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Syrian forces begin offensive on IS `capital´ of Raqqa


SDF fighters began advancing towards Raqqa in November and last week reached the northern and eastern gates of the city.
US-backed Syrian forces have begun an offensive to capture the northern city of Raqqa, the de facto capital of the Islamic State group.
Talal Sillo, a spokesman for the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) , said on Tuesday that operations have begun in co-ordination with the US-led coalition.
SDF fighters began advancing towards Raqqa in November, capturing wide areas from the extremists. Last week, they reached the northern and eastern gates of the city.
Raqqa is currently surrounded from the east, north and west, and opposition activists have reported intense shelling on the city since Monday night, which killed at least 12 people.
State news agency Sana reported that women and children were among the dead after the strikes by the US-led coalition. It said the families were fleeing the city in boats across the Euphrates River ahead of the expected all-out attack by the SDF.
The battle is likely to be long and bloody, and the extremists are not expected to give up easily.
Raqqa was among the first cities captured by IS, in January 2014, and has been the home of some of the group’s most prominent leaders, including those who planned the November 2015 Paris attacks and other international assaults.
Talal Sillo, a spokesman for the SDF, said: “We declare today the beginning of the great battle to liberate the city of Raqqa, the alleged capital of terrorism and terrorists.
“Morale is high and military readiness to implement the military plan is complete, in co-ordination with the US-led coalition.”
IS has been fortifying its positions in Raqqa for months, setting up barriers and hanging sheets of cloth over main streets to provide cover from war planes.
A belt of landmines and militant checkpoints circle the city. Inside, all the men have been ordered to wear the jihadis’ garb of baggy pants and long shirts in order to make it more difficult to distinguish militants from civilians.
A US military official said the fight in Raqqa “will be long and difficult”.
But Lt Gen Steve Townsend, the top US commander in Iraq, said the offensive will deliver a decisive blow to the idea of IS “as a physical caliphate”.
As the operation begins to take Raqqa, Iraqi forces have already captured much of Mosul, the largest city in that country held by the extremist group.

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Incydent nad Morzem Bałtyckim. Rosjanie przechwycili amerykański bombowiec B-52


Rosyjski myśliwiec Su-27 przechwycił i eskortował we wtorek bombowiec sił powietrznych USA B-52 lecący nad Morzem Bałtyckim wzdłuż granicy Rosji – poinformowało rosyjskie ministerstwo obrony. – Sprawdź najnowsze wiadomości i wydarzenia z Europy i ze świata. Poznaj komentarze i podyskutuj na forum.
– 6 czerwca około godz. 10 rano czasu moskiewskiego (godz. 9 czasu polskiego) rosyjskie środki kontroli powietrznej wykryły nad neutralnymi wodami Morza Bałtyckiego cel powietrzny lecący wzdłuż granicy państwowej Rosji. Dla przechwycenia celu zarządzono start myśliwca Su-27 ze składu dyżurnych środków obrony powietrznej Floty Bałtyckiej – głosi komunikat, w którym najprawdopodobniej chodzi o samolot stacjonujący na terenie obwodu kaliningradzkiego.
– Po zbliżeniu się do obiektu powietrznego na bezpieczną odległość załoga rosyjskiego Su-27 zidentyfikowała go jako amerykański bombowiec strategiczny B-52 i eskortowała go – dodaje komunikat. Po oddaleniu się bombowca od granic Rosji myśliwiec powrócił do swej bazy.
Dowództwo sił powietrznych USA w Europie poinformowało w piątek, że tego samego dnia do bazy Fairford w Wielkiej Brytanii dotarły stacjonujące na co dzień w bazie Barksdale w stanie Luizjana bombowce B-52H Stratofortress. Mają one uczestniczyć w prowadzonych na wschodniej flance NATO regionalnych ćwiczeniach Arctic Challenge, Saber Strike i Baltic Operations (Baltops) .

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Egyptians in Qatar fear being swept up in Gulf crisis


Egyptian officials say the diplomatic crisis between Qatar and its Gulf neighbors has yet to affect the 300,000 Egyptian workers in the tiny, energy-rich country, amid fears they could be…
CAIRO (AP) – Egyptian officials say the diplomatic crisis between Qatar and its Gulf neighbors has yet to affect the 300,000 Egyptian workers in the tiny, energy-rich country, amid fears they could be expelled or stranded. Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates severed diplomatic ties with Qatar on Monday and have moved to cut off all air, land and sea routes to the country, which they accuse of supporting terrorism, charges Qatar denies. The Gulf countries have ordered Qatari diplomats and nationals out, raising fears Qatar could reciprocate by expelling migrant workers and expatriates. Hundreds of thousands of Egyptians live and work in the oil-rich Gulf, sending money back to their families that is more crucial now than ever, as Egypt is mired in an economic crisis following years of unrest. Mohammed el-Iraqi, the spokesman for the Egyptian community in Qatar, has told Egyptian media that Egyptians in Qatar panicked when the crisis erupted but that so far it has had no impact on their businesses. But all direct flights between the two countries have been suspended. Egyptian Charge d’Affaires Ihab Abdel-Hamid told The Associated Press he is returning to Egypt on Wednesday after being recalled. The Greek Foreign Ministry has agreed to handle Egyptian affairs in Qatar. „I myself have to find a third country, a transit point tomorrow, “ he said. Many people are flying back through Kuwait, which has stepped in to mediate the dispute. EgyptAir, the national carrier, has suspended all flights from and to Qatar. Egypt and Qatar have had rocky relations since the military overthrew Islamist President Mohammed Morsi in 2013. Qatar had strongly supported Morsi’s Muslim Brotherhood group and his elected but divisive government, while Saudi Arabia welcomed the military overthrow and lavished aid on Egypt in the months afterward. Still, a 40-year-old Egyptian manager of an audit firm told The Associated Press by phone from Doha that „the situation of Egyptians in Qatar has never been affected by political relations before.“ „Egyptians are now forced to think of alternative plans to be able to visit their country, “ he said. Others fear going back home, worried that they will come under heightened scrutiny by security services who suspect they are linked to the Brotherhood, which Egypt now outlaws as a terror organization. „Egyptians working in Qatar, especially in the media sector, are subject to harassment by the authorities, “ said a middle-aged Egyptian journalist. The two Egyptians spoke on condition of anonymity for fear of reprisals. Copyright 2017 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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Puppet Labs Releases Its 2017 State of DevOps Report


The Puppet Labs State of DevOps Report 2017 shows that high-performing IT teams are deploying more frequently and recovering faster. There is more focus on automation, with loosely coupled architectures and teams facilitating continuous delivery. Transformational leadership and lean product management practices are also key drivers…
The Puppet Labs State of DevOps Report 2017 shows that high-performing IT teams are deploying more frequently and recovering faster. There is more focus on automation, with loosely coupled architectures and teams facilitating continuous delivery. Transformational leadership and lean product management practices are also key drivers behind high performing teams.
This year’s survey, which is conducted annually by Puppet Labs, reached out to about 3200 people across the globe, including executives, developers, and IT professionals. The number of respondent who stated that they work on DevOps teams has increased from 16% to 27% in the last 3 years, indicating a rise in DevOps adoption. The biggest number of respondents were from organizations with 100-499,500-1999 and 10k+ employees, with most of them being from the DevOps, IT Ops/Infrastructure and Development/Engineering categories. The gender ratio, however, remains skewed, with females and others accounting for just 6% and 3% respectively. North America had the largest number of respondents (54%) with Europe and Russia at 27% and Asia at 10%. Technology companies still lef the way (34%) like last year, followed by financial services (14%) , followed by education, retail, telecom and government agencies in the 6-8% range.
The report distinguishes between high-performing and low-performing teams, and lays out the differences in performance between them. Similar to last year, the following performance metrics were measured
High performers have improved on all metrics as compared to the previous year. They have 46 times more frequent code deployments and a 96 times faster MTTR. On average, low performers compared to the previous year have also improved on multiple metrics.
There is a significant rise in automation practices, especially among the high performing teams – 28% more in configuration management and 26% more in deployments have been automated.
The ability of an organization to do continuous delivery (CD) was measured by two factors – the ability to deploy on demand to production, and having fast feedback loops for everybody in the team. The factors contributing strongly to achieving these outcomes include comprehensive version control, CI, trunk based deployments, including security in the software delivery process, test and deployment automation. The architectural factor which contributed to CD was loose coupling for both services and teams. Coupling between services was measured by whether people can do testing without requiring an integrated environment and if those services can be deployed independently of others.
The non-technical aspects of achieving high performance DevOps include lean product management. The report defines this as three capabilities – splitting work into small batches and making the workflow visible, gathering, broadcasting and implementing customer feedback, and giving development teams the authority to create or change specs as part of the dev process, without requiring approval.
Leadership is not enough by itself to achieve high DevOps outcomes. It also depends on suitable architecture and good tech practices. The report authors used the Structured Equation Model (SEM) as the predictive model to measure relationships between constructs that are relevant in software delivery.
The arrows in the figure represent statistically significant relationships.
All images courtesy: The 2017 State of DevOps Report.

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Gdańsk: Pięć osób z zarzutami zw. z korupcją przy egzaminach na prawo jazdy


Gdańska prokuratura okręgowa postawiła pięciu mężczyznom zarzuty związane z ułatwianiem – w zamian za łapówki – zdawania teoretycznych egzaminów na prawo jazdy. Za kandydatów, którzy wpłacili od kilku do kilkunastu tys. zł, egzamin zaliczała podstawiona osoba.
Jak poinformowała we wtorek rzecznik prasowa Prokuratury Okręgowej w Gdańsku Tatiana Paszkiewicz, śledztwo w tej sprawie prowadzone jest wspólnie z Komendą Wojewódzką Policji w Gdańsku.
Rzecznik dodała, że proceder miał mieć miejsce od marca do kwietnia br. i dotyczył 14 osób, które – zamiast osobiście przystąpić do egzaminu, decydowały się zapłacić łapówkę i powierzyć to podstawionej osobie.
Rolę taką odgrywał 55-letni mężczyzna, który – jak wyjaśniła w rozmowie z PAP Paszkiewicz – posiada prawo jazdy uprawniające do prowadzenie pojazdów wszystkich kategorii. Za łapówkę mężczyzna przystępował do egzaminów teoretycznych na prawo jazdy organizowanych przez Pomorski Ośrodek Ruchu Drogowego (PORD) zarówno w gdańskim, jak i gdyńskim oddziale Ośrodka.
Paszkiewicz zaznaczyła, że 55-latek miał „stuprocentową zdawalność“. Przystępował on do testów za osoby w wieku od 30 do 57 lat, przy czym próbował się do nich upodobnić, używając peruki. Za każdy egzamin, który zaliczył „w imieniu“ innej osoby, otrzymywał 500 zł.
W procederze tym pomagał mężczyźnie jego znajomy – 39-letni egzaminator PORD, który przymykał oczy na udział w egzaminie niewłaściwej osoby. Śledczy postawili egzaminatorowi – jako funkcjonariuszowi publicznemu – zarzuty przekroczenia uprawnień, poprzez „dopuszczenie osoby nieuprawnionej do egzaminów teoretycznych na prawo jazdy“ oraz przyjęcia korzyści majątkowych. Mężczyźnie grozi kara do 10 lat więzienia.
Jak wyjaśniła Paszkiewicz, podejrzany egzaminator przyznał się jedynie do wpuszczania na egzaminy osoby innej niż uprawniona. „Trwa weryfikacja wskazanych okoliczności“ – zaznaczyła rzecznik, dodając, że – po postawieniu mężczyźnie zarzutów, śledczy wystąpili do sądu o jego tymczasowe aresztowanie, sąd zastosował jednak środek zapobiegawczy w postaci kaucji w wysokości 20 tys. zł.
55-latek, który zdawał egzaminy za inne osoby, usłyszał zarzuty „pomocnictwa do popełnienia przestępstw przez egzaminatora“. Ponieważ w użytkowanym przez mężczyznę lokalu znaleziono 96 sztuk roślin konopi, mężczyźnie postawiono też zarzuty związane z „wytwarzaniem znacznej ilości środków odurzających“ oraz „wprowadzania do obrotu prawie 2 kg konopi“.
Na wniosek prokuratury gdański sąd zastosował wobec podejrzanego 55-latka trzymiesięczny areszt. Za pomocnictwo do przestępstwa może mu grozić kara do 10 lat więzienia, a za przestępstwa związane ze środkami odurzającymi – nawet do lat 15 pozbawienia wolności. Jak wyjaśniła Paszkiewicz, podejrzany przyznał się do zarzutów związanych ze zdawaniem egzaminów za inne osoby.
W sprawie zarzuty usłyszały także trzy inne osoby, które pełniły funkcję pośredników między 55-latkiem i 39-letnim egzaminatorem, a kandydatami chcącymi za łapówkę załatwić pozytywny wynik teoretycznych egzaminów na prawo jazdy. Wszystkim trzem pośrednikom prokuratura przedstawiła zarzuty „dokonania przestępstw płatnej protekcji“. Mężczyźni przyznali się do większości czynów: zastosowano wobec nich kaucje. Grożą im kary do ośmiu lat więzienia.
Jak wyjaśniła Paszkiewicz, zawiadomienie o podejrzeniu popełnienia przestępstwa w tej sprawie złożyła dyrektor Pomorskiego Ośrodka Ruchu Drogowego. Nieprawidłowości ujawniła wewnętrzna kontrola egzaminów teoretycznych.
Postępowanie jest na początkowym etapie i prokuratura nie podjęła jeszcze decyzji, co do ewentualnej odpowiedzialności karnej osób, które chciały uzyskać zdanie egzaminu za łapówki.

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U. S.-backed Syrian force attacks ISIS defacto capital Raqqa


A spokesman for the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces tells reporters that operations have begun in coordination with the U. S.-led coalition
A U. S.-backed Syrian force said Tuesday that it had begun an offensive to capture the northern city of Raqqa, the de facto capital of the Islamic State of Syria and Iraq (ISIS) group.
Talal Sillo, a spokesman for the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces, told reporters that operations had begun in coordination with the U. S.-led coalition.
SDF fighters began advancing toward Raqqa in November, capturing wide areas from the extremists. Last week, they reached the northern and eastern gates of the city.
Raqqa is currently surrounded from the east, north and west, and opposition activists reported intense shelling on the city since Monday night, which killed at least 12 people.
State news agency SANA reported on Tuesday that the airstrikes by the U. S.-led coalition killed 12, including women and children. It said the families were fleeing the city in boats across the Euphrates River ahead of the expected all-out attack by the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces.
The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said 21 people were killed in the Monday night airstrikes, which it said were likely carried out by the U. S.-led coalition.
Airstrikes had intensified in recent weeks as SDF fighters reached the outskirts of the city.
The battle for Raqqa is likely to be long and bloody, and the extremists are not expected to give up easily.

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山梨市長の元妻、2300万円詐欺容疑 警視庁が逮捕


経営する石材販売会社の 事業資金名目で現金をだまし取ったとして、 警視庁は6日、 「差出(さしで)石材」 (山梨県山梨市)社長の 望月治美容疑者(61)=東京都豊島区=を詐欺容疑で逮捕し、 発表した。 望月容疑…
経営する石材販売会社の事業資金名目で現金をだまし取ったとして、警視庁は6日、「差出(さしで)石材」(山梨県山梨市)社長の望月治美容疑者(61)=東京都豊島区=を詐欺容疑で逮捕し、発表した。 望月容疑者は望月清賢山梨市長の元妻で、市長も一時期、差出石材の社長を務めていた。 捜査2課によると、望月容疑者は2011年12月~12年1月、知人の元医師、越塚峰嗣容疑者(63)=群馬県伊勢崎市=と共謀し、差出石材の仕入れ資金名目で数回にわたり、埼玉県に住む60代の男性から現金2300万円をだまし取った疑いがある。捜査関係者によると、越塚容疑者は今年4月25日、差出石材への出資に関する詐欺容疑で逮捕されており、同課は6日、望月容疑者とともに再逮捕した。同課は認否を明らかにしていない。 差出石材をめぐっては、この男性が15年4月、約4億円を貸し付けたが約2億4千万円が返済されないとして、越塚容疑者を詐欺罪で告訴していた。 信用調査会社などによると、市長は山梨市議などを経て14年に山梨市長に初当選。県議になった02年、妻だった望月容疑者に差出石材の社長を譲っていた。今年2月に離婚したという。望月市長は6日朝、自宅前で取材に応じ、事件への自身の関与について、「関わっていないと思いますよ、ぜんぜん」と答えた。

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Trump Organization to open new Mississippi hotel chain


The Trump Organization says it will kick off its “American Idea” chain of mid-market hotels in the heart of Trump country.
In the latest and potentially one of the largest possible conflicts of interest for President Trump, his real estate company plans to open a new hotel chain supposedly inspired by his campaign.
The Trump Organization says it will kick off its “American Idea” chain of mid-market hotels in the heart of Trump country, with three locations set to open in Mississippi.
Trump’s adult sons, Donald Jr. and Eric — who claim to run the company without their father’s input — said the new chain comes from the “crash course in America” they got while traveling the country for their father’s campaign, which drew tremendous support from red states.
“We saw so many places and towns and so many stories, ” Donald Jr. said about the new hotels at a Trump Tower party.
Kathy Griffin: Trump family is ‘trying to ruin my life‘
The Trump company announced the new venture while still constructing the first of its “Scion” hotel chain, which is expected to open four-star locations in smaller American cities that typically could not support a luxury Trump property. The debut Scion hotel is under construction in Mississippi.
All of the Mississippi hotels are owned by Chawla Hotels, but the Trump Organization still receives management and franchise fees. According to Chawla, the first Scion hotel will cost $20 million — with financing coming from the local Guaranty Bank — while each of the American Idea hotels will require up to $1.5 million for renovations on existing buildings.
The Mississippi hotels are among the largest new domestic ventures for the Trump Organization since President Trump took office — and so they once again raise conflict of interest questions that have dogged his presidency.
Trump claims that he has “divested” his business interests, but he still remains in charge of the Trump Organization, while claiming his sons run all of the daily operations. The sons, though, have admitted to keeping Trump updated on the company’s finances.
Trump’s firing of Comey was family-business-as-usual
The Mississippi hotels — just like Trump’s new Washington hotel, down the street from the White House — raise the potential for Trump to use his office for boosting the profits and profile of his business portfolio.
It also opens the door for foreign financial conflicts, since diplomats could see bookings at Trump hotels as a way to curry favor with the President.
Government ethics watchdogs have warned for months that Trump could be setting himself up for a violation of the emoluments clause, a provision in Constitution outlawing gifts from foreign leaders. Breaching the clause is a potentially impeachable offense.

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Trzeci zamachowiec z Londynu był synem Marokańczyka i Włoszki


Trzeci sprawca sobotniego zamachu w Londynie to Youssef Zaghba, syn Marokańczyka i Włoszki – podał we wtorek dziennik
Trzeci sprawca sobotniego zamachu w Londynie to Youssef Zaghba, syn Marokańczyka i Włoszki – podał we wtorek dziennik „Corriere della Sera“ na swojej stronie internetowej. Po raz ostatni był we Włoszech w zeszłym roku, gdy zatrzymano go na lotnisku w Bolonii.
Zamachowiec został zabity podczas operacji brytyjskiej policji po zamachu w Londynie. Największa włoska gazeta pierwsza ujawniła tożsamość trzeciego zamachowca.
Jak informuje „Corriere della Sera“, urodzony w Fezie w Maroku Zaghba miał 22 lata. Jego rodzice mieszkali razem w Maroku, a następnie po separacji matka powróciła do Włoch i zamieszkała w okolicach Bolonii. Syn kontaktował się z nią, także odwiedzał.
Ostatni raz był w Bolonii w marcu 2016 roku i został wtedy zatrzymany na tamtejszym lotnisku, gdy próbował wsiąść do samolotu lecącego do Stambułu, by z Turcji udać się do Syrii. Miał bilet w jedną stronę.
Strona włoska postawiła mu wtedy zarzut międzynarodowego terroryzmu, z którego został następnie oczyszczony. Jednak władze Włoch umieściły go mimo to na liście podejrzanych osobników.
W. Brytania: 12 aresztowanych po zamachu zwolnionych bez zarzutów
Londyńska policja metropolitalna poinformowała w poniedziałek wieczorem, że wszystkie dwanaście osób zatrzymanych w związku z sobotnim zamachem terrorystycznym w Londynie zostało zwolnionych z aresztu bez postawionych zarzutów.
„Corriere della Sera“ podkreśla, że włoski wywiad informował o miejscach pobytu i częstych podróżach Zaghby zarówno władze Maroka, jak i Wielkiej Brytanii. Ostatnio Youssef Zaghba pracował w restauracji w Londynie.
Brytyjska policja potwierdziła we wtorek, że trzecim sprawcą sobotniego zamachu terrorystycznego w Londynie z siedmioma ofiarami śmiertelnymi był 22-letni Youssef Zaghba – urodzony w marokańskim Fezie, syn Marokańczyka i Włoszki.
W poniedziałek brytyjska policja ujawniła nazwiska dwóch zamachowców, którzy w sobotę na London Bridge zabili siedem osób. Byli to 27-letni Khuram Shazad Butt oraz 30-letni Rachid Redouane. Obaj mężczyźni mieszkali w Barking we wschodnim Londynie; zostali zabici przez policję. Butt urodził się w Pakistanie, ale miał brytyjskie obywatelstwo, natomiast Rachid Redouane miał korzenie marokańsko-libijskie.
Z Rzymu Sylwia Wysocka (PAP)
sw/ ap/

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The Latest: Family of Australian nanny seek news of her


The Latest on the attacks in the London Bridge area (all times local) :
LONDON (AP) – The Latest on the attacks in the London Bridge area (all times local) : 1: 30 p.m. Family members of a 21-year-old Australian nanny who is missing in London after the London Bridge attacks are pleading for information and raising money to fly her parents to Britain. Sara Zelenak’s mother Julie Wallace told Brisbane radio station 97.3FM that the family had planned to meet Sara in Europe soon. „We were counting down the days to see her, “ Wallace said. „The last time I spoke to her was our time Friday afternoon at 4: 42 and she said, ‚Oh mum! It’s only 28 days until you and I and dad can have baguettes and cheese and croissants in Paris.“ A woman named Tara who identified herself as Sara Zelenak’s aunt said the family is „bracing for the worst.“ Speaking to media Tuesday outside the family’s home in Ormiston in eastern Australia, the aunt called Zelenak a „special, kindred spirit.“ London police said Australian woman Kirsty Boden was among the seven killed, and the Australian government confirmed that two Australians are among the injured. Australia’s prime minister says officials are working to try to find out what happened to Zelenak. ___ 1: 20 p.m. Surveillance video from a bar in Borough Market obtained by local Spanish newspaper Diario de Pontevedra shows the moment when one of the assailants in Saturday’s attack is blocked from accessing a packed bar moments before he was shot by the police. The camera captured how staff at the Arthur Hooper’s bar sheltered customers and other passers-by as the attack unfolded, the newspaper said. As various people try to close off the entrance, manager Sergio Farina can be seen wrestling the door against one of the assailants who is trying to charge against it. „The police opened fired when one person was stabbed, “ Farina told the newspaper, adding that the assailant was shot by the police a few meters away from the bar’s entrance. The manager’s brother, Rafael, a reporter with Diario de Pontevedra, told the AP that 28 people were sheltered that night in the bar. He said his brother, who has lived in London for 16 years, was more shocked about the events than proud of his action. „My brother doesn’t want to be a hero, he just did what anybody would do, “ said Rafael Farina. ___ 1 p.m. The Pakistani cousin of one of the London Bridge killers said the attack has shattered his family. Bilal Dar told The Associated Press in the Pakistani city of Jhelum that his cousin, Khurum Butt, lived in the city until he was about 7 years old. Dar said the last time he spoke to Butt it wasn’t obvious that he had turned to radical Islamist beliefs. „Our family is hurt by what he did, “ Dar said. „This has destroyed our family’s pride.“ Dar, 18, said that Pakistani intelligence agents were interviewing relatives. ___ 12: 55 p.m. The mayor of London says he couldn’t care less about the accusatory tweets being issued by the president of the United States. Sadiq Khan told The Associated Press on Tuesday that he „really couldn’t be bothered about what Donald Trump tweets.“ Trump has repeatedly singled out the mayor of London for criticism following the van-and-knife attack on Saturday night that left seven people dead and scores more injured. Khan in turn has asked the government to reconsider its decision to invite Trump for a state visit, a move the mayor described as „inappropriate.“ Khan spoke to the AP outside the headquarters of London’s Ambulance Service following a minute of silence held in honor of the victims of the attack. ___ 12: 20 p.m. The Italian daily Corriere della Sera reported Tuesday that Youssef Zaghba, the third named London Bridge attacker, had been stopped in Italy while trying to go to Syria in 2016. Zaghba, who was said to be born in Morocco to a Moroccan father and an Italian mother, was stopped at Bologna’s Marconi airport on March 15,2016, while he tried to take a flight to Turkey. He was allegedly on his way to Syria and was carrying only a backpack. The report said that Italy had put him on a watch list and flagged his presence to Moroccan and British authorities. The parents lived for a time in Morocco and when they separated the mother returned to Italy and re-established herself in Bologna. Zaghba was reportedly working in a London restaurant and had not been seen in Italy since 2016. A British government official who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak about the attack investigation confirmed the details of the Italian report, and said that the man had not been considered a „person of interest, “ meaning they had no reason to think he was violent or planning an attack. ___ 12: 10 p.m. Police have identified another victim of the London Bridge attacks as Australian nurse Kirsty Boden, releasing a statement from her family praising her work and her effort to help other victims. The Metropolitan Police issued a statement Tuesday on behalf of her family saying, „As she ran towards danger, in an effort to help people on the bridge, Kirsty sadly lost her life.“ Police did not elaborate on how she was killed. The family said her actions „demonstrate how selfless, caring and heroic she was, not only on that night, but throughout all of her life.“ Australian media reported that Boden was 28 and from Loxton in southern Australia. Boden was among seven people killed in the Saturday night attacks. Another Australian woman, Sara Zelenak, has been reported missing since the attack. ___ 11: 50 a.m. British police have named the third London Bridge attacker at 22-year-old Youssef Zaghba, believed to be an Italian national of Moroccan descent. Police said Tuesday he is from east London and his family has been notified. Police say he was not a „subject of interest“ to police or the intelligence services. The other two attackers were named Monday as Khuram Shazad Butt and Rachid Redouane. ___ 11: 35 a.m. People across Britain have paused for a moment of silence to remember those killed and injured in the London Bridge attack. Commuters paused in train stations, hospital staff gathered in hospital foyers and workers stopped work in government offices at 11 a.m. (1000GMT) . Ambulance workers, many of whom treated the wounded in Saturday’s attack, gathered outside their headquarters alongside Mayor Sadiq Khan. Dozens of people gathered in driving rain at the end of London Bridge, where a growing mound of flowers sits beside a police cordon. Seven people were killed and almost 50 injured when three attackers ran down pedestrians on the bridge, then stabbed passers-by in nearby Borough Market. The attackers were shot dead by police. ___ 10: 40 a.m. The gym where one of the London Bridge attackers trained says they saw nothing of concern during his time there. In a letter posted outside, the Ummah Fitness Centre said staff would „help the police in any way we can“ as investigators try to learn more about Khuram Shazad Butt. Butt was among three men who rammed a van into pedestrians on London Bridge and then stabbed people in nearby Borough Market. Seven people died and dozens were wounded during the attack late Saturday. Neighbors described Butt as an avid weightlifter and Transport for London confirmed he worked for London Underground in customer service before leaving last October. ___ 10: 30 a.m. Spain’s foreign minister, Alfonso Dastis, says his British counterpart, Boris Johnson, has promised to accelerate efforts to identify victims in Saturday’s attack that killed seven people and injured dozens more. Ignacio Echeverria, a 39 year-old Spanish banker remains missing after trying to help a woman injured in the vicinity of Borough Market, near London Bridge, his father said based on the account of a friend of Echeverria’s who was at the scene. The friend described seeing Echeverria for the last time lying on the floor after confronting one of the assailants. Ignacio’s father, Joaquin Echeverria, told The Associated Press that the family was flying to London on Tuesday to join other relatives. He said authorities had not shared any information with them. The son’s employer, HSBC, has provided the services of a private detective to aide in the hunt for information. ___ 9.05 a.m. Much of the area around London Bridge remained cordoned off as police continued to investigate Saturday’s attack that killed seven people. The area around Borough Market is not expected to reopen Tuesday. The nearby London Bridge station was operational though one of the exits that leads to the cordoned off area on Borough High Street remained closed. Transport for London, which oversees the capital’s transport network, has advised commuters, struggling to get to work in the driving rain, to make alternative journeys as the station will be busy. A minute’s silence is due to be observed in Britain at 11 a.m. local time (1000 GMT) in memory of the seven people who died during the attack late Saturday. ___ 7.40 a.m. A new search is underway in a neighborhood near the home of two of the London Bridge attackers, hours after police said they had freed everyone detained following the attack. London police said all 12 people held since the attack late Saturday from the Barking neighborhood in the east of the city have been freed without charge. A new search was underway Tuesday in Ilford, just north of Barking. The attack left seven people dead and dozens wounded before police shot dead the three attackers, who wore fake suicide vests. One of them, Khuram Shazad Butt, had appeared in a documentary „The Jihadis Next Door“ and was known to investigators. The second man, Rachid Redouane, had not aroused any suspicions. Police have not released the identity of the third attacker. Copyright 2017 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. 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