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Insect noodles on the menu in Tokyo


A full meal consists of insect ramen, a bowl of rice with crickets, spring rolls with fried worms and ice cream flavoured with insect powder
One restaurant in Tokyo has decided to showcase how “delicious” it is to eat insects.
Nagi, owned by Yuta Shinohara, served four insect-filled dishes on April 9.
The main dish was an “insect tsukemen”, where customers dip the noodles into the soup of their choice, containing either crickets, grasshoppers or silkworm powder.
Shinohara hopes that through ramen, Japan’s national dish, his restaurant can “spread how fun and delicious it is to eat insects”.
A hundred bowls of bug-filled ramen were served, according to the organisers, and the kitchen had sold out by the end of lunch service.
Insects and bugs are a traditional part of rural Japanese cuisine, but are far less common on plates in urban regions such as Tokyo.

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A data breach at Wonga could affect almost 250,000 UK customers


An urgent investigation is underway
The UK payday loan firm, Wonga, has said that it’s “urgently investigating” a recent data breach which has seen attackers gain “illegal and unauthorised access to the personal data” of up to 245,000 of its customers.
Although Wonga has been aware of the breach for over a week, it didn’t initially act as it didn’t believe any data had been stolen.
Unfortunately, it’s become clear that data has indeed been stolen, and it includes names, addresses, phone numbers, bank account numbers and sort codes. It could even include the last 4 digits of customers’ bank cards which some banks use as part of the process for logging into online accounts.
Wonga has said it doesn’t believe that customers’ loan accounts have been affected but warns they should be vigilant.
This is a huge financial data breach and the combination of personal and bank details that have been stolen is a worrying one in terms of customers’ financial security. Wonga has said that it has set up a dedicated phone line, which it’s using to contact borrowers who may have been affected to offer support.
There’s the possibility that a further 25,000 customers in Poland have also been affected. In an official statement Wonga has said it “sincerely apologises” and is “working closely with authorities” as well as “informing affected customers.”
If you’re one of Wonga’s affected customers or you’re worried you could be, the company has set up a help page on its website .
The page advises that customers should alert their banks and ask them to be more alert to any suspicious activity, to be more conscious of any online or phone-based scam attempts and to contact the dedicated Wonga helpline for more information.

Similarity rank: 2.1

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Wassermann: Nie mam większej wiedzy po 7 latach od katastrofy


Po 7 latach od katastrofy w Smoleńsku nie mam większej wiedzy na jej temat i wciąż jest wiele pytań – powiedziała w poniedziałek w TVP1 posłanka Małgorzata Wassermann (PiS), córka Zbigniewa Wassermanna, który zginął w tej katastrofie.
„Bezspornie ustalono jedynie, że nie wydarzyło się to, o czym mówi dr Maciej Lasek i raport MAK-u, tego jesteśmy pewni. Ówczesna prokuratura zgromadziła prawie 2 tys. akt, z których niewiele wynika. W jednym i drugim przypadku były to jedynie działania pozorowane“ – podkreśliła Wassermann.
Posłanka, która jest przewodniczącą komisji śledczej ds. Amber Gold, powiedziała, że przed rokiem powołano nowy zespół prokuratorski w sprawie katastrofy smoleńskiej i powstała nowa komisja, która na razie zapoznała się ze zgromadzonymi dokumentami i „będzie musiała przystąpić do pracy w zasadzie od początku“.
Dodała ona, że kolejne dochodzenie będzie wymagało długiego czasu. „Prokuratorzy (wcześniej prowadzący śledztwo – PAP) dużo trudu sobie zadali, żeby nie zadać żadnego trudnego pytania. Dlatego czynności te trzeba przeprowadzić kolejny raz. Opinia jaka wtedy powstała, jest nieczytelna i wewnętrze sprzeczna. W niewielkiej części nadaje się do wykorzystania“ – uważa Małgorzata Wassermann.
Posłanka powiedziała również, że nie ma zaufania do materiałów (tkankowych – PAP) przywiezionych z Moskwy. „Nasi prokuratorzy go pobrali, ale później musieli go zostawić. Nie wiadomo co się wtedy z nim działo, bo dopiero po pewnym czasie przyjechał do Polski“ – podkreśliła. Dodała, że nie ma pewności w jakich warunkach był on przechowywany i że jest on pobierany ponownie podczas kolejnych ekshumacji zwłok ofiar katastrofy.

Similarity rank: 3.1
Sentiment rank: -1

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Боевики применили бронетехнику против украинских морпехов


За минувшие сутки боевики 44 раза нарушили режим прекращения огня. Об этом сообщает Штаб военной операции. Наибольшее количество обстрелов…
За минувшие сутки боевики 44 раза нарушили режим прекращения огня. Об этом сообщает Штаб военной операции.
Наибольшее количество обстрелов зафиксировано на Приморском направлении. Здесь, в районе Новотроицкого, военные попали под огонь 120-мм минометов, противотанковых гранатометов и вооружения БМП. Водяное, Лебединское и Красногоровку обстреливали из гранатометов различных систем и крупнокалиберных пулеметов. Из БМП и стрелкового оружия противник обстрелял украинских морпехов у Широкино.
На Донецком направлении, из противотанковых гранатометов и пулеметов крупного калибра боевики обстреляли Авдеевку и Шахту Бутовка. Из противотанковых гранатометов и стрелкового оружия – Верхнеторецкое и Зайцево. В районов Песок активизировались снайперы противника.
На Луганском направлении, из минометов, гранатометов и крупнокалиберных пулеметов обстреливали украинские опорные пункты в районе Новозвановки.
За минувшие сутки двое украинских военных получили ранения.

Similarity rank: 12.9
Sentiment rank: -1.6
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Spain arrests Russian programmer wanted by U. S.


Spanish authorities arrested Russian computer programmer Pyotr Levashov in Barcelona who was wanted by U. S. authorities, Russia’s embassy in Madrid said.
April 10 (UPI) — Spanish authorities arrested Russian computer programmer Pyotr Levashov in Barcelona who was wanted by U. S. authorities, Russia’s embassy in Madrid said.
„We confirm that the Spanish security agents in Barcelona detained the Russian citizen Pyotr Levashov,“ Andréi Konstantínov, the head of the embassy’s consular department, told SputnikMundo.
Levashov’s wife Maria said the arrest is linked to the allegations by the U. S. intelligence community that Russia interfered with the U. S. election to possibly aid Donald Trump defeat Hillary Clinton .
She told RT late Sunday that Spanish authorities arrested Levashov „at the request of the American authorities in connection with cyber crime“ over „a virus which appears to have been created by my husband … linked to Trump’s victory. “
She said the 36-year-old St. Petersburg resident was arrested while the couple was vacationing in Barcelona with their son.
Stanislav Petrúnichev, Russia’s Consulate General, said Levashov is „currently receiving all the necessary help from the consular service that maintains contacts with his wife and the police. „

Similarity rank: 7.7
Sentiment rank: -0.2

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Przed Pałacem Prezydenckim odbył się Apel Pamięci


Przed Pałacem Prezydenckim, w poniedziałek w 7. rocznicę katastrofy smoleńskiej, odbył się Apel Pamięci, podczas którego odczytano nazwiska wszystkich 96 osób, które zginęły w katastrofie.
W apelu wzięli udział marszałkowie Sejmu i Senatu Marek Kuchciński i Stanisław Karczewski, premier Beata Szydło, prezes PiS Jarosław Kaczyński, parlamentarzyści, ministrowie, bliscy rodzin ofiar katastrofy. Na początku Apelu odegrano hymn Polski.
Przed Pałacem Prezydenckim ustawiono zdjęcie pary prezydenckiej Lecha i Marii Kaczyńskich a na chodniku ułożono krzyż ze zniczy. Modlitwę za duszę ofiar odmówił ojciec Zdzisław Tokarczyk.
W czasie apelu przypomniano dni po katastrofie smoleńskiej, kiedy tłumnie gromadzono się przed Pałacem Prezydenckim „wierząc, że miejsce, które wskazali i wybrali Polacy stanie się miejscem, w którym stanie niebawem pomnik pana prezydenta i wszystkich ofiar katastrofy“. „Przybywamy tu po raz kolejny, by czuwać, by się modlić, by dziękować za ich ofiarę“ – podkreślano.
Apel odbył się po godz. 8.41 – o tej godzinie 10 kwietnia 2010 r. pod Smoleńskiem rozbił się samolot Tu-154M, którym na obchody 70. rocznicy zbrodni katyńskiej udawała się delegacja z prezydentem Lechem Kaczyńskim .
Wcześniej w kościele seminaryjnym w Warszawie odbyła się msza św. w intencji 96 osób, które zginęły siedem lat temu w katastrofie pod Smoleńskiem; zginęli prezydent Lech Kaczyński i jego małżonka, ostatni prezydent RP na uchodźstwie Ryszard Kaczorowski oraz wielu wysokich rangą urzędników państwowych i dowódców wojskowych.
Po uroczystości przedstawiciele władz państwowych, lider PiS, politycy Prawa i Sprawiedliwości udali się na groby ofiar katastrofy na Powązki, do Świątyni Opatrzności Bożej oraz na Cmentarz Bródnowski.

Similarity rank: 3.2
Sentiment rank: -0.7

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Referendum: Fast 43 Prozent der Türken haben gewählt


An der Abstimmung über das türkische Verfassungsreferendum im Ausland haben sich im Bereich des Konsulats Hannover 42,67 Prozent der wahlberechtigten Türken…
An der Abstimmung über das türkische Verfassungsreferendum im Ausland haben sich im Bereich des Konsulats Hannover 42,67 Prozent der wahlberechtigten Türken beteiligt. Bundesweit nahmen rund die Hälfte der in Deutschland wahlberechtigten Türken an der Abstimmung teil.

Similarity rank: 2.1

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Wife of detained Taiwanese activist barred from boarding flight to mainland China


Li Ching-yu was supposed to travel to Beijing but was told at airport that her mainland travel document had been withdrawn
The wife of Taiwanese human rights activist Li Ming-che has been denied entry to the mainland to try and find her husband, who has been detained over activities related to “national security”. Li Ching-yu was supposed to take flight BR2762 on Taiwanese carrier EVA Air to Beijing at 1pm on Monday in the company of two officials from the Straits Exchange Foundation, a semi-official agency responsible for dealing with the mainland in the absence of formal diplomatic ties. But EVA ground staff told her at the airport in Taiwan that her travel document issued by mainland authorities had been invalidated, meaning she would be unable to board any flights going there. “The Chinese mainland claims it is a country abiding by the rule of law, but it has employed illegal means to take away my husband and detain him at unspecified location,” she said after learning that she could not board her flight. “Action like this is not only illegal but also unjust,” she said, adding that she would not give up her attempt to “rescue my husband”. Li Ming-che, 42, a rights activist and a former employee of Taiwan’s independence-leaning Democratic Progressive Party, went missing on March 19 immediately after he entered Zhuhai from Macau. A friend who was supposed to meet Li at the customs checkpoint on the mainland side waited for four hours without seeing him, according to Li’s wife. The wife said that unlike other activists, Li was “low key” and had merely exchanged ideas on democracy with friends made on Wechat over the past several years. She said her husband travelled to the mainland once a year. “They sent a cross-strait broker to my house on April 7 and showed me a copy of a Xerox document supposed to be written by my husband,” she said, adding that while she recognised it as a confession in Li’s handwriting, she did not believe her husband would have written something like it if he was not coerced. She said the agent, identified as Li Chun-min, told her she could help rescue her husband but that she must cancel her plan to visit Beijing. She said she made the broker sign a document promising that there would be no image or TV footage showing Li’s confession, and that arrangements would be made so she could see him as soon as possible. “I can’t accept this, because what they have done to my husband was not only threatening, but also blackmail,” she said. “A person must be able to have freedom but also dignity.” On Sunday, An Fengshan, a spokesman for the State Council’s Taiwan Affairs Office, confirmed that an agency had been charged with sending a letter to the relatives of Li. He did not identify the agency and gave no details about Li’s condition. Li Ching-yu said that in order to show goodwill, she had already postponed her plan to travel to the mainland until Monday, as she understood the authorities there would be busy dealing with the summit between President Xi Jinping and his US counterpart Donald Trump. But despite the postponement, she had still been refused entry. Asked what her next step would be, Li said the refusal would not stop her from rescuing her husband, and that she and her friends would find other ways to achieve her goal. The Straits Exchange Foundation on Monday issued a statement expressing its regret over Beijing’s handling of the case, saying the mainland side must quickly clarify what Li Ming-che had done wrong. Taiwan’s government-run Mainland Affairs Council also issued a statement to protest against what it called an unlawful restriction of Li’s personal freedom and its prevention of his wife’s visit.

Similarity rank: 3

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Duterte: No guns in PHL-occupied isles in disputed sea


President Rodrigo Duterte on Monday tried to allay China's fears after he ordered the Armed Forces of the Philippines to “occupy” the nine Philippine-controlled isles in the disputed South China Sea. Current top breaking Philippine headlines regarding the nation, world…
President Rodrigo Duterte on Monday tried to allay China’s fears after he ordered the Armed Forces of the Philippines to “occupy” the nine Philippine-controlled isles in the disputed South China Sea. In a press conference in Davao City before leaving for the Middle East, Duterte said that he did not even intend to put weapons in the Philippine-controlled isles when the infrastructure is beefed up. Duterte, nonetheless, adverted to island grabbing and weapons installations in the disputed formations. “So, for the information of China, we are not going to place there any offensive weapons, not even one gun. We are just there to claim the island for us because that is really ours,“ Duterte said.“And I have ordered the Armed Forces to build structures there to signify to all na atin ito ang lagyan ng flag and structures. We do not mean harm to China. We are friends,” he said. “China can relax. We are friends. We will not go to war with you. We’re just trying to maintain the balance of geopolitical situation there,” Duterte said. Duterte also said that land-grabbing in South China Sea, particularly the Spratly Islands, also forced him to order the military to“occupy“ the Philippine-controlled formations. “I have extended my hand in friendship to the Chinese government. Kindly, kindly take a deep look at the situation. Everybody’s grabbing every land, every islet, every—whether manmade. And nearest to us are the 10 islands,“ Duterte said.“I have it on good authority. They are going to place shoulder—surface-to-surface and shoulder-to-air [missiles] there. ‘Pag ginawa iyan, either of these—including America—mapapasubo tayo na mapalapit tayo nang mapalapit,” he added. Duterte said that he ordered the “occupation” amid the heightening of geopolitical issues in the area, including the alleged stockpiling of weapons by the United States. “Kung sa Africa iyon, wala akong problema, eh kung sa Europe. Eh the problem is it is in the China Sea, the West Philippine Sea. At kung mag-upakan sila diyan, tayong mga walang kamuwang-muwang, talagang matatamaan tayo kasi everybody knows the United States are stockpiling their weapons there,“ Duterte said.“And hindi iyan, sabi nila, hindi raw, pasalamat ako kung hindi kasi I do not want to get involved in a war between nations,” he added. —NB, GMA News

Similarity rank: 3

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Russell Westbrook hat die Auszeichnung zum MVP verdient


Russell Westbrook hat einen Rekord aufgestellt. Der Spielmacher der Oklahoma City Thunder erzielte beim 106:105 gegen Denver sein 42. Triple-Double der laufenden Saison. Bei der Wahl zum wertvollsten Spieler der NBA ist an dem 28-Jährigen kein Vorbeikommen.
Schon vor der Partie in Denver war klar, dass Westbrook die Saison mit einem Triple-Double-Schnitt beenden wird. Heißt: Im Schnitt erzielte der Guard in 82 Saisonspielen in den drei wichtigsten Statistiken Punkte, Rebounds und Assists zweistellige Werte. Bisher gelang das lediglich Oscar Robertson in der Saison 1961/62. Eben jenen Robertson übertrumpfte Westbrook nun auch in Sachen Triple-Doubles: Gegen Denver erzielte er sein 42., Robertson kam 1961/62 auf 41.
„Ich bin einfach nur dankbar, dass ich den Sport, den ich liebe, jeden Abend ausüben darf“, sagte Westbrook, der den Spielball seinen Eltern schenken will: „Ich fühle mich gesegnet“, sagte Westbrook nach seiner nächsten magischen Nacht. Quasi im Alleingang führte der Guard die City Thunder in die Play-offs. In 80 Spielen erzielte Westbrook bislang im Schnitt 31,9 Punkte, 10,7 Rebounds und 10,4 Assists. Zum Vergleich: Robertson kam in seiner besten Saison auf 30,8 Punkte, 12,5 Rebounds und 11,4 Assists.
Aber: Oklahoma wird die reguläre Saison trotz eines überragenden Westbrook nur auf Platz sechs der Western Conference abschließen und trifft im Achtelfinale somit auf den Dritten Houston Rockets. Und die haben ebenfalls einen fantastischen Spieler in ihren Reihen, der seinerseits an einem Triple-Double-Schnitt kratzte. Mit 29,3 Punkten, 8,1 Rebounds und 11,3 Assists spielt James Harden auch eine großartige Saison und ist mit Abstand bester Akteur auf Seiten der Texaner.
Dennoch ist Westbrook der große Favorit auf die Auszeichnung zum wertvollsten Spieler der Liga. Und es führt auch kein Weg an ihm vorbei. Die Oklahoma-Fans forderten schon in den letzten Heimspielen lautstark die Auszeichnung für Westbrook mit „MVP, MVP“-Rufen.
Die Saison wäre für Westbrook sicherlich anders verlaufen, hätte er im vergangenen Sommer nicht seinen kongenialen Partner Kevin Durant an die Golden State Warriors verloren. Mit Durant und Westbrook hatte OKC zwei „Go-to-Guys“ in ihren Reihen, in dieser Saison verteilt sich die Last in Oklahoma nur auf die Schultern Westbrooks. Und der Spielmacher hat die Forderungen an seine Person mehr als erfüllt – und die Auszeichnung zum Most Valuable Player ebenfalls mehr als verdient.

Similarity rank: 4.1

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