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Меджис подал жалобу в ЕСПЧ из-за действий российских властей в Крыму


Жалоба подана в связи со внесением российскими властями Меджлиса в список экстремистских организаций, а также в связи запретом его деятельности на полуострове.
Меджлис крымскотатарского народа подал жалобу в Европейский суд по правам человека (ЕСПЧ), сообщается на правозащитного центра „Мемориал“, который представляет интересы Меджлиса в ЕСПЧ. Жалоба подана в связи со внесением российскими властями Меджлиса в список экстремистских организаций и запретом его деятельности на полуострове. В жалобе Меджлис указал, что такие действия властей РФ нарушают статью 11 (свобода собраний и объединений) Европейской конвенции о защите прав человека и основных свобод. Также отмечается, что членов организации преследуют в связи с их политической позицией, что является нарушением статьи 18 (пределы использования ограничений в отношении прав). Меджлис также пожаловался, что российские суды не признают его статус как представительного органа коренного крымского народа, тем самым нарушая статью 14 (запрет дискриминации). Члены Меджлиса также утверждают, что были лишены права на справедливое судебное разбирательство и что они не могли предположить, что их деятельность станет нарушать анти-экстремистское законодательство. Напомним, 29 сентября 2016 года окончательно признал законным запрет деятельности Меджлиса крымских татар на территории России и в Крыму как „экстремистской“ организации. Крым был присоединен к РФ в 2014 году. Украина и ее международные партнеры не признают присоединение полуострова к России, признав это , в связи с чем против Москвы был введен.

Similarity rank: 5.2
Sentiment rank: -0.5

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Хакеры на странице Олланда пригласили на вечеринку по случаю его отставки


Согласно объявлению, вечеринка должна была пройти 7 мая в Елисейском дворце
Неизвестные хакеры получили доступ к официальной странице президента Франции Франсуа Олланда в Facebook и разместили на странице приглашение на „вечеринку по случаю отставки“. Об этом сообщает BFM TV.
Новости по теме: Экс-кандидат в президенты США Рубио заявил о российских кибератаках его штаба
Согласно объявлению, вечеринка должна была пройти 7 мая в Елисейском дворце. Пост провисел не более часа, после чего был удален. Тем не менее пользователи растиражировали его скриншоты в соцсетях.
В администрации французского президента инцидент пока не прокомментировали. Телеканал отмечает, что аналогичный взлом произошел в 2011 году — тогда жертвой хакеров также стал президент страны Николя Саркози.
Новости по теме: Олланд не пойдет по стопам Саркози после сложения своих полномочий

Similarity rank: 5.3
Sentiment rank: 0.3
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General Electric(GE)は、 サイバー攻撃から組織の 機器を防御するために「デジタルゴースト」 というコンセプトを推し進めている。 本記事では、 「デジタルツイン」 と連携するこの コンセプトについて、 GE Software Researchの バイスプレジデントから話を聞いた。
サイバー攻撃から組織の機器を防御するうえで、General Electric(GE)はどのような戦略を推し進めているのだろうか?本記事では、同社がどのようなかたちで物理的な状況をモニタリングしていこうとしているのかについて、同社の研究および開発を担当するGE Global Researchの一翼を担うGE Software ResearchのバイスプレジデントであるColin Parris氏に話を聞いた。
GEは、「Digital Ghost」(デジタルゴースト)と同社が呼ぶものに基づいた製品のローンチ計画を進めている。デジタルゴーストは、同社が提唱する「デジタルツイン」(物理的な資産を仮想環境内に再現したもの)というテクノロジと、産業制御テクノロジを組み合わせることでサイバー攻撃を阻止しようとする取り組みだ。
GE Software ResearchバイスプレジデントのColin Parris氏
Parris氏によると、 デジタルゴースト はGEのデジタルツインを補完する取り組みだという。デジタルゴーストは実質的に、産業テクノロジにおける制御システムを仮想環境内に再現したものだ。攻撃を受けた場合、タービン(あるいはエンジン)のセンサが異常を検知し、さらなる調査が必要だと伝える。Parris氏は「われわれは物理学を用いて、何が起こっているのかを見極めている」と述べるとともに、「われわれは、機械の正常な状態を把握している」と述べている。例を挙げると、サイバー攻撃者がセンサをかく乱した場合、あるセンサが20度を示し、別のセンサが200度を示していれば、そのことを明らかにできる可能性がある。 なぜ制御システムなのか?

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韓国の朴槿恵前大統領を逮捕 収賄や機密文書流出容疑


韓国検察は31日早朝、 前大統領の 朴槿恵(パククネ)容疑者(65)を逮捕した。 サムスングループの 経営トップでサムスン電子副会長の 李在鎔(イジェヨン)被告(48)らから巨額の 賄賂を受け取ったり、 支援者の …

Similarity rank: 4.5

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北朝鮮大使館員ら北京着 遺体のせたとみられる飛行機で


北朝鮮の 金正恩(キムジョンウン)・ 朝鮮労働党委員長の 異母兄、 金正男(キムジョンナム)氏が先月13日にマレーシアで殺された事件で、 正男氏殺害に関与した疑いを持たれたまま、 マレーシアを出国した北朝鮮大使…
北朝鮮の金正恩(キムジョンウン)・朝鮮労働党委員長の異母兄、金正男(キムジョンナム)氏が先月13日にマレーシアで殺された事件で、正男氏殺害に関与した疑いを持たれたまま、マレーシアを出国した北朝鮮大使館の2等書記官や高麗航空職員とみられる複数の男性が31日未明、マレーシア航空機で経由地の北京に到着した。 書記官とみられる男性らは北京空港のVIP用通路から出て、北朝鮮大使館が用意した2台の車に分乗し、空港を出た。その後、男性らは31日午前3時過ぎ、多くの報道陣が待ち構える北京市内の北朝鮮大使館に入った。 同機には、正男氏の遺体も載せてきたとみられる。近く平壌行きの便で北朝鮮に運ばれる見通しだ。(北京=延与光貞、古谷浩一)

Similarity rank: 2.1
Sentiment rank: -4.7
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Massive fire causes Atlanta interstate overpass to collapse


Witnesses say troopers were telling cars to turn around on the bridge and minutes later, it collapsed
The 2-alarm fire burned Thursday afternoon on I-85 near Georgia 400 in Atlanta, CBS affiliate WGCL reports. After the fire burned for about 45 minutes, part of the roadway collapsed.
Witnesses say troopers were telling drivers to turn around on the bridge because they were concerned about its integrity. Minutes later, the bridge collapsed.
Atlanta police said the fire is burning piles of plastic wiring under the I-85 overpass near the Lindbergh MARTA station.
*Emergency* Interstate 85 in Atlanta GA has just collapsed due to fire under bridge. All lanes blocked. Avoid the area.
Traffic was backed up for miles in the area and witnesses said they saw people abandoning their vehicles on the roadway and opting to walk.
Governor Nathan Deal said officials have called in the company that originally built the bridge to assess the damage. It wasn’t immediately clear how long it would take to repair the damage.
Officials confirmed to WGCL that no one was injured in the fire.
Black smoke can be seen for miles.

Similarity rank: 2.1
Sentiment rank: -1.6

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War escalates between Trump and House Freedom Caucus


President Trump went after specific House members in a series of tweets Thursday afternoon
Has the atmosphere in Washington become so toxic that reaching across the aisle is considered out of the question?
Tennessee Sen. Bob Corker, known for bipartisanship, decried the bickering Thursday over the failed health care bill, tweeting in response to House Speaker Paul Ryan’s comments during an interview on “CBS This Morning” Thursday about not wanting to work with Democrats.
We have come a long way in our country when the speaker of one party urges a president NOT to work with the other party to solve a problem.
Republican Sen. Ted Cruz indicated he supported reaching across the aisle, saying Thursday that Republicans need to stop aiming their cannons at each other, CBS News’ Chip Reid reports.
After the health care bill failed last week, President Trump was quick to cast blame on the Democrats. In remarks shortly after the bill was pulled, Mr. Trump said “I think the real losers here are Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer because they own Obamacare.” He said he was “disappointed” in the House Freedom Caucus, but he called them “friends of mine.”
House Speaker Paul Ryan told „CBS This Morning“ co-host Norah O’Donnell that he is against President Trump working with Democrats to pass a new h…
But on Monday, White House press secretary Sean Spicer said Mr. Trump has received calls from both parties and is willing to work with Democrats if necessary. Ryan told CBS News’ Norah O’Donnell that he “doesn’t want that to happen.”
“I want a patient-centered system. I don’t want government running health care,” Ryan said.
Mr. Trump bookended Thursday with tweets attacking the House Freedom Caucus, declaring war on his “friends.” On Thursday morning, Mr. Trump tweeted that “we must fight” the conservative band of representatives.
The Freedom Caucus will hurt the entire Republican agenda if they don’t get on the team, & fast. We must fight them, & Dems, in 2018!
By late Thursday afternoon, he tweeted at specific members, Reps. Mark Meadows, Jim Jordan and Raul Labrador, saying they needed to “get on board” for “both great health care and massive tax cuts and reform.”
If @RepMarkMeadows , @Jim_Jordan and @Raul_Labrador would get on board we would have both great healthcare and massive tax cuts & reform.
Where are @RepMarkMeadows , @Jim_Jordan and @Raul_Labrador ? #RepealANDReplace #Obamacare
Additionally, Rep. Mark Sanford of South Carolina, a Freedom Caucus member, said Mr. Trump threatened to support a primary challenger to run against him in next year’s elections, according to Reid.
The House Freedom Caucus pushed back on Trump’s criticism. Rep. Justin Amash tweeted Thursday that “it didn’t take long for the swamp to drain @realdonaldtrump. No shame, Mr. Trump. Almost everyone succumbs to the D. C. establishment.”
Later, Amash called the President a “childish bully,” saying, “It’s constructive in the 5th grade. It may allow a child to get his way, but that’s not how our government works.”
Labrador, meanwhile, tweeted late Thursday that the Freedom Caucus “stood with you when others ran. Remember who your real friends are. We’re trying to help you succeed.”
@realDonaldTrump Freedom Caucus stood with u when others ran. Remember who your real friends are. We’re trying to help u succeed.

Similarity rank: 4.3
Sentiment rank: -1

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South Africa's President Zuma sacks finance minister


The departure of Pravin Gordhan comes after speculation that has hit South Africa’s markets.
South Africa’s President Jacob Zuma has sacked Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan after days of speculation that rocked the country’s markets and currency.
Mr Gordhan will be replaced by Malusi Gigaba, said a statement issued late on Thursday by the president’s office.
Earlier this week, President Zuma recalled Mr Gordhan from planned events in the UK.
Sfiso Buthelezi will become Deputy Finance Minister, replacing Mcebisi Jonas.
President Zuma also made a number of other changes in the cabinet.
„I have directed the new ministers and deputy ministers to work tirelessly with their colleagues to bring about radical socioeconomic transformation and to ensure that the promise of a better life for the poor and the working class becomes a reality,“ President Zuma’s statement said.
Last October, Mr Gordhan was charged with fraud – but the charges were later dropped.
He has described the allegations as politically motivated.
Mr Gordhan has been seen as standing up to President Zuma in cabinet and has warned against corruption becoming rampant.
The South African Communist Party, an ally of the governing African National Congress, had earlier lodged a formal objection to plans to dismiss Mr Gordhan, who is widely respected internationally.
Many senior ANC figures also opposed the finance minister’s removal.
Meanwhile, the Democratic Alliance, South Africa’s main opposition party, said it would call a vote of no-confidence in President Zuma in parliament.
Mr Gordhan’s recall from the UK caused South Africa’s rand to lose nearly 5% of its value against major currencies earlier this week.
Pressure has been growing on Mr Zuma to step down amid numerous allegations of corruption.
He denies the claims.

Similarity rank: 4.2
Sentiment rank: -1.1

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Fired Trump aide Michael Flynn 'wants immunity' to testify


Michael Flynn’s lawyer says the ex-national security adviser must guard against „unfair prosecution“.
President Donald Trump’s fired national security adviser reportedly wants immunity to testify at hearings into alleged Russian election meddling.
Michael Flynn’s lawyer says his client „has a story to tell“, but needs to guard against „unfair prosecution“.
The Senate opened its hearing earlier, with one member warning of Kremlin „propaganda on steroids“.
Mr Flynn was sacked in February after misleading the White House about his conversations with a Russian envoy.
His links to Russia are being scrutinised by the FBI and the House and Senate Intelligence Committees.
„General Flynn certainly has a story to tell, and he very much wants to tell it, should the circumstances permit,“ said his attorney, Robert Kelner.
He said he would not comment on his discussions with congressional panels investigating claims Moscow sought to help Donald Trump win the US presidential election.
The lawyer said the media was awash with „unfounded allegations, outrageous claims of treason, and vicious innuendo“.
„No reasonable person, who has the benefit of advice from counsel, would submit to questioning in such a highly politicized, witch-hunt environment without assurances against unfair prosecution,“ said the written statement.
Mr Kelner did not explicitly comment on a Wall Street Journal report that Mr Flynn wants immunity from prosecution.
The Senate Intelligence Committee opened its hearing on Thursday with one member saying Moscow had sought to „hijack“ the US election.
Ranking Democrat Mark Warner said Russia may have used technology to spread disinformation, including fake news for voters in key states, such as Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania.
Panel chairman Richard Burr, a Republican, warned: „We are all targets of a sophisticated and capable adversary. “
Mr Burr also confirmed there had been „conversations“ about interviewing Mr Flynn, but his appearance had not been confirmed.
The Trump presidency has been unable to shake off allegations that members of its team colluded with Russian officials during the election campaign.
The president regularly dismisses the claims as „fake news“ and Russia has also ridiculed the allegations.
President Putin did so again on Thursday at an Arctic forum, describing them as „nonsense“ and „irresponsible“.
Mr Flynn, a retired army lieutenant-general, initially denied having discussed US sanctions against Russia with the country’s ambassador, Sergei Kislyak.
But he stood down after details of his phone call emerged, along with reports the Department of Justice had warned the White House about him misleading officials and being vulnerable to Russian blackmail.
At last summer’s Republican party convention, Mr Flynn led chants of „lock her up“ aimed at Hillary Clinton over her private email server.
In September, he said in a TV interview it was unacceptable that some of the Democratic candidate’s aides had been granted immunity from prosecution.
„When you get given immunity that means you’ve probably committed a crime,“ he told NBC News.

Similarity rank: 6.3
Sentiment rank: -0.3

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How Trump and China’s Xi could stumble into war


When a rising power threatens to displace a ruling power, it rarely ends well.
It may not be apparent when President Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping meet beneath the towering palms and crystal chandeliers at Mar-a-Lago this coming week, but the nations they lead are on a collision course for war.
An irresistibly rising China is challenging the United States’ accustomed dominance. Consider that the U. S. share of global economic output fell from 22 percent in 1980 to 16 percent today, while China’s grew from 2 percent to 18 percent over the same period. Historians know that when a rising power threatens to displace a ruling power, alarms should sound: extreme danger ahead. As Thucydides explained about the war that destroyed the two great city states of ancient Greece, “It was the rise of Athens and the fear that this instilled in Sparta that made war inevitable.” Likewise, a century ago, it was the rise of Germany and the fear it created in Britain that allowed an archduke’s assassination to ignite a conflagration so devastating that it required an entirely new category: world war.
This pattern, which I call the “Thucydides Trap,” recurs often. A major nation’s rise has disrupted the position of a dominant state 16 times over the past 500 years. In 12 of those 16 cases, the outcome was war. In the four cases that avoided violent conflict, that was possible only because of huge, painful adjustments in attitudes and actions on the part of challenger and challenged. Think of Britain and the United States under Theodore Roosevelt, or the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War.
We are certain to see a succession of confrontations between China and the United States in the years ahead. What is in doubt is whether the leaders of these two great powers can manage these confrontations without escalating them to war. For now, that’s up to Trump and Xi.
If Hollywood made a movie pitting the United States against China on the road to war, central casting would be hard-pressed to find two better leads. As personalities, Trump and Xi could not be more different. Despite the formalities of a scripted summit, their contrasting styles will be on full display. But in many ways, they are mirror images of each other.
Both have pledged to restore the greatness of their nations with an agenda of radical change. Everyone knows Trump’s trademark one-liner. But when Xi rose to power in 2012, he announced his “China Dream,” calling for “the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.”
Both men take pride in what they consider their unique leadership capabilities. Trump built his presidential aspirations on what he portrayed as unrivaled business acumen, memorably claiming that he alone could fix the nation’s problems. Xi has so firmly concentrated power in his own hands that he is now often referred to as the “Chairman of Everything.” Indeed, the exceptionalism ingrained in each man’s political agenda speaks to a broader similarity between the United States and China: Both have extreme superiority complexes. Each sees itself as without peers.
And, perhaps most important, both Trump and Xi view the nation the other leads as the principal obstacle to achieving their core ambition.
The danger is that amid the structural stress caused by China’s rise, and exaggerated by Xi’s and Trump’s clashing visions, inevitable crises that could otherwise be contained will result in outcomes neither side wants.
The potential sparks for such a conflict are frighteningly mundane. Already during the Trump administration, tensions have escalated over the status of Taiwan , North Korea’s nuclear ambitions and trade. (During his campaign, Trump accused China of “raping” the U. S. economy. On Thursday, he tweeted that the meeting with Xi “will be a very difficult one,” because “we can no longer have massive trade deficits and job losses.”)
Could a trade conflict become a hot war that ends with nuclear explosions? As preposterous as that may sound, remember that Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor happened after the United States imposed crippling sanctions on Japan, bringing this country into a war that ended with atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
The straightest path to war between the United States and China would begin with a sharp turn by Taiwan toward independence. During the presidential transition, Trump tripped this alarm with tweets and a phone call with Taiwan’s leader. No Chinese national security official I have ever met, and no U. S. official who has examined the situation, doubts that China would choose war over losing territory it considers vital to its national interest. Were a Taiwanese president, with or without encouragement from Trump, to cross one of Beijing’s bright red lines, China might begin with an updated version of its 1996 “missile tests” that bracketed Taiwan. If the United States came to Taiwan’s assistance and provided Navy escorts for the lifeline of ships supplying the island, China could try to sink one or more. And to prevent China from suppressing Taiwan, the United States would have to conduct massive, repeated attacks on missile bases on the Chinese mainland, killing thousands of Chinese. It’s hard to believe that China would not respond to such attacks with equivalent strikes on U. S. air bases in Guam and Japan, as well as carriers. From there to bombs exploding on U. S. soil is not a very long hop, skip or jump.
North Korea is another possible catalyst for a war no one wants — but nonetheless could happen. During the upcoming summit, Trump is expected to demand that Xi put more pressure on Kim Jong-un to rein in his nuclear program. On its current path, North Korea will acquire the capability to deliver a nuclear weapon against the U. S. homeland on Trump’s watch. The president has said he won’t allow this to happen. The Pentagon has reportedly prepared various military options to slow North Korea’s missile program. Although some might hope that fallout from a surgical strike would be limited, a U. S. attack could provoke retaliation that triggers a second Korean War or the collapse of the Kim regime. Either could lead to war between the United States and China.
U. S. war planners have examined scenarios for North Korea that begin with regime collapse. As the country descends into chaos, U. S. forces would try to destroy weapon systems capable of delivering a nuclear warhead against South Korea, Japan or Guam. The U. S. Joint Special Operations Command has a long-standing mission to secure “loose nukes” and has trained to enter the North to take control of its nuclear weapons facilities before rogue commanders could pirate these weapons to international arms bazaars. But because the sites are thought to be near China’s borders, it is likely that Chinese special forces would beat U. S. forces there. As Gen. Raymond Thomas, a former head of the Joint Special Operations Command, has warned, trying to secure North Korea’s nuclear weapons would result in a “vertical track meet” between Chinese and U. S.-South Korean forces. Unaware of each other’s presence, they could end up in a firefight and mistake accidental engagement for an intentional ambush requiring retaliation.
Another possibility is that, after a regime collapse, North Korean refugees would pour into China. Fearing its own instability, China could send troops into North Korea and establish a buffer state between it and South Korea. Under pressure from its population to liberate those who have lived under the most brutal regime on Earth, the South Korean government could also send troops marching north. Because U. S. troops and aircraft stationed in South Korea are integrated with South Korean troops in operational military plans, American and Chinese troops would then engage one another directly, as they did in 1950.
Is it possible to manage the structural stress between rising and ruling powers without war? Yes. Xi and President Barack Obama even discussed the Thucydides Trap at their 2015 summit, but could not agree what to do to escape it. Xi had proposed a “new form of great power relations.” But by this he meant an expansive concept of China’s core interests, including an Asian sphere of influence, which the United States could not accept.
Trump and Xi now have an opportunity to redirect the most significant relationship of the 21st century. More important than any specific deliverables from this summit will be whether the leaders of the world’s most powerful nations recognize the risks as far as any eye can see. If they settle for business as usual, we are likely to get history as usual – where the odds of war are against us.

Similarity rank: 3

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