote racial hatred will lead to a strict response from regulators, according to the Japan Times report.
The decision came weeks after the controversial Imperial Rescript on Education in schools was approved for the same purposes.
According to many historians, the Rescript, which focuses on patriotism and loyalty to the Japanese Emperor, was one of the primary sources promoting obedience and moral certitude that helped militarism to grow in Japan.
It was issued in 1890 to expound the government’s policy on teaching the Japanese Empire’s guiding principles and it was subsequently distributed to all of the country’s schools, along with a portrait of Emperor Meiji. Schoolchildren were obliged to learn and recite it from time to time.
Following Japan’s surrender and the end of the World War II, American occupation authorities banned formal reading of the Rescript.
“Use of the Imperial Rescript on Education as teaching material cannot be denied, ” Japan’s cabinet said in a statement on March 31 this year.
The Imperial Rescript came into the limelight earlier this year after a video emerged showing three- to five-year-old pupils at an Osaka kindergarten reciting the long-defunct document. The video sparked heated discussion in Japanese society and angered the Chinese, who suffered the most at the hands of Japan’s imperial forces. China lost between 15 and 20 million people during the war, the majority of whom were civilians.

Similarity rank: 1

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183 Fans von Eintracht Braunschweig haben das Niedersachsen-Derby gegen Hannover verpasst. Sie hatten am Vormittag das Stadion gestürmt und wurden in Gewahrsam genommen.
Das als Hochrisikospiel eingestufte Niedersachsen-Derby zwischen Hannover 96 und Eintracht Braunschweig ist vorbei – und nach dem 1: 0 für Hannover geht die Arbeit der Polizei nun weiter. Sie will auch nach dem Spiel beide Fan-Lager strikt voneinander trennen. Gerade haben Beamte Eintracht-Fans zurück zum Bahnhof Linden/Fischerhof begleitet. Die gesamte niedersächsische Bereitschaftspolizei sowie Beamte der Bundespolizei sind rund um das Derby im Einsatz.
Hochrisikospiel Hannover 96 gegen Eintracht Braunschweig: Im Stadion wird Pyrotechnik gezündet. Und schon vor dem Anpfiff geht es hoch her.
Gegen 11.30 Uhr gelangen Eintracht-Fans im Bereich Süd/Südwest unkontrolliert ins Stadion. Auch hier knallt und raucht es, weil die Fans Böller und Rauchbomben zünden.
Die Reiterstaffel ist vor Ort und schreitet ein.
Nach Polizeiangaben haben die Einsatzkräfte die Situation schnell im Griff.
Mehr als 200 Eintracht-Fans werden in Gewahrsam genommen.
Derweil werden die Schlangen am Stadion-Haupteingang immer länger. Die Zuschauer-Kontrollen sind vor dieser Partie besonders intensiv. Zum Anpfiff um 13 Uhr schaffen es aber fast alle ins Stadion.
Die Sicherheitsvorkehrungen rund um das Spiel sind extrem hoch. Rund um die Arena ist die Polizei mit Reiterstaffeln und Sprengstoff-Spürhunden vor Ort.
Auch Wasserwerfer haben sich positioniert.
Außerdem suchen die Ordner nach Böllern und Pyrotechnik.
Polizeibeamte sind bei den Einlasskontrollen mit vor Ort.
Sie begleiten außerdem die Hannover-Anhänger, die sich schon fünf Stunden vor Anpfiff in Linden versammelt haben.
Beim Fan-Marsch zum Stadion ist auch ein Wasserwerfer dabei.
Die Fan-Märsche von Hauptbahnhof und vom Lindener Bahnhof Fischerhof finden ebenfalls in Polizeibegleitung statt.
Die gesamte niedersächsische Bereitschaftspolizei steht für das Derby bereit.
Vor der Partie hatte es bereits Ausschreitungen vonseiten der Eintracht-Anhänger gegeben: Gegen 11.30 Uhr durchbrachen Hunderte eine Absperrung im südlichen Bereich des Geländes und stürmten eine Böschung hinauf ins Stadion. Einige zündeten dabei Böller und Rauchbomben. Polizisten rannten hinterher und überwältigten die Fans. Die Beamten nahmen „183 Chaoten“ in Gewahrsam, wie die Polizei auf Twitter mitteilte. Zuvor war die Zahl von der Polizei auf gut 200 geschätzt worden. Für die festgesetzten Personen war das Spiel vorbei, noch bevor es angefangen hatte.
Bereits viele Stunden vor Spielbeginn hatten Fans sich auf den Weg zum Stadion gemacht. Einen Marsch mit rund 800 Hannover-Anhängern aus dem Stadtteil Linden begleitete die Polizei mit einem Wasserwerfer. Einige hätten Rauchbomben und Böller gezündet, Verletzte habe es aber keine gegeben, so ein Polizeisprecher. Der von Eintracht Braunschweig organisierte Fan-Sonderzug wurde am Bahnhof Linden/Fischerhof von einer Reiterstaffel der Polizei in Empfang genommen.
Die Polizei hatte im Vorfeld mit insgesamt 1.500 gewaltbereiten Fans aus beiden Lagern gerechnet. In die Kategorie „gewaltsuchend“ fallen 98 Hannoveraner und 41 Braunschweiger. Sie durften die Innenstadt vor dem Spiel nicht betreten, davon wurden sie vorab schriftlich informiert. Ziel der Polizei war es auch vor der Partie, die Fan-Lager nicht aufeinander treffen zu lassen.
Im Stadion blieben ganze Blöcke zwischen den Braunschweig- und Hannover-Anhängern frei – als Pufferzonen. Statt 49.000 Zuschauer passten deshalb nur rund 43.000 in die Arena. Nach Angaben des Stadionsprechers hatte man sich außerdem entschieden, im Stadion keinen Alkohol auszuschenken. Nach dem Anschlag auf den BVB-Spielerbus in Dortmund gab es auch in Hannover verstärkte Sicherheitskontrollen: So durften Rucksäcke und große Taschen nicht mitgenommen werden. Um Pyrotechnik aufzuspüren, setzte die Polizei Sprengstoffhunde ein. Beim Abschlusstraining von Eintracht Braunschweig hatte ein heimischer Fan gestern einen Feuerwerkskörper gezündet. Mittelfeldspieler Julius Biada musste das Training daraufhin abbrechen.
Vorab hatten 96-Trainer André Breitenreiter und Sportchef Horst Heldt an die Fans appelliert, friedlich zu bleiben. Ihr größter Wunsch sei es, dass sich die Mannschaften nur auf dem Platz sportlich bekämpfen. Kritik am Spieltermin gab es von Niedersachsens Ministerpräsident Stephan Weil (SPD) . Die DFL habe sich mit dem Derby-Termin am Ostersonnabend über die Bedenken der Sicherheitskräfte hinweggesetzt, so Weil. Diese hatten die DFL vorab gebeten, das Derby nicht über die Feiertage stattfinden zu lassen.

Similarity rank: 2.3

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Niemiecki dziennik napisał o "polskich obozach zagłady". Będzie interwencja konsulatu RP


Konsulat RP w Monachium wie o użyciu przez bawarski dziennik „Mittelbayerische Zeitung“ określenia „polski obóz zagłady“ i zamierza interweniować w tej sprawie – poinformował w sobotę PAP wicekonsul Robert Zadura. – Sprawdź najnowsze wiadomości i wydarzenia z Europy i ze świata. Poznaj komentarze i podyskutuj na forum.
– Dostaliśmy już tę informację i została ona przekazana konsulowi generalnemu – zapewnił dyplomata.
Zadura zapewnił, że polska placówka dyplomatyczna będzie interweniować w tej sprawie. – Będziemy reagować, tak jak zawsze reagujemy. Najprawdopodobniej konsul Marcin Król, który pilotuje tę sprawę, skieruje odpowiednią notę (do redakcji „MZ“ – PAP) , jak tylko będzie miał możliwość – powiedział.
Wicekonsul wyraził ubolewanie z powodu tego typu przeinaczeń, pojawiających się w niemieckich mediach. – Cały czas podkreślamy, że to są niemieckie obozy koncentracyjne i żądamy sprostowania. One (błędy – PAP) niestety pojawiają się w mediach, w przestrzeni publicznej tutaj w Niemczech – zaznaczył.
„Mittelbayerische Zeitung“, regionalny dziennik z Regensburga, w artykule zamieszczonym w sobotę na swojej stronie internetowej opisuje historię ocalałego z obozów koncentracyjnych Israela Offmana i pisze, że naziści zamordowali jego siostrę w „polskim obozie zagłady“ w Treblince.
To kolejny w ostatnim czasie przypadek użycia przez niemieckie media niezgodnego z prawdą historyczną określenia „polskie obozy zagłady“. W marcu znalazło się ono na portalu niemieckiej telewizji SWR w materiale o 75. rocznicy pierwszych deportacji Żydów z Moguncji. Telewizja poprawiła błąd i za niego przeprosiła.
Błędnego sformułowania użyła również w marcu na stronie internetowej stacja radiowa B5 Aktuell. Po interwencji konsulatu generalnego radio usunęło określenie „polskie obozy zagłady“ z artykułu o zagładzie Żydów w Generalnym Gubernatorstwie (tzw. Akcja Reinhardt) i zastąpiło je słowami „niemieckie narodowosocjalistyczne obozy zagłady (…) w okupowanej wówczas Polsce“.

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