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Парламент провалил голосование по законопроекту о Конституционном суде


Во время голосования документ своими голосами поддержали только 223 нардепы, при этом для принятия решения не хватило всего лишь трех голосов.
Во вторник, 11 апреля, народные депутаты отклонили проект закона „О Конституционном суде Украины“, который рассматривался во втором чтении. Об этом говорится на официальном сайте украинского парламента.
Во время голосования документ своими голосами поддержали только 223 нардепы, при этом для принятия решения не хватило всего лишь трех голосов.
Спикер парламента Андрей Парубий четыре раза ставил на голосование законопроект для того, чтобы отправить его на доработку в комитет для проведения повторного второго чтения.
Согласно данному документу должно регулироваться порядок организации и деятельности Конституционного суда Украины.
Как сообщала ранее, во время сегодняшнего заседания парламентарии должны были рассмотреть законопроект о Конституционном суде Украины , и проект закона о внесении изменений в статью 23 Бюджетного кодекса Украины относительно бюджетных назначений на обеспечение деятельности Конституционного суда.

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OÖ: Zwei-Meter-Phallus neben Kreuzweg sorgt für Aufregung


Der Besitzer einer Villa hat kurz vor Ostern das Männlichkeitssymbol im Garten seines Anwesens aufgestellt – offenbar gut sichtbar für Teilnehmer an der Leidensprozession.
Eine zwei Meter hohe Phallus-Statue neben einem Kreuzweg in Traunkirchen sorgt kurz vor Ostern im Salzkammergut für Aufregung. Der Besitzer einer Villa am Kalvarienberg habe das Männlichkeitssymbol im Garten seines Anwesens aufgestellt – gut sichtbar für Teilnehmer an der Leidensprozession und zur Irritation so mancher Gläubiger, wie die“Oberösterreichischen Nachrichten“ online berichteten.
Laut dem Antiquitäten-Millionär, dem die sogenannte“Russenvilla“ am Kalvarienberg gehört, ist die Statue rund 1.900 Jahre alt und ein Fruchtbarkeitssymbol aus hellenistischer Zeit. In Traunkirchen (Bezirk Gmunden) werde allerdings vermutet, dass sie nicht zufällig neben dem Kreuzweg steht, heißt es in dem Artikel. Hintergrund könnten Streitigkeiten um die Errichtung eines vom Eigentümer geplanten Kunstspeichers sein. Diesen hat der Gemeinderat abgelehnt, weil dafür der 321 Jahre alte Kreuzweg, der älteste im Salzkammergut, hätte weichen müssen.
An dem aufrecht stehenden Penis müssen nun wohl oder übel die Teilnehmer des traditionellen Traunkirchner“Antlaß-Singens“ in der Nacht auf Freitag sowie jene der Karfreitagsprozession vorbeiziehen.“Wir sind schon irritiert“, fasste Alois Siegesleitner vom Führungsteam der katholischen Pfarrgemeinde die Stimmungslage der Gläubigen gegenüber den OÖN zusammen. Der Eigentümer von Villa und Stein-Penis bestreitet, der Gemeinde eins auswischen zu wollen:“Ich habe mein Geld längst wo anders investiert und bin froh darüber.“ Er findet vielmehr, dass ihm der Tourismusverband“eine Plakette verleihen“ sollte, weil der Ort durch seine Aktion im Gespräch bleibe.

Similarity rank: 1.1

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RBmedia launches with focus on digital media, acquires


A new digital media company is making its debut with a splashy acquisition: RBmedia, a new entity formed by combining eight brands focused on digital magazine..
A new digital media company is making its debut with a splashy acquisition: RBmedia , a new entity formed by combining eight brands focused on digital magazine and audio content, will acquire, the audiobook streaming and download service the offers access to over 100,000 books via apps for various devices and platforms.
The company’s reach already includes spoken audio content, but the audiobook acquisition opens up a whole new audience, including listeners on platforms like Sonos, CarPlay, Android Auto and across over 10,000 libraries worldwide that use for book lending.. The Maryland-based company had already enjoyed a strong library business, but the acquisition represents its direct-to-consumer efforts.
“The biggest picture is that audiobooks are really exploding,” explained RBmedia CEO Tom McIsaac in an interview. “They’re benefiting from a bunch of other trends in the market, and we’re really trying to take advantage of that; we’re trying to build a category-killer in the space. Print book and ebook growth is especially flat. Depending on who you listen to, audiobook growth is 20 to 30 percent per year. We think that’s for two principal reasons – one is the growth of podcasts.”
“We think of podcasts as training wheels for audiobooks,” McIsaac continued. “When consumers get accustomed to listening to short-form content, it basically conditions them and gets them excited to embrace listening to long-form content. That dynamic has really, really helped the growth of audiobooks.”
The other big contributing factor to the rise of audiobooks, McIssac says, is the growth of voice-based interaction, via connected homes and connected vehicles. Use of voice assistants like Siri, and devices like the Amazon Echo and Google Home, have primed consumers for audio content delivery. Likewise, in-car platforms like Android Auto and CarPlay, and growing use of smartphone-based content delivery apps for in-car listening, have helped grow the amount of time and attention users have to dedicate to listening to long-form audio.
While RBmedia’s spoken audio business focuses on book-length content, the company is also in regular discussion with dedicated podcast businesses regarding potential collaboration where their models and interests intersect. McIsaac said that they often talk to “Gimlet, PodcastOne” and others and that they’re “going to be announcing ways in which we collaborate with them” at some point in the future.
The new media distribution company also offers distribution for digital magazines, games, language learning, continuing education courses and more. Basically, it partners with platforms and operates its own wherever there’s a demand for getting digital editions out to the masses. Spoken audio is a key growth area, however, and one where it’s clear McIsaac and company see a lot of new opportunity.

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Sprinklr launches major push into customer experience


Sprinklr, the unicorn startup with a valuation of $1.8 billion, announced a major update today, which shifts the company’s focus from a pure social signals..
Sprinklr , the unicorn startup with a valuation of $1.8 billion, announced a major update today, which shifts the company’s focus from a pure social signals platform to customer experience management. While it still uses social as a central processing point, the idea is to bring a typical set of marketing tasks under a single umbrella they are calling the Experience Cloud.
If that sounds familiar, it’s because Adobe released a product with the same name a few weeks ago. Sprinklr is taking a similar approach with a unified platform, but with the goal of being able to manage the customer through what you know about them from a social perspective.
For CEO Ragy Thomas, it’s about finding more creative ways to use the social information they have been collecting for the past 7.5 years the company has been around.
The newly expanded platform adds five modules including marketing, advertising, research, customer care and eCommerce, in addition to the social component that has been at the center of the company’s approach up until now.
It’s worth noting that the company released the platform notion in 2015, but it had just the social piece back then. This is an entirely new bundle of options, according to the company. Being a platform play, as you would expect there is a set of shared capabilities underpinning each of the categories such as asset management, APIs, reporting, security and collaboration.
Thomas doesn’t actually see his company competing with Adobe’s product in spite of the identical names. Instead, he sees it as complementary, something that could work alongside Adobe’s offering. “When you think about Adobe’s Experience Cloud, when you take their core offering, they’ve got content creation capabilities, web management, web analytics and campaign and email capability,” he said.
He contrasts that with the offerings on his platform. “For influencer marketing, we have included content marketing, listening insights, visual insights and community care. These are things you don’t find in other places,” he claimed.
Many of the platform pieces came by way of acquisition. Sprinklr has quietly purchased 10 companies since 2014 , all with the ultimate goal of building out the social signals platform into something more.
The company wants to give customers this broad set of tools to help manage customer experience across a variety of roles. Thomas believes that each platform category can feed off of the social information, whether that’s an ad you’re delivering to the customer or a product you’re selling them online. There’s no doubt it’s ambitious and is attempting to take the company in a much more extensive direction.
There has been chatter over the past couple of months that Sprinklr itself was an acquisition target. When asked about this Thomas would only say, “We’ve not been commenting on that.” He added, “In our history, we’ve passed on multiple acquisition proposals.” For now at least, today’s release signals that the company is not sitting still waiting to be bought.
Thomas sees customer experience management, a notion that has been around for some time, finally beginning to take off, and he believes this new platform puts them in a position to capitalize on it.

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French presidential candidate Macron talks tough on tech firms over terrorism


French presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron has become the latest high profile European politician to threaten U. S. tech companies over their use of..
French presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron has become the latest high profile European politician to threaten U. S. tech companies over their use of end-to-end encryption, and for how digital platforms enable the spread of terrorist propaganda online.
Officially launching his presidential campaign yesterday with a five-point plan for combating terrorism, Macron said it is “no longer acceptable” that companies say they have a contractual obligation to their users to protect their communications.
Opinion polls predict Macron will be one of two candidates to reach the second round of the election next month.
“Democratic states must have access to content exchanged between terrorists on social media and instant messaging,” he said, according to a BBC report.
We’re reached out to Macron’s press team with questions and will update this story with any response.
In the 40-minute speech discussing his approach to counterterrorism, Macron describes the Internet as having become “an essential part of terrorism”, and argues it therefore “needs to be an essential part of the fight against terrorism”.
“That’s why we need to have an open discussion with big internet companies: Google, Facebook, Apple, Twitter and others,” he said, adding: “Many terrorists went ahead after having been radicalized on social networks. They’re exposed to islamist propaganda that manipulates them and leads them to violence. It’s essential that big internet companies commit to remove this content immediately. This commitment should have an obligation of results. They can’t argue that there’s a technical incompatibility, or that they value freedom or neutrality.
“[Terrorist] organizations that threaten us take advantage of the possibilities of modern cryptography to hide their projects. They use strongly encrypted instant messengers to talk with each other and give orders. A good chunk of that internet traffic is encrypted and gets away from police forces. It’s obviously a weakness and makes the fight against terrorism harder.
“Until now, big Internet companies have refused to give their encryption keys or access to this content, saying that they have told their clients that their communications are protected. This situation is no longer acceptable. You can be strongly in favor of protecting your privacy and your conversations — and it’s my case. And it’s not incompatible with new rules so that the police can prevent terrorist attacks efficiently, with all the safeguards we need.”
If elected, Macron says he will push for a common European initiative to co-operate on encryption and push for big Internet companies to “accept a legal requisition system of their encrypted services similar to the existing one for telecom companies”.
“Governments, as long as they are democratic, should be able to access terrorist content on social networks and instant messaging services. We need to figure out the terms and the safeguards. But the goal is clear. If I’m elected, I’ll undertake this at the very beginning of my five-year mandate at the European level and within NATO,” he added.
His comments come days after a terror attack in Stockholm , Sweden in which a truck was driven at speed into pedestrians, killing four people. And several weeks after a similar attack in London , in which pedestrians and a policeman guarding parliament were killed by a lone attacker.
France has also suffered a spate of terror attacks in recent years, including in Paris in 2015 and Nice in 2016 , as has Germany — including a truck attack in Berlin last December .
Last summer interior ministers in France and Germany also called for the European Commission to consider a law change to enable courts to demand Internet companies decrypt data to afford security agencies access to messages.
And the UK passed just such a law at the end of last year — aka: the Investigatory Powers Act — which includes powers for authorities to limit or block the use of end-to-end encryption. Although that legislation hasn’t stopped current UK Home Secretary, Amber Rudd, piling very public political pressure on tech companies last month after the Westminster terror attack — apparently also calling for them to stop using end to end-to-end encryption.
“We need to make sure that organisations like WhatsApp, and there are plenty of others like that, don’t provide a secret place for terrorists to communicate with each other,” said Rudd last month. “It used to be that people would steam open envelopes or just listen in on phones when they wanted to find out what people were doing, legally, through warranty. But on this situation we need to make sure that our intelligence services have the ability to get into situations like encrypted WhatsApp.”
Rudd’s criticism of end-to-end encryption was followed by a meeting with major tech firms in which the discussion apparently centered on how they could do more to limit the spread of terrorist propaganda on their public platforms. (Something Germany has also been pushing for, including via new legislation .) So the pressure in the UK on WhatsApp et al’s use of e2e encryption appears to have evaporated at least for now — or at least publicly.
At the Europe-wide level, EU Member State justice ministers remain unclear on whether to push for a decrypt law according to the European Commission — although the idea is being actively discussed. Another meeting of the justice ministers group is due to take place in June. And while some interior ministers are clearly supportive of the notion of a decrypt law, the EC’s digital minister is not.
The global nature of technology and the inability of politicians in one jurisdiction to control access to software or algorithms developed elsewhere makes political attempts to outlaw encryption as futile as they are historically repetitious. Though the frequency and speed with which politicians seeking to sound tough on terrorism point the finger of blame at tech companies probably boils down to a calculation of what plays best with domestic voters (and, in Macron’s case, on the campaign trail).
After all, no politicians are talking about banning cars and trucks from cities despite a wave of terror attacks in which lone attackers have repurposed vehicles as killing machines.
However the exact nature of counterterrorism discussions between commercial tech firms and governments remains unknown, given they are held behind closed doors. Which is why closed source deployments of robust encryption still require users to trust the company making the secure messaging claims, given there’s no way to externally verify their software does not contain government mandated backdoors. Open source software can provide the disinfectant for that doubt.
TechCrunch’s Roman Dillet contributed to this report

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Security startup Synack scores $21 M investment from Microsoft, HPE and Singtel


Synack, a startup that combines software security tools with a network of white-hat hackers to help keep its customers secure, announced a $21.25 million..
Synack , a startup that combines software security tools with a network of white-hat hackers to help keep its customers secure, announced a $21.25 million Series C funding round today.
The round was led by Microsoft Ventures with participation from Hewlett Packard Enterprise and Singtel Innov8. Previous investors GGV Capital, GV (formerly Google Ventures) and Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers also participated. Today’s investment brings the total raised to $55 million, according to the company.
It’s hard not to notice that is an impressive combination of company and traditional venture capital attention.
Perhaps that’s because Synack takes an unusual approach to enterprise security, going on offense instead of defense, according to company CTO Mark Kuhr. He and his co-founder CEO Jay Kaplan might know a thing or two about going on offense, having previously worked for the NSA before starting Synack in 2013.
Kuhr says they decided to start the company when they saw the defensive tactics companies were using simply weren’t working — as Sony, JP Morgan Chase, OPM, Ashley Madison, Adobe, Target and many others can attest.
“Jay Kaplan and I left the NSA to come up with a different way for offensive security for the enterprise. We noticed at NSA that hackers were coming through all the defenses, taking data and putting malware on the systems,” he said.
Kuhr say his company uses a three-pronged strategy to help protect systems and IP — Command, control and action. “We couple the human element with machines. It’s a man and machine story. We bring in people when we need to,” he said.
In fact the command piece starts with a community of several hundred white-hat hackers from around the world whom the company has vetted to be sure they are ethical and pass a background check.
The control piece is their penetration testing service, which looks for vulnerabilities in an automated way. The action is the plan they come up with to help protect the system once they find a problem. For instance, if they find an open back door in the code, they would recommend that the client close it up.
Kuhr says it’s similar to the strategy they employed at the NSA where they went on offense, getting in the shoes of the adversary and trying to understand what they were doing. But he understands that most private companies don’t have access to the talent they had at the NSA. That’s why they are trying to package that kind of support and protection as a service.
They work on a flat-fee subscription model, running the automated systems and bringing in a team of expert hackers when necessary to root out vulnerabilities. While the friendly hacker approach sounds a lot like the HackerOne strategy, Kuhr says the difference is that HackerOne uses an open model and his company a private one.
The company has around 100 employees plus the network of hackers. That will probably increase this year with the new funding as they look to expand into new markets in Europe and Asia. Currently, they have 100 customers mostly in the enterprise. Kuhr says company revenue has been doubling every year and today’s investment is about keeping that momentum going.

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Alabama state’s 2nd female governor takes the reins


With Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley resigning one step ahead of an impeachment hearing related to an alleged affair, his successor becomes the state’s second female governor and the first to rise through the political ranks on her own.
MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) – With Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley resigning one step ahead of an impeachment hearing related to an alleged affair, his successor becomes the state’s second female governor and the first to rise through the political ranks on her own.
Kay Ivey , the first Republican woman elected lieutenant governor of Alabama, was also the first Republican to hold that office for two straight terms.
She entered the Old Senate Chamber for her swearing-in ceremony to a thunderous round of applause but bluntly stated the challenges ahead of her as the state’s new governor in a brief speech.
“Today is both a dark day for Alabama, yet also one of opportunity,” Ivey said, adding that her “administration will be open, it will be transparent and it will be honest.”
Alabama’s first female governor was Lurleen Wallace, wife of four-term Gov. George C. Wallace. She ran as a surrogate for her still-powerful husband in 1966 when he couldn’t seek re-election because of term limits. She won, but died in office in 1968. Her husband regained the governor’s seat in 1970.
The 72-year-old Ivey is from Wilcox County, the same rural area where U. S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions grew up. First elected lieutenant governor in 2010, she was re-elected in 2014.
Ivey ’s biography shows her as an accomplished stateswoman who got her start in Alabama politics as a House clerk and later became the first Republican elected treasurer since Reconstruction. Although her former position carried respect, it wielded little constitutional power besides being next in line to the executive office. Now, as governor, she has catapulted from a position of largely ceremonial duties to the highest elected seat in the state.
As the Senate’s president and presiding officer, Ivey acted as a moderator who didn’t offer opinions on legislation but instead directed the procedural flow in her signature honey-dripping drawl, cutting off senators whose speeches have gone on too long or namedropping distinguished guests in the gallery.
In private, however, lawmakers say she doesn’t spare them tough questions.
“She is well in-tune to the issues,” said Sen. Cam Ward, an Alabaster Republican who’s sponsoring a much debated bill to overhaul the state prison system. “I think she will be a steady hand for state government.”
Ivey , who immediately assumed the role of the governor after Bentley ’s resignation, will hold that position until the next general election in 2018.
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Gilas takes first step to Tokyo via Seaba hosting


The journey of Gilas Pilipinas to the Olympics will be anything but easy.
The journey of Gilas Pilipinas to the Olympics will be anything but easy.
And the men’s basketball team will be making its first step with the country’s hosting of the Seaba Championship for Men.
“The general plan was already outlined. But basically we’re not thinking about it yet because we want to focus our full attention on Seaba,” said Gilas head coach Chot Reyes during Tuesday’s press launch at the Holiday Inn Manila Galleria.
The Gilas core of PBA stars should top the seven-country tournament on May 12 to 18 at the Smart Araneta Coliseum to advance to the Fiba Asia Cup on Aug. 10 to 20 in Beirut.
“It will not mean anything unless we win Seaba. With the format, it’s impossible for one team to play bad,” said Reyes, who is eyeing a return trip to the world stage and a slot in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.
The dynamic coach brought the Philippines to the 2014 Fiba World Championship in Spain after a four-decade absence.
Reyes said Gilas assistant coach Jong Uichico had scouted all the teams and Thailand and Indonesia could give Gilas the most headaches due to the presence of foreign players in their lineups.

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United faces public-relations fiasco over dragged passenger ::


United is getting pummeled on late-night TV. Online, jokers are proposing new corporate slogans such as „We’ll drag you all over the world“ and „We have red eye and black eye flights available. “ On Wall Street, the airline briefly…
Posted 3 minutes ago
Updated 2 minutes ago
By DAVID KOENIG, AP Airlines Writer
United is getting pummeled on late-night TV. Online, jokers are proposing new corporate slogans such as „We’ll drag you all over the world“ and „We have red eye and black eye flights available. “ On Wall Street, the airline briefly lost nearly $1 billion in market value before its stock regained much of the loss.
Cellphone videos of airport police yanking a 69-year-old passenger out of his seat and dragging him down the aisle have become a public-relations nightmare for United. Travel and PR experts say the airline fumbled the situation from the start and made matters worse with a tone-deaf apology from the CEO.
It’s too soon to know whether Sunday night’s incident at Chicago’s O’Hare Airport will cause lasting harm. United frequent flyers won’t easily give up their miles. Many travelers aren’t attached to a particular airline and just take the cheapest fare.
Then again, there are those videos.
„That is the craziest act I’ve ever seen. Who drags a ticketed passenger off an airplane? “ said Bruce Rubin, a longtime practitioner of crisis public relations in Miami. „Because it’s so visual and it’s so unnecessary, it’s the kind of thing that can hurt United long-term. “
Lawyers for the passenger in the videos, David Dao, a doctor from Elizabethtown, Kentucky, said Tuesday that he was being treated in a Chicago hospital. They gave no further details on his injuries.
Just two weeks ago, United was at the center of another PR furor after a gate agent in Denver barred two girls from boarding a flight because they were wearing leggings.
United CEO Oscar Munoz apologized on Monday for the latest incident but also blamed the passenger for not obeying when airline employees asked him to leave. Munoz called the man „disruptive and belligerent. “
On Tuesday, Munoz offered a stronger mea culpa for the „truly horrific event,“ saying, „No one should ever be mistreated this way. “ He promised a review of airline policies by April 30 and vowed to „fix what’s broken so this never happens again. “
Jim Corridore, an airline analyst for CFRA Research, said after „poorly handling a PR disaster,“ United’s CEO „is finally saying the right things. “
Dao and three other passengers had been told to give up their seats so that four employees of the company operating the flight for United could board. Dao was the only one to refuse.
To make room on the plane, United had tried to entice volunteers with travel vouchers worth $800 and a hotel room. When there were no takers, a United manager went on board and announced that four people would be removed.
Big mistake, say the crisis-management experts. Everyone wondered why United didn’t simply sweeten the offer until four passengers agreed to get off.
„A few dollars could have solved this problem,“ said Allen Adamson, founder of Brand Simple Consulting in New York. „Instead, the damage of the brand will be millions of dollars. “
United said passengers were already seated when the four employees of Republic Airline showed up at the gate and insisted on boarding the plane to Louisville, Kentucky, so that they could operate a flight the next morning.
United is „within their rights to take someone off the plane, but this problem is totally the creation of United,“ said Charles Leocha, a passenger-rights advocate in Washington. „For them to wait after the (passengers) boarded before they say, ‚Sorry, you have to get off'“ is inexcusable.
The online storm began immediately after the first video was posted online. Memes mocking United sprouted like flight delays during a thunderstorm. Some jokers created images of a bat-wielding villain from „The Walking Dead“ patrolling the aisle on a United plane.
Munoz, who just last month was named PR Week’s „Communicator of the Year,“ was vilified.
On ABC, comedian Jimmy Kimmel launched his show with a five-minute takedown of United, mocking Munoz for saying the airline had to „re-accommodate“ customers — industry jargon for putting people on later flights. Kimmel showed the dragging video and likened the man’s „re-accommodation“ to the capture and extradition of Mexican drug lord El Chapo.
„That is such sanitized, say-nothing, take-no-responsibility, corporate BS speak,“ Kimmel said.
Munoz is a former railroad CEO who took the top job at United in September 2015 but was sidelined for months by a heart attack and transplant. After returning, Munoz set out to improve an airline that had lagged behind its rivals financially and disappointed passengers with computer outages and canceled flights.
United has made progress at repairing labor relations and is rebuilding its route network. Still, United ranked eighth out of the 12 biggest U. S. airlines — behind Delta, JetBlue and Southwest among others — in 2016 on-time performance, customer complaints and other measures.
The stock of parent United Continental Holdings Inc. plunged 4.4 percent Tuesday morning but recovered and closed down 81 cents, or 1.1 percent, at $70.71.
Richard Levick, a crisis-PR consultant in Washington, said Munoz and his airline responded poorly once the story dominated social media, just as they seemed to do during the leggings incident.
„It doesn’t matter if United Airlines followed their rules,“ Levick said. „They are really beginning to become the brand that people think we should not fly. “
Business Writer Joseph Pisani in New York contributed to this report.
David Koenig can be reached at:

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Nordkorea droht Donald Trump: Bereit für "jede Art des Krieges"


US-Präsident Donald Trump sorgt mit seinem Regierungsstil fast täglich für Überraschungen und erntet Kritik für seine Entscheidungen. Die Entwicklungen im News-Blog.
Nordkorea hat die Entsendung einer US-Flugzeugträgergruppe zur Koreanischen Halbinsel scharf verurteilt und mit einer entschiedenen Reaktion gedroht. „Das rücksichtslose Vorgehen der USA zur Invasion der Demokratischen Volksrepublik Korea hat eine ernste Phase erreicht“, erklärte ein Sprecher des Außenministeriums in Pjöngjang am Dienstag nach Angaben der amtlichen Nachrichtenagentur KCNA. US-Präsident Donald Trump hatte zuletzt mit einem Alleingang gegen Nordkorea gedroht, um das Atomprogramm des Landes zu stoppen.
„Wir werden die härtesten Gegenmaßnahmen gegen die Provokateure ergreifen, um uns mit aller Waffengewalt zu verteidigen“, erklärte der nordkoreanische Ministeriumssprecher. Pjöngjang sei bereit, „auf jede von den USA gewünschte Art des Krieges zu reagieren“. Er warnte die US-Regierung vor den „katastrophalen Konsequenzen“ ihres „empörenden Vorgehens“.
Nordkorea unterhält trotz umfassender Sanktionen seit Jahren ein Atomwaffenprogramm. Seit 2006 hat das Land insgesamt fünf Atomwaffentests vorgenommen, davon zwei im vergangenen Jahr. Die Führung in Pjöngjang arbeitet auch an der Entwicklung von Langstreckenraketen, mit denen atomare Sprengköpfe bis in die USA getragen werden könnten. US-Geheimdienstbeamten zufolge könnte Pjöngjang in weniger als zwei Jahren einen Atomsprengkopf entwickeln, der das US-Festland erreichen könnte.
Experten gehen anhand von Satellitenaufnahmen davon aus, dass derzeit ein sechster Atomwaffentest vorbereitet werden könnte. Ein möglicher Anlass für neue Raketentests könnte der 105. Geburtstag des verstorbenen Staatsgründers Kim Il Sung am kommenden Samstag sein.
Am Dienstag tritt in Pjöngjang zunächst das Parlament zu einer seiner seltenen Sitzungen zusammen. Die Volksvertretung tagt nur ein oder zwei Mal im Jahr, meist für einen Tag. Oft werden wichtige politische und wirtschaftliche Entscheidungen der Führung unter Staatschef Kim beschlossen. Zuletzt hatte das Parlament im Juni vergangenen Jahres getagt.
US-Präsident Donald Trump hat mit Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU) und der britischen Regierungschefin Theresa May über den Konflikt in Syrien beraten. Merkel und May hätten in den Telefonaten am Montag ihre Unterstützung für den US-Angriff auf die syrische Luftwaffe bekundet, teilte das Weiße Haus mit.
Alle drei seien sich einig gewesen darüber, dass es wichtig sei, Syriens Staatschef Baschar al-Assad für den mutmaßlichen Giftgasangriff zur Verantwortung zu ziehen, bei dem am vergangenen Dienstag mindestens 86 Menschen getötet wurden. Zur Vergeltung ließ Trump in der Nacht zum Freitag einen syrischen Luftwaffenstützpunkt bombardieren.
Die britische Regierung erklärte, May und Trump seien übereingekommen, dass nun versucht werden müsse, den Kreml davon zu überzeugen, dass seine „Allianz mit Assad nicht länger im strategischen Interesse“ Moskaus sei. Der bevorstehende Besuch von US-Außenminister Rex Tillerson in der russischen Hauptstadt sei eine Gelegenheit, um den Grundstein für eine „dauerhafte politische Lösung“ zu legen. Tillerson wird am Dienstag zu zweitägigen Gesprächen in Moskau erwartet.
Er raubte ein Waffengeschäft aus und schickte ein Anti-Trump-Manifest ans Weiße Haus: Die Polizei im US-Bundesstaat Wisconsin fahndet mit einem Großaufgebot nach einem „hochgefährlichen“ Mann. Etwa 150 Beamte seien an der Suche nach dem 32-jährigen Joseph Jakubowski beteiligt, teilte die Polizei am Sonntag mit. Jakubowski habe am Dienstag einen Waffenhändler in Janesville überfallen und dabei 16 Feuerwaffen erbeutet. Anschließend habe er ein Auto in Brand gesetzt.
Der Verdächtige hatte nach Polizeiangaben außerdem ein 161 Seiten langes Pamphlet an US-Präsident Donald Trump geschickt, in dem er die Politik seiner Regierung verurteilt und die soziale Ungerechtigkeit in den USA anprangert. Ein Kollege sagte aus, dass Jakubowski angekündigt habe, er wolle Waffen stehlen, um damit ein Attentat zu verüben. Zudem kaufte er sich eine schusssichere Weste und einen Helm.
Die Schulen in dem Fahndungsgebiet blieben am Freitag geschlossen. Auch der Schutz der Kirchen in der Umgebung wurde verstärkt, da der 32-Jährige in seinem Manifest auch anti-religiöse Standpunkte äußerte. Janesville ist die Heimatstadt des republikanischen Vorsitzenden des Repräsentantenhauses, Paul Ryan, und liegt etwa 160 Kilometer nordwestlich von Chicago.
Als Demonstration der Stärke gegenüber Nordkorea hat die US-Armee eine Flugzeugträgergruppe in Richtung der Koreanischen Halbinsel entsandt. Es handele sich um eine Vorsichtsmaßnahme, um die Präsenz und Bereitschaft in der westlichen Pazifikregion zu stärken, sagte ein Armeesprecher am Samstag der Nachrichtenagentur AFP. Die Maßnahme dürfte die Spannungen in der Region weiter verschärfen; Washington hatte zuletzt mit einem Alleingang gegen Nordkorea gedroht.
Die größte Bedrohung in der Region stelle nach wie vor Nordkorea durch sein »rücksichtsloses, unverantwortliches und destabilisierendes» Raketen- und Atomprogramm dar, sagte Dave Benham vom US-Kommando in der Pazifikregion. Zu der Flugzeugträgergruppe gehören die USS Carl Vinson der Nimitz-Klasse, ein Kampfflugzeug-Geschwader, zwei Lenkwaffenzerstörer und ein Kreuzer.
Nach dem Doppelanschlag am Palmsonntag in Ägypten hat US-Präsident Donald Trump dem ägyptischen Präsident Al-Sisi das Vertrauen ausgesprochen, die Situation „angemessen“ zu behandeln.
…confidence that President Al Sisi will handle situation properly.
Bei zwei Anschlägen in Ägypten sind mehr als 40 Menschen getötet und über 120 verletzt worden. Der IS hat die Angriffe für sich reklamiert, Ziele waren beide Male Christen, die in Ägypten eine Minderheit bilden.
US-Präsident Donald Trump hat den Kongress am Samstag offiziell über den US-Militärschlag gegen einen Luftwaffenstützpunkt in Syrien in der Nacht zum Freitag informiert. In dem am Samstag veröffentlichten Schreiben betonte Trump erneut, Ziel sei es gewesen, die Fähigkeit des syrischen Militärs zu weiteren Chemiewaffenangriffen zu verringern und die syrische Führung davon abzuschrecken, ein weiteres Mal solche Waffen einzusetzen.
Er habe im «vitalen Interesse der nationalen Sicherheit und Außenpolitik» der USA gehandelt,«entsprechend meiner verfassungsrechtlichen Befugnis (…)», schrieb Trump weiter. «Die USA werden zusätzliche Schritte ergreifen, so wie es nötig und angemessen ist, um ihren wichtigen nationalen Interessen zu dienen.»
Nach dem Angriff auf einen syrischen Luftwaffenstützpunkt haben die USA weitere Aktionen nicht ausgeschlossen. «Wir sind darauf vorbereitet, mehr zu unternehmen, aber wir hoffen, dass das nicht nötig sein wird», sagte die amerikanische UN-Botschafterin Nikki Haley. Syriens Präsident Baschar al-Assad dürfe nie wieder chemische Waffen einsetzen.
Der US-Luftangriff auf syrische Truppen hat die erste schwere Krise zwischen der neuen US-Regierung unter Donald Trump und Russland ausgelöst. Kremlchef Wladimir Putin verurteilte das Bombardement eines Luftwaffenstützpunkts am Freitag als Angriff auf die Souveränität Syriens. Der Präsident des Landes, Baschar al-Assad, nannte den Einsatz „rücksichtslos und unverantwortlich“. Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel ( CDU ) hingegen bezeichnete ihn als nachvollziehbar.
Russland ist der engste Verbündete Assads. Die US-Regierung vollzieht mit dem Angriff eine erneute Kehrtwende in der Syrien-Politik. Noch vergangene Woche hatte US-Außenminister Rex Tillerson gesagt, Assads Schicksal werde vom syrischen Volk bestimmt. Das war eine Abkehr von der Linie der Vorgängerregierung unter Barack Obama, die dem Präsidenten in Damaskus die Hauptverantwortung für den Konflikt in dem Bürgerkriegsland zuschob und auf seinen Sturz hinarbeitete.
Trump sagte am Rande eines Treffens mit Chinas Staatschef Xi Jinping in Florida, von dem beschossenen Flugplatz sei vor wenigen Tagen der Angriff mit Giftgas auf die von Rebellen kontrollierte Stadt Chan Scheichun ausgegangen. Dies sei ein „barbarischer Akt“ gewesen. Das Pentagon veröffentlichte Videomaterial, das den Abschuss der „Tomahawks“ von US-Zerstörern zeigt. Die Marschflugkörper gelten als präzise. Die Luftangriffe hätten das Ziel gehabt, die syrische Regierung von weiteren Chemiewaffen-Einsätzen abzuschrecken. Die Zerstörung von Flugzeugen und Infrastruktur werde die Möglichkeiten dazu einzuschränken. Der UN-Sicherheitsrat hatte sich zuvor bei einer Sondersitzung in New York zum wiederholten Male nicht auf eine neue Syrien-Resolution verständigen können.
Russland verurteilte das Vorgehen. „Dieser Schritt Washingtons fügt den russisch-amerikanischen Beziehungen, die sich ohnehin schon in einem elenden Zustand befinden, einen signifikanten Schaden zu“, sagte Kremlsprecher Dmitri Peskow. „Präsident Putin hält die amerikanischen Angriffe für eine Aggression gegen einen souveränen Staat, gegen das Völkerrecht, dazu noch mit einem erdachten Vorwand. “ Die syrische Armee habe keine Chemiewaffen mehr, das habe nach der Entwaffnung auch die zuständige UN-Organisation bestätigt. Russland setzte eine Vereinbarung mit dem US-Militär aus, nach der sich beide Länder über Militärflüge und Angriffe über Syrien informierten, und kündigte an, die syrische Luftabwehr zu verstärken. In der kommenden Woche wird US-Außenminister Rex Tillerson zu einem seit längerem geplanten Besuch in Moskau erwartet.
Chinas Staats- und Parteichef Xi Jinping will die Kooperation mit US-Präsident Donald Trump vertiefen. Nach dem ersten Tag seiner Gespräche in Mar-a-Lago in Florida sagte der chinesische Präsident nach Angaben der amtlichen Nachrichtenagentur Xinhua vom Freitag, er sei bereit, mit Trump zusammenzuarbeiten, um das Verhältnis „von einem neuen Ausgangspunkt“ voranzubringen. „Es gibt tausend Gründe, dass die chinesisch-amerikanischen Beziehungen funktionieren, aber keinen, sie auseinanderzubrechen. “
Trump habe eine Einladung nach China angenommen und hoffe, zu einem frühen Zeitpunkt zu kommen, berichtete Xinhua. Xi Jinping habe ihn zu einem Staatsbesuch in diesem Jahr eingeladen. Die Konflikte um Handelsungleichgewichte und den richtigen Umgang mit Nordkoreas Atom- und Raketenprogramm dominierten das erste Aufeinandertreffen der beiden Staatsmänner.
„Wir haben eine Freundschaft entwickelt“, sagte Trump zu Beginn der zweitägigen Gespräche am Donnerstagabend. Allerdings sei es noch nicht zu Ergebnissen gekommen. „Auf lange Sicht werden wir ein sehr großartiges Verhältnis pflegen. “
Als Reaktion auf den mutmaßlichen Giftgasangriff mit dutzenden Todesopfern im syrischen Bürgerkrieg haben die US-Streitkräfte eine Luftwaffenbasis der Truppen von Machthaber Baschar al-Assad angegriffen. US-Präsident Donald Trump bezeichnete den Militäreinsatz am Donnerstagabend (Ortszeit) in einer kurzen Ansprache als „grundlegend für die nationale Sicherheit“ seines Landes.
Es liege im „vitalen nationalen Sicherheitsinteresse der Vereinigten Staaten“, die Verbreitung von chemischen Waffen zu verhindern, sagte Trump im Bundesstaat Florida. Alle „zivilisierten Nationen“ müssten das Blutvergießen in Syrien stoppen, forderte er zudem.
Moskau, das mit Assad verbündet ist und dessen Streitkräfte militärisch massiv unterstützt, wurde nach Angaben des US-Verteidigungsministeriums vorab über die Luftangriffe informiert. Es seien die notwendigen Vorkehrungen getroffen worden, um die Risiken für das in der Basis stationierte russische wie syrische Personal zu minimieren, sagte ein Pentagon-Sprecher. Mehr lesen Sie in unserem Live-Blog.

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