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警察官がナイフの刃渡り測定間違え誤認逮捕 警視庁


警視庁池上警察署の 警察官が25日夜、 40代の 男性を職務質問した際に、 所持していたナイフの 刃渡りを測り間違えて誤って逮捕していたことがわかりま…
警視庁池上警察署の警察官が25日夜、40代の男性を職務質問した際に、所持していたナイフの刃渡りを測り間違えて誤って逮捕していたことがわかりました。 警視庁によりますと、25日午後10時すぎ、池上警察署の警察官2人が40代の男性に路上で職務質問した際に、ウエストポーチにナイフが入っているのを見つけました。 警察署に同行を求めたうえでナイフを調べると、刃渡りは銃刀法で認められている「6センチ」を0.1センチ上回る「6.1センチ」と測定されたうえ、男性が名前や住所を明かさなかったため銃刀法違反の疑いで逮捕しました。 その後、男性は名前や住所を明かしたことなどから釈放されましたが、別の警察官からの指摘でナイフを調べ直したところ、間違って柄の部分を含めて測定していたことが判明し、実際の刃渡りはおよそ4.8センチと、銃刀法違反には当たらなかったことがわかりました。 警視庁は、男性が凶器を隠し持っていたとして軽犯罪法違反の疑いで任意で捜査する方針ですが、「このようなことがないよう指導を徹底して再発防止に努める」としています。

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Analyst: Demand Basis in China for Long-Term


Chinese demand for natural gas, crude oil, beef, and soybeans is something that needs to be monitored each day, says Jim Bower, president of Bower Trading.
Chinese demand for natural gas, crude oil, beef, and soybeans is something that needs to be monitored each day, says Jim Bower, president of Bower Trading.
Another thing that needs to be watched is the weather conditions in the northern and northeastern parts of the country where the majority of their corn and wheat is planted.
“We’ ll need to watch that area very, very closely from a strategy standpoint, ” said Bower on AgDay.
For years, there’s been reports out of China saying they need to work through big stocks, and Bower believes it’s because of quality as well as a chance to “reset” and have more corn acres than bean acres.
“They rely heavily on us and Brazil and they’ re uneasy with that reliance, ” said Bower.
Watch Bower’s full comments on AgDay above.

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China: Unternehmen dürfen sensible Daten nicht im Ausland speichern


China plant eine weitreichende Regulierung des Daten-Transfers.
Bei europäischen Unternehmen in China sorgt laut Reuters ein neues Gesetz für Unruhe, mit dem die Volksrepublik in wenigen Tagen neue Regeln für die Speicherung sensibler Daten einführt. Vom 1. Juni an sollen Firmen in China gewonnene Daten unter anderem zu Kunden auf Servern in der Volksrepublik speichern und nicht erst über die Grenzen transferieren. Die EU-Handelskammer und die Business Software Alliance mit Sitz in den USA warnten bereits, das Regelwerk müsse überarbeitet werden. Kritiker argumentieren, das Gesetz nehme vor allem ausländische Firmen ins Visier, China weist dies zurück. Ausländische Firmen in China würden nun fürchten, dass ihr Zugang zum Internet gesperrt werde, wenn sie die Regeln nicht befolgten, schreibt Reuters unter Berufung auf Medienberichte.
Die chinesische Regierung ist offenkundig wegen der globalen Hacker-Attacken besorgt und will zugleich kontrollieren, welche Daten gesammelt werden. Die Überwachung erscheint Peking vor allem nötig, weil ausländische Geheimdienste massiv im Hacker-Geschäft unterwegs sind. Auch China bedient sich dieser Methoden. Der jüngste globale Hacker-Angriff war mit Programmen des US-Geheimdiensts verübt worden, die Hacker der NSA gestohlen hatten.
Der deutsche Werkzeugmaschinenbauer Trumpf bezeichne das neue Gesetz als die größte Herausforderung für das Geschäft in China, berichtete das Magazin weiter. „Was das Gesetz in Zukunft für unseren Standort in China bedeutet, weiß niemand“, sagte Tomislav Caleta, IT-Experte des Unternehmens. Unter anderem auch Continental und Bosch seien von den Auswirkungen des Gesetzes betroffen. Die Unternehmen wollten dies am Freitag nicht kommentieren oder waren nicht für eine Stellungnahme zu erreichen.
Aber auch die EU-Handelskammer ist besorgt. Die neuen Regelungen zeigten Schwächen und sorgten für Unsicherheiten. Sie empfiehlt eine gründliche Diskussion über das Gesetz, heißt es in einem von Reuters eingesehenen Schreiben an die chinesische Internet-Behörde. Rechtsanwälte vor Ort erwarten indes nicht, dass die chinesischen Behörden sich davon beeinflussen lassen. Es seien keine Gesetzesänderungen zu erwarten. Sie setzen vielmehr darauf, dass die Behörden das neue Regelwerk zu Beginn noch nicht allzu strikt anwenden werden. Das prognostiziert unter anderem Barbara Li von der Kanzlei Norton Rose Fulbright. Das Gesetz werde aber auch chinesische Firmen treffen, sagte sie.
China setzt darauf, den eigenen Datenraum zu kontrollieren. Staaten sollten in die Lage versetzt werden, Datenströme zu überwachen, die über ihre Landesgrenzen transferiert werden, argumentiert die Regierung in Peking.
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Apple's future iPhones may have chip dedicated to A. I.


Apple is reportedly working to build its own artificial intelligence chip named the Apple Neural Engine.
Apple is reportedly building its own processor dedicated to artificial intelligence, called the Apple Neural Engine, according to Bloomberg .
The chip may be required to help Apple power software in self-driving cars and augmented reality. It could also help improve Apple’s Siri voice assistant on a local level.
Bloomberg said that Apple „plans to eventually integrate the chip into many of its devices, including the iPhone and iPad.“ Apple has already tested a version of an iPhone with the chip inside, but we might not see that in September when Apple launches its new iPhones.
Google already offers a dedicated AI processor known as the Tensor Processing Unit. Qualcomm has similar technology inside existing mobile processors.
Apple may discuss its AI plans during WWDC in June, Bloomberg said.
Apple declined to comment to CNBC.
Read the full Bloomberg story here.
CNBC’s Josh Lipton contributed to this report.

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Нардеп Бобов сплатив у бюджет України 38 млн грн


Народний депутат від групи Відродження Геннадій Бобов перерахував у держбюджет близько 38 мільйонів гривень
Про це свідчать квитанції, які він опублікував на своїй сторінці у Facebook.
«Сьогодні зранку пeрeрахував до дeржавного бюджeту всі кошти згідно вимог прeдставників дeржави. Я виконав свої зобов’язання в повному обсязі, хоча і нe погоджуюся з ними. Алe я дію і буду діяти виключно в межах Закону. Пeрeконаний, що остаточну крапку в цій справі поставить суд», – написав він.
Відповідно до опублікованих квитанцій сума, яку перерахував Бобов, становить близько 38 млн гривень.

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Has Everest's famous Hillary Step really collapsed? Here's the science


The Hillary Step, a rocky outcrop at 8,770m, just beneath the summit of Everest (8,850m) , has finally succumbed to gravity and partially collapsed. At least it has according to mountaineer Tim Mosedale, who climbed the mountain…
Named after Sir Edmund Hillary – the first to reach the summit of Everest, with Sherpa Tenzing Norgay, in May 1953 – this rocky structure certainly has a noble heritage in mountaineering circles. It is the last major obstacle encountered on the South Col route before reaching the summit.
But it also famed in geological circles. It is, or was, formed of a resistant limestone band along the base of the Qomolangma Formation which dates back to the Upper Cambrian or Lower Ordovician age. These rocks feature tiny remnants of crinoid ossicles (stems of sea lillies) that originally lived in a shallow tropical ocean 450m years ago and can now be found on the summit of Everest.
If the Hillary Step has indeed collapsed, the rockfall will have altered the standard route to the top. And this may result in increasing congestion as parties queue up to get to the summit during the brief period of stable, pre-monsoon climbing conditions in May. As Mosedale told Planet Mountain:
It’s easier going up the snow slope and indeed for inexperienced climbers and mountaineers there’s less „climbing“ to be done, making it much easier for them. However, it’s going to form a bottleneck. The Hillary Step often formed a bottleneck but some years ago they fixed an up and a down rope. In the current state it would be difficult to safely negotiate down where the step used to be on account of the huge unstable rocks that are perched on the route.
The end of an era?
Ultimately, however, the demise of the Hillary Step would be but a small blip in the long-term process of Himalayan mountain building. The collision and ongoing convergence of the Indian plate into Asia results in convergence across the Himalaya of about 18-20mm per year and an average uplift rate of the mountains of about 3-4mm per year.
As the mountains are driven upwards by these tectonic forces, climatic and geographic forces – such as rain and snowfall, and glacial and river incision – conspire to bring them back down through erosion.
The tectonic forces have been winning this battle for at least 25m years and the highest Himalayan peaks now reach nearly 9km above mean sea-level. The steeper the cliff faces, the more subject they are to rockfall and avalanches, and seasonal freeze-thaw cycles are important factors in making the rocks unstable. The collapse of the Hillary Step would be just one minor event in the broad scheme of uplift and erosion along the Himalaya.
Recent previous examples of large-scale rockfalls include the massive rockfall on the west flank of Annapurna IV (7,525 metres) in spring 2012, which resulted in debris blocking the course of the upper Seti river in Nepal. A lake built up behind the blockage and a few days later, on May 5,2012, a massive mud-flow cascaded down the valley burying villages and killing 72 people. The flows reached as far as Pokhara, the second city of Nepal.
During the Gorkha earthquake (magnitude 7.9) in Nepal on April 25,2015, hundreds of rockfalls resulted from the intense ground shaking, sending boulders the size of houses tumbling down to the valleys and villages below. It has been hypothesised that this earthquake might have done for the Hillary Step.
Perhaps the worst example was the massive rockfall that occurred on the south face of Langtang Lirung following the May 12 aftershock. The landslide originated from high on the south face of Langtang Lirung and the resulting rockfall completely buried the village of Langtang, killing at least 300 people.
In January 2013, a large rockfall also occurred near the summit of Mount Cook in New Zealand, reducing its height from 3,764 metres to 3,724 metres. During June 2005, a series of major rockfalls caused most of the granite south-west pillar of the Aiguille de Dru in the French Alps (commonly known as the Bonatti Pillar) to collapse, wiping out one of the most famous Alpine rock climbs of all. The scar of this rockfall was more than 500 metres high and 80 metres wide.
All part of the process
But the story of mountains is a very, very long one – and it contains a great many twists and turns. The India-Asia plate collision has been going on for at least 50m years. The tectonic forces push them up and erosion tries to wear them down.
Everest is continually being jacked up by this under-thrusting of the Indian plate and, as long as India continues to push north, indenting into Asia, the Himalaya will continue to rise. As long as the Himalaya continue to rise, the forces of nature will erode them away and attempt to reduce these magnificent mountains back down to sea-level. And as long as that happens, they will keep changing shape. Long may tectonic forces prevail in this battle.
Explore further: American climber dies on Everest, Indian missing

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Despite Testy Ties, Bollywood Movie is Thriving in China


A wide range of theories are being circulated as to why Dangal, a film about a wrestler father who forces his daughters into the sport is resonating with Chinese audiences
An Indian film that addresses social themes and stars actor Aamir Kahn has captivated audiences in China. The film is thriving, despite the fact that India was the only major country to boycott Beijing’s Belt and Road Forum earlier this month.
But the irony and sharp contrast of those two developments was largely lost on the millions of Chinese viewers who have helped keep the Hindi language film land in the top slot, despite the fact that it has subtitles and no voice-over dubbing.
Analysts, film critics, and social media pundits are still debating what drove hordes of Chinese viewers to this movie, which is not your standard Bollywood mix of songs, dance and bloodletting violence.
Breaking new ground
According to industry sources, this is the first time a movie that was not made in Chinese or English has emerged as the top seller in the world’s second-largest movie market. China imports very few foreign films a year, and non-Hollywood movies make up an even smaller portion of that share.
A wide range of reasons are being forwarded as explanations for the success of Dangal, which has grossed $124 million since its May 5 release in 9,000 theaters across China. On Friday, three weeks after its release, the movie finally slipped from the first to the second highest selling slot. The runner-up, Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy 2, has brought in $98 million in China over the same period.
Perhaps an important reason for Dangal’s success is the celebrity status that Aamir Khan, the star and driving force behind the movie, has enjoyed in China for several years with his previous movies, PK and 3 Idiots, which did very well with Chinese movie-goers. Even before Dangal arrived on the Chinese scene, Amir had a bigger following on his Sina Weibo social media account than Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. His following now stands at 600,000 fans compared to Modi’s 165,000.
Deft marketing including personal canvassing by Khan, who spent a week traveling across Chinese cities, also played a part.
But critics and social media pundits in China see an altogether different reason. Thousands of reviews, articles and social media posts have focused on the peculiar connection between patriarchal society in China and India.
Patriarchy vs feminism
The film revolves around a wrestler father who forces his reluctant daughters to take up the sport.
His authoritarian and strict parenting style is something audiences in China can easily relate to, said Edward Chan, a sociology professor at Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
“I think the father role portrayed by the movie in India is quite similar to the culture, especially the traditional culture in China, ” Chan said.
Tansen Sen, professor of history and Asian studies at the City University of New York said, „It has a story that resonates with the Chinese, both with regard to parent-child relationship as well as the fascination with sports.“
And while some feminists see the father’s behavior as problematic, they also see much to applaud in the story. For those that do, the movie is seen as empowering women.
Two feminist groups, Jianjiao Buluo (Screaming Pepper Tribe) and Cheng Yusan (Orange Umbrella) treated a group of 120 people to a free screening of the film in Guangzhou.
Lu, a 20-something entertainment industry employee, says the movie piqued her curiosity towards India, a country with a population as large as China. Lu says that many young Chinese like her want to follow their own dreams and have the support of their parents.
“I feel the father’s support for his children was especially moving and that parent’s strictness toward their children is for their own good, ” Lu says.
The party-backed tabloid, the Global Times, slammed the movie for celebrating the values of a domineering father, who pushes his two reluctant daughters into wresting as a career choice. The paper said the film has sparked off a major controversy over different aspects of feminism in China, and whether modern day girls should completely reject the values of patriarchal society.
But the paper also quoted viewers who had a different viewpoint. „It made me think of my father, “ the Times quoted one person as saying. „His reticent love for us. I wanted to call him, say nothing, just cry, and cry like a river to release myself from my deep regrets.“
Cao, a fan who says he has been watching Aamir Kahn’s movies for years said there are not enough films like Dangal in the Chinese market. He said he admires Kahn for his dedication to his profession (how he lost and gained weight) and the effort he put into addressing a social cause through the film.
“Just like people are saying online, he is influencing all of India as a country and all of its people, ” Cao says “And I think that’s really great!”
Next Bollywood blockbuster?
Another Hindi movie, Tubelight, is waiting to access the Chinese market. It features Chinese actress and singer Zhu Zhu, and the story revolves around the 1962 India-China war. Analysts are asking if Beijing will allow its entry given its reluctance to discuss this war publicly.
„The two governments should just let the people know each other through free-flowing exchanges and interactions. Sometimes this will result in negative perceptions and misunderstandings, but it will eventually lead to a more nuanced and balanced views of each other, “ Sen added.

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UK Labour leader links terror to wars as campaign resumes


Four days after a suicide bombing plunged Britain into mourning, political campaigning for a general election in two weeks resumed Friday with the main opposition leader linking acts of…
LONDON (AP) – Four days after a suicide bombing plunged Britain into mourning, political campaigning for a general election in two weeks resumed Friday with the main opposition leader linking acts of terrorism at home to foreign wars like the one in Libya. Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn risked being assailed for politicizing the Manchester Arena attack that killed 22 people by claiming that his party would change Britain’s foreign policy if it takes power after the June 8 vote by abandoning the „war on terror.“ „Many experts, including professionals in our intelligence and security services, have pointed to the connections between wars our government has supported or fought in other countries, such as Libya, and terrorism here at home, “ Corbyn said in his first speech since Monday night’s atrocity. National campaigning had been on hold to honor the victims of the arena bombing. Salman Abedi, the bomber who struck the Ariana Grande concert, had strong links to Libya. His parents were born and lived there before moving to Britain in the early 1990s. They eventually returned with several of their six children, and Abedi traveled there to visit his family on occasion. Prime Minister Theresa May, who was attending a summit of the Group of Seven in Sicily, offered a blistering critique of Corbyn’s position when she was asked about it at a news conference. May said that while she was at the summit rallying support for the fight against terrorism, „Jeremy Corbyn has said that terror attacks in Britain are our own fault, and he has said that just a few days after one of the worst terror attacks“ in the country’s history. „There can never, ever, be an excuse for terrorism, “ she said, adding „the choice people face at the general election has become starker.“ While Corbyn could alienate some voters with his comments, he is trying to win back the many Labour supporters who turned away from the party in the aftermath of then Prime Minister Tony Blair’s decision to join the U. S.-led invasion of Iraq in 2003. Blair’s backing of President George W. Bush brought more than 1 million protesters into the streets. When the rationale for war failed to pan out because weapons of mass destruction were not found in Iraq, Blair’s popularity faded badly after a string of election victories. When home-grown terrorists attacked London subway and bus lines in 2005, some blamed Britain’s involvement in the Iraq war. Corbyn’s speech reflects the view that Britain’s actions overseas are at least in part responsible for the increase in extremist attacks. The Labour Party under Corbyn has consistently trailed Prime Minister Theresa May’s Conservatives in the polls, but has begun to make gains in the last week. It is unclear how the worst attack in Britain in more than a decade will impact voter sentiment. Grande, meanwhile, said that she would return to Manchester for a benefit concert to raise money for the victims and their families. The American singer didn’t announce a date for the concert. „Our response to this violence must be to come closer together, to help each other, to love more, to sing louder and to live more kindly and generously than we did before, “ Grande said in a statement. Grande suspended her Dangerous Woman world tour and canceled several European shows after the bombing. The tour will restart June 7 in Paris. British police investigating the Manchester bombing made a new arrest Friday while continuing to search 12 properties. A total of eight men are being held on suspicion of offenses violating the Terrorism Act. Their ages ranged from 18 to 38. A 16-year-old boy and a 34-year-old woman who had been arrested were released without charge, police said. Authorities are chasing possible links between the Abedi and militants in Manchester, elsewhere in Europe, and in North Africa and the Middle East. Britain’s security level has been upgraded to „critical“ meaning officials believe another attack may be imminent. Manchester Police Chief Ian Hopkins said substantial progress has been made but detective work remains. Abedi, a college dropout who had grown up in the Manchester area, was known to security services because of his radical views. His parents came to Britain early in the 1990s. He reportedly was in contact with family members just before the attack. The names of the people in custody have not been released. No one has yet been charged in the bombing. London police say extra security is being added for major sporting events this weekend including the FA Cup soccer final at Wembley Stadium. Chief Superintendent Jon Williams said Friday extra protection measures and extra officers are being deployed throughout the capital because of the increased terrorist threat level. He said fans coming to soccer and rugby matches this weekend should come earlier than usual because of added security screening. Williams said „covert and discrete tactics“ will also be in place to protect the transport network. British police working on the case have resumed intelligence-sharing with U. S. counterparts after a brief halt because of anger over leaks to U. S. media thought by Britain to be coming from U. S. officials. British officials say that have received assurances from U. S. authorities that confidential material will be protected. U. S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said in London Friday that the U. S. accepts responsibility for the leaks. At the mosque that Abedi attended in Manchester, director of trustees Mohammed el-Khayat told worshippers that police would be told if anyone shows signs of having been radicalized. „The police will be the first to know, “ he said before Friday afternoon prayers. He strongly condemned the attack and said radical views will not be tolerated. Thamir Nasir, who has attended the mosque for nine years, remembered seeing Abedi there, but said he didn’t know him very well. „This does not represent Islam, “ Nasir said of the concert bombing. „And it doesn’t represent our community, and for sure doesn’t represent this mosque here…. This center is one of the most open – open to the community. So everyone here is shocked. We could not really sleep that night knowing that this happened in Manchester.“ Despite the increased threat level throughout the country, and the addition of extra armed police and soldiers, the country’s top counter-terrorism police officer urged Britons not to hide away indoors during the upcoming holiday weekend, which finds much of the country enjoying fine weather. „Go out and enjoy, “ Metropolitan Police Commissioner Mark Rowley said. ___ Rob Harris reported from Manchester. David McHugh contributed from Taormina, Sicily. Copyright 2017 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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Trump's budget cuts West Coast quake warning system funding


Trump’s budget cuts West Coast quake warning system funding
President Donald Trump’s budget proposal would cut federal funding for an earthquake early warning system for California, Oregon and Washington state, a development that seismology experts and some local leaders say would be the end of the project.
The system being developed in conjunction with various universities is intended at providing critical seconds of warning when an earthquake has started and potentially dangerous shaking is imminent. The system would allow time for people to take cover and to slow or halt such things as critical industrial processes and transportation systems.
A version of the ShakeAlert system has been undergoing testing but still needs to have more seismic sensors installed in Northern California, Oregon and Washington. The proposed funding cuts for the next fiscal year starting Oct. 1 would come from the budget of the U. S. Geological Survey, a bureau of the U. S. Interior Department.
Veteran seismologist Lucy Jones, who recently retired from the U. S. Geological Survey after years of providing earthquake information to the public, said she was deeply disappointed.
„Eliminating the $10 million (per) year that the government has been spending would stop the program and waste the $23 million that has already been invested, “ she said in a statement. „The talented scientists and technicians that are working on the project now will go to other jobs, so their experience and expertise would be lost.“
Rep. Adam Schiff, a Los Angeles-area Democrat, said in a Facebook post that the system should not be stopped just as it is being expanded after years of work to educate the public and Congress on its benefits.
„Support for the early warning system in Congress is sustained, growing and bipartisan, and we will not accept this attempt by the president to cut a vital funding stream for a program that will protect life, property and critical infrastructure, “ Schiff wrote.
Rep. Ken Calvert, a Republican who represents an inland Southern California district, is chairman of the Appropriations Subcommittee on the Interior and the Environment and has supported funding of the earthquake warning system in the past.
Calvert said in statement Friday that he believes the warning system can be a „lifesaving tool“ for millions of Americans in earthquake-prone areas.
„Obviously, the president’s budget proposes some reductions for this program and other agencies that fall within the Interior Appropriations Subcommittee’s jurisdiction, which I oversee as chairman, “ he said. „During the appropriations process, important programs like this will be given full consideration.“
In Los Angeles, Mayor Eric Garcetti said a major earthquake is inevitable and the president’s proposal „is an abandonment of his duty to protect Americans.“
City Councilman Mitch Englander called the funding cuts „a threat to the lives of millions of people in California and beyond.“
Englander’s district includes the epicenter of the deadly 1994 Northridge earthquake that caused billions of dollars in damage to Los Angeles and neighboring areas.
„When it comes to earthquakes, seconds matter, “ he said in a statement. „A fully deployed early warning system would give time for elevators to shut down, hospitals to turn on backup generators, and people to take cover.“

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Taiwanese activist arrested for alleged subversion in mainland China


Taiwan’s Mainland Affairs Council says Beijing has not given any concrete evidence to support the allegations against Li Ming-che
Authorities on the mainland have officially arrested Taiwanese human rights activist Li Ming-che on charges of subversion, in a case observers say will entrench a cross-strait stand-off. Li, who has been held by authorities since he entered the mainland from Macau on March 19, could become the first Taiwanese to be charged with the crime, which comes with a maximum penalty of life imprisonment. “With the approval of prosecution authorities, Taiwan resident Li Ming-che was recently arrested by security agencies in Hunan province on suspicion of subverting state power, ” said An Fengshan, spokesman for the State Council’s Taiwan Affairs Office. An said that since 2012, Li had frequently visited the mainland and collaborated with individuals to set up illegal organisations, and to organise and carry out seditious activities to try to overthrow the political system. “Li and others have confessed that they had engaged in activities endangering national security, ” he said. Taiwan’s Mainland Affairs Council said Beijing failed to provide any concrete evidence that Li was involved in any subversion. “Such allegations not only fail to convince the Taiwanese public, but also international groups concerned about the case, ” the council said. It urged mainland authorities to release any evidence immediately and allow Li’s relatives to visit him on the mainland in line with a cross-strait agreement on fighting crime. Li, 42, a rights activist and a former employee of Taiwan’s independence-leaning Democratic Progressive Party, went missing on March 19 immediately after he entered Zhuhai from Macau. A friend who was supposed to meet Li at the customs checkpoint on the mainland side waited for four hours without seeing him, according to his wife, Li Ching-yu. Beijing finally admitted last month Li had been held for investigation into his alleged activities. Li Ching-yu said that unlike other activists, her husband was “low key” and had merely exchanged ideas on democracy with friends made on WeChat. She said her husband travelled to the mainland once a year. Li Ching-yu later sought help from both the Taiwanese government and international human rights groups, including those in the United States, hoping they could help pressure Beijing to release her husband. Beijing considers Taiwan a mainland province subject to eventual union, by force if necessary. Analysts said it was rare for mainland authorities to arrest Taiwanese human rights activists and charge them with subversion. “Usually charges like that are meant for Taiwanese arrested for alleged espionage, or mainland dissidents protesting against mainland authorities over human rights abuses, ” said Wang Kung-yi, a professor of international relations and strategic studies at Tamkang University in Taipei. But Phoenix TV commentator Song Zhongping said Li’s case was simply a criminal case of someone jeopardising the mainland’s national security. “It does not matter which country, region, or political party he is from. If he violated the law and he should be punished, he will be punished, ” Song said. “In any country, such cases would be dealt in this way. It’s not the specifically targeting him or the DPP or the Taiwan authorities.” Taiwanese authorities, including President Tsai Ing-wen, have repeatedly called on Beijing to release Li, saying such action would only discourage Taiwanese from visiting the mainland and intensify the cross-strait row. Ties have been strained since Beijing suspended talks and exchanges with Taipei shortly after Tsai took office in May last year. She has refused to publicly acknowledge the one-China principle, which Beijing says is a political basis for talks and exchanges.

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