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Британский коллекционер нашел в советском танке клад в 2,5 миллиона долларов


В топливном баке танка были пять золотых слитков
В Великобритании 55-летний коллекционер Ник Мид и его механик Тодд Чемберлен нашли золотые слитки в топливном баке советского танка Т-54, который британец купил на eBay.
Танк коллекционеру обошелся примерно за 37 тысяч долларов, пишет The Sun. В коллекции Мида уже 150 образцов боевой техники. Приобретя еще один образец – упомянутый танк – Тодд и Ник пополнили коллекцию еще и пулеметом с боеприпасами, когда разбирали танк. Надеясь на еще какую-нибудь аналогичную находку, коллекционер и механик основательно перебрали машину, и в топливном баке обнаружили пять золотых слитков.
Стоимость найденного золота превышает 2,5 миллиона долларов. „Мы не знали, что и делать. Нельзя же просто прийти в обменный пункт с пятью золотыми слитками. Поэтому мы позвонили в полицию“, − рассказал Чемберлен. Увы, но полиция золото отобрала.
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Ник Мид считает, что золотые слитки были украдены иракскими солдатами в Кувейте во время войны в Персидском заливе. Затем танк был захвачен и попал в Великобританию.
Полицейские дали коллекционеру расписку и отказались для прессы комментировать ситуацию. Однако коллекционер не расстраивается. „Даже если я не получу золото обратно, у меня остается мой прекрасный танк“, – говорит он.
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Similarity rank: 4.2

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Google offers at least $880 million to LG display for OLED investment: Electronic Times


Google Inc has offered to invest at least 1 trillion won to help South Korea’s LG Display Co Ltd boost output of OLED screens for smartphones.
Google Inc has offered to invest at least 1 trillion won ($880.29 million) to help South Korea’s LG Display Co Ltd boost output of organic light-emitting diode (OLED) screens for smartphones, the Electronic Times reported on Monday citing unnamed sources.
The paper said Google offered the investment to secure a stable supply of flexible OLED screens for its next Pixel smartphones. Samsung Electronics Co Ltd’s flagship Galaxy smartphones use the bendable displays, while Apple Inc is expected to start using them in at least some of its next iPhones.
LG Display declined to comment, while Google could not be immediately reached for comment.

Similarity rank: 2

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Trump advisor: US goals are to defeat IS and oust Assad


Donald Trump’s national security adviser has left open the possibility of additional US military action against Syria, but indicated that America was not seeking to act unilaterally to
Donald Trump’s national security adviser has left open the possibility of additional US military action against Syria, but indicated that America was not seeking to act unilaterally to oust Bashar Assad.
In his first televised interview, Herbert „HR“ McMaster pointed to dual US goals of defeating the Islamic State terror group and removing the Syrian president.
But he suggested that President Trump was seeking a global political response for regime change from US allies as well as Russia, which he said needed to re-evaluate its support of Syria.
„It’s very difficult to understand how a political solution could result from the continuation of the Assad regime,“ the US Army lieutenant general said.
„Now, we are not saying that we are the ones who are going to effect that change. What we are saying is, other countries have to ask themselves some hard questions.
„Russia should ask themselves, ‚Why are we supporting this murderous regime that is committing mass murder of its own population?‘. “
After last Tuesday’s chemical attack in Syria, Mr Trump said his attitude towards Assad „has changed very much“ and secretary of state Rex Tillerson said „steps are under way“ to organise a coalition to remove him from power.
But as politicians called on Mr Trump to consult Congress on any future military strikes and a longer-term strategy on Syria, Trump administration officials sent mixed signals on the scope of US involvement.
While Nikki Haley, the US ambassador to the United Nations, described regime change in Syria as a US priority and inevitable, Mr Tillerson suggested that last week’s American air strikes in retaliation for the chemical attack had not really changed US priorities towards ousting Assad.
Pressed to clarify, Mr McMaster said the goals of fighting IS and ousting Syria’s president were somewhat „simultaneous“ and that the objective of the missile strike was to send a „strong political message to Assad“.
He did not rule out additional strikes if Assad continued to engage in atrocities against rebel forces with either chemical or conventional weapons.
„We are prepared to do more,“ he said.
„The president will make whatever decision he thinks is in the best interest of the American people. “
Reluctant to put significant troops on the ground in Syria, the US has struggled for years to prevent Assad from strengthening his hold on power.
US-backed rebels groups have long pleaded for more American intervention and complained that Washington has fought only IS.
So Mr Trump’s decision to launch the strikes – which Barack Obama declined to do after a 2013 chemical attack – has raised optimism among rebels that he will confront Assad more directly.
Several politicians said that decision should not entirely be up to Mr Trump.
Senator John Cornyn of Texas, the number two Republican in the Senate, praised Mr Trump’s initial missile strike for sending a message to Assad, Russia, Iran and North Korea that „there’s a new administration in charge“.
But he said Mr Trump now needed to work with Congress to set a future course.
„Congress needs to work with the president to try and deal with this long-term strategy, lack of strategy, really, in Syria,“ he said.
„We haven’t had one for six years during the Obama administration, and 400,000 civilians have died and millions of people have been displaced internally and externally in Europe and elsewhere. “
Maryland senator Ben Cardin, the top Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, agreed.
„What we saw was a reaction to the use of chemical weapons, something I think many of us supported,“ he said.
„But what we did not see is a coherent policy on how we’re going to deal with the civil war and also deal with Isis. “
Republican senator Lindsey Graham said he believed Mr Trump did not need to consult Congress.
„I think the president has authorisation to use force,“ he said.
„Assad signed the chemical weapons treaty ban. There’s an agreement with him not to use chemical weapons. “
Their comments came as Mr Tillerson was making the Trump administration’s first official trip this week to Russia, a staunch Assad ally.
In interviews broadcast on Sunday, he said defeating IS remained the top focus.
Once that threat „has been reduced or eliminated, I think we can turn our attention directly to stabilising the situation in Syria“, he said.
„We’re hopeful that we can prevent a continuation of the civil war and that we can bring the parties to the table to begin the process of political discussions“ between the Assad government and various rebel groups.
The hope, he said, is that „we can navigate a political outcome in which the Syrian people, in fact, will determine Bashar al-Assad’s fate and his legitimacy“.
Ms Haley said „getting Assad out is not the only priority“ and that countering Iran’s influence in Syria was another.
Still, she said the US did not see a peaceful future Syria with Assad in power.

Similarity rank: 5.4
Sentiment rank: -0.2

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На встрече G7 Британия будет добиваться новых санкций против РФ


The Times сообщает, что Британия будет призывать Запад наказать Россию за поддержку Асада
Великобритания намерена подтолкнуть западные страны на новые санкции против России, если она не согласится разорвать связи с президентом Сирии Башаром Асадом. Об этом сообщает The Times.
Глава МИД Британии Борис Джонсон требует, чтобы Запад подготовил „очень карательные санкции“ в ответ на химическую атаку в Сирии в провинции Идлиб.
Документ с санкциями подготовлен ко встрече стран G7 в Италии, которая начинается сегодня, 10 апреля.
Ранее министр обороны Великобритании Майкл Фэллон заявил , что Россия несет ответственность за каждую смерть, случившуюся в результате химической атаки в сирийском городе Хан-Шейхун.
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Similarity rank: 11.6

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AMD Ryzen System Smokes Apple Mac Pro in Photoshop | HotHardware


As if we needed more examples to demonstrate how outdated Apple’s current Mac Pro line is, a $1500 USD AMD Ryzen R7 1700 powered PC recently smoked a loaded $5500 Mac Pro in a Photoshop benchmark. Tech Guy posted the showdown to his Youtube channel recently…
As if we needed more examples to demonstrate how outdated Apple ’s current Mac Pro line is, a $1500 USD AMD Ryzen R7 1700 powered PC recently smoked a loaded $5500 Mac Pro in a Photoshop benchmark. Tech Guy posted the showdown to his Youtube channel recently as part of a series for content creators to understand the differences between different systems. Mac Pro’s have maintained a strong reputation among creative professionals despite lacking any revisions since 2013. The two computers tested have more or less analogous CPUs on the surface, each housing 8-cores clocked at 3.0GHz. Both systems are running 250GB solid-state drives and the Mac Pro has four times as much system memory with 64GB of RAM to the Ryzen system’s 16GB. The GPU configurations are different with dual AMD FirePro D700 cards in the Mac Pro to the Ryzen system’s single Nvidia GTX 1080 , however this particular test does not leverage the GPU’s so the difference is effectively mute. Tech Guy’s test uses a benchmark from Keith Simonian Photography. It leverages a macro which applies various blurs to a test image and times the result. It’s a bit crude and is certainly not an exhaustive showdown, but is perfectly relevant for busy content creators looking to save time in mass operations – exactly the kind of user who would be mulling over a Mac Pro purchase. As mentioned, this test is entirely CPU driven as demonstrated in Tech Guy’s video below. The Mac Pro system takes 15 seconds to complete the action to Ryzen’s mere 8.8 seconds at stock speeds. Overclocking Ryzen to a comfortable 3.5 GHz shaves just over a second off that time, executing in just 7.7 seconds. There’s a lot in play here and the results cannot be completely taken at face value. Yes, the Mac Pro system costs nearly four times as much as the custom Ryzen rig. However, a good amount of this may stem from the dual-workstation grade FirePro D700 GPUs onboard. While not available directly, they appear to be based on the FirePro W9000 which retailed for around $4000 each at launch. Even with depreciation, that is a lot of sunk cost into components with zero bearing on this test. RAM capacity is fairly irrelevant in this test as well since the sample image is under 5MB. The Ryzen system does benefit from substantially faster memory with 3200MHz DDR4 to the Mac Pro’s 1866MHz DDR3 RAM. The Mac Pro’s memory is also error-correcting ( ECC ) which carries a slight performance overhead. Even still, the test is sufficiently CPU-bound to the point that this is unlikely to be a factor in the Mac Pro’s defeat. We ought to mention the astonishing $1200 premium Apple demands for an upgrade to 64GB of memory over the base 16GB loadout – an upgrade Tech Guy notes would run only $200 for the Ryzen system. ECC memory is expensive, but not that expensive. Focusing on the CPU, the “ Intel Xeon E5” inside turns out to be a Xeon E5-1680 v2 which is listed at around $1700 and is based on now dated Ivy Bridge architecture. The Ryzen R7 1700 by contrast costs a mere $329. That aspect alone makes this more of a demonstration of instructions-per-clock ( IPC ) gains over the years than anything. While this test speaks well of Ryzen for content creation, it speaks louder about how Apple has betrayed their professional customer base by neglecting a refresh for four years. With a new Mac Pro formally announced now, we are interested to see this comparison revisited at launch to see if the Apple Tax holds true. Hopefully Apple will make strides to vastly improve their value proposition and at least be competitive with PC systems, but we are not about to hold our breath.

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投票総数、投票者数上回る 秋田・潟上市長選でトラブル


9日に投開票された秋田県の 潟上(かたがみ)市長選で、 投票者数よりも、 投票用紙の 枚数(投票総数)が数枚多いというトラブルがあった。 潟上市選挙管理委員会が、 投票所ごとに投票者をチェックする「投票録」 を…

Similarity rank: 1.1

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【ロンドン時事】 スウェーデンの 首都ストックホルムの 繁華街で4人が死亡したトラック突入事件で、 同国警察は9日記者会見し、 テロ容疑で逮捕した容疑者の 男(39)が「イスラム国」 (IS)などの 過激派組織への 共感を示していたと明らかにした。 ロイター通信が報じた。 容疑

Similarity rank: 1.1

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China's nuclear envoy in South Korea amid talk of Trump action against North Korea


min Park and Nobuhiro Kubo
North Korea marks several major anniversaries this month and often marks the occasions with major tests of military hardware.
The possibility of U. S. military action against North Korea in response to such tests gained traction following last week’s strikes against Syria. Previously, Washington has leaned toward sanctions and pressure to deter North Korea, but comments from U. S. President Donald Trump’s top aides at the weekend suggested that position may be hardening.
The U. S. Navy strike group Carl Vinson canceled a planned trip to Australia and was moving toward the western Pacific Ocean near the Korean peninsula as a show of force, a U. S. official told Reuters over the weekend. „We feel the increased presence is necessary,“ the official said.
The events took place after Trump and China’s President Xi Jinping held a summit meeting in Florida, where Trump pressed his counterpart to do more to curb North Korea’s nuclear program.
China is North Korea’s main diplomatic and economic ally.
There were no immediate details on what was discussed between China’s Special Representative for Korean Peninsula Affairs, Wu Dawei, and his South Korean counterpart. But the talks were expected to focus on the North’s nuclear issue, the South Korean foreign ministry said earlier.
It was also the first visit to South Korea by a senior Chinese official since the planned deployment of the U. S. THAAD missile defense system led to a diplomatic row between Beijing and Seoul.
U. S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said the U. S. military strike against Syria over its alleged use of chemical weapons was a warning to other countries including North Korea that „a response is likely“ if they pose a danger.
„(Chinese) President Xi (Jinping) clearly understands, and I think agrees, that the situation has intensified and has reached a certain level of threat that action has to be taken,“ Tillerson said on CBS’s Face the Nation.
North Korea has sounded a note of defiance, calling the U. S. strikes against Syria on Friday „an unforgivable act of aggression“ that showed its decision to develop nuclear weapons was „the right choice. “
In Tokyo, the feasibility of U. S. military action was downplayed, while South Korea said the focus remained on deterrence and readiness.
„It probably is not realistic for the U. S. to attack North Korea,“ a Japanese defense ministry source said. „If America says it is going to attack, both Japan and South Korea will probably put a stop to it,“ said the source who declined to be identified.
A senior Japanese military source added: „If the U. S. military was to attack, there could be a request to Japan for rear-guard logistics support but there has been no talk of such preparations. “
South Korean and U. S. forces are also involved in annual joint military drills that run until the end of April. The North calls the drills preparations for war against it.
Several North Korean anniversaries in April could be an opportunity for Pyongyang to conduct nuclear or missile tests, South Korean defense ministry spokesman Moon Sang-kyun said.
North Korea has invited a large number of foreign media representatives to Pyongyang this week, likely to cover the so-called „Day of the Sun“ birth anniversary on April 15 of the state founder Kim Il Sung.
Moon did not directly respond to a question about the possibility of a U. S. military strike against the North.
„Considering the possibility of North Korea’s strategic provocations such as a nuclear test and missile launches, we have in place deterrence to the North’s provocation and all readiness against them,“ he told a briefing on Monday.
The Unification Ministry also played down the possibility of U. S. military strikes against the North, saying it was confident Washington is fully behind the South’s policy of using dialogue and pressure to resolve the North Korea situation, not force.
Senior envoys of South Korea, Japan and the United State on the North Korea nuclear program will soon meet to discuss their coordinated response, the South’s foreign ministry said.
North Korea launched a ballistic missile on Wednesday that flew a short distance before spinning out of control and crashing into the sea, the latest of a number of missile tests defying U. N. sanctions.
The North is also seen to be ready to conduct its sixth nuclear test at any time, with movements detected by satellites at its Punggye-ri nuclear test site.
(Writing by Jack Kim; Editing by Raju Gopalakrishnan)

Similarity rank: 4.3
Sentiment rank: -0.2

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Росія виділить Білорусі кредит в $1 мільярд


У білоруському уряді повідомили, що кредити від РФ країна отримує на дуже вигідних умовах.
Семашко інформував, що рішення відкрити кредитування Білорусі з лінії Євразійського фонду стабілізації і розвитку було прийнято після зустрічі Олександра Лукашенка і Володимира Путіна в Петербурзі 3 квітня.
„Третій, четвертий транш, кожен по 300 мільйонів доларів – разом 600 мільйонів доларів на рік надійде до Білорусі на дуже вигідних умовах, в хороші терміни, за низькими ставками і так далі. Також було зроблено доручення ще додатково близько одного мільярда доларів кредитів теж на хороших умовах виділити“, – повідомив Семашко.
Як повідомляв Кореспондент.net, президент РФ Володимир Путін заявив, що Росія і Білорусь врегулювали спірні питання в нафтогазовій сфері.

Similarity rank: 3.1

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「卑劣なテロ」と安保理 教会連続爆発で報道声明


【ニューヨーク共同】 国連安全保障理事会は9日、 エジプト北部にあるキリスト教の 一派、 コプト教の 教会で起きた連続爆発について「凶悪で卑劣なテロ行為を最も強い言葉で非難する」 との 報道声明を発表した。 声明は被害者の 家族やエジプト政府に哀悼の 意を表し、 テロに関与した人物…
【ニューヨーク共同】国連安全保障理事会は9日、エジプト北部にあるキリスト教の一派、コプト教の教会で起きた連続爆発について「凶悪で卑劣なテロ行為を最も強い言葉で非難する」との報道声明を発表した。 声明は被害者の家族やエジプト政府に哀悼の意を表し、テロに関与した人物に法の裁きを受けさせる必要性を強調した。 グテレス国連事務総長も「恐ろしいテロ行為だ」と非難する声明を発表した。

Similarity rank: 2.5
Sentiment rank: -3.8

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