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Apple to Redesign Mac Pro, Comments That GPU Cooling Was A Roadblock


In what’s turning out to be an oddly GPU-centric week for Apple , this morning the company has revealed that they will finally…
In what’s turning out to be an oddly GPU-centric week for Apple , this morning the company has revealed that they will finally be giving the long-neglected Mac Pro a major update in the 2018+ timeframe. Apple’s pro users have been increasingly unhappy by the lack of updates to the company’s flagship desktop computer, and once released, this update would be its first in what will be over 4 years.
Getting to the heart of matters, Apple invited a small contingent of press – including John Gruber and TechCrunch’s Matthew Panzarino – out to one of their labs to discuss the future of the Mac Pro and pro users in general. The message out of Apple is an odd one: they acknowledge that they erred in both the design and handling of the Mac Pro (as much as Apple can make such an acknowledgement, at least), and that they will do better for the next Mac Pro. However that Mac Pro won’t be ready until 2018 or later, and in the meantime Apple still needs to assuage their pro users, to prove to them that they are still committed to the Mac desktop and still committed to professional use cases.
Both of these articles are very well written, and rather than regurgitate them, I’d encourage you to read them. It’s extremely rare to see Apple talk about their future plans – even if it’s a bit vague at times – so this underscores the seriousness of Apple’s situation. As John Gruber puts it, Apple has opted to “bite the bullet and tell the world what your plans are, even though it’s your decades-long tradition — a fundamental part of the company’s culture — to let actual shipping products, not promises of future products, tell your story.”
However neither story spends too much time on what I feel is the core technical issue, Apple’s GPU options, so I’d like to spill a bit of ink on the subject, if only to provide some context to Apple’s decisions.
From a GPU perspective, the Mac Pro has been an oddball device from day-one. When Apple launched it, they turned to long-time partner AMD to provide the GPUs for the machine. What AMD provided them with was their Graphics Core Next (GCN) 1.0 family of GPUs : Pitcairn and Tahiti. These chips were the basis of AMD’s Radeon HD 7800 and HD 7900 series cards launched in early 2012. And by the time the Mac Pro launched in late 2013, they were already somewhat outdated, with AMD’s newer Hawaii GPU ( based on the revised GCN 1.1 architecture ) having taken the lead a few months earlier.
Ultimately Apple got pinched by timing: they would need to have chips well in advance for R&D and production stockpiling, and that’s a problem for high-end GPU launches. These products just have slow ramp-ups.
Complicating matters is the fact that the Mac Pro is a complicated device. Apple favored space efficiency and low-noise over standard form-factors, so instead of using PC-standard PCIe video cards for the Mac Pro, they needed to design their own cards. And while the Mac Pro is modular to a degree, this ultimately meant that Apple would need to design a new such card for each generation of GPUs. This isn’t a daunting task, but it limits their flexibility in a way they weren’t limited with the previous tower-style Mac Pros.
Mac Pro Assembled w/GPU Cards ( Image Courtesy iFixit )
The previous two items we’ve known to be issues since the launch of the Mac Pro, and have commonly been cited as potential issues holding back a significant GPU update all of these years. However, as it turns out, this is only half of the story. The rest of the story – the consequences of Apple’s decision to go with dual GPUs and using a shared heatsink via the thermal core – has only finally come together with Apple’s latest revelation.
At a high-level, Apple opted to go with a pair of GPUs in order to chase a rather specific use case: using one GPU to drive the display, and using the second GPU as a co-processor. All things considered this wasn’t (and still isn’t) a bad strategy, but the number of applications that can use such a setup are limited. Graphical tasks are hit & miss in their ability to make good use of a second GPU, and GPU-compute tasks still aren’t quite as prevalent as Apple would like.
The drawback to this strategy is that if you can’t use the second GPU, two GPUs aren’t as good as one more powerful GPU. So why didn’t Apple just offer a configuration with a single, higher power GPU? The answer turns out to be heat. Via TechCrunch :
The thermal core at the heart of the Mac Pro is designed to be able to cool a pair of moderately powerful GPUs – and let’s be clear here, at around 200 Watts each under full load, a pair of Tahitis adds up to a lot of heat – however it apparently wasn’t built to handle a single, more powerful GPU.
The GPUs that have come to define the high-end market like AMD’s Hawaii at Fiji GPUs, or NVIDIA’s GM200 and GP102 GPUs, all push 250W+ in their highest performance configurations. This, apparently, is more than Apple’s thermal core can handle. In terms of total wattage, just one of these GPUs would be less than a pair of Tahitis, but it would be 250W+ over a relatively small surface area as opposed to the roughly 400W over nearly twice the surface area.
It’s a strange day when Apple has backed themselves into a corner on GPU performance. The company has been one of the biggest advocates for more powerful GPUs, pushing the envelope on their SoCs, while pressuring partners like Intel to release Iris Pro-equipped (eDRAM-backed) CPUs. However what Apple didn’t see coming, it would seem, is that the GPU market would settle on 250W or so as the sweet spot for high-end GPUs.
Mac Pro Disassembled w/GPU Cards ( Image Courtesy iFixit )
And to be clear here, GPU power consumption is somewhat arbitrary. AMD’s Fiji GPU was the heart of the 275W R9 Fury X video card, but it was also the heart of the 175W R9 Nano. There is clearly room to scale down to power levels more in-line with Apple’s ability, but they lose performance in the process. Without the ability to cool a 250W video card, it’s not possible to have GPU performance that will rival powerful PC workstations, which Apple is still very much in competition with.
Ultimately I think it’s fair to say that this was a painful lesson for Apple, but hopefully one they learn a very important lesson from. The lack of explicit modularity and user-upgradable parts in the Mac Pro has always been a point of concern for some customers, and this has ultimately made the current design the first and last of its kind. Apple is indicating that the next Mac Pro will be much more modular, which would be getting them back on the right track.

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Studie: US-Konzerne horten 1,6 Billionen Dollar in Steueroasen


Laut der Entwicklungsorganisation Oxfam entspricht das einem Anstieg um 200 Milliarden Dollar seit 2014 und in etwa der jährlichen Wirtschaftsleistung Kanadas.
New York/Washington – US-Unternehmen schleusen laut einer Studie der Entwicklungsorganisation Oxfam gigantische Geldbeträge am Fiskus vorbei. Der am Mittwoch veröffentlichten Untersuchung zufolge haben die 50 größten US-Konzerne 2015 mit Hilfe eines Netzwerks von 1751 Tochterfirmen und Zweigniederlassungen zusammen rund 1,6 Billionen Dollar (1,5 Billionen Euro) in Steueroasen verschoben.
Das entspricht laut Oxfam einem Anstieg um 200 Milliarden Dollar seit 2014 und in etwa der jährlichen Wirtschaftsleistung Kanadas. Die Organisation betont, dass sich die Firmen mit diesen Strategien im legalen Rahmen bewegten. Die Analyse zeige jedoch, dass das Steuersystem es Konzernen ermögliche, sich um ihren fairen Beitrag zum Gemeinwohl zu drücken. Statt des gesetzlich vorgeschriebenen US-Steuersatzes von 35 Prozent hätten die untersuchten Unternehmen dank verschiedener Schlupflöcher im Schnitt nur 25,9 Prozent gezahlt. Andere Analysen kommen zu noch niedrigeren Werten.
Immer mehr Geld für Lobbyarbeit
Zudem bemühen sich die Firmen laut Oxfam zunehmend um politische Einflussnahme. Zwischen 2009 und 2015 hätten die untersuchten Unternehmen 2,5 Milliarden Dollar für Lobbyarbeit in Richtung der US-Regierung ausgegeben, davon seien 325 Millionen für Steuerfragen aufgewendet worden. Das Problem betreffe aber nicht nur die USA, meinte Oxfam-Steuerexperte Tobias Hauschild. „Bei internationalen Konzernen ist Steuervermeidung mittlerweile Volkssport.“
Die von US-Präsident Donald Trump und den Republikanern geplante Steuerreform dürfte das System laut Oxfam eher noch ungerechter machen. Statt Großkonzerne in die Pflicht zu nehmen, würden diese zulasten der Unter- und Mittelschicht noch weiter begünstigt. Die Organisation fordert, Unternehmen weltweit zu mehr Steuertransparenz zu verpflichten und mit Sanktionen gegen Steueroasen den „ruinösen Wettlauf um Niedrigsteuergesetze“ aufzuhalten.
Für die Analyse hat Oxfam gemeinsam mit Wirtschaftsforschern vom Institute for Taxation and Economic Policy Steuererklärungen und andere öffentlich zugängliche Berichte der Unternehmen ausgewertet. Als „Steueroasen“ definiert die Studie sogenannte Offshore-Finanzzentren, die Unternehmen mit niedrigen oder gar keinen Steuern locken und durch mangelnde Kooperation beim internationalen Bemühen gegen Steuervermeidung auffallen. (APA/dpa)

Similarity rank: 2.1

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Зенитные пушки и снайперский огонь. Ситуация в АТО напряженная, есть раненые – штаб


„Ситуация продолжает оставаться напряженной… Пятеро украинских защитников получили ранения“, – отметили в пресс-центре штаба АТО. Согласно сообщен…
По состоянию на утро 12 апреля, за сутки террористы на востоке Украины совершили сорок пять обстрелов по позициям Вооруженных Сил Украины.
„Ситуация продолжает оставаться напряженной… Пятеро украинских защитников получили ранения“, – отметили в пресс-центре штаба АТО.
Согласно сообщению, на Приморском направлении противник использовал крупнокалиберные пулеметы, гранатометы, вооружение БТР и БМП. В районе Водяного, Новотроицкого, Марьинки и Красногоровки были замечены вражеские снайперы.
На Донецком направлении боевики открывали минометный огонь из орудий различного калибра, а по защитникам поселка Луганское вели обстрел из зенитной пушки ЗУ-23-2.
Ряд обстрелов отмечен также на Луганском направлении.
Напомним, по состоянию на вечер 11 апреля сообщалось о двадцати трех обстрелах со стороны боевиков .

Similarity rank: 8.7
Sentiment rank: -4.6

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Samsung's Bixby won’t support voice commands when it debuts on the Galaxy S8


In a statement ahead of the Galaxy S8’s April 21 launch, Samsung has said that Bixby Voice won’t be supported in the U. S. until later in the spring.
One of the marquee features of the Galaxy S8 is Bixby, Samsung’s response to the Siris, Google Assistants, and Cortanas of the world. Billed as “a new way to interact with your phone,” Samsung has gone so far as to add a dedicated button on the side of the phone to summon its new assistant, and has integrated it deeply into the S8’s interface. There’s just one problem: You won’t be able to talk to Bixby at launch.
In a statement released about a week before the S8 is set to hit shelves, Samsung confirmed that its new AI assistant will be missing a key component. While it will support Vision, Home and Reminder when it launches on April 21, Bixby Voice won’t be included on U. S. models. Samsung says the feature will arrive “later this spring.”
While the other Bixby features will be available, you’ll need to use them as you would any other app. For the AR-syle Vision, you’ll find an icon in the camera app that will call on Bixby’s services for translation, QR code detection, landmark recognition, and shopping. And the Home screen, which is sort of like Google Now, will still learn your routine to display messages, upcoming events, weather, and news. You’ll also be able to set reminders, which „can include specific content like a video you want to watch when you get home,“ though it’s not clear how it will work within apps without voice commands.
Bixby Voice’s delay is surely frustrating but it’s not all that surprising. During Samsung’s hands-on demonstration of the service in late March, it showcased a controlled set of actions, and reporters weren’t allowed to test the feature. At the time, reps said the S8-exclusive service would support English and Korean languages at launch, with a goal of expanding it to more languages and devices. According to reports, Bixby will be able to converse in Korean at launch.
Voice may only be part of what Bixby does, but in today’s AI world, it’s a major one. We’ve been trained to talk to our assistants, and we expect them to understand and respond as if we’re talking to one of our friends. Bixby not being able to understand English—at least enough to roll out for English-speaking users—is a major detriment to its adoption, which already faces serious competition in Google Assistant.

Similarity rank: 1.2

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Police searching for Dortmund team bus attackers


German football club was en route to stadium for a Champions League quarter-final when three bombs went off.
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Wednesday, 12 April 2017 07:20
German football club was en route to stadium for a Champions League quarter-final when three bombs went off.
German investigators are hunting for possible suspects responsible for three explosions that rocked Dortmund football team’s bus, injuring a player.
The assault, described by Dortmund city’s police chief as a „targeted attack“ against the team, shook German football before a Champions League quarter-final at home to Monaco.
Borussia Dortmund’s team bus was attacked with explosives on Tuesday shortly before the start of the match, injuring defender Marc Bartra and forcing the quarter-final to be postponed by a day.
German police said they did not know who was behind the attack, in which three explosions went off at 7:15pm near the hotel where the team was staying, but said the team appeared to be the target.
Investigations will also focus on a letter claiming responsibility for the attack that was found close to the site of the blasts.
„The letter claims responsibility for what happened,“ prosecutor Sandra Luecke said late Tuesday, telling journalists that „its authenticity is being verified“.
German authorities have held off from describing it as a terror attack, saying that it is too early to determine the motive.
The blast shattered the bus windows and the vehicle was burned on the right hand side.
„The bus turned on to the main road, when there was a huge noise – a big explosion,“ Dortmund’s Swiss goalkeeper Roman Burki told Swiss media.
„After the bang, we all crouched down in the bus. Anyone who could, threw himself on the floor. We did not know if more would come. “
Burki said Marc Bartra was „hit by splinters of broken glass“. Dortmund’s press spokesman said the 26-year-old had broken the radius bone in his right wrist.
Dortmund said Bartra had an operation on Tuesday after „breaking the radial bone in his arm and getting bits of debris lodged in his hand“.
Dortmund’s president Reinhard Rauball said he believed the team would be ready for Wednesday’s game.
„The players will be able to push this out of their minds and be in a position to put in their usual performances,“ he said.
„The worst thing would be if whoever committed this attack was now able to get to affect them through it. “
‚Lot to deal with‘
But ex-Dortmund player Steffen Freund, who won the Champions League with Borussia in 1997, said there would be scars.
„When there has been a direct attack on the team bus, then it’s not just forgotten by Wednesday,“ said the 47-year-old.
„Mentally and psychologically that is hard to absorb, it’s a lot to deal with. “
Dortmund police said security would be tightened at Wednesday’s match, with a major deployment of officers to „ensure that the game is played safely“.
The club said other players were safe and there was no danger inside the Signal Iduna Park stadium.
Germany has been on high alert since a series of attacks last year, including the Christmas market truck assault in Berlin in December that claimed 12 lives.

Similarity rank: 8
Sentiment rank: -1.7

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Взрывы возле автобуса "Боруссии": на месте инцидента найдена записка и еще одна взрывчатка


Прокуратура пока не нашла оснований называть инцидент терактом
В Дортмунде, на месте взрывов в у автобуса футбольной команды „Боруссия“ была обнаружена записка, автор или автора которой берут на себя ответственность за случившееся. Об этом сообщила на пресс-конференции во вторник, 11 апреля, представитель прокуратуры, передает DW.
Представитель прокуратуры отказалась раскрывать содержание записки. По ее словам, правоохранители на данный момент изучают находку.
Также в прокуратуре уточнили, что рассматривают все возможные версии произошедшего, тем не менее, пока что нет причин квалифицировать случившееся как теракт. На данный момент правоохранители проводят расследование по подозрению в покушении на убийство.
Как заявил глава полиции Дортмунда Грегор Ланге, при этом власти исходят из того, что это была намеренная атака на команду „Боруссия“.
Кроме этого, сообщается, что на месте происшествия был также обнаружен еще один подозрительный предмет, похожий на взрывчатку. Следователи проверяют все улики, однако детали происшествия пока неизвестны.
Напомним, в „Боруссии“ заявили, что взрывы возле автобуса являются целенаправленным нападением на команду.
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Similarity rank: 7.7

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Турция построила стену длинной 585 км на границе с Сирией


Также конструкция укреплена колючей проволокой и снабжена сторожевыми башнями – Новости – Стена – Турция – Сирия
Турция завершила строительство стены вдоль границы с Сирией. Об этом во вторник, 11 апреля, сообщило министерство обороны в Анкаре на официальной странице в Twitter, передает DW.
Согласно сообщению, длина стены на границе с охваченной войной Сирией составляет 556 километров, а высота – 3 метра. Также конструкция укреплена колючей проволокой и снабжена сторожевыми башнями.
Как сообщили в участвовавшей в проекте строительной компании Toki, стена состоит из мобильных элементов, которые могут быть перенесены на другое место.
Стена охватывает южные и юго-восточные провинции Турции – Хатай, Килис, Шанлыурфа, Мардин, Ширнак и Газиантеп.
Всего протяженность турецко-сирийской границы составляет около 911 километров.
Ранее глава министерства иностранных дел Турции Мевлют Чавушоглу заявил, что у режима Башара Асада все еще есть химическое оружие, и он снова может его применить в Сирии.
„По имеющимся у нас данным, у режима Асада все еще есть химоружие. По всей видимости, режим Асада поступил нечестно, сохранив часть химоружия, которое должен был полностью уничтожить. Или, возможно, кто-то позднее вновь передал ему это оружие. Это могли быть страны, которые поддерживают его, или террористические организации. Другого варианта нет. Ясно одно: пока Асад остается у власти, все вышеуказанные риски сохраняются, они даже увеличиваются, что плохо для будущего Сирии“, – сказал Чавушоглу.
Напомним, США выделит миллиард долларов на первый участок стены на границе с Мексикой .
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Similarity rank: 4.2
Sentiment rank: -0.7

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Трамп: Мы не собираемся в Сирию


Трамп заявил, что не собирается начинать новую военную операцию в Сирии.
После ракетного удара, нанесенного США по авиабазе правительственных сирийских войск, Соединенные штаты не намерены начинать новую военную операцию в Сирии.
Об этом сказал президент США Дональд Трамп в интервью Fox Business.
„Мы не собираемся в Сирию“, – заявил он.
Трамп также рассказал о том, что подтолкнуло его к мысли о ракетном ударе.
„Но когда я вижу людей, использующих ужасное химическое оружие… и вижу этих красивых детей, умерших на руках отца или детей, которые задыхаются … когда вы это видите, то я немедленно позвонил генералу Меттису (министру обороны США – ред.)“ — заявил Трамп, отметив, что ракетный удар по Сирии нужно было нанести еще при прежнем президенте США Бараке Обаме.
„То, что я сделал, должно было быть сделано администрацией Обамы задолго до того, как я это сделал… Я думаю, что сейчас Сирии будет гораздо лучше, чем было“, = объяснил американский президент.
Напомним: 7 апреля военные США выпустили 59 ракет по военной базе правительственных войск в Сирии, в районе провинции Хомс. Ракетный удар является ответом на химическую атаку в сирийской провинции Идлиб.

Similarity rank: 9.9

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Schetyna na jednym wdechu:"Jestem zwolennikiem zbudowania pomnika smoleńskiego. (…) To, co widzieliśmy ostatnio, to festiwal kłamstwa i absurdu"


„Mam wrażenie, szczególnie w ciągu ostatnich dni, takie bardzo przekonywujące, że pomnik smoleński nie jest najważniejszym problemem“.
Byłem na tej debacie. Widziałem skonfundowanego prezesa Kaczyńskiego, odczytującą historyczne argumenty panią premier. Nie mam wrażenia, że doszło do porażki opozycji. Doprowadziliśmy do kilkugodzinnej debaty o Polsce. Pokazaliśmy wiele spraw, które idą po prostu złym w kierunku i błędy ekipy PiS-owskiej
—przekonywał na antenie RMF FM lider Platformy Obywatelskiej Grzegorz Schetyna.
Szef PO w rozmowie z Robertem Mazurkiem podkreślił, że zależy mu na współpracy z opozycją.
To problem relacji partii opozycyjnych i bardzo głośno o tym mówię: potrzebna wspólna lista, potrzebne wspólne działanie, szczególnie w kontekście wyborów samorządowych. Jeżeli są jakieś kłopoty, to szkoda tracić tego potencjału. Mam nadzieję, że wszystko będzie w porządku
Schetyna podkreślił także, że jest zwolennikiem powstania pomnika, który upamiętni ofiary katastrofy smoleńskiej.
Jestem zwolennikiem zbudowania pomnika. (…) Uważam, że przedstawiciele rodzin powinni to ustalić z prezydent Warszawy. Jeżeli jest potrzebna mediacja i doprowadzenie do spotkania – jestem otwarty
—zaznaczył przewodniczący PO.
Mówiłem o tym wielokrotnie. Uważam, że to decyzja miasta stołecznego Warszawy i rodzin ofiar katastrofy. Jestem zwolennikiem wspólnego ustalenia miejsca (…) Rozmowy nie ma, bo co chwilę pojawia się jakiś kolejny pomnik czy popiersie, ostatnio w produkcji Antoniego Macierewicza. Tych pomników powstało już kilkanaście
Przyznał jednak, że pomnik nie jest najważniejszym problemem.
Mam wrażenie, szczególnie w ciągu ostatnich dni, takie bardzo przekonywujące, że pomnik smoleński nie jest najważniejszym problemem, który wynika z obchodów rocznicy smoleńskich. To, co widzieliśmy przez ostatnie tygodnie, ten festiwal kłamstwa, nienawiści i absurdu, pokazuje, że to nie chodzi o pomnik. Chodzi o stworzenie konfliktu politycznego
—mówił Schetyna.
Lider Platformy odniósł się także do słów Gronkiewicz-Waltz, która powiedziała, że wybory parlamentarne mogą zostać przesunięte.
Takie sygnały płyną ze środowisk samorządowych, że przesunięcie, przedłużenie kadencji, że wspólne wybory samorządowe i parlamentarne. Nie wierzę w to
Deklaruję twardą walkę z PiS, żeby odsunąć ich od władzy
kk/ RMF FM

Similarity rank: 2.1
Sentiment rank: -0.5

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Japan plans joint show of force with U. S. off Korean peninsula


Japan’s navy plans a joint show of force with the U. S. Navy’s USS Carl Vinson aircraft carrier strike group as…
Japan’s navy plans a joint show of force with the U. S. Navy’s USS Carl Vinson aircraft carrier strike group as it steams toward the Korean peninsula aimed at deterring secretive North Korean regime from further missile tests, two sources said.
With tension growing markedly, the Korean peninsula is the closest it has been to a “military clash” since Pyongyang’s first nuclear test in 2006, an influential state-run Chinese newspaper said on Wednesday.
North Korea should halt any plans for nuclear and missile activities “for its own security”, the Global Times said in an editorial.
While widely read in China and run by the ruling Communist Party’s official People’s Daily, the Global Times does not represent government policy.
Tension has escalated sharply on the Korean peninsula amid concerns that reclusive North Korea could soon conduct a sixth nuclear test or more missile launches and U. S. President Donald Trump’s threat of unilateral action to solve the problem.
Trump, who has urged China to do more to rein in its impoverished ally and neighbor, said on Twitter that North Korea was “looking for trouble” and the United States would “solve the problem” with or without Beijing’s help.
The Global Times editorial noted Trump’s recent decision to launch 59 Tomahawk missiles at a Syrian airfield in response to a deadly gas attack last week.
“Not only Washington brimming with confidence and arrogance following the missile attacks on Syria, but Trump is also willing to be regarded as a man who honours his promises, ” the Global Times said.
“The U. S. is making up its mind to stop the North from conducting further nuclear tests. It doesn’ t plan to co-exist with a nuclear-armed Pyongyang, ” it said. “Pyongyang should avoid making mistakes at this time.”
North Korean state media warned on Tuesday of a nuclear attack on the United States at any sign of American aggression.
Officials from the North, including leader Kim Jong Un, have indicated an intercontinental ballistic missile test or something similar could be coming.
North Korea launched a long-range rocket carrying a satellite on April 13, 2012, marking the anniversary of the birth of North Korea’s founding president Kim Il Sung.
Saturday will be the 105th birthday of the founding leader.
Concerned at the rapid pace of North Korea’s ballistic missile development, Japan’s navy plans to conduct exercises with the Vinson strike carrier group, two sources said on condition of anonymity.
The Japanese Maritime Self Defense Force (MSDF) and the U. S. Navy could conduct helicopter landings on each other’s ships, as well as communication drills, as the U. S. ships pass through waters close to Japanese territory, the sources said.
“Japan wants to dispatch several destroyers as the Carl Vinson enters the East China Sea, ” one of them said.
One the people who spoke to Reuters has direct knowledge of the plan, while the other has been briefed on the exercises. MSDF officials did not respond immediately when asked for comment.
A senior Japanese diplomat said it appeared the U. S. position was to put maximum pressure on North Korea to reach a solution peacefully and diplomatically.
“At least, if you consider overall things such as the fact that the U. S. government has not put out warnings to its citizens in South Korea, I think the risk (of military action) at this point is not high, ” said the diplomat, who asked not to be identified.
South Korea’s acting president, Hwang Kyo-ahn, has warned of “greater provocations” by North Korea and ordered the military to intensify monitoring. Lee Duk-haeng, South Korea’s unification ministry spokesman, said South Korea, the United States and “other countries” were coordinating closely.
North Korea fired a liquid-fuelled Scud missile this month, the latest in a series of tests in defiance of United Nations resolutions and sanctions that have displayed Pyongyang’s ability to launch attacks and use hard-to-detect solid-fuel rockets.
North Korea remains technically at war with the United States and its ally South Korea after the 1950-1953 Korean conflict ended in a truce, not a peace treaty. It regularly threatens to destroy both countries.
The Carl Vinson strike group, which cancelled a planned visit to Australia, is sailing from Singapore. The 100, 000 ton Nimitz-class vessel is powered by two nuclear reactors and carriers almost 100 aircraft.
Under Third Fleet command, it has been patrolling Asia for several months as the Seventh Fleet’s forward-deployed carrier in Yokosuka, Japan, undergoes scheduled maintenance.
Japan’s navy, the second largest in Asia after China, is made up mostly of escort destroyers, but includes four large helicopter carriers.
(c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2017.

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