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野党4党、街頭演説で共闘訴え 「安倍1強」に対抗勢力を


NewsHub民進、共産、自由、社民の野党4党の幹部が7日、東京・新宿でそろって今年初めての街頭演説を行った。野党共闘の重要性を示すとともに、次期衆院選での安倍政権打倒を呼び掛けた。民進党の安住淳代表代行は「1強政治に対抗する勢力をみんなでつくる」と強調。主催した安全保障関連法の廃止を掲げる市民団体「市民連合」によると、約2500人の聴衆が集まった。 共産党の志位和夫委員長は「政権に代わる魅力ある受け皿を示せば、状況は大きく変わる」とアピール。自由党の青木愛副代表は「野党が結集し選択肢を示す」と主張。社民党の福島瑞穂副党首は、衆院選で改憲勢力3分の2阻止を訴えた。

Similarity rank: 2.1
Sentiment rank: -1.2

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都議選志望の小池塾生が筆記試験 擁立候補の選考スタート


NewsHub東京都の小池百合子知事が設立した政治塾「希望の塾」は7日、夏の都議選への出馬を志望する塾生を対象として設置する「都議選対策講座」の筆記試験を都内で実施した。小池氏は、支援を受ける都議や塾生らから30〜40人規模の候補者擁立を目指している。 試験は立候補を目指す塾生のほか、政策立案に携わることを希望する塾生ら計約1600人が申し込んだ。内容は論文とマークシート式の総合適性テストなど。 埼玉県の主婦平田優美さん(35)は「出産した女性が働きやすい社会づくりを目指している。試験は難しかったが、合格したら東京に引っ越して都議選に立候補したい」と意欲を見せた。

Similarity rank: 2.1
Sentiment rank: 0.8

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名人は連覇、新クイーンが誕生 小倉百人一首かるた競技


NewsHub小倉百人一首かるた競技の日本一を決める第63期名人位、第61期クイーン位決定戦(全日本かるた協会主催)が7日、大津市の近江神宮であった。 名人位では、昨年名人となった会社員川崎文義さん(28)=福井県越前市、8段=が、挑戦者の会社員三好輝明さん(33)=同市、8段=を下して連覇を果たした。クイーン位では、挑戦者の九州大学4年鶴田紗恵さん(22)=福岡市、6段=が、2連覇していた医療事務の坪田翼さん(34)=東京都東大和市、6段=を破り、新クイーンになった。札が両陣とも残り1枚となる「運命戦」の末に制した。

Similarity rank: 3.1
Sentiment rank: -0.8

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【ワシントン時事】河井克行首相補佐官は6日夜(日本時間7日昼)、トランプ次期米大統領が国家安全保障担当大統領補佐官に指名したマイケル・フリン元国防情報局長官とワシントンのホテルで1時間余り会談した。両氏は20日の新政権発足後、できるだけ早期に安倍晋三首相と次期大統領による首脳会談を実現させることが重要だとの認識で一致した。 日本政府は次期大統領側と、27日を軸にワシントンのホワイトハウスで初の首脳会談を行う方向で調整している。首相は会談で、不安定化するアジア太平洋地域情勢を踏まえた日米同盟の強化や、自由貿易体制の重要性をめぐり意見を交わしたい考えだ。 河井、フリン両氏は6日の会談で、次期大統領が選挙戦で日米同盟見直しに言及した経緯を踏まえ、「新政権下でも日米同盟の価値や重要性は揺るがない」との立場を確認。一層の深化・拡大を目指さなければならないという点でも合意した。 河井氏はまた、アジア太平洋地域の実情を直接把握してほしいとして、次期大統領の早期来日を招請した。 会談後、河井氏は記者団に「日米同盟全般について、さまざまな観点からしっかり意見交換を行うことができ、大変良かった」と強調。首脳会談の時期については「具体的な日にちの話は特に出ていない」と述べるにとどめた。 フリン氏は「とてもいい会談だった」と語ったが、「質問には答えない」として会談の詳細は明らかにしなかった。(2017/01/07-16:12)

Similarity rank: 3.2
Sentiment rank: 2

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D-Link Calls The FTC's Router And IP Camera Security Allegations 'Baseless'


NewsHubNetworking vendor D-Link, which this week was sued by the U. S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) over alleged security issues in its routers and IP cameras, blasted the FTC for insinuating potential security issues rather than pointing out specific instances where customer privacy was breached.
The FTC filed a complaint in the Northern District of California on Thursday which charged Taiwan-based D-Link and D-Link Systems, its Fountain Valley, Calif.-based U. S. subsidiary, with failing to take „reasonable steps to secure its routers and Internet Protocol (IP) cameras“ and possibly compromising sensitive consumer information „including live video and audio feeds from D-Link IP cameras. “
According to the FTC, D-Link failed to take steps to address „well-known and easily preventable security flaws. “ Among the alleged missteps were hard-coding the username „guest“ and password „guest“ into some products, allowing a software flaw that could let unauthorized users take control of routers, making a private key code for the D-Link software openly available on a public website for six months, and leaving users‘ login credentials for the company’s mobile app unsecured.
[Related: FTC Files Complaint Against D-Link Over Router, Camera Security Issues ]
D-Link was unable to provide a company executive to discuss the FTC action, citing executive travel schedules related to CES 2017.
In a prepared statement, D-Link Systems said it rejects the FTC’s allegations and firmly believes it has „more than reasonable“ security processes and procedures including procedures to address potential security issues, which the company said exist in all of its internet of things (IoT) devices.
The company also said the FTC did not allege any breach of a D-Link Systems device or actual instances of consumers suffering, but instead focused on the potential of being hacked.
The FTC charges against D-Link Systems are unwarranted, said William Brown, chief information security officer at D-Link Systems, in the statement.
„We will vigorously defend the security and integrity of our routers and IP cameras and are fully prepared to contest the complaint. Furthermore, we are continually working to address the overall security features of D-Link Systems‘ products for their intended applications and to regularly inform consumers of the appropriate steps to take to secure devices.,“ Brown said.
D-Link late Thursday posted an online FAQ to address specific allegations in the FTC complaint.
In the FAQ, the company said it maintains procedures to address the kind of potential security issues that exist in all IoT devices and said the FTC must allege that actual consumers were harmed or could suffer actual injuries.
D-Link’s response was what would be expected of a company facing allegations of delivering solutions which could impact the privacy of its customers, said Andrew Calore, vice president of BCI Computers, a West Warwick, R. I.-based solution provider who partners with D-Link to a limited extent.
With the average household having 14 connected devices and the increasing reliance on IoT, security flaws are to be expected, Calore told CRN.
„Nothing is perfect,“ he said. „For a company like D-Link, it sounds like they made a reasonable response to the FTC action. “
However, Calore praised the FTC for raising the issue. Vendors, in general, are quick to promise certain features and capabilities but often slower to deliver them, he said.
„I agree the FTC should be involved,“ he said. „Routers and cameras get put in your home, your private area. They should be safe. Otherwise, someone could do something like use your camera to see if you’re at home and then rob you. “
When talking with the IT director at a business customer, it is easy to talk about VPNs and firewalls to protect the business, Calore said. „But at home, users rely on their ISPs or on store-bought routers for security,“ he said. „You can’t load antivirus on your baby monitors and cameras. „

Similarity rank: 1.1

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Putin ordered campaign to influence US election, say intel agencies


NewsHubLeft to right: Defense Undersecretary for Intelligence Marcell Lettre II, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and United States Cyber Command and National Security Agency Director Admiral Michael Rogers testify before the Senate Armed Services Committee on Thursday.
Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the hacking attacks and propaganda campaigns leading up to the 2016 elections, US intelligence agencies said in a declassified report Friday.
What’s more, the Russian efforts had a very specific purpose: shake faith in US democracy and undermine Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. „We further assess Putin and the Russian Government aspired to help President-elect [Donald] Trump’s election chances when possible,“ the report ( PDF ) says.
The use of email leaks to affect the US election was „unprecedented,“ the report says, adding that Russia has used these techniques in influence campaigns before but not to this degree.
The report, which was issued by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, summarizes the findings from the Central Intelligence Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the National Security Agency.
„These activities demonstrated a significant escalation in directness, level of activity, and scope of effort compared to previous operations,“ the report says.
It’s the fullest public account to date from the US intelligence community on Russia’s role in several hacks during the presidential campaign. It also resolves weeks of speculating about whether the three agencies reached the same conclusions. The report shows the CIA, FBI and NSA unified in the belief that Putin was directly involved in the influence campaign and aimed to boost Trump’s chances in the election.
The report also talks about „Guccifer 2.0,“ an online persona claiming to be a lone Romanian hacker who hacked the Democratic National Committee. Documents leaked by Guccifer 2.0 were traced by intelligence officials to the Russian intelligence agency called the GRU, the report says. The agencies believe the GRU „relayed“ emails and documents it stole from the DNC and „senior democratic officials“ to WikiLeaks.
The declassified version of the report doesn’t contain much supporting evidence, however. Its authors acknowledge that fact, saying the spy agencies need to protect their sources.
The classified version was shared with President Barack Obama on Thursday and with Trump on Friday morning.
Trump has challenged the idea that it’s possible to even know whether Russia was behind the hacking attacks that stole emails and documents from the Democratic National Committee and other key Democratic party organizations and leaders.
After being briefed on the classified report Friday, Trump called the meeting „constructive“ but didn’t say Russia was conclusively behind the influence campaign.
Russia has denied claims it interfered with the election. The Russian embassy didn’t respond to a request for comment.

Similarity rank: 2.1

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: Hands-on with another Surface Pro 4 rival, or should that be Surface Pro 5?


Chris Martin | 06 Jan 17
See full specs
UK Price TBC ($999)
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Although it’s been around for a good while, the Microsoft Surface Pro 4 has some new competition from Lenovo. At CES 2017 we took a look at the firm’s latest 2-in-1 hybrid laptop tablet so here’s our Lenovo Miix 720 hands-on review which features a Quad HD+ screen and Intel’s latest Kaby Lake processor. See also: Best 2-in-1 laptops 2017.
The market for Windows devices might have become a little more boring in recent years but Lenovo has done it’s best to excite with the Miix 720 describing it as “an all-purpose digital vehicle with state-of-the-art components that not so much blur as altogether eradicate the lines separating today’s work hard, play hard mentality.”
The Miix 720 was unveiled in Las Vegas with a hoard of other new laptops and will have a price starting at $999 (around £800 converted) which includes the keyboard. That’s a little more than the Surface Pro 4 but the Miix 720 has up to date specs and features.
Release date wise, the Lenovo Miix 720 will hit shelves in April – that’s fine but watch out for a possible Surface Pro 5 by or around that time.
Not much has changed when it comes to design and build compared with the Miix 700 Lenovo launched back in 2015 at IFA. The device is extremely similar to the Surface Pro 4 in concept and you could understandably say Lenovo is copying Microsoft here.
Whether or not it’s a clone, the Surface Pro 4 (and previous models) is a fantastic piece of technology so it’s a compliment to Microsoft that so many have tried to emulate it. After all, the Miix 720, like others, is a Windows machine so that’s good for Microsoft and competition is good for development.
With the Surface range, Microsoft set a high standard for build quality and Lenovo has impressively matched it with the Miix 720. The device is great looking and the metal alloys chassis is both light and strong.
As you’d expect, the backlit keyboard attaches and detaches as you please very easily with magnets (just the right strength) and like the Surface Pro 4 can be set at an angle if you don’t like typing on it completely flat.
See also: Surface Pro 3 vs Surface Pro 4 comparison .
At the back you’ve got the kickstand which holds the device up when on a flat surface (or potentially your legs but that’s pretty awkward). As with the Miix 700, the 720 has a stylish watch strap style hinge which we really like – it can adjust up to 150 degrees so you get the right viewing angle.
Portability is the idea here and the Lenovo Miix 720 14.6mm and 1.1kg when the tablet and keyboard are together. The tablet itself weighs 780g which is similar to the Pro 4.
The Miix 720 will be available in two colours: Champagne and Iron Grey.
The screen remains at 12in, slightly smaller that Microsoft’s rival, but the resolution has jumped up from 2160×1440 to 2880×1920. That’s better than the 2736×1824 resolution of the Surface Pro 4.
We doubt anyone will be disappointed with the crisp Quad HD+ display – it’s bright, colourful and responsive.
Many users, particularly designers and illustrators, will also want to make use of the optional Active Pen 2 stylus ($59, available in February). This now has a click button on top and twice the sensitivity of the original thanks to an impressive 4,096 levels of pressure.
It might be a bit more expensive than the Pro 4 but as well as the higher resolution scree, the Miix 720 comes powered by Intel’s latest 7th-gen Core i7 processors in the highest-spec model. The Kaby Lake range of chips is new for 2017 and you can expect top-notch performance. To go with the processor is Intel HD Integrated Graphics 620 which can support 4K video.
The Lenovo Miix 720 tablet supports up to 16GB of RAM. That’s the same as the Surface Pro 4 but it pushes forward with faster DDR4 DRAM. The internal storage capacity maxxes out at 1TB.
What we don’t know, sadly, is what specs you’ll get for the starting price of $999. We imagine it will be something similar to the Pro 4 which starts at 4GB RAM, 128GB storage and a Core m3 processor.
The device has a 1Mp front camera with infrared, allowing users to log via Windows Hello face recognition. It also has a 5Mp rear camera should you need it.
Ports are an area that has changed a bit since the Miix 700. This time around the 720 has a USB-C port, which is also a high-speed Thunderbolt 3 port to connect external peripherals like displays and storage devices. Other ports include a USB 3.0 port, one USB 2.0 port, a Micro-SD slot and an audio combo jack. Wireless connectivity includes Wi-Fi with 2×2 MIMO and Bluetooth 4.1.
Last but not least is battery life and Lenovo claims you’ll get up to eight hours of juice from the Miix 720 based on MobileMark 2014. You can handily charge devices like your phone from the tablet should you need to.
You’ll get a choice of Windows 10 Home or Pro and the Miix 720 comes pre-loaded with software such as Lenovo PhotoMaster 2.0, Dropbox and McAfee LiveSafe.
There’s no doubt that the Lenovo Miix 720 is an impressive Surface Pro 4 rival. It might be a bit more expensive but includes the keyboard and has the latest specs including faster DDR4 memory and Intel’s new 7th-gen Kaby Lake processor. We’d like to know what the base price gets you and there’s also the complication of the upcoming Surface Pro 5.
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Similarity rank: 0.1

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CyberPower showed some sweet gaming PCs at CES


NewsHubPC maker CyberPower used CES 2017 to show off some sweet gaming rigs.
First up was a new version of its Pro Streamer. This is a dual PC designed for the convenience of the Twitch-erati, who need one PC to play on and another to stream. CyberPower also fixed a big peeve we had with the last version: Now, each PC has its own power supply, so you don’t have to turn on both PCs when you only want to use one.
CyberPower showcased the Syber, its first in-house PC. One especially neat feature: Its motherboard can be flipped 180 degrees. You’d want to do that to take advantage of a clever lighting strategy, where LEDs inside the case bounce their light off the glass side panel, creating a fancy look for cheap.
The mystery PC came via AMD: CyberPower’s first Ryzen-based system. Inside, we found two Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080 cards in SLI. Outside, we couldn’t get CyberPower to tell us when this PC would ship, or for how much.

Similarity rank: 0.1

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Honda's amazing Riding Assist motorcycle won't fall over


NewsHubHonda has developed a self-balancing technology for motorbikes that keeps them upright. The system, which is still in the prototype stage, could reduce the number of motorcycle accidents in slow-moving traffic.
Called Riding Assist, it involved the bike making tiny adjustments of its front wheel, moving back and forth sometimes almost imperceptibly, to keep the bike balanced.
Balancing on two wheels isn’t new. Companies like Japan’s Murata Manufacturing and others have made small two-wheeled robots that can balance, but they rely on a gyroscope. Honda’s technology doesn’t, which makes it a step more advanced than others.
Honda said it avoided using gyroscopes because they add weight to the bike and alter the riding experience.
At CES in Las Vegas, the company demonstrated a bike with the system. The bike was remotely controlled and drove itself out onto the center of the Honda booth without a rider and without falling over.
A rider then took a seat on the bike and it continued to stay upright while he lifted his feet onto the bike’s footrests.
Honda says the technology could make riding in slow moving traffic more pleasurable because it frees the rider from having to keep the bike balanced by constantly moving his or her body.
Honda’s Riding Assist prototype motorcycle on display at CES in Las Vegas on January 6, 2017.
The company hasn’t said when it might appear on production bikes but it hinted that adding it to production bikes doesn’t require a huge amount of effort. The prototype at CES had the front part changed up to the new technology, but everything from around the handlebars back was a regular production bike.
The system borrows balance technology from Honda’s prototype Uni-Cub, a personal transporter that has an innovative wheel that can travel in any direction without turning. The rider sits on the Uni-Cub and the device keeps itself upright. The Uni-Cub in turn is based on robotics work Honda first started when it was developing the Asimo humanoid robot.

Similarity rank: 0.1

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Today's Best : Workout Equipment, PUMA, Philips Wake-Up Light, and More


NewsHubAll the equipment for an at-home gym , PUMA’s Semi-Annual Sale , the ever-popular Philips Wake-Up Light and more lead Friday’s best deals.
Bookmark Kinja Deals and follow us on Twitter to never miss a deal. Commerce Content is independent of Editorial and Advertising, and if you buy something through our posts, we may get a small share of the sale. Click here to learn more, and don’t forget to sign up for our email newsletter.
If you still haven’t upgraded your morning routine with a life-changing wake-up light, Amazon’s discounting a couple different models today.
For starters, the high-end HF3520 is down to $110. This model features five different wake-up sounds, an FM radio, the ability to set two different alarms, and a color-shifting light that accurately mimics a sunrise.
The entry-level HF3500 is also on sale for $58. This one doesn’t include a radio, and it only beeps—no natural wake-up sounds here—but the light works just as well as the other models, and that’s what matters most.
If you’ve always wanted surround sound at home, but have been scared off by its cost and complexity, Amazon’s running the a great deal on Vizio’s turnkey 2.1 sound bar and subwoofer .
While supplies last, the Vizio SB3821 system is marked down to $114, the best price we’ve seen on this model.
The system’s two front audio channels are housed in an attractive 38″ sound bar, with a Bluetooth subwoofer that you set up in the back of the room, meaning you don’t have to run any cables across the entire room. The best part? You don’t even need a receiver to operate this thing; it’ll plug straight into your TV.
A lot of people are reflexively appalled by the idea of a bidet, which makes no sense, because they’re amazing. Today on Amazon, you can score a Luxe Bidet Neo 120 that will work with just about any toilet for just $32. That’s nothing for a product you’ll use just about every day, and it’s particularly good for a model with a self-cleaning and retracting nozzle, let alone one with over 4,000 reviews. This deal could sell out any time though, so purchase or get off the pot.
January is the month of new beginnings, and if you’ve resolved to finally turn that empty space in your basement into a gym, this will help. Today only, Amazon is marking down two sets of adjustable dumbbells, two workout benches, and some floor mats.
Just an FYI: If you buy everything in this Gold Box to outfit your new workout space, it will cost you less than half an average yearly gym membership.
Back down to its lowest price ever, this handy $20 wall charger from Aukey not only features four USB ports, but has an added USB-C port as well. You’ll be able to charge all your devices at once without fiddling with any special adapters. No one likes to fiddle. Plus, it supports everyone’s favorite Quick Charge capability.
Of all the Kindle sales Amazon has been running, this is the one that speaks to me the most. If 2016 wasn’t particularly great for you, how about a pick-me-up in the form of a new feel-good Kindle book? Advice from Dick van Dyke, a memoir from Abby Wambach, and more are marked down to under $4.
Here’s a selection of some of the most popular titles, but if these don’t pique your interest, you’ll get your serotonin fix from the rest of the bunch .
PUMA has made some very strategic moves to stay relevant, but they also have managed to stay pretty true to what they’re known for. So when they launch their Semi-Annual Sale full of staple styles of clothing and sneakers , it’s a win-win. Up to 50% off stuff that isn’t weird and celebrity-backed? Count me in.
The Bonavita BV1800 was your favorite coffee maker , and you can snag one with a stainless steel carafe for $124 today. It occasionally gets a littl ebit cheaper, but this is the best deal we’ve seen in over a month.
We sell a lot of cold brew coffee makers (the Takeya being the most popular) but the coolgear BRU is something pretty different. With its 21oz double wall tumbler fitted beneath the carafe, you can take your coffee with your immediately after it’s done brewing. And it’s on sale today for only $32.
With this $12 Mpow Streambot Bluetooth receiver, you can turn everything from your dusty old iHome to your legacy home theater system into a Bluetooth speaker. Just plug in the AUX jack, connect up to two devices, and start streaming.
If you missed out on all of the Black Friday and Cyber Monday console discounts this year, it’s not too late to get a great deal on a PS4 Slim. Today on eBay, $249 gets you the Uncharted console bundle , plus free shipping and no tax for most places (sorry California and Georgia).
Update: Looks like the code has expired. Hope you grabbed one!
If you’ve tried an unamplified HDTV antenna (like the standard Mohu Leaf ), but can’t quite pull in every channel you want , this leaf-style model includes a USB-powered amp that should add a few miles of range. Promo code JVQNT9WG brings it down to just $16, which is one of the best prices we’ve ever seen on an amplified antenna.
We see our fair share of water-resistant Bluetooth speaker deals, but the Mpow Buckler has been one of our readers’ favorite models to date , probably thanks to its ingenious suction cup design that you can stick to your shower wall.
Whether you’re enticed by the idea of a Bluetooth-connected toothbrush, or just want it to get off your lawn, $60 is a great deal for an Oral-B Pro 5000 toothbrush with a pressure sensor, five modes, and compatibility with several different brush heads.
If you want to pair it with your phone to track your brushing habits and learn which parts of your mouth aren’t getting enough attention, great! If not, it’s still worth buying at this price. Just be sure to clip the $15 coupon to get the lowest price ever.
It’s no secret that you all love the PowerLine lightning cables from Anker, and a ton of other Anker products. So what better way to start 2017 than to stock up? Grab a 3-pack of PowerLine lightning cables for only $20, a PowerPort wall charger with quick charge for $24, and more. Just not the discount codes below.
USB-C’s time will come, but in the meantime, we all need some old fashioned microUSB cables, and you won’t find a better deal than a 5-pack for $4 , with Prime shipping. Three of them are 3′ long, and two are 1′, which are great for traveling.
For just $5-$6 today, you can sip your drinks in style with a four pack of stainless steel drinking straws, either bent or straight. I own the bent ones, and use them for everything from Coke Zero to Moscow Mules. And don’t worry, they come with a little tube cleaner to help you wash them.
Your KitchenAid is good for more than just mixing doughs and baking cookies: With this special attachment , it transforms into a full-fledged food processor, and the kit has never been cheaper.
$116 gets you the food processor attachment with the commercial dicing kit , while supplies last. With the included blade discs and the thickness slider on the unit, you can slice, shred, julienne, and even cube just about anything in your kitchen, to the exact specifications your recipes require. It’s like your own personal sous chef.
It may say 30% off on the Levi’s site, but enter the code SALE40 at checkout, and you’re in for a treat. Levi’s ramped up their sale discount from 30% to 40% off all sale styles. And the great thing about the Levi’s store is that it isn’t just denim.
I finally got my hands on a pair of the infamous Wedgie jean , and I love them (the Joshua Tree wash is on sale for $42 ). My most recent purchase was this really comfy sweater that I have worn at least three times in the past two weeks.
If you didn’t get your denim fill during the Levi’s sale, maybe check out Uniqlo’s crazy-good deal on jeans. All women’s styles are $30 and all men’s are $40 , including selvedge denim and HEATTECH jeans.
Around these parts, it’s starting to get uncomfortably cold. So, if you haven’t stocked up on winter essentials, this one’s for you. Not only is Moosejaw marking down a bunch of The North Face stuff , use the code NACHO10 and get an additional 10% off.
Humble’s Game Dev Software bundle is full of…software for game developers, but two of the apps are worth the purchase price for anyone.
If you beat the average donation (currently $6.73), you’ll get a year of Todoist Premium, even if you’re already a subscriber. Todoist has long been a Lifehacker favorite in the crowded to-do list manager space, and the Premium features normally cost $29 per year.
If you donate $10 or more , you’ll also get a year of 1Password Families, though only for new members. The Families membership normally costs $5 per month, and lets up to five people access the apps, and share passwords between accounts (or not). I’ve been using 1Password for years, and couldn’t get by without it.
This isn’t a new deal by any means, but since Mass Effect: Andromeda just got a release date , it bears repeating: Prime members can save 20% on all (physical) video game preorders and new releases, meaning you’ll only spend $48 on Andromeda , or $56 for the Deluxe edition , which includes a soundtrack and some in-game items.
USB charging standards are changing fast, but this $13 car charger is about as future-proof as they come. In addition to a pair of 2.4A USB-A ports, you get a Quick Charge 3.0-compatible USB-C port for newer devices as well, allowing you to get the most juice possible out of your daily commute.
In case you missed it yesterday, Aukey’s ultra-popular 4.8A mini car charger is also on sale for $7 .
And if you want Quick Charge 3.0, but not USB-C, here’s a dual-port charger for $8 .
If you’re going to focus on one exercise to get into better shape for 2017, a rowing machine works just about every muscle in your body, and you can own one for just $64 today , with free shipping from Amazon.
Obviously, this machine is about as barebones as they come, but you do get 12 levels of resistance, and it’ll track calories, time, and number of pulls, though it won’t translate that into a rowing distance. Reviewers seem about as impressed as could be reasonably expected for a machine this inexpensive, so if you’re on a budget and have the space, you won’t find a more affordable option.
I have painful, yet fond memories of my college’s Athletic Trainer using one of these on my thigh after I suffered a strained quad. They are hell while using it, but heaven afterwards. And for $10 when you use the code Naipo604, this muscle roller can help further your love-hate relationship with working out.
Sitting is killing you , but if a standing desk isn’t an option, this discounted foam cushion can at least take some of the strain off your lower back whether you’re at your desk, on a plane, or driving your car.
Cymas’ orthopedic cushion is designed to take pressure of your tailbone while seated, easing lower back pain and numbness. And while this is a new product without a lot of reviews, you can check out this nearly identical listing from Aylio, which features a 4.4 star average from over 10,000 customers .
Restock your underwear drawer on the cheap with $3 undies from Aerie. Every style you could think of is marked down , including the adorable Sunnie line. It’s gonna be hard not to leave with 10 new pairs.
If you don’t really need new underwear (but really, who doesn’t?), there’s also a ton of really comfy-looking clothes in their clearance section. You can get up to 60% off pjs, sweaters, and more.
Anthropologie will always be a good destination to start looking for something unique. With an extra 40% off sale styles with the code TAGTIME , that uniqueness is that much more affordable. Or you could end up doing what I did and get lost in the world of redecorating your place when you see all the marked down furniture.
Amazon’s currently offering a buy two, get 30% off deal on vitamins, supplements, and protein products from several manufacturers, including BSN, Cullucor, Vitafusion, and more. Just add any two products to your cart, and you’ll see your discount automatically at checkout.
Mrs. Meyer’s dish soap is incredibly popular (at least judging by online reviews), and Amazon’s taking an extra 20% off 3-packs today. The coupon will work whether you use Subscribe & Save or not, but of course, you’ll save extra if you subscribe, and you can always cancel after your first delivery.
If you want to take better care of your teeth in 2017, buying a Philips Sonicare 2 Series toothbrush for $30 (after $10 coupon) would be a great start.
We sometimes see the Sonicare Essence available for $20 (in fact, it is right now ), but for $10 more, the 2 Series includes a slimmer design, compatibility with multiple brush head styles, and a smaller charger that’s easier to pack in a suitcase.
Amazon’s Prime Pantry service has kicked off the new year with a pair of special promotions.
If the $6-per-box Prime Pantry delivery fee is scaring you off, it’s easy to avoid by including any five items from this page in your box. There are hundreds of eligible products from across every major category (including your favorite toilet paper ), so you should have no trouble finding five that you were going to buy anyway. If you meet this requirement, you’ll see the $6 shipping fee waived at checkout.
If that weren’t enough, you can also spend $30 on a smaller selection of items, and get $5 off your order. Eligible items are limited to skin, oral, hair, and health care products, but there are enough choices that you can probably find $30 worth of stuff that you need.
So if you play your cards right here, you’ll pay far less for non-refrigerated food, laundry detergent, bathroom essentials, skin care, and home goods than you would at your local supermarket, and you won’t even have to leave the house to get it.
I know nobody wants to think about dealing with taxes yet, but Amazon’s currently offering big discounts on TurboTax 2016 software packages .
This page has a handy comparison chart to help you choose the right version for you. And once you’ve decided, you’ll get your choice of a download or a disc. Now you just have to wait for your employers and banks to procrastinate on sending your forms until the last possible minute.
If you need a fresh set of wiper blades to survive the winter, you can grab a pair of Bosch Insight wiper blades for $23 from Amazon today .
Just pick the two you need, add them to your cart , and the discount should appear automatically, assuming both were shipped and sold by The deal even allows you to mix and match sizes, so you can almost certainly find a combination that will work for your car.
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