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‘La La Land’ Lands Tencent as Strategic Partner for China Release


NewsHubChinese social media and games giant, Tencent has come on board Lionsgate’s “ La Land ” as a partner for the film’s upcoming release in mainland China.
The partnership is directed through the group’s one year-old film arm Tencent Pictures. It is Tencent Pictures’ second such deal with a Hollywood film, following “Warcraft” in mid-2016. The deal is of a strategic nature and does not see Tencent owning an equity stake in the movie.
According to Tencent, “La La Land” is to be imported on flat fee terms and is not one of the annual imported movies that are entitled to revenue sharing terms with the foreign rights owner. The release will be handled by China Film Co., supported by Joy Pictures and Baian Film.
Last week it emerged that the awards favorite film had been cleared for theatrical release in China after being approved by censors. It is set for an outing on Tuesday, Feb. 14.
As well as being Valentine’s Day, that also positions the film well to pick up screens after the raft of Chinese New Year releases lose steam. And it could benefit from awards heat. The Oscars ceremony come nearly two weeks after “La La Land” opens. The ceremony is on Sunday Feb. 27, which falls on the morning of Monday Feb. 28 in China. While the Oscars are the overseas awards with by far the most meaning for Chinese audiences,online posters have emerged touting the film’s seven honors at the Golden Globes.
Tencent operates the massive WeChat and QQ messaging services, which each have over 800 million subscribers. Additionally, Tencent has investment stakes in online ticketing services and payment gateways. It is also the country’s largest digital music operator — a likely bonus for a musical film.

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Is Davos global vision dimming as China’s version shines?


NewsHubMaybe Davos-style globalization is done for, replaced by China’s less-open-minded version.
The big shifts of 2016, such as Donald Trump’s election and the British vote to exit the European Union, known as Brexit, have propelled that prospect to the fore. Like an unexpected super-storm, anti-globalization populism has slammed through the West over the past year – and prompted much talk that the World Economic Forum in Davos and what it stands for are outmoded.
After all, the exclusive gathering in the Swiss resort, which begins Tuesday, is a celebration of trans-national thinking, which has been gospel among European and North American leadership since World War II. Free trade, barrier-less immigration, rule of law, sanctity of contracts, diversity of ethnicities, a variety of views welcomed: These principles have undergirded it, and now are under fire.
After all of the tough talk about China during the campaign, how is the nation with the world’s largest population and second largest economy rea…
Significantly, China’s President Xi Jinping will appear at Davos for the first time this year, promoting what he calls “inclusive globalization.” While that sounds benign, it really means a new order that China leads, pushing aside the U. S. and its European and Japanese junior partners.
“There is a massive anti-globalist trend, against what the West has put together,” said political scientist Ian Bremmer, who heads the New York-based Eurasia Group consulting firm. “And China is taking the leadership role.”
Little doubt exists that the torrent of earth-shaking events lately has shoved Davos Man and Woman, the term for the big shots who appear there every year, out of their comfort zone. Aside from the Trump and Brexit votes, there’s a rise of European populist parties challenging the established order in elections this year.
Klaus Schwab, who founded the WEF in 1971, forebodingly put it this way on the Davos website: “At this tipping point, our traditional concepts of society, meaningful employment and the nation state are challenged, and many understandably feel insecure or even threatened.” He told the Associated Press on Sunday that “it’s important to listen to the populists.”
Of course, Davos’ decline has been foretold many times before. After the 2008 financial crisis, a lot of talk emerged about how the tech-driven, trade-enriched, inter-connected world that the conference’s savants had championed was headed into the hell mouth of a second Great Depression.
Just as no one at the WEF had foreseen the dangerously rickety nature of the housing economy and its threat to the world financial system, the rise of populism and its insular trappings was a big surprise.
Harvard professor Kenneth Rogoff, the former chief economist at the International Monetary Fund, likes to say that “the conventional wisdom of Davos is always wrong.” Witness its smug assumption at the 2016 conclave that Mr. Trump, then sitting atop the polls for the GOP nomination, would never win the White House.
No one doubts that China has the economic momentum to expand its role on the world scene. If current trends continue, China’s 2035 gross domestic product could be a third larger than that of the U. S, according to Karl Eikenberry, a former U. S. Army general who now is a professor at Stanford University.
While the Chinese growth rate has slowed from double digits a few years ago, it still is formidable. Right now, China is growing at around 7 percent annually , more than three times the rate for the U. S. China’s GDP is $11.3 trillion, and the U. S.’s is $18.5 trillion.
A possible Chinese hegemony strikes fear into many Western hearts. American and other foreign business executives complain bitterly, although often privately, about theft of their intellectual property by Chinese competitors. Doing business in China usually involves pairing with Chinese companies, which have the upper hand in the partnerships. Forget about seeking redress in court.
Donald Trump’s pledge to renegotiate or withdraw from international trade deals and pressuring U. S. companies to bring jobs home resonated with A…
Meanwhile, China is aggressively expanding its influence across the map, with investments and purchases of assets. With its “Silk Road” initiative, China is building massive transportation links and buying up oil and gas properties throughout Asia. China’s Anbang Insurance Group bought New York’s iconic Waldorf-Astoria hotel in 2014, and is buying more hotels.
China’s rise is one part of the dynamic, and signs of Western retreat compose the other.
Although the Trump administration’s overall international strategy is still taking shape, amid the formation of his cabinet, his rhetoric during the election campaign indicates a desire to withdraw from areas he thinks are not in America’s interest -– like free trade and opposition to an expansionary Russia. Mr. Trump is not going to Davos, although 46 heads of state are.
The demise of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a trade deal between the U. S. and many non-Chinese Asian nations, appears dead since Mr. Trump’s election (he thinks the TPP would harm American job creation). China is eagerly promoting its own trade consortium.
But an America First stance, which China could exploit, has echoes among the U. S.’s European allies, which are feeling populist heat – and which are being felt in Davos. The possibility that Germany and France, the two stalwarts of the European Union, might opt out due to internal political pressures, is adding to jitters in Davos. Without them, the EU is not worth much.
German authorities are hunting for possible accomplices in that truck attack that left 12 people dead. Hundreds of investigators will be working…
Tellingly, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, a veteran WEF attendee, is not coming to the gathering. One widely suspected reason: Her Christian Democratic party could face trouble in elections this year from populist alternatives.
Merkel is running for a fourth term, but she has come under harsh criticism for her “open door” refugee policy, which has brought thousands of Middle Eastern immigrants to the country in 2015 — and terrorist acts have freightened voters. Partying in a plush Swiss Alps get-away with the internationalist set might not play well with a restive electorate. (She also didn’t come to the January 2016 session.) In the fall, Mr. Trump referred to her refugee policy as “insane.”
Another Davos non-attendee is France’s president, Francois Hollande, whose popularity has plunged in the wake of terrorist attacks and high unemployment. He is not running for re-election this year. His Socialist Party is in disarray. The front-runner is the more right-wing Francois Fillon, a former prime minister, and a scan of the Davos participant list does not show him at the forum either.
The anti-EU and anti-immigration far-right populist, Marine Le Pen, Fillon’s chief rival who is not far behind in the polls, does not appear on the list, which is no suprise. Her National Front has shown a surge in voter approval since last year.
At the same time, new British Prime Minister Therasa May is expected in Davos. She opposed Brexit, but when David Cameron quit as premier in the wake of the vote, she took over, sounding a skeptical note about accepting large numbers of refugees.
All that said, while the Davos globalist mindset may be endangered, few believe that the conference itself will end. The world leaders, corporate titans and other muckety-mucks find it a great venue to gather new perspectives and do deals. “For CEOs and heads of state, it is an extraordinarily productive time,” political scientist Bremmer noted.
And indeed, several incoming members of the Trump administration are expected, such as the new National Economic Council director, Gary Cohn, well-known at Davos because of his former post as president of Goldman Sachs, and hedge fund executive and Trump transition adviser Anthony Scaramucci.
Their new boss, however, has no such Davos pedigree. Perhaps it’s symbolic that his inauguration Friday is on the last day of Davos.

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Kuang-Chi Announces Launch of UK Investment Strategy


NewsHubHONG KONG and LONDON , January 16, 2017 /PRNewswire/ —
$30 Million Invested in Gilo Industries Group
Kuang-Chi Group (‚Kuang-Chi‘), a Chinese disruptive technology group, announced the launch of its UK investment strategy today, as well as its investment of $30 million in Gilo Industries Group (‚Gilo‘), an advanced aerospace technology company based in Dorset , Kuang-Chi’s first UK investment to date.
Kuang-Chi, based in Shenzhen, China , launched an international innovation fund in 2016, known as the Kuang-Chi GCI Fund (GCI Fund), to invest in companies worldwide. The fund is planned to grow to $300 million within the next three years, with a large focus on the UK, and Kuang-Chi expects the size of overall investments in the UK to be even larger in subsequent years.
With Gilo as a new member of Kuang-Chi’s GCI portfolio companies, Kuang-Chi’s investment is intended to improve and further commercialize its aviation technology and will help the company expand its business in the Asia-Pacific market and establish relationships with global market leaders across multiple industries. Gilo will continue to be headquartered in Shaftsbury, Dorset and all its manufacturing facilities will remain in the UK.
Dr. Ruopeng Liu, Chairman of Kuang-Chi, said, „The UK has a very attractive atmosphere for innovation with great potential for further growth. We are delighted to make our first UK investment in Gilo, which we hope to be the first of many investments in the coming years. Gilo is a fantastic company that is a leader in innovation, with breakthrough aerospace engineering technologies and products. We look forward to working with them to develop our visionary aviation technology. “
He further explained, „This is only the start of Kuang-Chi’s UK investment plans. Despite some fears surrounding Brexit, innovation is booming in the UK and Kuang-Chi has confidence in the UK market, which has a long history and a good reputation for innovation that will not fade away easily. Investing in British startups and technology companies in the growth stage is a key part of our long term strategic plan to invest in the most exciting, disruptive and innovative technologies around the world. “
Gilo Cardozo , Founder of Gilo, said, „The support from Kuang-Chi is exactly what we need to continue to expand our production capabilities and embrace exciting new manufacturing technologies to help us grow and succeed in the global marketplace. It is a really clear example of how international organizations look to all areas of Britain for innovation and entrepreneurship and how they can boost regional, national and global industries. “
In addition, Kuang-Chi launched the GCI Fund II at the end of last year, which will invest up to $250 million in companies developing technology in industries including robotics, IoT, telecommunications, and digital health, with a strong focus on the UK.
About Kuang-Chi Group
Founded in 2010 as a five-person team, Kuang-Chi has created a Global Community of Innovation of more than 2,600 employees in 18 countries and regions which is dedicated to disruptive innovation and principal investment in cutting-edge technology sectors including communications, metamaterials, and space technology. Kuang-Chi’s subsidiary company KuangChi Science Limited (00439. HK) is concentrated on the development of future technology. The Group also operates through Shenzhen -traded Zhejiang Longsheng (002625. SZ) and Martin Aircraft Company (ASX: MJP), as well as research institutes and private companies.
For additional information, please visit:
Twitter: @KuangChiGCI
About the GCI Fund
Kuang-Chi launched the Kuang-Chi GCI Fund, an international innovation fund in Tel Aviv, Israel in 2016, to invest in companies worldwide. As the first Chinese fund of its kind, it combines investment in early to mid-stage global companies with Kuang-Chi’s resources and has an investment amount up to $300 million. The first tranche of $50 million has been invested in Israeli computer vision pioneer eyeSight; Israeli voice analytics developer Beyond Verbal; Israeli video intelligence and analytics provider AgentVi; Norwegian biometric authorization innovator Zwipe; Canadian aviation company SkyX, and British aviation-focused company Gilo.
GCI Fund II will invest $250 million in global technology companies active in the areas of: smart city/smart home, IoT, artificial intelligence, VR/AR, and robotics, and will be supported by a new China -based incubator that has been established by Kuang-Chi to help bring its portfolio companies to the Chinese market.
About Gilo Industries Group Limited
Gilo Industries Group is a technology-led company with highly competent and professional aerospace engineering capabilities and considerable experience in aeronautical vehicle and propulsion system design. The company designs, develops and manufactures groundbreaking solutions that advance technology and discovery while meeting customer needs with high impact, best value aerospace products, systems and services. From world-class foot-launched powered paragliders to extreme ultra-lightweight propulsion systems for some of the world’s most innovative aircraft and applications, Gilo Industries Group is at the forefront of aerospace engineering.
For more information, please visit
Contact for Media:
Marc Cohen
Raj Aujla
Kate Turner
t: +44 (0) 20 7284 6969
m: +44 (0) 7919 887 036
SOURCE The PR Office Limited

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China police destroy 'fake' terracotta warriors


NewsHubPolice in central China have raided a tourist attraction which they say was tricking people into visiting a fake terracotta army.
The site is in the Lintong district of Xi’an, the same area as the real Terracotta Army, which guards Emperor Qin Shi Huang’s mausoleum. Forty statues were destroyed in the operation after an online complaint prompted local officials to take action, the official Xinhua news agency reports.
Lintong council’s Weibo account shared photos of the raid, including an image of the statues‘ remnants after they were smashed to pieces. A local official told Xinhua that unlicensed guides and illegal taxis were used to draw tourists to the site.
Anyone visiting the site might have been slightly underwhelmed at seeing a few dozen warriors. The real Terracotta Army is more than 2,000 years old and contains thousands of statues – mainly soldiers but also horses and chariots – which were made to protect the emperor in the afterlife.
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Battery with inbuilt 'fire extinguisher' developed


NewsHubResearchers have designed a lithium-ion battery that contains a fire-extinguishing material, which is released if the battery gets too hot.
Flame retardant triphenyl phosphate (TPP) sits inside a shell within the electrolyte fluid. The shell melts when the temperature reaches 150C (302F), releasing the chemical compound.
In tests, battery fires were extinguished in 0.4 seconds.
Lithium-ion batteries power many devices but are a known fire hazard.
The Stanford University research team’s peer-reviewed paper has been published by the journal Science Advances.
Previous attempts to incorporate TPP inside batteries without the shell have hampered their performance.
If a lithium-ion battery cell charges too quickly or a tiny manufacturing error slips through the net it can result in a short circuit – which can lead to fire.
In February 2016, the US National Transportation Safety Board issued a warning about lithium batteries in aeroplane cargo, describing them as „a fire and explosion ignition source“.
While Samsung has not yet released the results of its investigation into what caused some of its Galaxy Note 7 smartphones to catch fire last year, local reports have suggested it has found that the batteries were responsible .
However, the firm would not confirm that this was their conclusion.
„We understand the need for answers and appreciate your continued patience as well as that of our valued customers, partners and stakeholders,“ it said in a statement.
„We are working diligently to ensure that we have a comprehensive update and will provide more information in the coming weeks once we have the final report. “
Battery technology has been slower to evolve than the many battery-powered devices that rely on it, said Ian Fogg, senior analyst at IHS,
„There is enormous pressure to improve battery tech. It’s one of the areas that’s holding back mobile devices and a range of other products,“ he told the BBC.
„Manufacturers have been balancing out consumer demand for longer-lived batteries, and more powerful devices with better graphics and larger more detailed displays, with the sophistication of battery tech.
„It’s very difficult to push up the capacity of batteries and there is always a risk that a battery in any device could fail. „

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Inspired by ancient whirligig, Paperfuge diagnoses diseases


NewsHub(CNN) With inspiration from an ancient toy, researchers believe that the simple spinning mechanics of a whirligig could help in the diagnosis of malaria, HIV and other diseases around the world, according to a new study .
See the latest news and share your comments with CNN Health on Facebook and Twitter .

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Trump makes health care promises he’ll never be able to keep


NewsHubA couple of weeks ago, Politico noted that “fear” was starting to overcome congressional Republicans when it came to health care, and the conversation within the GOP “has definitely shifted” as governing realities took hold.
Whereas the party had adopted a “let’s-burn-the-joint-down” posture, Republicans are now realizing “how hard it will be to replace the law, and many of them have plainly settled on the fact that they will never be able to craft a plan to insure as many people as Obamacare does.”
That last part was of particular significance: if Republicans are slowly recognizing the fact that their ACA alternative “will never” cover as many Americans as the Affordable Care Act does, the party isn’t just facing a policy challenge; it’s also facing a political crisis. Caught up in an irrational crusade against an effective law, GOP policymakers are preparing to sell the public on a plan that will leave millions of Americans behind.
But not Donald Trump. No, the president-elect told the Washington Post yesterday that he will overhaul the health care system in a way that won’t require sacrifices at all.
As he has developed a replacement package, Trump said he has paid attention to critics who say that repealing Obamacare would put coverage at risk for more than 20 million Americans covered under the law’s insurance exchanges and Medicaid expansion.
“We’re going to have insurance for everybody,” Trump said. “There was a philosophy in some circles that if you can’t pay for it, you don’t get it. That’s not going to happen with us.” People covered under the law “can expect to have great health care. It will be in a much simplified form. Much less expensive and much better.”
Trump is establishing some fairly specific benchmarks: universal coverage, “much lower deductibles,” and a simpler and less expensive system in which all Americans are “beautifully covered.”
If it sounds a bit like the president-elect is describing a single-payer system – which he used to support until he condemned his own ideas – you’re not the only one who noticed. That said, Trump specifically told the Post, “I don’t want single-payer.”
So how exactly does he intend to keep these promises, which are wildly at odds with his own party’s approach to the issue? Trump didn’t say, though he insisted the details of his reform plan are nearly complete.
It’s as if he’s never heard of the problem of politicians who over-promise.
Look, you don’t have to be a health-care wonk to know Trump is establishing benchmarks he simply cannot meet. There is no scenario in which Republicans can create a system with universal coverage and lower deductibles unless they were prepared to dramatically increase government investments into the system.
In other words, if GOP policymakers wanted to move “Obamacare” to the left, then maybe it could achieve these goals, but (a) they intend to do the opposite; and (b) even if they did boost health-care spending, they’d run into Trump’s related promise to make the system less expensive.
Republicans face an uncomfortable choice: they could give up on trying to gut the ACA or they can start owning up to the fact that a whole lot of Americans are going be much worse off under their alternative plan.
Instead, the party is led by an incoming president who’s publicly making promises he’ll never be able to keep. Indeed, he’s not alone. Kellyanne Conway recently said no one who currently has insurance should worry about losing it under Trump’s approach. House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) has made similar comments .
Other GOP members of the House and Senate leadership have made related commitments, as have assorted Republicans in both chambers .
A variety of other Republicans, however, recognize the dangers of these promises. CNN’s Jake Tapper asked Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) yesterday, for example, whether the senator can guarantee that the 400,000 Kentucky residents who’ve gained coverage through the ACA will remain covered after Republicans are done repealing the law. Paul offered a lengthy answer, which never actually answered the question.
A few days earlier, Vox asked Sen. Cory Gardner (R-Colo.) whether the GOP plan will cover as many Americans as the Affordable Care Act. He said he intends to support a plan that will “actually work for the American people.” Asked specifically about coverage, the conservative senator “turned around and walked away.”
This tug-of-war among Republicans, pitting those making unrealistic promises against those afraid of the inevitable backlash , is only getting started. For the GOP, this will get worse before it gets better, and having Trump lead the way with outlandish public assurances will only make the problem worse.

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The world’s eight richest people have same amount of money as half the world: Oxfam


NewsHubEight billionaires from around the globe are as rich as the 3.6 billion people who make up the poorest half of the world’s population, according to a report published by Oxfam on Monday.
The report is timely as the global political and business elite gather in snow-clad Davos for the annual World Economic Forum’s annual meeting which aims to look at responsive and responsible leadership this year.
The report, „An Economy for the 99 percent“, highlights the gap between rich and poor is far greater than had been feared.
„In 2015 the world’s richest one percent retained their share of global wealth and still own more than the other 99 percent combined. This concentration of wealth at the top is holding back the fight to end global poverty,“ the report found.
The eight billionaires mentioned in the report, according to the Forbes billionaires list published in March 2016, are veteran investor Warren Buffett, Microsoft’s Bill Gates, Inditex founder Amancio Ortega, Mexico’s Carlos Slim, Amazon chief executive Jeff Bezos, Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, Oracle’s Larry Ellison and former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg.
The report also hits out at companies for creating an inequity crisis and says business models are increasingly focused on delivering ever-higher returns to wealthy owners and top executives.
„Companies are structured to dodge taxes, drive down workers‘ wages and squeeze producers instead of fairly contributing to an economy that benefits everyone,“ the report said.
The inequality crisis has risen up the global agenda recently with U. S. President Barack Obama and the International Monetary Fund among those warning on the issue. The rise of populism and general anti-establishment sentiment has also been attributed to the feeling of rising inequality and the concentration of power and wealth in the hands of few.
„Inequality and a feeling among many people of being excluded from the benefits of global growth have also been cited as driving political upheaval from Brexit to the elections of Rodrigo Duterte and Donald Trump in the Philippines and US,“ the Oxfam report stated.
The report calls for a more „human economy“ where markets are better managed in order to ensure no one is left out or denied basic rights. This, Oxfam recommends, can be done by improving co-operation between governments to prevent tax dodging that costs poor countries at least $100 billion a year. In addition to that, the international charity focusing on alleviation of global poverty has called on business leaders to play their part in committing to pay both living wage and their fair share of tax.
„Extreme inequality isn’t inevitable – with the right policies, world leaders can rebalance our broken economies so they work for all of us and bring the end of poverty closer,“ Mark Goldring, chief executive at Oxfam GB said in an official statement. „We need a new common-sense approach that ensures a fair deal for workers and producers; requires those who can afford it to pay their fair share of tax; and ensures that women get a fair chance to realize their potential. “
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Trump blasts CIA director after criticism on Russia


NewsHubNEW YORK, Jan. 16 (UPI) — Donald Trump and John Brennan criticized one another about Russia’s relationship with the United States and the American intelligence community.
The outgoing CIA director first said in an interview on Fox News Sunday about the incoming president: „I don’t think he has a full understanding of Russian capabilities and the actions they are taking on the world. “
He also said Trump doesn’t have a „full appreciation“ why President Barack Obama imposed sanctions after it tried to influence the 2016 presidential election. „Mr. Trump has to understand that absolving Russia is a road that he needs to be very, very careful about moving down,“ Brennan said.
On Sunday night, Trump responded in two tweets on Twitter: „Outgoing CIA Chief, John Brennan, blasts Pres-Elect Trump on Russia threat. Does not fully understand. Oh really, couldn’t do much worse – just look at Syria (red line), Crimea, Ukraine and the build-up of Russian nukes. Not good! Was this the leaker of Fake News? “
The CIA told CNN later Sunday evening it had no comment.
Trump has previously criticized the intelligence community in response to an intelligence briefing and subsequent media coverage Russia possessed information that was compromising financially and personally to the president-elect. CNN broke the news about the briefing and BuzzFeed subsequently printed the 35-page page unsubstantiated report.
In tweets and his news conference last week, Trump singled out the two news organizations for „fake news“ and wanted to know how the information was leaked.
Trump posted on Twitter that intelligence agencies „should never have allowed this fake news to ‚leak‘ “ before asking „Are we living in Nazi Germany? “
Brennan responded on Fox that it’s „outrageous“ to liken the intelligence community to Nazi Germany.
„I do take great umbrage at that, and there is no basis for Mr. Trump to point fingers at the intelligence community for leaking information that was already available publicly,“ Brennan said.
He also said: „There is no interest in undermining the president elect. Our responsibility is to understand dangers on the world stage so [Trump and his Republican administration] have the intel we have so they can make the best decision. “
Brennan, who was selected by Obama for the post in 2013, noted Trump’s public comments have worldwide effects.
„If he doesn’t have confidence in the intelligence community, what signal does that send to our partners and allies, as well as our adversaries? “ Brennan said.
He also said Trump „needs to be disciplined“ because he’ll face „numerous“ challenges immediately as president. „So many issues on Day One,“ Brennan said.
Brennan said he hopes he relies on his national security team, including secretary of defense, CIA director and secretary of homeland defense.
„They are the ones that are going to be able to give him some wise counsel about what he needs to do and not be very spontaneous,“ he said. „It’s more than just about Mr. Trump. It’s about the United States of America. „

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Officials: Turkish Cargo Plane Crashes In Kyrgyzstan, 37 Dead


NewsHubBISHKEK, Kyrgyzstan (CBSNewYork/AP) — A Turkish cargo plane crashed Monday in a residential area just outside the main airport in Kyrgyzstan, destroying half of a village and killing at least 37 people in the plane and on the ground, the Emergency Situations Ministry said.
The Boeing 747 crashed at 7:40 a.m. local time while approaching Manas airport, south of the capital, Bishkek, in this Central Asian nation.
Footage from the scene showed the plane’s nose stuck inside a brick house and large chunks of debris scattered around. A dozen body bags were laid out in the yard of one home. A car parked nearby was mangled in the crash, and a refrigerator lay open.
The bodies of 15 victims, including five children, all of them Kyrgyz citizens, had been identified by Monday evening, the Kyrgyz government said on its website.
Another 15 people, including six children, were hospitalized in the disaster, according to the health ministry.
Kyrgyz Emergency Situations Minister Kubatbek Boronov said 23 out of the 43 houses in the village had been destroyed. Several dozen homes were near the fence surrounding the runway.
The plane, which had departed from Hong Kong, belonged to the Istanbul-based cargo company ACT Airlines, which said the dead included the plane’s four Turkish crew members: two pilots, a freight expert and a flight technician.
The cause of the crash was not immediately clear. Emergency Situations Minister Boronov told reporters that it was foggy at Manas when the plane came down but weather conditions were not critical.
One of the plane’s two flight recorders was recovered at the scene, according to the Kyrgyz prime minister’s office.
“I woke up because of a bright red light outside,” resident Baktygul Kurbatova, who was slightly injured, told local television. “I couldn’t understand what was happening. It turns out the ceiling and the walls were crashing on us. I was so scared but I managed to cover my son’s face with my hands so debris would not fall on him.”
The Manas airport has been considerably expanded since the United States began to operate a military installation there, using it primarily for its military operations in Afghanistan. The U. S. handed the base over to the Kyrgyz military in 2014.
ACT Airlines said on Monday that the crash wasn’t the result of “technical reasons or factors linked to the freight” on the plane. It did not specify the plane’s cargo.
It said the plane’s records book had no record of any technical faults and said that the plane had not encountered any mishaps during its journey or as it proceeded to land at Bishkek.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan called Kyrgyz President Almazbek Atambayev on Monday to express his condolences and convey his sadness at the loss of lives in the disaster.
Turkey’s transportation ministry also sent two experts from its accident investigation board to Bishkek to assist Kyrgyz authorities.
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