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Uganda’s Matibabu Wins USD$10,000 Extra Funding at the iSHOW Competition in Kenya


Team Matibabu, a group of Ugandan graduates from Makerere University are no strangers when it comes to local innovators in Uganda, participating in a number of hackathons, and other innovation programs locally and internationally (Globally) . The ASME Innovation (iSHOW) ;…
Team Matibabu, a group of Ugandan graduates from Makerere University are no strangers when it comes to local innovators in Uganda, participating in a number of hackathons, and other innovation programs locally and internationally (Globally) .
The ASME Innovation (iSHOW) ; global competition for hardware led social innovation that focuses on the design & engineering journey of taking physical products to market – released the top 10 finalists for its iSHOW Kenya competition with Team Matibabu for their innovative solution; a Non-invasive diagnostic kit used to detect Malaria, emerged to be among the finalist battling it out with 9 other teams.
The Matibabu device uses a custom-made portable device called a matiscope, which is connected to a smartphone, to do a rapid diagnostic test. The user’s finger is inserted into the matiscope, and the application uses a red light to penetrate the skin and detect the red blood cells.
After a public voting that ended on Wednesday 24th, May 2017, the iSHOW crew on Thursday 25th, May 2017 crowned, Team Matibabu; who emerged overall winners with 538 votes, winning what they iSHOW crew termed as ‘Extra Cash ‘for their project. The team won USD$10,000 and also become part of the iSHOW alumni network; a global community of hardware innovators with exclusive access to experts and resources.
“We are really excited about this milestone as a team, it’s at a time when we’ re going to do clinical trials & we were still resourcing for the funding. I can now say we’ re ready to achieve that, ” Moris Atwine; Founder at Think IT and a team member of Matibabu told Guru 8.
Now Matibabu, with other two winning team; Science set and Sign IO (also won USD$10,000 each) , will be part of the 30 finalists who will pitch to the judges in person and will receive product exposure, advice and technical insights. Only 9 teams will win a share of USD$500,000 (roughly 1.8 billion UGX) in prizes – including an extensive design and engineering review by a panel of experts.

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Alles hört auf Donald Trump


Es ist ein Tag, an dem jeder auf jede noch so kleine Geste achtet. Schließlich ist erstmals der neue US-Präsident in Brüssel zu Gast. Am Ende bekommt der Mann, …
Trump in Europa. Das heißt so viel wie: Jetzt geht es um alles. Krieg und Frieden, Umwelt, Händchenhalten. Händchenhalten?
Der US-Präsident landet Dienstagabend in Rom, und die Boulevardpresse hat ihr großes Thema. Warum will Melania Trump beim Verlassen des Flugzeugs nicht die Hand nehmen, die der Ehemann ihr reicht? Kurz davor in Tel Aviv auch schon – und noch viel „spektakulärer“, wie es in Amerikas Presse heißt und was nun rauf und runter debattiert wird. Die New Yorker Zeitung Daily News hat schon ein „Klaps-Gate“ ausgemacht. Und die Bild titelt: „Sie schlägt seine Hand weg. Was die Videoszenen über Trumps Ehe verraten.“
Was ist da schon die Russland-Affäre des Präsidenten in seiner Heimat? Die Zukunft der Nato, die Donald Trump erst „obsolet“ und dann „nicht obsolet“ nannte? Oder die Europäische Union, über die er schon gesagt hat, sie sei „ein Mittel zum Zweck für Deutschland“? Jetzt also Trump zum ersten Mal in Europa. Das schreit nach Momenten großer Symbolik. Wie dieser Anblick am Donnerstag in Brüssel vor dem Besuchereingang des neuen Hauptquartiers der Nato.
Dort stehen zwei Denkmäler. Eines zeigt, als Symbol für die Überwindung von Diktatur und europäischer Teilung, zwei Stücke der Berliner Mauer. Daneben ist ein Trümmerteil aus einem der Gebäude zu sehen, die 2001 beim Terrorangriff auf New York zerstört wurden. Davor: die deutsche Kanzlerin und der amerikanische Präsident. Angela Merkel spricht von einem „Ausdruck der Solidarität“. Und Donald Trump rempelt selbst in diesem Moment die Nato-Partner an, weil sie aus seiner Sicht nicht genug zahlen. Einige Staats- und Regierungschefs schauen sich kopfschüttelnd an. Zusammenhalt und eine Verpflichtung zum Miteinander – das soll ein solches Mahnmal symbolisieren. An diesem Donnerstag scheint dieses Motiv weit weg zu sein. Weil Merkel und Trump zwar nebeneinanderstehen, aber nicht die gleiche Sprache sprechen.
Dabei haben die westlichen Partner der USA im Bündnis so sehr darauf gehofft, Trump werde bei diesem ersten Zusammentreffen seit seiner Amtsübernahme wenigstens das amerikanische Beistandsversprechen nach Artikel fünf des Nato-Vertrages erneuern. Schließlich wurde es nur einmal in Anspruch genommen – nach den Terroranschlägen auf New York und Washington. Doch das kommt dem Präsidenten nicht über die Lippen. Dem neuen Mann im Weißen Haus sind solche emotionalen Symbole offenbar fremd.
In gleicher Tonart ist bereits am Morgen die Begegnung mit der EU-Spitze verlaufen. Ratspräsident Donald Tusk meint hinterher vorsichtig: „Mein Gefühl ist, dass wir uns auf vielen Gebieten einig sind.“ Einige Fragen bleiben allerdings offen. „Ich bin nicht hundertprozentig sicher, dass wir – das heißt der Präsident und ich – heute sagen können, dass wir eine gemeinsame Position, eine gemeinsame Meinung zu Russland haben.“ Die diplomatische Floskel verschleiert, dass es offenbar zu tiefgreifenden Meinungsverschiedenheiten gekommen ist, vor allem bei den Themen Handel und Klimaschutz, den Trump nicht länger ehrgeizig vorantreiben will.
Das neue Nato-Hauptquartier steht in Brüssel. Es kostete über eine Milliarde Euro.
Die Sicherheitsmaßnahmen gelten als einzigartig…
… Selbst für die Bauarbeiter waren Iris-Scanner vorgeschrieben, mehrere Sicherheitschecks sind zu überwinden, ehe man endlich drin ist.
Alles gruppiert sich um die „Agora“, eine Art zentraler Platz im Innern nach dem Vorbild der griechischen Märkte, den Geburtsstätten der Demokratie…
… Sie ist 240 Meter lang, 45 Meter breit und 32 Meter hoch. Die Mitarbeiter nennen die Mitte ihrer künftigen Arbeitsstelle „Kathedrale“.
Viele Räume zeigen, dass auf der Baustelle noch monatelang gearbeitet wird, ehe alle gut 4000 Nato-Mitarbeiter ihre neuen Arbeitsplätze beziehen können.
Der Umzug soll etwa zwölf Wochen dauern. Was auch an den Entfernungen innerhalb der neuen Gebäude liegt. Um von einem Ende zum anderen zu gelangen, ist man angeblich 20 Minuten unterwegs.
Dabei hat der Tag eigentlich ganz gut begonnen. Tusk begrüßt den einstigen Immobilien-Tycoon im neuen „Tusk-Tower“, dem frisch eröffneten Ratsgebäude. Kommissionschef Jean-Claude Juncker witzelt angesichts der Namensgleichheit, im Raum sei „ein Donald zu viel“, womit er selbstverständlich seinen EU-Kollegen Donald Tusk ein bisschen necken will. „Alle lachten herzhaft“, notiert ein Beobachter.
Zuvor ist die Anfahrt des US-Präsidenten zu einem zwar sicheren, aber gespenstischen Schauspiel geraten. Die Kolonne aus über 40 Fahrzeugen mit der „The Beast“ genannten Limousine aus Washington fährt durch leergefegte Straßen. Die US-Sicherheitsbehörden haben alle Anwohner angewiesen, die Fenster geschlossen zu halten. Die Belgier mussten sogar komplette Namenslisten der Bewohner übermitteln, weil der Secret Service jeden, dem Trump nahekam, überprüfen wollte. Über der Stadt schweben stundenlang Hubschrauber. Die niederländische Polizei hat sogar Adler mitgebracht, die darauf spezialisiert sind, unerlaubte Drohnen in der Luft abzufangen.
Während Melania Trump, die Ehefrau des Präsidenten, zunächst mit Königin Mathilde im Schloss Laaken diniert und anschließend – wie bei jeder Station ihrer Reise – ein Kinderkrankenhaus besucht und mit den Kleinen Papierblumen in den Landesfarben Schwarz, Gelb, Rot bastelt, macht sich Trump auf zum Ernst des Lebens. Viel zu tun ist nicht mehr. Die Nato hat in vorauseilendem Gehorsam bereits am Vorabend angekündigt, sich der Allianz gegen den Terror anzuschließen – eine Geste, die kaum mehr als ein Symbol ist, da die einzelnen Mitgliedstaaten längst dabei sind.
Und auch der Streit um die Verteidigungsausgaben gerät zu einer Randnotiz. Washington verzichtete schon bei den Vorgesprächen auf Beamtenebene darauf, die Vorgaben des Nato-Gipfels von Wales, wo das Ziel festgezurrt worden war, noch zu verschärfen. So können die bilateralen Vorgespräche in den Mittelpunkt rücken. Trump trifft sich mit dem türkischen Staatspräsidenten Recep Tayyip Erdogan, die Herren schätzen sich und sprechen über die Lage in Syrien, wo inzwischen türkische und amerikanische Bomben abgeworfen werden.
Zuvor haben sich Tusk und Juncker mit dem Herrscher aus Ankara zusammengesetzt, um die verstörenden Töne der vergangenen Monate zu erörtern und vor allem zu erfahren, ob Erdogan eigentlich noch an einer Zusammenarbeit interessiert ist. Schließlich schwebt die Drohung eines Abbruchs der Beitrittsgespräche im Raum. Und auch der Krach zwischen Berlin und Ankara um die künftige Stationierung der Bundesluftwaffe wird durch die nunmehr offizielle Drohung der Kanzlerin, die deutschen Soldaten aus Incirlik zu verlegen, verschärft. Aus den Gesprächen sickert durch, man werde weiter reden. Was so viel heißt wie: Der Krach geht weiter.
Im Grunde aber dreht sich an diesem Tag alles um Trump. So wie am Tag zuvor auch schon. Da legt der Präsident sein breitestes Grinsen auf, als er früh am Morgen im Vatikan dem Papst begegnet. Franziskus hingegen blickt ausgesprochen finster drein. Es ist einer der Momente von Trumps erster Auslandsreise, die in Erinnerung bleiben werden. Das Foto, das der offizielle Vatikan-Fotograf im Apostolischen Palast geschossen hat, zeigt die beiden Männer, als seien sie die Gegenspieler, die viele in ihnen sehen wollen. Auf der einen Seite ganz in Weiß der umweltbewusste Papst der Armen, der für Frieden auf der Welt kämpft, und neben ihm dieser rüpelhafte Kerl mit offenem Jackett, der mit jedem zweiten Tweet das weltpolitische Gleichgewicht aufs Spiel setzt. Doch das ist wohl nur ein Teil der Wahrheit.
Denn das erste Treffen zwischen dem presbyterianischen Protestanten Trump und Franziskus läuft durchaus harmonisch ab. Als „herzlich“ charakterisiert es der Vatikan. Trump, der unter anderem von Außenminister Rex Tillerson, seiner katholischen Frau Melania und Tochter Ivanka samt Ehemann Jared Kushner begleitet wird, nennt es später „fantastisch“. Melania lässt sich einen Rosenkranz vom Papst segnen. Dieser soll die Ehefrau des Präsidenten gar ironisch gefragt haben, was sie ihrem so stattlichen Mannsbild denn zu essen gebe. Der Papst lacht, Melania, die wohl nicht alles genau verstanden hat, lächelt.
Beim 30 Minuten dauernden Zwiegespräch geht es laut Vatikan um die guten Beziehungen zwischen USA und Rom, um Lebensschutz, Religions- und Gewissensfreiheit und den Schutz verfolgter Christen im Nahen Osten. „Danke, ich werde nicht vergessen, was Sie gesagt haben“, verspricht Trump zum Abschied, ohne zu verraten, was genau er damit meint. Von Differenzen, wie sie vor Monaten etwa im Hinblick auf Immigration und Umweltschutz offenkundig wurden, keine Spur, zumindest keine sichtbare.
Am Tag darauf in Brüssel findet Trump in Nato-Generalsekretär Jens Stoltenberg nicht nur einen Fan, sondern offensichtlich sogar einen Bewunderer. Deshalb hat der Chef der Allianz auch schon im Vorfeld brav alles umgesetzt, was sich Washington gewünscht hat. Dazu zählen künftige Fortschrittsberichte über die Verteidigungsausgaben der Mitgliedstaaten. Experten nennen dieses Instrument einen „ausgemachten Unsinn“, weil jedes Land den Wehretat nach unterschiedlichen Kriterien berechnet und die Aussagekraft deshalb gering sei. Das ist Stoltenberg egal – Trump bekommt, was er will. Und revanchiert sich mit einem Beharren auf seinen Standpunkten.
Wenn es an diesem Tag wirklich so etwas wie eine gute Nachricht für die Europäer gibt, dann liegt die wohl in der Tatsache, dass der als Trump-Vollstrecker verschriene Wirtschaftsprofessor und EU-Gegner Ted Malloch doch nicht neuer Vertreter Washingtons bei der EU in Brüssel werden soll. Dagegen bleibt der Stempel, den der amerikanische Präsident diesem Treffen aufdrückt, fast schon beklemmend. 29 Staats- und Regierungschefs bekommen zu hören, sie möchten ihre Redebeiträge auf zwei Minuten begrenzen, weil Trump keine längeren Vorträge hören wolle. Eine anschließende Pressekonferenz ist erst gar nicht angesetzt worden, um dem Präsidenten Fragen zu ersparen, die kritisch ausfallen könnten. Und auch eine Art Schlussdokument gibt es nicht. Die Nato begründet dies mit der Kürze des Zusammenseins. Mehr als ein längeres gemeinsames Essen ist nicht geplant worden. Am Abend reisen die meisten wieder ab und einige wenige weiter zum G7-Gipfel, der am Freitag und Samstag in Taormina auf Sizilien stattfindet.

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NHL royalty vs. the rowdy neighbors in Stanley Cup Final


The Pittsburgh Penguins kept getting by even as their star players kept skating off the ice in pain. Even as the targets on their back as Stanley Cup champions kept getting bigger. Even as…
PITTSBURGH (AP) – The Pittsburgh Penguins kept getting by even as their star players kept skating off the ice in pain. Even as the targets on their back as Stanley Cup champions kept getting bigger. Even as Columbus and Washington and Ottawa kept pushing and prodding, poking and pinching. „Just play, “ coach Mike Sullivan kept telling his players. Over and over and over again. So the Penguins did. And the team that found itself uncharacteristically on its heels for long stretches as it fended off the Blue Jackets in the first round, shut down the Capitals in the second and outlasted blue-collar Senators in the third is back where it was a year ago: heading to the Stanley Cup Final with confidence, momentum and more than a little bit of swagger. Next up: „Smashville.“ Pittsburgh earned a return trip to the Cup with a thrilling 3-2 double-overtime victory over Ottawa in Game 7 of the Eastern Conference finals on Thursday. Chris Kunitz provided the winner, a knuckler from just outside the circle that made its way past Craig Anderson 5: 09 into the second extra period and moved the Penguins a step closer to becoming the first team in nearly 20 years to repeat. And here’s the scary part: after a season pock-marked by the loss of do-everything defenseman Kris Letang and significant absences by Evgeni Malkin, Sidney Crosby, Kunitz, goaltender Matt Murray and a host of others, the Penguins are starting to look like the team that picked apart San Jose last June to capture the franchise’s fourth title. „Our last four games in this series for me, we really found our game, “ Sullivan said. The result is a potentially intriguing final between NHL royalty and the rowdy neighbors next door. The Penguins have the experience, the leadership and the star power. The Predators have defenseman P. K. Subban, a bunch of country music A-listers in the stands and absolutely nothing to lose in their first appearance on hockey’s biggest stage. Game 1 is Monday night in Pittsburgh. The teams split their two meetings during the regular season, with each winning on home ice, with Nashville overwhelming Pittsburgh 5-1 back in November and the Penguins returning the favor with a 4-2 victory in January. Don’t let the flimsy resume fool you. Though they tied for the fewest points in the 16-team playoff field (94) , the Predators are dangerous and very much for real after steamrolling through the Western Conference playoffs, never trailing at any point in series wins over Chicago, St. Louis and Anaheim. „We haven’t dominated the play that maybe we wanted to, “ Kunitz said. „Maybe we’ve done a better job these last couple of games. But it’s something we’re going to have to get better at playing a 60-minute game if we’re going to have a chance to beat Nashville.“ The meeting marks the first time in NHL history the coaches of both teams are Americans. Nashville’s Peter Laviolette first turned a team in the deep south into a champion 11 years ago when he guided the Carolina Hurricanes to their first and only Cup. Sullivan took over in Pittsburgh in Dec. 2015 and provided the edge the Penguins so desperately needed, becoming the sixth U. S.-born coach to win it all. Their teams in some ways have become reflections of them. The Predators aren’t nicknamed „Smashville“ just for kicks. They were the last team to qualify for the playoffs but have caught fire in the last six weeks, sweeping Chicago in the first round then proving it wasn’t a fluke by putting away the Blues and the Ducks. „It should be some exciting hockey as far as back and forth and fast and physical, “ Crosby said. „I think both teams like to play a pretty similar style.“ With a handful of familiar faces on both sides. One of Pittsburgh general manager Jim Rutherford’s first moves when he was hired in 2014 was to trade forward James Neal to the Predators for Patric Hornqvist and Nick Spaling. It’s worked out for nearly all involved. Hornqvist’s relentless energy and penchant for crashing the net is invaluable when teamed with Malkin or Crosby, while Neal has given Nashville one of the more lethal shots in the league. Yet it was Subban’s arrival in a trade last June that provided Nashville with the grit and leadership it so desperately needed. Subban has been spectacular at times during the playoffs and goaltender Pekka Rinne is playing the finest hockey of his career, helping stoke the passion of a fanbase that likes to sledgehammer beat-up cars in parking lots before games and throw catfish onto the ice during them. The Penguins, by contrast, have been here. They’ve done this. Considering all they’ve gone through to get back, they have every intention of doing it again. „The biggest step is ahead, “ Crosby said. The last one, too. ___ More AP NHL: https: // Copyright 2017 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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Alabama executes man for 1982 murder


A man once called the Houdini of Alabama’s death row for escaping seven past execution dates through legal challenges was put to death early Friday for a 1982 murder-for-hire shooting.
MONTGOMERY, Ala. – A man once called the „Houdini“ of Alabama’s death row for escaping seven past execution dates through legal challenges was put to death early Friday for a 1982 murder-for-hire shooting.
Tommy Arthur, 75, was pronounced dead at 12: 15 a.m. CDT Friday at a southwest Alabama prison after a lethal injection, authorities said.
Arthur was convicted of killing riverboat engineer Troy Wicker, who was fatally shot as he slept in his bed in the north Alabama city of Muscle Shoals.
Wicker’s wife Judy initially told police she came home and was raped by a black man who shot and killed her husband. After her conviction, she changed her story and testified she had discussed killing her husband with Arthur, who came to the house in makeup and an Afro-style wig and shot her husband. She said she paid him $10,000. Arthur was in a prison work-release program at the time for the 1977 slaying of his sister-in-law, a crime he admits to committing.
His first two convictions in the Wicker case were overturned, but the third one was not. Arthur asked jurors to give him the death penalty. The decision was strategic, he said, to open up more avenues of appeal.
The state set seven execution dates for Arthur between 2001 and 2016. All were delayed as a pro bono legal team fought his sentence. In 2016, Arthur came especially close to the death chamber.
„We were fixing to go into the room and they were going to put the needle in my arm, “ he said, when the U. S. Supreme Court gave him an unexpected reprieve shortly before the death warrant expired at midnight.
„He’s a Houdini, “ said Janette Grantham, director of the Victims of Crime and Leniency. „He always finds a way to escape.“
She called the years of execution delays exceedingly painful for the family of Troy Wicker to bear.
Arthur’s attorneys filed court papers Wednesday with the 11th U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals, calling the lethal injection procedure cruel and unusual punishment. The lawyers have argued that the opening sedative in Alabama’s execution protocol — midazolam — wouldn’t properly anesthetize him before he’s injected with other drugs to stop his heart and lungs.
In December, inmate Ronald Bert Smith coughed for the first 13 minutes of his execution and moved slightly after two consciousness tests. Arthur’s lawyers argued that Smith was awake during his execution. The state responded that there was no evidence Smith experienced pain.
Both the state of Alabama and Arthur’s lawyers have pointed to his case as an example of what they see wrong in death penalty cases.
The state attorney general said Arthur used perpetual litigation to avoid his sentence for years.
„The case of Thomas Arthur is an egregious example of how a convicted murderer can manipulate the legal system to avoid justice, “ Attorney General Steve Marshall said recently.
But Arthur’s lawyers have argued that the state has resisted additional DNA testing on the wig in addition to the questions raised with Alabama’s lethal injection procedures.
Arthur, in a round of phone calls to reporters earlier this week, maintained he’s innocent in the Wicker shooting.
„I’m terrified, but there’s nothing I can do, “ Arthur told The Associated Press in a telephone interview Monday. „I’ve got hope in my legal team.“

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Java Profilers: 3 Different Types and Why You Need All of Them Java Profilers: 3 Different Types and Why You Need All of Them


Standard JVM profilers and lightweight options are both useful during development, whereas APM tools are what you need for production
Debugging performance issues in production can be a pain and in some cases impossible without the right tools. Java profilers have been around forever, but the profilers most developers think about are only one type.
Let’s dive into the three different kinds of Java profilers:
Products like VisualVM, JProfiler, YourKit, and Java Mission Control .
A standard Java profiler certainly provide the most data, but not necessarily the most usable information. This depends on the type of debugging task. These profilers will track all method calls and memory usage. This allows a developer to dive into the call structure at whatever angle they choose.
Products like XRebel and Stackify Prefix .
Lightweight profilers take a different approach at tracking your application by injecting themselves right into the code.
Aspect profilers are pretty easy to set up but are limited in what they can monitor and are encumbered by detailing out everything you want to be tracked. Java Agents have a big advantage in their tracking depth but are much more complicated to write.
APM tools like New Relic, AppDynamics, Stackify Retrace, Dynatrace.
All the profilers so far have been great for development, but tracking how your system performs in production is critical. Production is always a different landscape – development and staging setups typically don’ t have the same datasets and load.
Java APM tools typically use the Java Agent profiler method but with different instrumentation rules to allow them to run without affecting production performance. The trick with these profilers is to provide the right information in a smart way to not take up CPU cycles.
The biggest problem with APM solutions is definitely their pricing. They have traditionally been so expensive that only the largest enterprises could afford them. It doesn’ t make a lot of sense to spend $100 a month on a server at Azure or AWS and then spend another $200 a month for a product like New Relic.
Monitoring tools shouldn’ t cost more than the servers!

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Ocado’s OpenStack private cloud ensures low-latency connectivity for warehouse robotics


Computerworld UK speaks to Ocado Technology’s head of infrastructure, Chris Dabrowski about its warehouse robotics systems
Retail and logistics firm Ocado is running an OpenStack-based private cloud at its latest warehouse, allowing it to automate the infrastructure underpinning its robotics systems.
One of the striking features of Ocado’s latest warehouse is the thousands of ‘bots’ used to collect shopping items from crates and pack them for delivery to customers. The robotic ‘pickers’ travel at high speeds on rails along a grid, missing each other by small margins. “These bots move at a very high velocity – seven metres per second – and they run past each other with literally centimetres of separation, ” says Ocado Technology head of infrastructure, Chris Dabrowski.
Managing these machines creates some interesting technical challenges for the Ocado IT team. It has required, for example, that the company set up its own 4G network to provide real-time control and monitoring communications between its machines.
The wireless control system provides a guaranteed connection 10 times a second to each of 1,000 robots per access point – all working within a 50-metre radius. This requires fast connections and rules out moving data to public cloud provider’s data centres due to distance.
“To avoid collisions we wanted to have very low-latency communication protocols to manage the bots in the entirety of the fleet. And if that was to be hosted further away – and orders of magnitude higher in milliseconds – it would be problematic to our management of these bots, ” Dabrowski explains.
With this in mind, Ocado chose to build an OpenStack-based private cloud as part of its Smart Platform technology that is both used at its Andover customer fulfilment centre and sold to supermarkets such as Morrisons.
“For Ocado Smart Platform some of services naturally lend themselves towards being customer-facing, and therefore on a public cloud. However other elements of the same service are very closely coupled to the underlying automation, robotics and IT we have in our warehouses, ” says Dabrowski.
“For low-latency reasons we needed to provide environments that offer flexible hosting close to those systems. And so that is where the driving force arose for having OpenStack, which is based on-prem in our newer facilities.”
Ocado’s OpenStack systems currently span 5,000 CPU cores, with 27 terabytes of RAM running 1,750 virtual machines. It supports several applications, including those related to the control system of the robots, says Dabrowski. “We also use databases to store status information from robots and pick stations – all of this is running on top of OpenStack.”
While the low-latency requirements are met by the on-premise data centre, much of the analytics on the data generated is carried using Google Cloud. There are a number of reasons for this, partly due to the ability to scale the amount of data stored. In total, Ocado now has half a petabyte of data stored in Big Query – twenty times what it had running on its on-prem Oracle databases previously.
“We are a big fan of ‚big data‘ analysis, ” says Dabrowski. “We pump out huge amounts of data from every aspect of our workflows and technologies and systems of monitoring, and the bot data is captured locally and then proxied through our systems up to the cloud for further analysis.”
The use of OpenStack is part of the company’s move away from using off-the-shelf software and adopt open source tools more widely. This includes Apache Tomcat, Kubernetes, Docker, Django, CoreOS and NGINX. It is also using Google’s open source TensorFlow tools for machine learning projects.
Read next: What is TensorFlow, and how are businesses using it?
“OpenStack aligns our strategy and philosophy of using more open source technologies. So when we wanted to revamp our stack entirely, we went as far as we could to use external community projects, rather than commercial off the shelf ones. We felt the open source nature allowed us to add features and modify them to our requirements more easily than commercial software provides.
“Our older, initial deployments of our customer fulfilment centres, they were originally built 15 or so years ago. They were cutting edge at the time as enterprise systems. We had a mixture of Oracle, VMware, NetApp. All the enterprise systems which were the current flavour of the month, ” he says.
“Those have moved on and the industry has advanced in terms of having better, more agile, more flexible, lower cost, dynamic, self managed systems, and so we have moved with that, pushing the boundaries as we go along.”

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Cleveland Cavaliers postpones thought of Golden State Warriors, 'stress'


Despite rolling through the East playoffs en route to a matchup with the Warriors, the Cavaliers pushed off Thursday night thoughts of what awaits them in Oakland next week.
BOSTON — As they celebrated defending their Eastern Conference title Thursday night, the Cleveland Cavaliers weren’t ready to focus on defending their NBA championship.
Despite going through the East playoffs at 12-1 and appearing destined for a rematch against the Golden State Warriors for months, the Cavs pushed off thoughts of what awaits them in Oakland next week.
„I’m going to be honest, I’m not in the right mind to even talk about Golden State, “ LeBron James said after scoring 35 points in the Cavs‘ 135-102 Game 5 win over the Boston Celtics . „It’s too stressful, and I’m not stressed right now. I’m very happy about our accomplishment. Golden State, they’ve been the best team in our league for the last three years, and then they added an MVP (Kevin Durant) . That’s all I can give you right now, because I’m happy and I don’t want to be stressed.“
The team’s first big decision involving the Warriors was to come on its flight home to Cleveland, where director of team operations Mark Cashman planned to take a vote among the players about what uniforms they wanted to wear for Game 1. The Cavs won the title in Game 7 at Golden State last June wearing their black jerseys.
Editor’s Picks LeBron eclipses MJ as all-time playoffs scorer
LeBron James passed Michael Jordan as the NBA’s all-time scoring leader in the playoffs with a 35-point showcase against the Celtics on Thursday night. The Cavs‘ win also clinches their third straight Eastern Conference title. Warriors open as strong favorite in Las Vegas
The Westgate Las Vegas SuperBook has installed Golden State as a -260 favorite over Cleveland for the NBA Finals. Cavaliers‘ dominant performance eliminates all drama, Celtics
LeBron James (35 points) and the Cavaliers were in control the whole way in Game 5, finishing the Celtics in the East finals.
2 Related
LeBron James passed Michael Jordan as the NBA’s all-time scoring leader in the playoffs with a 35-point showcase against the Celtics on Thursday night. The Cavs‘ win also clinches their third straight Eastern Conference title.
The Westgate Las Vegas SuperBook has installed Golden State as a -260 favorite over Cleveland for the NBA Finals.
LeBron James (35 points) and the Cavaliers were in control the whole way in Game 5, finishing the Celtics in the East finals.
Other than that, coach Tyronn Lue said he was not focused on the Warriors as yet.
„To be honest, I didn’t do not one prep for Golden State yet because I really believe that this (Boston) team is a good team and I didn’t want to look too far ahead, “ Lue said. „I’m very happy and I’m going to enjoy it until we play Golden State. With that being said, tonight I’ll start my prepping, and we’ll see what happens.“
After routinely discussing the Warriors during the 2015-16 season after losing to them in the 2015 Finals, the Warriors were not a common topic around the team over the past several months.
But after showering each other with water to celebrate the victory, most players didn’t want to talk about Game 1, which was seven days away.
„They are a really good team, we have a ton of respect for them, “ Cavs guard Kyle Korver said. „I know there’s a little bit of history with these two teams in the Finals the last few years. Right now we are going to enjoy this and we will think about the Warriors tomorrow.“

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American dream starting to become reality in IndyCar Series


Graham Rahal senses IndyCar is undergoing a major change.
Graham Rahal senses IndyCar is undergoing a change. After spending a decade chasing and watching other young drivers try to get a breakthrough victory, the 28-year-old Ohio native believes it’s about to finally happen.
„I think it is time or we’re at least very close, “ Rahal said. „At the same time, we still have a lot of legends in the sport still doing their thing. But this young crop of talent is only going to get better.“
They’ll get hungrier, less patient and more outspoken, too. And the new generation is full of something the series hasn’t had in a while — young, talented American drivers. If Rahal or another of the other young drivers wins Sunday’s Indianapolis 500, it could speed up the transition already in motion.
The new wave includes Rahal, the son of the 1986 race winner, and 30-year-old Marco Andretti, the son of one racing icon and the grandson of another. Both work for their fathers.
There’s Josef Newgarden, a 26-year-old rising star who signed with Team Penske during the offseason, and 25-year-old Alexander Rossi, a teammate of Andretti’s and the defending 500 champ. Another win would vault him into rare territory.
Behind them are even younger hopefuls such as 22-year-old Sage Karam, who hails from the same Pennsylvania town as Andretti; Spencer Pigot, who is making his second Indy start at age 23; and 22-year-old rookie Zach Veach. Those three are hoping they can find full-time rides when the older guys step aside.
All are young, marketable and ready to put an imprint on this series.
„I think you’re seeing a shift, maybe we’re in mid-shift right now, “ Newgarden said. „Maybe it will happen next year, maybe it will happen five years from now, I don’t know.“
When many older stars — A. J. Foyt, Mario Andretti, Rick Mears, Al and Bobby Unser and Johnny Rutherford — left the sport in the early 1990s, the series struggled to find replacements.
Two of open-wheel racing’s brightest stars, Michael Andretti and Al Unser Jr., stayed with CART after Tony George formed his own series. Jacques Villeneuve, another big name, took off for Formula One after winning the 500 in 1995.
While there were some success stories from the early IndyCar days, most notably the rise of Tony Stewart, it left a damaging hole until many of the CART teams returned in the early 2000s with a group of young, playful, foreign-born drivers such as Brazil’s Helio Castroneves and Tony Kanaan, Scotland’s Dario Franchitti and New Zealand’s Scott Dixon. They danced their way into the hearts of IndyCar fans and dominated the series for more than a decade.
But now, for the first time in 21 years, George’s vision of running races largely on American ovals and featuring primarily American drivers may finally be about to bear fruit.
„I think they’re as fun as we were in the past, “ Kanaan said. „And they’re really, really fast. This new generation of kids is unbelievable, and I think the future of this series is in good shape.“
It’s clear things are changing.
„I think this is the most Americans we’ve had in the championship in a while and they’re all competitive, “ Rossi said.
Andretti’s resume exemplifies just how close this contingent has been to breaking through. As a rookie in 2006, he finished as the 500 runner-up. This season, he’s been derailed by a series of mechanical problems.
But a win Sunday wouldn’t just end the family curse after nearly 50 years, it could help the next generation of American drivers prove they’re ready to step in.
„I think I’ve had eight legitimate shots at winning this race, and it just hasn’t worked out so far, “ Andretti said Thursday. „Hopefully, we can change that this weekend and everything will work out.“

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«Die Welt: Menschenrechtsgerichtshof befasst sich mit dem Fall des in der Türkei inhaftierten Deniz Yücel


NZZ Nachrichten, Hintergründe, Meinungen aus der Schweiz, International, Sport, Digital, Wirtschaft, Auto & mehr. Fundierte Berichterstattung rund um die Uhr.
(dpa) Der Europäische Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte wird sich nach einem Bericht der Zeitung «Die Welt» mit dem Fall ihres in der Türkei inhaftierten Korrespondenten Deniz Yücel befassen. Das Strassburger Gericht habe die Beschwerde Yücels gegen dessen Untersuchungshaft angenommen und wolle sie nun zügig behandeln, berichtete die «Welt». Das gehe aus einem Schreiben des Gerichts hervor, das Yücels Anwalt Veysel Ok am Donnerstag zugestellt wurde.
In diesem Schreiben heisse es unter anderem, Yücels Fall werde «von seinem Gegenstand her unter die Fälle gerechnet, die vom Gericht vorrangig behandelt werden und als solche in kürzest möglicher Zeit untersucht werden sollen». Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel hatte am Donnerstag bei einem Treffen mit dem türkischen Präsidenten Recep Tayyip Erdogan am Rande des Nato-Gipfels in Brüssel erneut die Freilassung Yücels gefordert.
Der deutsch-türkische Journalist ist seit Ende Februar in der Türkei in Untersuchungshaft. Ihm werden Terrorpropaganda und Volksverhetzung vorgeworfen. Erdogan beschuldigte Yücel ausserdem öffentlich, ein Terrorist und ein deutscher Spion zu sein. Der Europäische Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte kann in Verfahren aus Mitgliedsstaaten des Europarates entscheiden, dem auch die Türkei angehört.

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'I had a sixth sense': Customs officer who busted Schapelle Corby with her boogie board cover with 4.1kg of drugs followed the bag from the plane all the way through customs – before confronting her inside Bali's airport


An experienced Indonesian customs officer’s (pictured) sixth sense led to catching Schapelle Corby, then aged 27, at Bali’s airport.
It was an experienced Indonesian customs officer’s sixth sense that led to Schapelle Corby, then aged 27, being caught inside Bali’s airport.
I Gusti Ngurah Winata was checking for bags arriving in the x-ray at Ngura Rai International Airport, Bali, from AO7829 from Sydney, when a blue boogie board bag cover appeared orange.
Using 20 years‘ experience of detecting suspect items, Winata chose not to mark the bag with an ‚X‘ as was normal procedure, but instead rather secretly track the bag himself, he told the The Gold Coast Bulletin .
Schapelle Corby’s brother took the bag off the carousel and then carried the bag to the group approaching ’nothing to declare‘ customs line. But before they left, Winata approached them and asked to check the bag.
After Schapelle Corby said it was her bag, the officer asked her to open it, leading to one of the dividing arguments over the high-profile case.
Winata said when he went to open the big zip, Corby appeared nervous and tried to stop him. After asking why, he claims she said: ‚I have some…‘, according to the publication.
He claims she admitted to stashing marijuana in the boogie board bag. Komang Gelgel was the second officer who claimed she admitted to owning the marijuana.
Corby and her family disagree with his version of events and claim he never asked to view the contents, that Schapelle showed him what was inside the bag without being prompted and she was not nervous.
She also still denies ever confessing to owning the drugs.
The customs officer found 4.1kg of high quality marijuana underneath the boogie board, the largest haul Winata had dealt with and the first to come from Australia.
Winata has not waned from his version of events to this day claiming he had no reason to lie.
Schapelle endured one of the nation’s largest media trials with her sentence televised in Australia.
She was sentenced to 20 years‘ in prison, but served nine-and-a-half years in Kerobokan prison with three years parole in Bali.
She is expected to arrive back in Australia on Sunday morning.

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