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Mackinac Bridge displays huge American Flag on Memorial Day


The colors flew this morning until winds made it necessary to take down the flag for safety reasons.
MACKINAW CITY, MI – For the first time ever, workers hung a giant American flag from the Mackinac Bridge this morning as a way to mark Memorial Day.
The stars-and-stripes display created a bit of a sensation on social media, with travelers posting pictures of the flag as they drove toward its position on the bridge’s south tower.
But the fun was short-lived. Winds picked up across the Straits of Mackinac, where the bridge spans the five miles between Michigan’s Upper and Lower peninsulas. The flag had to be taken down around 11 a.m. Monday, according to a bridge worker who asked not to be named.
She said staff was worried high winds might tear the flag, or cause it to come down on someone’s vehicle.
But workers said they were glad to hear the buzz surrounding their choice to fly the colors, and said they were surprised to get so many people tweeting pictures of the flag to them this morning.

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米国伝統の 自動車レース、 インディアナポリス500マイル(インディ500)は28日、 米インディアナポリスの インディアナポリス・ モータースピードウエーで決勝が行われ、 アンドレッティ・ オートスポート所属の 佐藤琢磨が優勝した。 日本人として初めてインディ500を制する快挙を成し遂げた。 200周を争うレー…
(CNN) 米国伝統の自動車レース、インディアナポリス500マイル(インディ500)は28日、米インディアナポリスのインディアナポリス・モータースピードウエーで決勝が行われ、アンドレッティ・オートスポート所属の佐藤琢磨が優勝した。日本人として初めてインディ500を制する快挙を成し遂げた。

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Травневі заморозки на 29% зменшать врожай плодово-ягідних та винограду, – Мінагрополітики


Травневі морози, які спостерігалися майже на всій території України, завдали значної шкоди плодово-ягідним культурам та винограду, що призведе до зменшення врожаю на 29%. Про це повідомляють у прес-службі Мінагрополітики. В абсолютних показниках загальнонаціональний прогноз врожаю ягід та фруктів зменшено з 2473 до 1755 тисяч тонн.
Травневі морози, які спостерігалися майже на всій території України, завдали значної шкоди плодово-ягідним культурам та винограду, що призведе до зменшення врожаю на 29%. Про це повідомляють у прес-службі Мінагрополітики.
В абсолютних показниках загальнонаціональний прогноз врожаю ягід та фруктів зменшено з 2473 до 1755 тисяч тонн.
Найбільшої шкоди зазнали кісточкові культури – їх прогнозний урожай зменшено з 476 до 292 тисяч тонн (на 39%) . У розрізі цих культур, найбільший недобір врожаю очікується у абрикоса, персика і нектарина. Планується зібрати 33300 тонн абрикос, 9700 тонн персика та нектарина. За попередніми оцінками очікувалось 71 та 18 тисяч тонн врожаю.
Зазначається, що найменшої шкоди завдано врожаю винограду – в межах 13%, очікується збір врожаю 333 тис. тонн проти попереднього прогнозу у 380 тис. тонн.
Як повідомлялося раніше, травневі заморозки істотно не вплинули на стан зернових, який оцінюється як добрий та задовільний.

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Е. Макрон і В. Путін зустрілись у Версалі


Президент Франції Еммануель Макрон і президент РФ Володимир Путін проводять зустріч у Версалі. Про це повідомляє прес-служба Кремля.
КИЇВ. 29 травня. УНН. Президент Франції Еммануель Макрон і президент РФ Володимир Путін проводять зустріч у Версалі. Про це повідомляє прес-служба Кремля.
„У Версальському палаці проходить зустріч Володимира Путіна з президентом Французької Республіки Еммануелем Макроном“, – йдеться в повідомленні.
Про прибуття В. Путіна до Версальського палацу йдеться у Twitter президента Франції.
Як повідомляв УНН, за словами політолога, В. Путін під час зустрічі у Версалі переконуватиме, що він не ворог Е. Макрону.
Dialogue et exigence. Arrivée de Vladimir Poutine, président de la Fédération de Russie au @CVersailles.
— Emmanuel Macron (@EmmanuelMacron) 29 мая 2017 г.

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Saluting veteran founders and their mission-driven startups


Veterans seem much more likely to found companies centered on a social good mission.
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Founded 2007 Overview Ustream provides a live interactive broadcast platform.
Its platform enables to view and broadcast content, including high school sporting events and red carpet movie premieres, political events, concerts, conferences, talk shows, interactive games, and personal milestones. The company also offers advertising and digital campaign solutions; solutions for mobile devices, streaming players, connected… Location San Francisco, CA Categories Broadcasting, Apps, Video Streaming, Video, Mobile Founders John Ham, Gyula Feher, Brad Hunstable Website http: // Full profile for Ustream
Ustream Founded 2007 Overview Ustream provides a live interactive broadcast platform.
Its platform enables to view and broadcast content, including high school sporting events and red carpet movie premieres, political events, concerts, conferences, talk shows, interactive games, and personal milestones. The company also offers advertising and digital campaign solutions; solutions for mobile devices, streaming players, connected… Location San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA Categories Broadcasting, Apps, Video Streaming, Video, Mobile Broadcasting Apps Video Streaming Video Mobile Founders John Ham, Gyula Feher, Brad Hunstable John Ham Gyula Feher Brad Hunstable Website http: // http: // Full profile for Ustream Full profile for Ustream
Mark Cuban
Bio Since the age of 12, Mark has been a natural businessman. Selling garbage bags door to door, the seed was planted early on for what would eventually become long-term success. After graduating from Indiana University – where he briefly owned the most popular bar in town – Mark moved to Dallas. After a dispute with an employer who wanted him to clean instead of closing an important sale, Mark created… Full profile for Mark Cuban
Mark Cuban Bio Since the age of 12, Mark has been a natural businessman. Selling garbage bags door to door, the seed was planted early on for what would eventually become long-term success. After graduating from Indiana University – where he briefly owned the most popular bar in town – Mark moved to Dallas. After a dispute with an employer who wanted him to clean instead of closing an important sale, Mark created… Full profile for Mark Cuban Full profile for Mark Cuban
Elemental Path
Founded 2014 Overview Elemental Path is driven to improve the way kids learn by improving the way they play. We are enabling them to have more interactive and engaging play experiences that are rooted in educational content.
Elemental Path are the creators of CogniToys, the worlds first internet connected smartoys, that are actually smart. We are creating a new gateway for kids to fun, interactive learning that brings… Location New York,NY Categories Education, Consumer Electronics, Artificial Intelligence Founders Arthur Tu, John Paul Benini, Donald Coolidge, JP Beini Website http: // Full profile for Elemental Path
Elemental Path Founded 2014 Overview Elemental Path is driven to improve the way kids learn by improving the way they play. We are enabling them to have more interactive and engaging play experiences that are rooted in educational content.
Elemental Path are the creators of CogniToys, the worlds first internet connected smartoys, that are actually smart. We are creating a new gateway for kids to fun, interactive learning that brings… Location New York,NY New York,NY Categories Education, Consumer Electronics, Artificial Intelligence Education Consumer Electronics Artificial Intelligence Founders Arthur Tu, John Paul Benini, Donald Coolidge, JP Beini Arthur Tu John Paul Benini Donald Coolidge JP Beini Website http: // http: // Full profile for Elemental Path Full profile for Elemental Path SEE ALL NEWSLETTERS Web App Developer – Modern Full Stack at Innovasium Digital (Markham (Toronto) , ON, Canada) Web App Developer – Modern Full Stack at Innovasium Digital (Markham (Toronto) , ON, Canada) Product manager at Ford Models at Altpoint Ventures (New York,NY, United States) Product manager at Ford Models at Altpoint Ventures (New York,NY, United States) UI Software Engineer, React at Nexla Inc (Millbrae, CA, United States, (near SF Airport) ) UI Software Engineer, React at Nexla Inc (Millbrae, CA, United States, (near SF Airport) ) Two Sigma Technical Recruiter at Two Sigma Investments (New York,NY, United States) Two Sigma Technical Recruiter at Two Sigma Investments (New York,NY, United States) Two Sigma Ventures Content + Brand Manager at Two Sigma Investments (New York,NY, United States) Two Sigma Ventures Content + Brand Manager at Two Sigma Investments (New York,NY, United States) More from CrunchBoard

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Creepy Swimmer’s Itch Parasite in Northern Lakes Can Scratch Summer Fun


A cooling summer dip in a freshwater lake or pond could give you a nasty reaction, but Michigan is leading the way in research and control 
Every morning for about eight weeks each summer, Leslie Ritter becomes bait. As head of the lifeguarding program at the Congregational Summer Assembly (a vacation community in northwest Michigan) , Ritter wades into Crystal Lake up to her knees. After 30 minutes she gets out and records wind and temperature data. If her skin starts to tingle, she knows something in the lake is after her—and swimming lessons are canceled.
For the past few years Ritter has been sending the results of her unusual experiment to the Michigan Swimmer’s Itch Partnership (MSIP) , a coalition of more than 20 Michigan watershed associations that shares research and raises public awareness about something lurking in these waters—a scary-sounding parasite that can really ruin someone’s day, even if it has long been considered medically harmless. Ritter’s statistics were instrumental last year when the MSIP successfully lobbied the Michigan legislature to fund research and prevention. “Moms will come down to the beach and say, ‘Is Leslie itching?’ ” says Ritter, who has become well acquainted with the parasites she lures with her body. “There are days when I can feel those little buggers grabbing me right when I am coming out of the water.”
With summer looming and people heading for lakes and waterholes for a refreshing dip, those “little buggers” will again become, in parts of the U. S., a very big holiday nuisance. Few officials take swimmers itch (also called cercarial dermatitis) very seriously as a public health problem. But Michigan has taken the lead in battling it with research and control measures targeting ducks that act as hosts to schistosomes—near-microscopic, wormlike parasites whose larvae try to burrow into people’s skin. This can trigger an allergic reaction in the form of violently itching red bumps that characterize swimmer’s itch. Thanks in large part to the MSIP’s lobbying, Michigan’s 2016–17 government budget has provided $250,000 toward trapping common merganser ducks—blamed for 95 percent of the swimmer’s itch parasites in the popular tourist lakes of northwestern Michigan—and releasing them in areas where parasites cannot reproduce. MSIP plans to help organize similar groups this summer in Wisconsin and Minnesota.
Meanwhile, researchers are not only looking for creams that can help protect skin from the schistosomes but are also measuring how many of them are in the water at any given time. They hope this—along with collecting data including wind velocity and direction, and water and air temperature—will help scientists learn when the parasites tend to be more abundant. “Of course no one is crowing and saying this is a killer or this is a first-line public health problem, ” says Eric Loker, a biologist at the University of New Mexico who spoke at last year’s MSIP conference. “But on the other hand it has never really gotten significant recognition for being something that should be more intensely studied including by clinicians and epidemiologists. We do not really know what the long-term implications might be, ” he adds.
Michigan has long battled cercarial dermatitis, which was first identified in 1928 at the University of Michigan Biological Station (UMBS) on Douglas Lake in the northwestern part of the state’s Lower Peninsula. About 100 species of schistosome (commonly called blood flukes or flatworms) are found across the globe. The type being most thoroughly studied in the U. S., in relation to northern lakes, is Trichobilharzia stagnicolae. It uses a combination of the common merganser and the snail species Stagnicola emarginata as hosts, and has been widely blamed for swimmer’s itch in northern states including Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin. “There are many different species of parasites that are involved in causing swimmer’s itch, ” Loker says. “Some that occur, like in Michigan, are very common there—but you would not find them elsewhere. There are different species in different locations, and these different parasites rely on different birds for their transmission.”
Swimmer’s itch has been reported in 30 U. S. states, but much of the research over the years has focused on Michigan and the Midwest because Hope College emeritus biology professor Harvey Blankespoor first discovered in Michigan that mergansers serve as hosts for the T. stagnicolae. Blankenspoor’s son Curtis, a biologist at the UMBS, says although parasites that cause swimmer’s itch are ubiquitous across North America and Canada, 95 percent of U. S. cases are reported in the “northern tier” of states bordering Canada, from Maine to Washington. Many of those states have popular swimming lakes whereas in others including New Mexico—where Loker has found a handful of different schistosome species—lakes are often too marshy for good swimming.
But actually getting the dreaded itch works pretty much the same everywhere. Adult schistosomes in a lake or pond live in the gastrointestinal tracts of birds—or in the case of at least one species, muskrats. When the animal defecates and the parasite eggs contact open water, they hatch and become the organism’s free-swimming larval stage, called miracidia, which burrow into snails. On penetration, they develop into another intermediate stage and produce thousands of cercariae—another larval stage, this one with a wormlike appearance. According to retired Michigan biology teacher and swimmer’s itch researcher Ron Reimink, the cercariae produce enzymes allowing them to migrate through host snail tissue for release into the water. They then swim up toward the sunlight. “The thing that makes them most happy is if they encounter, in the case of northern Michigan, a merganser chick in the water, ” Loker says. “But the problem is, if they cannot find a merganser’s leg, they find us instead.”
There is no evidence so far to indicate the schistosomes that cause swimmer’s itch have ever made it past the human epidermis, our outer layer of skin. “There is a high degree of host specificity—which means that the parasites are incredibly adapted to one species of host—so there is still not the right biochemistry or enzymatic reactions” with humans, Curtis Blankespoor explains. A number of species not found in North America— Schistosoma haematobium (in Africa and the Middle East) , S. mansoni (mostly in South America, Africa and the Middle East) and S. japonicum (in Asia) —can cause the far more serious human schistosomiasis. Listed by the World Health Organization as a neglected tropical disease, in 2015 it is estimated to have affected 218 million people with symptoms including abdominal pain, diarrhea and blood in the stool.
An estimated 20 to 25 percent of people have no reaction to a swimmer’s itch cercariae trying burrow into their skin. But for the majority who have the allergy, it can be a horrible experience, with symptoms ranging from hours of intense itching to red sores that cover the body for days and can lead to a low-grade fever and lightheadedness. “It is a parasitic worm that elicits the same type of response as when you have an allergic reaction to something like pollen or a bee sting, ” says Patrick Hanington, an assistant professor at the University of Alberta’s School of Public Health.
Evan Secor, lead research microbiologist at the U. S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Division of Parasitic Diseases and Malaria, says swimmer’s itch itself is not a major human health problem and that “there is no chance” the schistosomes that cause the reaction could become established in humans. Scientists in the Czech Republic, however, published research in 2012 indicating a particular species of avian schistosome in Europe could penetrate into lab mice and cause neurological problems.
There has been speculation swimmer’s itch attacks vary in severity according to the time of day, temperature and wind, all of which may affect the concentration of the organisms in the water. “Snails tend to release more cercariae in the mornings, and then as afternoon progresses it tends to taper off, ” Hanington says. “Cercariae also tend to be attracted to light, but they are also affected by water movement and wind direction. Because they are up near the surface, if you have wind blowing away from a beach, even if you have tons of affected snails, you may not have any swimmer’s itch at that beach in the morning. But if the wind changes, then it blows everything back to the beach.” This summer Hanington and Reimink will be investigating those hypotheses in Michigan by measuring the number of cercariae in the water with a device that targets DNA. “It’s going to open up all kinds of new ideas for testing and answering questions that have long been out there, ” Reimink says, “but [that] we haven’ t been able to answer because we did not have a way to do it.”
Meanwhile, this season researchers from Michigan’s Oakland University will be experimenting with protective creams, trying to determine which works best by using an artificial skin system and luring live cercariae. “The idea is to heat up the water bath to simulate body temperature so cercariae would be attracted to the surface and penetrate, ” says Thomas Raffel, an assistant professor in the Department of Biological Sciences who is overseeing the research. There is anecdotal evidence that using creams that prevent jellyfish stings, or some insect repellents, can prevent cercariae from trying to burrow into the skin. Taking an antihistamine before entering the water may prevent a reaction.
And starting in June on five northwestern lakes, Michigan’s allocated state funds will be used to capture ducklings and their mothers and transport them to the opposite side of the state where S. emarginatasnails are less abundant. Transplanting ducklings under eight weeks old means lakes like Crystal will not implant in their memories, so they will not come back to nest as adults.
Researchers and biologists are unsure what implications, if any, climate change will have on swimmer’s itch. Some suggest incidence may increase as warming temperatures prompt more people to hit the water whereas others like Raffel have investigated how fluctuating temperatures affect cercarial release from infected snails. Warmer temperatures increase snail and parasite metabolisms, at least initially, resulting in increased production of cercariae.
“There is no doubt that climate change is affecting geographical patterns of organisms—and because we are at the southern end of mergansers’ breeding grounds, who knows where things are going to go?” says Curtis Blankespoor, whose company will be doing the state-funded capture and release on a few of the lakes in Michigan. “But if you get a couple of degrees warmer, those mergansers are probably not going to breed in northern Michigan. They will keep going north.”

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How capuchino seedeaters have such big differences in plumage despite little genetic diversity


( —A team of researchers from the U. S., Brazil and Argentina has found clues that help explain why southern capuchino seedeaters have such wide differences in plumage despite being so closely genetically matched. …
Southern capuchino seedeaters are a type of song bird, one of a group with familiar finch-like bills. They live in different parts of South America and have evolved in a unique way—the males have widely different plumage coloring and large differences in their songs. Prior research has shown that despite the differences in plumage, the birds are all quite genetically close. This led the team to wonder how or why that might be possible. They devised a theory that suggested that strong selection in an important part of the genome could perhaps lead to such differences. To find out if they were right, they conducted a DNA analysis of 56 individual birds from five species representing different plumages and found their genetic makeup to be nearly identical.
The team then took a closer look at the part of the genome known to be involved in creating melanins, a group of natural pigments. They found that 99 percent of the genome differences between the species occurred in such regions. But because speciation in seedeaters came about quickly, that led the researchers to suggest that it was due to actions by females—by exhibiting certain preferences in plumage or songs, the researchers theorize, the females were causing the males to adapt quickly.
The researchers conclude that natural selection due to female behavior has driven faster-than-normal speciation in the birds, resulting in wildly divergent plumage and song types—similar, they note, to the way the bills of Darwin’s finches have changed to adapt to conditions in the Galapagos. They suggest their work offers new insight into the ways strong genetic processes acting on a few key genes can bring about fast evolutionary changes.
Explore further: Study shows species can change
More information:
Leonardo Campagna et al. Repeated divergent selection on pigmentation genes in a rapid finch radiation, Science Advances (2017) . DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.1602404
Abstract Instances of recent and rapid speciation are suitable for associating phenotypes with their causal genotypes, especially if gene flow homogenizes areas of the genome that are not under divergent selection. We study a rapid radiation of nine sympatric bird species known as capuchino seedeaters, which are differentiated in sexually selected characters of male plumage and song. We sequenced the genomes of a phenotypically diverse set of species to search for differentiated genomic regions. Capuchinos show differences in a small proportion of their genomes, yet selection has acted independently on the same targets in different members of this radiation. Many divergent regions contain genes involved in the melanogenesis pathway, with the strongest signal originating from putative regulatory regions. Selection has acted on these same genomic regions in different lineages, likely shaping the evolution of cis-regulatory elements, which control how more conserved genes are expressed and thereby generate diversity in classically sexually selected traits.

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白鵬「負けない相撲取り切れた」 優勝から一夜明け会見


大相撲夏場所で6場所ぶり38度目の 優勝を全勝で飾った白鵬が千秋楽から一夜明けた29日、 都内で記者会見し、 「優勝してお祝いしてもらうの も1年ぶり。 何だか懐かしく感じています」 としみじみと語った。 休場…

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У Голосіївському районі прорвало трубу: фонтан до 7 поверху


Біля будинку на просп. Голосіївському прорвало трубу, коли, попередньо, комунальники проводили випробування тиском. Пошкоджено будинок, припарковані поруч машини, людей, як стверджується, відселяють
Біля будинку на просп. Голосіївському прорвало трубу, коли, попередньо, комунальники проводили випробування тиском. Пошкоджено будинок, припарковані поруч машини, людей, як стверджується, відселяють 29 травня, близько 14: 10, у Києві на проспекті Голосіївському біля будинку №27 прорвало трубу водопостачання. Про це повідомив журналіст Олександр Гусєв у Фейсбуці, також він виклав фотографії з місця події.
За його словами, фонтан води сягнув 7-го поверху. В будинку повибивало вікна та вивіски магазинів; розбило припарковані поруч автомобілі; місце прориву усіяне брудом і уламками асфальту.
Олександр Гусєв стверджує, що людей відселяють і їм потрібна допомога.
Пізніше він додав, що аварія сталася з трубою діаметром 800 мм, коли комунальники проводили випробування тиском.

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Потрощений будинок й автівки: у Києві стався масштабний прорив труби


У компанії уточнили, що аварія сталася на трубопроводі діаметром 800 мм, який експлуатується вже майже 40 років.
Порив водогону у Києві на проспекті Голосіївський, 27 стався внаслідок розриву труби та виходу води на поверхню.
Про це повідомила прес-служба ПАТ „Київенерго“.
„Сьогодні близько 14.00 за адресою Голосіївський проспект, 27 під час гідравлічних випробувань виявлено пошкодження магістрального трубопроводу діаметром 800 мм. Ця ділянка тепломережі експлуатується з 1979 року та вичерпала свій 25-річний нормативний ресурс. Через це стався витік на поверхню охолодженої тепломережевої води та утворилась вимоїна на прибудинковій території розміром 2х3 м“, – йдеться у повідомленні.
За даними компанії, наразі пошкодження локалізоване, витік води зупинено.
„Оперативна бригада „Київенерго“ почне ліквідацію пошкодження ділянки магістрального трубопроводу від ТЕЦ-5 після закінчення оперативно-слідчих дій“, – зазначили у прес-службі.
Як зазначається, у результаті витоку теплоносія було пошкоджено 4 автомобілі та вікна будівлі перед вимоїною.
„Збитки постраждалим буде компенсовано у встановленому законодавством порядку“, – запевнили у „Київенерго“.
Окремо повідомляється, що на час проведення гідравлічних випробувань у низки споживачів району відключать гарячу воду.
Своєю чергою у столичному управлінні ДСНС розповіли, що рятувальники не виїжджали на місце події, оскільки у „Київенерго“ запевнили, що впораються самі.
Нагадаємо, раніше очевидець Олександр Гусєв оприлюднив у Facebook фото та відео прориву труби на Голосіївському проспекті, 27. За його словами, фонтан води сягнув 7-го поверху.

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