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'It's not silly' to read into Melania Trump's fashion


The fashion world is applauding Melania Trump style on the First Lady’s inaugural international trip. Senior fashion writer at Refinery 29, Connie Wang, says that because Melania Trump says very little publicly, so what she wears takes on added importance.
Greg Gianforte (R) , a candidate for U. S. House, was charged with misdemeanor assault after an incident with a reporter for The Guardian on May 24,2017.
President Donald Trump met with Pope Francis at the Vatican on Wednesday. In a statement, the Vatican said the two sides agreed on their „joint commitment in favor of life and freedom of worship and conscience.“ It said talks also covered promoting peace through dialogue with people of other faiths.
Director of the Office of Management and Budget Mick Mulvaney unveiled President Trump’s FY18 Budget. “We looked at this budget through the eyes of the people who are actually paying the bill, ” Mulvaney said.
For the second day in a row, Melania Trump publicly snubbed President Trump when he tried to hold her hand upon arriving in Rome.
President Donald Trump offered his condolences to the families of victims of the deadly explosion at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester on Monday evening, which killed 22 people and injured dozens more.
President Donald Trump reaches out for First Lady Melania’s hand, and she seems to swat it away in a subtle moment at the Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv. The event was a welcome ceremony by Israeli President Rueben Rivlin and Prime Minster Benjamin Netanyahu.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called U. S. President Donald Trump’s trip „truly historic“ and a „powerful expression“ of Trump’s friendship with Israel. Israeli President Reuven Rivlin said it made „very happy“ to know that the United States recognizes the significance of Jerusalem to the Jewish people.
President Trump, in his first international trip, delivered a speech at the Arab Islamic American Summit in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Sen. Thom Tillis collapsed during the ACLI Capitla Challenge race in Washington, D. C. on May 17. Initial reports say CPR was performed on the North Carolina senator but this video update from Tillis says he was just being checked out after he got overheated.
At a town hall in New Jersey, Representative Tom MacArthur, who is credited with reviving legislation that could repeal the Affordable Care Act, faced hundreds of outraged constituents, who worry they may lose their health care coverage.
Adam Putnam speaks to reporters following his South Florida debut as a candidate for governor Monday at the Greater Fort Lauderdale Alliance Luncheon at Hyatt Regency Pier 66. Putnam made the stop as part of his 10-day bus tour.
Florida governor Rick Scott announces record tourist visits for early 2017 at Jungle Island on May 15,2017. Gov. Rick Scott touted record tourism in Florida during the first quarter of 2017 as he considers vetoing a dramatic cut to the state’s tourism marketing arm, Visit Florida. The state legislature approved last week a cut to Visit Florida’s funding by 67 percent, from $78 million to $25 million.
From Secretary of State Rex Tillerson to former campaign director Paul Manafort, President Donald Trump’s allies have business and personal connections to Russia. As Congress and the FBI look into Russia’s involvement with the 2016 election, those connections are increasingly under a microscope.
Haitian and immigration advocates held a rally in front of the U. S. Citizenship and Immigration Services office in Little Haiti on Saturday, May 13,2017, demanding the Trump administration extend Temporary Protected Status for Haitians.
Actress Melissa McCarthy was spotted Friday morning dressed as the White House Press Secretary and driving a motorized podium through the streets of New York. She was filming a skit for this weekend’s episode of „Saturday Night Live, “ which she is also hosting.
Republican representatives are trying to discuss their vote on the health care bill with their constituents this week, but the tone of some of these gatherings has been combative.

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Türkei-Streit: Besuchserlaubnis für Konya


Bundestagsabgeordnete dürfen wieder deutsche Soldaten am NATO-Stützpunkt Konya in der Türkei besuchen. Dies wurde dem ARD-Hauptstadtstudio bestätigt. Für den Luftwaffenstützpunkt Incirlik gibt es weiter keine Besuchserlaubnis.
Bundestagsabgeordnete dürfen wieder deutsche Soldaten am NATO-Stützpunkt Konya in der Türkei besuchen. Dies wurde dem ARD-Hauptstadtstudio bestätigt. Für den Luftwaffenstützpunkt Incirlik gibt es weiter keine Besuchserlaubnis.
Erstmals seit fast acht Monaten dürfen Bundestagsabgeordnete wieder deutsche Soldaten in der Türkei besuchen. Die Fachleute aller Fraktionen wurden vom Auswärtigen Amt und vom Verteidigungsministerium darüber informiert, dass die türkische Regierung keine Einwände gegen eine Reise zum NATO-Stützpunkt Konya habe. Dies wurde dem ARD-Hauptstadtstudio bestätigt. Für den Luftwaffenstützpunkt Incirlik gibt es weiterhin keine Besuchserlaubnis.
Der außenpolitische Sprecher der SPD-Fraktion, Niels Annen, erklärte dem ARD-Hauptstadtstudio: „Unabhängig vom ungelösten Streit über Incirlik ist es gut, dass sich die türkische Regierung bei Konya bewegt. Es kann schließlich nicht in unserem Interesse liegen, das Land aus der NATO zu drängen. Die Besuchsrechte des Bundestag müssen jedoch in jedem Fall gewährleistet werden. Sollte die türkische Seite hier erneut taktieren, dann müsste die deutsche Beteiligung ebenfalls beendet werden.“
Der verteidigungspolitische Sprecher der Linkspartei, Alexander Neu, sagte: „Wir dürfen die Bundesregierung nicht aus der Verantwortung lassen. Konya kann Incirlik nicht heilen. Es muss zeitnah entschieden werden, ob wir nach Incirlik einreisen dürfen und wenn nicht, dann muss die Bundeswehr aus Incirlik abgezogen werden.“
Kritisch äußerte sich die verteidigungspolitische Sprecherin der Grünen, Agnieszka Brugger: „Die Reise nach Konya ist kein Verhandlungserfolg der Bundesregierung. Sie hat nichts erreicht und lässt sich weiter von Erdogan vorführen, denn Incirlik ist immer noch nicht entschieden.“
Bundeskanzlerin Merkel hatte am Donnerstag mit dem türkischen Präsident Recep Tayyip Erdogan am Rande des NATO-Gipfels über die Abgeordnetenbesuche geredet. Mit der Besuchserlaubnis für Konya gibt es jetzt ein erstes Zeichen der Entspannung in dem Streit. Von Konya aus unterstützen ein bis zwei „Awacs“-Aufklärungsflugzeuge der NATO den Kampf gegen die Terrororganisation „Islamischer Staat“.
Auf dem Stützpunkt sind zehn bis 20 deutsche Soldaten als Bodenpersonal stationiert. Hinzu kommt ein Drittel der Besatzungen. Jeder Flieger ist mit etwa 24 Soldaten besetzt. Die Obleute des Verteidigungsausschusses wollen nächsten Mittwoch über einen Reisetermin beraten. Angestrebt wird Mitte Juni.
Im Gegensatz zu Incirlik handelt es sich bei Konya um eine NATO-Basis. Auf dem Stützpunkt Incirlik bestimmt die Türkei dagegen ganz alleine, wer zu Besuch kommen darf. Dort sind 260 deutsche Soldaten mit „Tornado“-Aufklärungsflugzeugen und einem Tankflugzeug für den Kampf gegen den IS stationiert. „Für Incirlik gibt es noch keine Entscheidung“, sagte der CDU/CSU-Obmann im Verteidigungsausschuss, Henning Otte, der dpa. „Die Bundesregierung wird sich weiter um eine tragfähige Lösung bemühen.“

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Francja: Partia Macrona może liczyć na większość w parlamencie [SONDAŻ]


Partia prezydenta Francji Emmanuela Macrona Republique en Marche (REM) może liczyć po czerwcowych wyborach na bezwzględną większość w Zgromadzeniu Narodowym – wynika z opublikowanego w piątek sondażu OpinionWay/Orpi dla dziennika ekonomicznego „Les Echos“.
Zamiar głosowania na REM deklaruje 28 proc. ankietowanych. To – według „Les Echos“ – może przełożyć się na 310-330 miejsc w liczącej 577 mandatów izbie niższej (większość wynosi 289) .
20 proc. poparcia w sondażu zyskali centroprawicowi Republikanie sprzymierzeni z siostrzaną centrową partią UDI. 19 proc. uzyskał skrajnie prawicowy Front Narodowy. Na skrajnie lewicową Francję Nieujarzmioną ma zamiar głosować 15 proc. ankietowanych, a na Partię Socjalistyczną i jej sojuszników – 10 proc.
Przekładając to na miejsca w Zgromadzeniu Narodowym, prawica może liczyć na 140-160 mandatów, socjaliści i Francja Nieujarzmiona – po 25-30, a Front Narodowy na 10-15 – wyjaśnia „Les Echos“.
Wybory parlamentarne we Francji odbędą się w dwóch turach 11 i 18 czerwca.
Sondaż zrealizowano w internecie w dniach 23-24 maja na próbie 2103 osób wpisanych na listy wyborcze.

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Białoruś: Kościół katolicki chce prawnego uregulowania relacji z państwem


Wobec przeciągających się rozmów na temat konkordatu, Konferencja Episkopatu Białorusi przygotowuje projekt porozumienia między Kościołem katolickim a władzami państwowymi. Bazowy dokument miałby regulować relacje w sferach medycyny, edukacji, kultury.
Powołując się na komunikat prasowy episkopatu, białoruska redakcja Radia Watykan poinformowała w piątek, że na majowym plenarnym posiedzeniu „biskupi zadecydowali o konieczności prawnego uregulowania relacji między Kościołem Katolickim na Białorusi a państwem, by bardziej efektywnie współpracować na rzecz duchowego dobra społeczeństwa białoruskiego”.
„Trzeba zapewnić duchową opiekę i więźniom i chorym w szpitalach. Kościół powinien być obecny także w szkole. I jeśli nie ma takiego porozumienia (regulującego stosunki państwo–Kościół – PAP) , to nasza obecność często zależy od konkretnego człowieka: czy wpuści nas do więźnia, pozwoli odprawić mszę świętą w szpitalu. Należy to uregulować prawnie. Dlatego przygotowujemy taki dokument” – oświadczył w rozmowie z radiem zwierzchnik białoruskich katolików arcybiskup Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz.
Abp Kondrusiewicz mówił o tym, że w ciągu ostatnich kilku lat na Białorusi na różnych szczeblach trwa dyskusja o przygotowaniu porozumienia (konkordatu) między Stolicą Apostolską a Republiką Białorusi. „Konferencja Episkopatu Białorusi chce zaproponować inny dokument, który jej zdaniem ureguluje relacje pomiędzy państwem i Kościołem, np. w sferze medycyny, edukacji i kultury” – powiedział.
Dodał, że podobny – ogólny – dokument podpisały przed 15 laty władze Białorusi i Cerkiew prawosławna. Następnie stał się on podstawą do bardziej szczegółowych porozumień pomiędzy Cerkwią a konkretnymi ministerstwami i urzędami.
„Nie oznacza to, że nie będą kontynuowane prace nad porozumieniem pomiędzy Stolicą Apostolską a Białorusią, dwoma podmiotami prawa międzynarodowego. Jeśli takie porozumienie (konkordat – PAP) zostanie podpisane, to przygotowany obecnie dokument utraci moc prawną, bo nie będzie już potrzebny” – mówił arcybiskup. Wyjaśnił, że rozmawiał już na ten temat z pełnomocnikiem białoruskiego rządu ds. religii i narodowości, który – jak to powiedział – „jest otwarty” na tę ideę.

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Kantar Public: Jak Polacy oceniają prace rządu?


48 proc. ankietowanych źle ocenia działalność rządu, pozytywnie o pracy Rady Ministrów mówi 40 proc. badanych – wynika z sondażu Kantar Public. 45 proc. ankietowanych dobrze ocenia pracę premier, 44 proc. – źle. Dobrze o działalności prezydenta mówi 48 proc., źle – 41 proc.
Według przeprowadzonego w maju sondażu łącznie 48 proc. ankietowanych ma krytyczną opinię o działalności rządu: 13 proc. uważa, że Rada Ministrów działa zdecydowanie źle, a 35 proc. – że raczej źle.
W grupie – 40 proc. – dobrze wypowiadających się o pracy rządu: 6 proc. ocenia, że pracuje on zdecydowanie dobrze, 34 proc., że raczej dobrze. 12 proc. badanych nie wyraziło opinii na temat działalności rządu .
W porównaniu z sondażem z kwietnia odsetek ocen pozytywnych działalności rządu spadł o 1 punkt proc., a ocen negatywnych spadł o 2 punkty proc. O 3 punkty proc. zwiększyła się grupa osób, które nie wyraziły opinii.
Łącznie 45 proc. badanych oceniło pozytywnie pracę premier Beaty Szydło, z czego zdecydowanie dobrze – 9 proc. badanych, a raczej dobrze – 36 proc. Natomiast 44 proc. ankietowanych wystawiło premier negatywną ocenę, w tym 14 proc. – oceniło ją zdecydowanie negatywnie, a 30 proc. – raczej negatywnie. 11 proc. badanych nie wyraziło zdania na temat tego, czy Beata Szydło dobrze wypełnia obowiązki premiera.
W porównaniu z wynikami z kwietnia o 3 punkty proc. zmniejszył się odsetek ocen pozytywnych pracy premier, a odsetek ocen negatywnych pozostał bez zmian. O 3 punkty proc. zwiększyła się grupa osób, które nie wyraziły zdania.
W sondażu proszono też o ocenę pracy prezydenta Andrzeja Dudy. Zdaniem łącznie 49 proc. badanych dobrze wypełnia on obowiązki prezydenta, z czego 11 proc. uważa, że zdecydowanie dobrze, a 38 – raczej dobrze. Negatywną ocenę wystawiło łącznie 41 proc. badanych, z czego 15 proc. uważa, że Andrzej Duda zdecydowanie źle wypełnia obowiązki prezydenta, a 26 proc., że raczej źle. 11 proc. badanych nie potrafiło jednoznacznie ocenić działalności prezydenta.
W stosunku do sondażu z kwietnia grupa pozytywnie oceniających działalność prezydenta nie zmieniła się, a odsetek ocen negatywnych spadł o 1 punkt proc. O 2 punkty proc. zwiększyła się grupa osób, które nie wystawiły oceny.
„W porównaniu do kwietnia w maju oceny instytucji władzy nie uległy zasadniczym zmianom. Polacy nadal najgorzej oceniają pracę rządu. Działania pani premier mają tyle samo krytyków, co zwolenników. Najlepszy bilans ocen ma prezydent – więcej Polaków ocenia jego pracę na plus niż na minus“ – zaznacza Kantar Public.
„Zaplecze wszystkich trzech instytucji władzy od kilku miesięcy stanowią te same grupy społeczne. Są to przede wszystkim zwolennicy Prawa i Sprawiedliwości, osoby o poglądach prawicowych, mieszkańcy wsi i małych miast, osoby o wykształceniu podstawowym i zasadniczym zawodowym“ – dodaje Kantar Public.
Sondaż został przeprowadzony w dniach 12-17 maja 2017 r. na ogólnopolskiej reprezentatywnej próbie 1047 mieszkańców Polski w wieku 15 i więcej lat techniką wywiadów bezpośrednich wspomaganych komputerowo.

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Beowulf Boritt, Set Designer, Renovates His Home


When Beowulf Boritt and his wife bought a prewar fixer-upper, he used all the tricks he learned in the theater to redo it.
It may well be, as the saying goes, that doctors’ wives die young, shoemakers’ children go barefoot and car mechanics drive wrecks. But if Beowulf Boritt is any proof, set designers would sooner hand over their staple guns than give short shrift to home sweet (and soignée) home.
For 15 years, Mr. Boritt, who is 46 but looks like a graduate student, lived in a 1950s-era Sutton Place co-op in New York, where he and his wife, the actress Mimi Bilinski, combined a studio and a one-bedroom. The building may have been postwar, but the couple’s apartment was anything but.
“I did all my set-designer tricks to make it look prewar, ” said Mr. Boritt, who added crown moldings, redid the baseboards and installed French doors.
Still, even the cleverest set designer can do only so much to alter the scenery. Two years ago, when a skyscraper started going up next door, “we realized all our light was going to be blocked out, and it became unbearable to live there, ” said Mr. Boritt, who has three shows on Broadway this season: “ A Bronx Tale, ” “ Sunday in the Park With George ” and “ Come From Away.”
He and Ms. Bilinski scoured the city for suitable quarters, finally ending up with a prewar fixer-upper in a co-op building four blocks from their old apartment.
No one is suggesting that Mr. Boritt is a shallow guy, but draw your own conclusions: The measurements of the living room were what first attracted him. Its long side faced south and was lined with windows, adding to the general sense of airiness. The high ceiling, black marble fireplace and the wall of bookshelves with a library ladder — just one plus after another.
The back of the apartment, though, was problematic. The master bedroom faced south, a waste of lovely light since the couple rarely open the curtains. The smaller second bedroom, which Mr. Boritt planned to use as a studio, faced north onto an air shaft. A renovation reconfigured the space, giving him the work-space light he craved and creating an en-suite master bedroom.
It’s so nice to have a set designer around the house. Partly to keep costs down, and partly for the enjoyment of it, Mr. Boritt refinished the floors and did all the painting, adding a bit of drama (because how could he not?) by matching the black of the fireplace to the moldings and door frame. He also re-covered a pair of side chairs and made a marble-topped cafe table.
“I’ d always wanted one, and looked forever, ” he said. “And then at some point I said to myself, ‘You’ re an idiot. You’ re a set designer. You know where to get the pieces for this.’ ” A supplier in Queens provided the square of marble. An ironworks company in Baltimore furnished the base. Mr. Boritt did the assembly.
He was also the problem solver in chief. He planned for a checkerboard pattern on the kitchen floor. When it turned out that the black marble tiles were 1/32 of an inch smaller than the white ones, Mr. Boritt used black grout to mask the size difference.
“That’s the kind of thing I obsess about at work, ” he said. “Being able to put it into practice in my home was fun, and it makes me happy every time I look at the floor.”
Mr. Boritt’s style as a set designer tends toward spare and simple. At home, his style tilts toward Victorian. “It’s personal comfort, ” he said. “Even though a lot of stuff is new, it tends to be in an older style.” Case in point: the camelback tufted sofa from Arhaus that was hauled up 10 flights of stairs in the heat of summer when it couldn’ t be wedged into the elevator. The deliverymen were well hydrated and well compensated.
“The couch barely fit up the stairs, ” Mr. Boritt said. “It was a challenge at every turn. I said to my wife, ‘This is never being reupholstered. It’s staying here until we chop it up.’ ”
Several pieces belonged to Mr. Boritt’s maternal grandmother, among them a Pennsylvania drop-leaf dining table, a Singer sewing machine table, some well-worn Oriental rugs and a pair of duck decoys. An iron horse she brought back from China in the 1970s, just as it was reopening to the West, sits on the mantel along with the Tony Award Mr. Boritt won in 2014 for “ Act One.”
The art, which includes works by Keith Haring, John Singer Sargent, George Grosz and Kara Walker, “is an expensive hobby, ” Mr. Boritt said. “It’s often people who’ ve influenced me in some way.”
Though there are some show posters in the foyer, it’s Mr. Boritt’s home studio that is the theater treasure trove. Here, a metal chair from the set of “ The Scottsboro Boys, ” there, the Belmont Avenue sign from the Paper Mill Playhouse production of “ A Bronx Tale: The Musical.” On the wall near Mr. Boritt’s worktable hangs the electrical outlet that was part of the set for the 2015 Broadway play “ Hand to God ” and was, apparently, so realistic looking that an audience member clambered on stage before a performance to try charging his cellphone.
Elephant figurines, including a pachyderm piggy bank, perch on tables and shelves. “I put them on most of my sets, usually in plain sight, but you wouldn’ t notice them if you weren’ t looking for them, ” Mr. Boritt said. “It’s a signature thing. It’s talismanic.”
During the renovation, he obsessed about the apartment. Now that the renovation is over, he continues to obsess, if perhaps a shade less intensely. “We didn’ t redo one of the bathrooms, ” he said. “Part of it was about saving money, and part of it was that the bathroom basically looked fine.”
Mr. Boritt sighed. “But now suddenly it looks dingy in comparison to everything else.”

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Trump Says NATO Allies Don’ t Pay Their Share. Is That True?


When the president suggests that many allies “owe massive amounts of money” to the alliance, he has a point, but he mischaracterizes the way it works.
President Trump castigated the leaders of NATO allies to their faces during his trip to Europe this week, suggesting that many of them “owe massive amounts of money” to the alliance. Mr. Trump has a point, but he mischaracterizes the way it works.
“ NATO members must finally contribute their fair share and meet their financial obligations, for 23 of the 28 member nations are still not paying what they should be paying and what they’ re supposed to be paying for their defense, ” he said.
Yes and No. NATO has a budget to cover common civilian and military costs, and some NATO-owned assets are also commonly funded when they are used in operations. The United States pays 22 percent of those costs, according to a formula based on national income. None of the NATO allies are in arrears on these contributions.
Mr. Trump is referring imprecisely to a goal NATO has set for each member to spend at least 2 percent of its gross domestic product on its own defense each year. He is correct that only five of the 28 members currently meet that goal, and they are the United States, Greece, Britain, Estonia and Poland.
No. The 2 percent standard is just a guideline, not a legally binding requirement. In 2006, even as the United States was increasing military spending because of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, European allies were shrinking their military spending. NATO defense ministers that year adopted a guideline suggesting that each spend the equivalent of 2 percent of its annual economic output on its military — but it was a target, not a rule, and not endorsed by heads of state.
Only in 2014, after Russia annexed Crimea and intervened militarily in eastern Ukraine, did NATO leaders meeting in Wales agree to the 2 percent standard, and even then they urged members to “move toward” that goal by 2024, still seven years away.
No. Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama both pressed NATO allies to increase military spending. It was a regular theme of Robert M. Gates, who served as defense secretary under both presidents. In his final policy speech before stepping down in 2011, Mr. Gates said Americans were growing impatient spending money “on behalf of nations that are apparently unwilling to devote the necessary resources or make the necessary changes to be serious and capable partners in their own defense.”
Mr. Obama raised it during a visit to Europe after Russia’s Ukraine intervention. “One of the things that I think, medium and long term, we’ ll have to examine is whether everybody is chipping in, ” he said. “And this can’ t just be a U. S. exercise or a British exercise or one country’s efforts.”
One way Mr. Trump is different is that he has made this a far more consistent and far more intense theme of nearly every discussion he has about NATO. He may have better luck than his predecessors at badgering allies into increasing their spending simply because he has made it the essential condition of America’s relationship with the alliance.
Jens Stoltenberg, NATO’s secretary general, said last month that the number of alliance members that would meet the 2 percent target next year would rise to eight.
“Many of these nations owe massive amounts of money from past years and not paying in those past years, ” Mr. Trump said.
No. This is not a matter of members failing to pay dues. The allies arguably may have less capable militaries than they should have, but none of them owe anyone anything. “Europe may owe itself; it certainly owes nothing to the U. S., ” said Ivo Daalder, a former ambassador to NATO under Mr. Obama.
“If all NATO members had spent just 2 percent of their G. D. P. on defense last year, we would have had another $119 billion for our collective defense and for the financing of additional NATO reserves, ” the president said.
He is offering an estimate of what NATO would have spent had all of its members abided by the 2 percent guideline, but there is no way to recover that money after the fact. “Citing the amount not spent over the years is fine, ” said Alexander R. Vershbow, a former deputy secretary general of NATO, “but demanding back taxes is not justified and only alienates allies.”
“This is not fair to the people and taxpayers of the United States, ” Mr. Trump said.
Debatable. American experts have argued for years that Europeans can afford to have broader social programs that produce comfortable lives for their citizens partly because they spend so much less on militaries knowing they live under the security blanket of the United States. Overall, American military spending is 72 percent of the total spent by all 28 allies.
But the vast bulk of increased American military spending since the Sept. 11,2001, attacks stemmed from the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, which were instigated by the United States, not NATO. There is little indication that the United States would have spent less money in those wars if Belgium, Spain and Slovakia, for example, had spent more on their militaries.
Moreover, Mr. Trump has not argued that he wants to reduce American military spending. He has just proposed a 10 percent increase in the base defense budget.

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'I Was Shocked By Freedom': Defectors Reflect On Life In North Korea


Watching footage of April' s military parades in North Korea — with soldiers marching in formation to patriotic tunes — Lee So-yeon recalls all the
Watching footage of April’s military parades in North Korea — with soldiers marching in formation to patriotic tunes — Lee So-yeon recalls all the steps. She was once one of those soldiers.
The daughter of a university professor, Lee, now 41, grew up in North Korea’s North Hamgyeong province. But when famine devastated the country in the 1990s, women — including Lee — volunteered for the military in droves, often for the food rations.
Since 2014, North Korean women have been drafted for seven years of mandatory military service. Men serve between 10 to 12 years. For each gender, those are the longest conscription terms in the world.
Lee joined the North Korean army in 1992 and served nearly 10 years, mostly in a desk job with the signal corps. But on holidays, she had to march.
„All of us soldiers had to march, “ she recalls in an interview inside a glass-and-steel skyscraper in South Korea’s capital, Seoul. „It unified us, and showed off our strength to the outside world.“
In the military, Lee says she witnessed sexual abuse and violence against female soldiers. She tried to defect, but was imprisoned and tortured. Finally, in 2008, she managed to sneak across the Tumen River to China.
„I was shocked by freedom — that I didn’t need permission to do anything!“ Lee recalls. „I couldn’t believe there was hot water, hairdryers! I could vote for whomever I wanted. And all the food!“
Lee has since become an advocate for female defectors as head of the New Korea Women’s Union, based in western Seoul. But from her time in the military, she’s able to offer insight into what the North Korean government wants its own people to know — and what it’s like to be inside one of the most secretive regimes in the world at times of heightened tension with the West.
When she was a soldier, state TV blasted non-stop in her office, she says.
„There’s a TV in every army barracks. When there was a nuclear test, state TV told us to feel proud, so we did, “ Lee says. „Even when there were peace talks between North and South Korea, state TV told us it was a ploy by the South to take over our country.“
The media in North Korea do not merely report information. Instead, they’re a tool for the regime to stir emotion, especially when it feels threatened — as it does now, says Jeon Young-sun, a professor of North Korea studies in Seoul.
„Outside pressure on North Korea — sanctions or threats of attack — actually help the regime win domestic support, “ Jeon says. „North Korea is as always on the defensive, and fear rallies people around their Dear Leader.“
It’s not just soldiers. Defector Lee Hyeonseo was a high school student in 1994, when the Clinton administration came close to a pre-emptive military strike on North Korea’s nuclear facilities. Her school ended classes and sent the students out digging trenches for months.
„We were so scared at the time. We really thought we were going to have a war, “ says Lee, 36. (She is not related to Lee So-yeon, with whom she shares a surname) . „And then, we were proud. Somehow, we believed we were going to win that war, because our dear leaders Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il, they were superior gods who can make everything happen.“
Lee wrote a 2015 memoir of her escape from North Korea, The Girl With Seven Names — about how she used fake identities to escape across China and, finally, years later, to Seoul. She also helped bring her mother and brother to safety in Seoul.
The family still talks occasionally to relatives inside North Korea, who live close enough to China to pick up a Chinese cell phone network. But authorities are cracking down, Lee says. She recently spoke with her aunt, asking what it feels like inside North Korea now, after President Trump warned of „major, major conflict“ with Pyongyang. But they’re unable to talk on the phone in confidence, and can’t speak for very long. Lee couldn’t get a real answer from her aunt.
„It’s really, really difficult right now. After only one minute, the GPS reveals [to North Korean authorities] where the phone call is taking place, “ Lee explains. „People are super-scared.“
Many defectors, having been exposed to North Korean propaganda for so long, cannot leave it behind.
At one point during NPR’s interview with Lee So-yeon, the former North Korean soldier, she began to sing — an old army song, about becoming a bullet for the Dear Leader.
Lee laughs and says she realizes how strange it is to sing a North Korean propaganda song in Seoul, the capital of what the song’s lyrics call a „puppet regime.“
„But I was brainwashed, “ she says. „And that’s what’s scary.“
Jihye Lee contributed to this story.

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Україна успішно випробувала новітню вітчизняну ракету


Україна випробувала новітню вітчизняну ракету. Про це повідомляє прес-служба президента України Петра Порошенка. Всі комплектуючі виготовлені в Україні.“Тільки що відбулося успішне випробування нової української ракети. Всі комплектуючі ракети зроблені в Україні. Це – наш спільний успіх! Бажаю якомога швидше поставити нову ракету на озброєння української армії“, – сказав президент.
Україна випробувала новітню вітчизняну ракету.
Про це повідомляє прес-служба президента України Петра Порошенка.
Всі комплектуючі виготовлені в Україні.
„Тільки що відбулося успішне випробування нової української ракети. Всі комплектуючі ракети зроблені в Україні. Це – наш спільний успіх! Бажаю якомога швидше поставити нову ракету на озброєння української армії“, – сказав президент.

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Crash slows traffic heading to Blue Water Bridge


Traffic is backed up leading to the Blue Water Bridge in Port Huron following a crash.
Traffic is backed up leading to the Blue Water Bridge in Port Huron following a crash.
As of 1: 30 p.m., wait time to get into Canada was more than an hour because of a crash, according to a tweet from the Michigan Department of Transportation.
Port Huron police Sgt. Brian Kerrigan said at about 2 p.m. the crash should be cleared and traffic clearing soon. He said the crash happened on the bridge and no serious injuries were reported.
Check back for updates.

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