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Terrorismus: Musikfestival "Rock am Ring" nach Terroralarm fortgesetzt


Nürburg (dpa) – Entwarnung nach dem Terroralarm: Das Musikfestival ‚Rock am Ring‘ in der Eifel ist am Samstagmittag wie geplant fortgesetzt worden. Am
Nürburg (dpa) – Entwarnung nach dem Terroralarm: Das Musikfestival „Rock am Ring“ in der Eifel ist am Samstagmittag wie geplant fortgesetzt worden.
Am Freitagabend war die Großveranstaltung mit fast 90 000 Fans wegen möglicher Terrorgefahr unterbrochen worden. Gegen drei Männer aus Hessen wurde ein Ermittlungsverfahren wegen der Vorbereitung eines Explosionsverbrechens eingeleitet. Sie wurden vorläufig festgenommen, sind seit Samstagmorgen wieder auf freiem Fuß. Es wird weiter ermittelt, einen konkreten Tatverdacht gibt es laut Polizei derzeit aber nicht.
Auslöser für den Alarm seien Unstimmigkeiten zwischen den tatsächlichen Personen und den registrierten Namen auf Zugangsausweisen für sicherheitsrelevante Bereiche gewesen, teilten die Ermittler am Samstag mit. Über mindestens einen der Verdächtigen lägen „deutliche Erkenntnisse im Bereich des islamistisch geprägten Terrorismus“ vor.
„In einer solchen Bewertungssituation dürfen wir keine Risiken einbauen“, sagte der rheinland-pfälzische Innenminister Roger Lewentz (SPD) . Er verwies auf ähnliche vorsorgliche Absagen, etwa beim Fußball-Länderspiel Deutschland-Niederlande in Hannover im November 2015 kurz nach den Anschlägen von Paris und beim Radrennen „Rund um den Finanzplatz Eschborn-Frankfurt“ im April 2015. Im Februar 2015 war zudem der Karnevalsumzug in Braunschweig wegen Hinweisen auf mögliche Terroranschläge abgesagt worden.
Bundesinnenminister Thomas de Maizière (CDU) hatte sich in der Nacht hinter Lewentz‘ Entscheidung gestellt, das Festival zu unterbrechen: „Für diese schwierige wie verantwortungsvolle Entscheidung hat er meine volle Unterstützung. So bitter es ist, die Sicherheit der Festivalbesucher muss an erster Stelle stehen.“
Die Entscheidung für eine Fortsetzung des Festivals gab die Koblenzer Polizei am Samstagvormittag über den Kurznachrichtendienst Twitter bekannt: „Wir freuen uns mit euch. Es geht weiter!“ Die Veranstalter schrieben auf Facebook: „Das ist die Nachricht, auf die alle „Rock am Ring“-Fans warten. Nach intensiven Durchsuchungen des gesamten Festivalgeländes haben sich die Verdachtsmomente für eine akute Gefährdungslage nicht erhärtet.“
Für den Samstag standen unter anderem Auftritte der deutschen Bands Donots, Beatsteaks, Kraftklub sowie als Hauptattraktion am späten Abend Die Toten Hosen auf dem Programm. Der am Freitagabend abgesagte Auftritt der Band Rammstein konnte aus organisatorischen Gründen nicht nachgeholt werden.
Ein Polizeisprecher sagte, es habe keinerlei Zwischenfälle gegeben, als die Festivalbesucher auf das Gelände zurückkehrten. „Die sind so entspannt, wie gestern – auch so entspannt, wie sie gestern Abend waren, als das Gelände geräumt wurde“, betonte er. Anzeichen für Nervosität habe es nicht gegeben: „Die Leute sind gut drauf.“
Während sich der Platz vor der Hauptbühne füllte, gab es auch die eine oder andere Reaktion auf den Terroralarm vom Vorabend zu sehen. „Fuck Terror“, stand auf dem handgeschriebenen Pappschild, das ein Musikfan in die Luft hielt. Auch in sozialen Medien wurde auf gute Laune gesetzt. „Jetzt feiert, was das Zeug hält!“, hieß es in einer Twitter-Nachricht. Ein anderer Nutzer schrieb: „Wünsche allen Festivalteilnehmern jetzt endlich mal unwetter- und terrorfreien Musikgenuss. Show musst go on….“ Im vergangenen Jahr war „Rock am Ring“ wegen schwerer Unwetter abgebrochen worden.
Dieses Jahr kam die Unterbrechung des dreitägigen Festivals wenige Stunden nach dem Auftakt am Freitagabend. Zehntausende Fans wurden per Lautsprecherdurchsagen aufgefordert, das Gelände zu verlassen. Die Räumung verlief problemlos und friedlich. Veranstalter Marek Lieberberg zeigte sich beeindruckt, dass 86 000 Besucher in einer Viertelstunde das Festivalgelände verlassen hätten. „Wir haben hier auch ein Zeichen für unsere Kultur gesetzt.“
Für die Sicherheit des Festivals ist ein Großaufgebot der Polizei im Einsatz: 1240 Polizisten wurden an den Nürburgring geschickt. Das Sicherheitskonzept war nach dem Terroranschlag auf ein Konzert in Manchester vor anderthalb Wochen mit mehr als 20 Toten noch einmal überprüft worden. Beim parallel in Nürnberg stattfindenden Zwillingsfestival „Rock im Park“ waren die Konzerte am Freitagabend ohne Probleme weitergegangen.

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7 ways Apple App Store can become better than Google Play Store


Apple or Google? That’s the root of many debates in tech. Which has better phones, computers, apps, app stores, virtual assistants, VR/AR technology? The list goes on. With Google’s developer conference in May and Apple hosting its developer conference in…
Apple or Google? That’s the root of many debates in tech. Which has better phones, computers, apps, app stores, virtual assistants, VR/AR technology? The list goes on. With Google’s developer conference in May and Apple hosting its developer conference in early June, the debate is only going to be heightened, particularly around apps and the app store.
Currently Google is winning the “App Store Race” – no one can deny that. The Apple App Store and Google Play Store – two of largest app stores – look similar on the surface, but their technology and processes behind the scenes are completely different. While Apple has created an exceptionally smooth and clean operating system, Google is more attractive and supports a wider range of smartphones than Apple.
Ahead of Apple’s developer conference, I’ ve taken the liberty of addressing seven ways the Apple Store can emerge stronger than the Google Play Store.
One of the reasons why a lot of people choose Android over iOS is its “openness, ” in terms of private distribution of apps via their website which bypasses the Google Play Store all together. Apple, on the other hand, does not allow users to do that, unless its enterprise level distribution for in-house staff. To surpass Google, Apple will need make their app store more open.
In terms of apps getting approved for distribution on Apple, they have strict App Store guidelines, and every title is tested by a human before going live. In comparison, Google is happy to let most things fly as long as it’s not offensive or harmful. Moreover, it takes between three to six days for an app to get approved on Apple, while Google only takes 24 hours for approving the app – three days tops for a few complex cases. If Apple wants to emerge as the superior app marketplace, it will need to improve its app distribution process and make it faster.
Apps on Google Play Store are easily discoverable in comparison to that on Apple App Store. You simply enter a phrase or keyword, and Google Play Store scans all the app descriptions to display top results, whereas Apple App Store displays the result based on the keywords manually entered by developer in keywords section, specific for this purpose. Apple, if I can’ t find it, how am I supposed to download it?
Google Play Store is developer-friendly and allows developers to change metadata, including screenshots, instantly at any time. Conversely, Apple requires developers to submit a whole new app update even for changing the screenshots.
A complex app requires longer videos of certain length to help adequately explain. Google gets it – they allow developers to create app previews of any length. However, the Apple App Store only features app previews between 15 and 30 seconds. I get the importance of brevity, but for complex apps, you need ample time to explain it. Hopefully Apple will realize this and address it as soon as possible.
Apps presently on Google Play Store are largely compatible with Android powered smartphones and tablets, however, there’s a bit more complication when it comes to iOS. Though many apps presently on Apple App Store are available for both iPads and iPhones, the capability of iPads to run an app is totally dependent on the adaptability of the app to be used for iPad ’s larger display.
Last, but not the least, Android apps are less expensive than iOS apps. Though Apple App Store has become flexible, there are still many iOS apps that need to be downloaded for a fixed price. Here, Google Play Store provides apps for free or at a less cost than Apple App Store.
It’s clear that the rivalry between Google Play Store and Apple Play Store will go on, but by addressing the ideas shared here, Apple App Store can emerge stronger than Google Play Store in future and become the leader of this vibrant mobile app era.
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Mattis Turns Up The Heat On North Korea And China – Talking Points Memo


SINGAPORE (AP) — U. S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis turned up the heat on North Korea and its main benefactor, China, …
SINGAPORE (AP) — U. S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis turned up the heat on North Korea and its main benefactor, China, on Saturday, calling the North Koreans a “clear and present danger” and chastising the Chinese for coercive behavior in the South China Sea.
His sharp words for both countries suggest he believes China will, out of self-interest, exert leverage on North Korea to halt its nuclear and missile programs even as Washington pushes Beijing to change course in the South China Sea.
Speaking at an international security conference in Singapore, Mattis said the Trump administration is encouraged by China’s renewed commitment to working with the U. S. and others to rid North Korea of its nuclear weapons. He also said he thinks China ultimately will see it as a liability rather than an asset.
China blocked tough new sanctions against North Korea that the United States pushed in the U. N. Security Council on Friday. However, the Security Council did vote unanimously to add 15 individuals and four entities linked to the North’s nuclear and missile programs to a U. N. sanctions blacklist.
In his speech to the Shangri-La Dialogue, sponsored by the International Institute for Strategic Studies, Mattis sought to balance his hopeful comments on China with sharp criticism of what he called Beijing’s disregard for international law by its “indisputable militarization” of artificial islands in disputed areas of the South China Sea.
“We oppose countries militarizing artificial islands and enforcing excessive maritime claims unsupported by international law, ” he said. “We cannot and will not accept unilateral, coercive changes to the status quo.”
Rep. Mac Thornberry, a Republican from Texas and chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, told a news conference later that he believed Mattis had effectively stressed the U. S. commitment to allies in the Asia-Pacific region.
“He was very clear, very strong, ” said Thornberry, who led a bipartisan congressional delegation on an Asia tour and attended Saturday’s Singapore conference.
Overall, Mattis’ speech struck a positive, hopeful tone for cooperation and peace in the Asia-Pacific region, where he and his predecessors have made it a priority to nurture and strengthen alliances and partnerships.
“While competition between the U. S. and China, the world’s two largest economies, is bound to occur, conflict is not inevitable, ” he said. “Our two countries can and do cooperate for mutual benefit. We will pledge to work closely with China where we share common cause.”
He was, however, unrelentingly critical of North Korea, a politically and economically isolated nation whose leaders have long viewed the United States as a military threat, in part because of periodic U. S. military exercises with South Korea, which the North sees as preparations for attacks aimed at destroying its ruling elite.
He called North Korea an “urgent military threat.” In a question-and-answer session with his audience of national security experts from across the globe, Mattis was asked whether the U. S. might attack the North pre-emptively and without warning South Korea in advance.
“We’ re working diplomatically, economically, we’ re trying to exhaust all possible alternatives to avert this race for a nuclear weapon in violation of… the United Nations’ restrictions on North Korea’s activities, ” he said.
“We want to stop this. We consider it urgent, ” he added.
The U. S. has about 28,500 troops permanently based in South Korea, a defense treaty ally.
“North Korea’s continued pursuit of nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them is not new, ” Mattis said in his prepared remarks.
“But the regime has increased the pace and scope of its efforts, ” he added, alluding to the North’s series of nuclear device tests in recent years and an accelerated pace of missile tests seemingly aimed at building a rocket with enough range to hit the U. S.
“While the North Korean regime has a long record of murder of diplomats, of kidnapping, killing of sailors and criminal activity, its nuclear weapons program is maturing as a threat to all, ” Mattis said. “As a matter of national security, the United States regards the threat from North Korea as a clear and present danger.”
Mattis made no mention of President Donald Trump’s decision to pull the U. S. out of the Paris climate change agreement.
The issue arose briefly during questions from his audience, but Mattis did not address it directly. An Australian questioner asked, in light of Trump’s abandonment of an international trade deal known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership, and his withdrawal from the Paris climate deal, “why should we not fret that we are present at the destruction of” a global rules-based order?
“There’s going to be fresh approaches taken” to various issues by Trump, Mattis said, while making it clear that he personally believes the U. S. needs to avoid isolationist tendencies.
“Like it or not, we’ re part of the world, ” he said.

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Testing begins on flying-car prototype


Testing began Saturday on a propeller-driven prototype of a flying car in Japan.  
Testing began Saturday on a propeller-driven prototype of a flying car in Japan.
The test model is being developed by the Japanese company Cartivator, and supported by a Toyota investment of $386,000.
The model took off several times, hovering at eye level for a few seconds before falling to the ground.
The project leader said he was inspired to develop the car from the movie, “Back to the Future.”

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プロ野球・ 中日の 荒木雅博内野手(39)が3日の 楽天戦(ナゴヤドーム)で通算2000安打を達成した。 残り1本で臨んだ荒木は四回に美馬から右前打を放ち、 大台に到達した。 昨年4月26日の 新井貴浩内野手(広島)に続き、 プロ野球史上48人目。

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Leaving the Paris Climate Accord Could Lead to a Public Health Disaster


Global warming will get worse. Physical and mental health might, too
Seven million people died prematurely in 2012 from air pollution caused by fossil fuel combustion, according to a 2014 report by the World Health Organization. So President Trump’s decision to halt U. S. compliance with the 2015 Paris climate agreement is a blow not just to climate science and international diplomacy — it’s also a looming disaster for public health.
“It’s a huge mistake for the United States to pull out of the Paris agreement for lots of reasons, ” says Jonathan Patz, director of the Global Health Institute at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. For 15 years, Patz served as a lead author on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and has been leading research on the links between health and climate change for more than two decades.
Under the Paris accord, ratified thus far by 147 parties or nations, the U. S. pledged to cut its greenhouse gas emissions to 26 to 28 percent below 2005 levels by 2025. Clean energy policies decrease not only carbon pollution linked to climate change but also other types of pollution that harm human health, such as sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, and fine particles that can damage the airways of humans and other organisms.
So even without concerns about the warming effect of carbon pollution in Earth’s atmosphere, the Paris agreement goes a long way toward reducing harmful air pollution worldwide.
One could narrow the focus to the Upper Midwest of the U. S. alone, and the public health benefits would still be huge, Patz says. A switch from driving to walking or bicycling for round trips under eight kilometers (about five miles) in just the 11 largest cities in that region could save nearly 1,300 lives and $8 billion annually in costs associated with sick days, hospitalizations, and deaths, according to a 2011 study led by Maggie Grabow, a researcher also working at the Global Health Institute.
But as Patz puts it, “Americans instinctually jump into their cars even for the shortest of trips, missing out on the large public health dividend that comes from daily exercise of active low-carbon transportation, let alone the 7 million lives that could be saved globally every year from low-carbon energy.”
Climate change clearly harms human health in many ways. A review of dozens of studies published between 2009 and 2014 link climate change to increases in a wide range of health problems, including asthma and other respiratory disorders, heart disease induced by heat stress, infectious diseases, waterborne diseases that can cause dangerous bouts of diarrhea in children, and mental health issues such as depression and PTSD following climate-related natural disasters such as hurricanes.
The authors of that roundup, including Patz, called for health professionals to play a stronger role in explaining the links between climate change and human health and in advocating for policy changes. And there has been quite a bit of progress on that front, he says, with the formation of groups such as the Climate and Health Alliance, the Healthier Hospitals Initiative, and the Medical Society Consortium on Climate & Health, launched just two months ago.
In his climate announcement this afternoon, Trump’s main target was the Obama administration’s environmental agenda. But the health of millions of people worldwide — including many Americans — will be collateral damage.
A version of this article originally appeared at Undark, a digital science magazine published by the Knight Science Journalism Fellowship Program at MIT.

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SpaceX tries again to launch 1st recycled supply ship


SpaceX tries again to launch 1st recycled supply ship
SpaceX is trying again to launch its first recycled supply ship to the International Space Station.
Forecasters at Florida’s Kennedy Space Center are cautiously optimistic storms won’t halt Saturday afternoon’s countdown like they did Thursday.
Atop the Falcon rocket is a Dragon capsule loaded with 6,000 pounds of station cargo. The same Dragon made a delivery to the orbiting outpost for NASA in 2014 and then was refurbished for an unprecedented second flight. SpaceX will attempt to recover this new rocket booster for recycling, too. The first-stage booster will aim for a landing at Cape Canaveral following liftoff.
SpaceX hopes to slash launch costs by reusing its rockets and capsules. For now, savings are minimal because of all the inspections and tests performed on the already flown parts.

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France invites Asia-Pacific states to purchase Mistral-class ships


Paris is interested in selling its Mistral-class ships, dubbed the ‘Swiss Army knife’ of the French Navy, to the Asia-Pacific countries, France’s new armed forces minister, Sylvie Goulard, stated at the Shangri-La Dialogue defense summit in Singapore.
“We invite partners from Asia to purchase Mistrals, ” she told participants of the IISS Asia Security Summit on Saturday, as cited by TASS.
The Mistral-class amphibious assault ships host up to 16 helicopters, up to 70 armored vehicles, and 450 marines.
“France recently sent one of these ships to the region” [to take part in joint drills with the UK, US, and Japan] , Goulard noted, while expressing concern over the situation in the South China Sea.
“All parties must comply with the law, ” Goulard said, adding that “France, UK and other European countries are interested in stability in the South China Sea, since a large flow of our trade passes there.”
Last month, US, British, Japanese, and French troops gathered on US islands in the Pacific for drills aimed at supporting the free passage of vessels in international waters, amid fears that Beijing could restrict movement in the disputed South China Sea.
France had two ships participating in the drills, including one Mistral.
Last year, France handed over two Mistral ships – left over from a broken Moscow-Paris contract and equipped with Russian electronics – to Egypt.
Both the ships were initially built for, and partly in, Russia as part of a contract signed in 2011.
When the first ship was ready in 2014 and the crew was already on board mastering the vessel’s equipment, France froze the ship’s delivery to Russia. Paris explained the withdrawal with Russia’s alleged role in the conflict in eastern Ukraine.

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Japan, France welcome US leadership in the Asia-Pacific


Glossing over disagreements, the defense chiefs from Japan and France on Saturday welcomed U. S. leadership in the Asia-Pacific to manage the nuclear ambitions of North Korea and maintain regional peace.
SINGAPORE — Glossing over disagreements, the defense chiefs from Japan and France on Saturday welcomed U. S. leadership in the Asia-Pacific to manage the nuclear ambitions of North Korea and maintain regional peace.
Speaking at a security summit in Singapore, Japanese Defense Minister Tomomi Inada applauded America’s presence in the region and its tough stance on North Korea.
„The United States is a longtime Pacific power, “ she said. „The ongoing presence of the United States in the Indo-Pacific continues to under-guard the rules-based order of the region. We welcome U. S. policy to strengthen its position.“
Japan is „further deepening cooperation and coordination“ with the Trump administration, “ Inada added.
„The security threat North Korea poses to the region and beyond has now entered a new stage, “ she said. „We must stand shoulder to shoulder to intensify pressure on North Korea.“
U. S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has said that all options are on the table to rid North Korea of its nuclear weapons, leaving open the possibility of pre-emptive military action.
Earlier Saturday, U. S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis called North Korea’s push to acquire a nuclear-armed missile capable of threatening the United States and other nations a „clear and present danger.“
Mattis addressed defense ministers and experts from 39 countries at the annual Shangri-La Dialogue.
French Minister for Armed Forces Sylvie Goulard noted that North Korea is the only country to have conducted nuclear tests in the 21st century, including two last year alone.
„North Korea’s attitude is feeding tensions in a region where we have major economic interest, and we do not want to see an arms race here, “ Goulard said.
Although President Donald Trump’s decision to pull the U. S. out of the Paris climate change agreement has „heavy consequences, “ Goulard said that there was „no reason to have doubts“ over its regional leadership role.
Continued U. S. leadership in the region ensures „rules-based order“ or freedom of navigation in the South China Sea, the defense chiefs said.
China has pitted itself against its smaller neighbors in claiming disputed islands, coral reefs and lagoons in the South China Sea and made „periodic incursions into Japanese territorial waters, “ Inada explained.
„In short, the rules-based regional order is under challenge, “ she said. „If we are to seek peace and prosperity, we need to summon our reserves. Now is the time to form a scrum to protect the rules-based order.“
The three-day security conference, which ends Sunday, is also expected to focus on Islamic extremism, including the fight against the Islamic State group.

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German rock fest cleared to resume after terror-threat scare


German authorities allowed a popular rock festival to resume Saturday after a scare over people with suspected links to Islamic extremism prompted them to curtail its opening night. They said searches of the site turned up no suspicious objects.
BERLIN — German authorities allowed a popular rock festival to resume Saturday after a scare over people with suspected links to Islamic extremism prompted them to curtail its opening night. They said searches of the site turned up no suspicious objects.
A top security official said authorities had been obliged to put security first, hours after the Rock am Ring festival’s organizer said his event was „paying the price“ for officials‘ failure to prevent the December attack on a Christmas market in Berlin.
Authorities shut down and cleared thousands of fans from the three-day festival Friday evening, its opening night. Organizer Marek Lieberberg said 86,000 people left the site within 15 minutes without incident.
Police found out on Friday that „at least one person of non-German origin on which there was police information in the area of terrorism had access“ to secure areas at the event, Koblenz police chief Wolfgang Fromm told a news conference. The backstage passes didn’t match those people’s real names, he added.
That prompted officials to halt the festival at the Nuerburgring racing circuit in western Germany. Three people were arrested Friday night and their apartments searched; all were released early Saturday, though they remain under investigation.
Roger Lewentz, Rhineland-Palatinate state’s interior minister, said that „the safety of visitors stands above everything — that is the maxim, and there can be no other.“ He said that „we can take no risks.“
Following the recent attack in Manchester outside a concert, strict security controls were already in place and authorities had put in place 1,200 police officers.
In a late-night rant after the evacuation, organizer Lieberberg said that „we are paying the price for the scandal over (Anis) Amri, “ who drove a truck into a Christmas market in December, killing 12. The rejected Tunisian asylum seeker had been on authorities‘ radar, but wasn’t arrested.
Lieberberg also called for Islamic extremists deemed dangerous to be arrested and said he wanted to see „demonstrations against these violent people.“
„So far I haven’t seen Muslims taking to the streets in their tens of thousands and saying, ‚what are you doing?'“ he said.

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