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Anyone on the Xbox Insider Program can now try out the Creators Update


Microsoft today released the first Insider Preview build of the Xbox One Creators Update for Preview Ring 4, which is the only ring in the Xbox Insider Program that doesn’t require an invitation.
Today, members of Ring 4 of the Xbox Insider Program are finally getting their first taste of the upcoming Creators Update. The first build to hit the ring is rs2_release_xbox_1703.170323-1228, and it’s an update to 15063, which is the RTM build .
If you’re unfamiliar with how the Xbox Insider Program works, Preview Ring 4 is the only one that doesn’t require an invitation. It’s where you end up when you sign up for the Program, but you can work your way up by completing Quests and Surveys in the Insider Hub.
It’s basically the equivalent of the Release Preview ring in the Windows Insider Program, as it’s meant so that users can preview updates that are going to roll out to the general public. Of course, this is even more evidence that build 15063 is indeed the RTM build, just in case you needed it.
The Creators Update for the Xbox One includes a new Dashboard, a Guide, built-in Beam streaming, a new Beam app, and much more. Naturally, anyone is free to try it out now, even if you’re brand new to the Xbox Insider Program.

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Apple Quietly Upgrades the File System of Millions of iOS Devices


With the release of iOS 10.3 to the general public, millions of devices will be upgraded to use Apple’s new file system, APFS, in what is a bold, yet not risk-free move according to several commentators.
With the release of iOS 10.3 to the general public, millions of devices will be upgraded to use Apple’s new file system , APFS , in what is a bold, yet not risk-free move according to several commentators.
Presented at the last WWDC and covered by InfoQ at the time, APFS is the replacement for the almost 20 year old HFS+ file system that was introduced with Mac OS 8.1, sporting a number of features that put it in the same category as ZFS and HAMMER , including advanced support for encryption, copy-on-write, flexible partitioning, snapshots, atomic saves, and more.
As many developers who had previously installed iOS 10.3 beta versions, users installing the official 10.3 release on their devices have been experiencing a rather lengthy upgrade process , seemingly due to the file system conversion, but no reports of any significant issues are known at the time of writing.
Interestingly, this is APFS official debut, since it has been previously available on macOS Sierra only as a developer preview , and with a number of limitations including the impossibility of using an APFS-formatted disk as a startup disk. This makes it even more surprising that Apple decided to push a file system conversion on ten of millions of devices almost at once, which would amplify greatly the impact of any issues. Still, as Ars Technica’s Andrew Cunningham remarked , the move makes more sense when you consider that Apple controls the iOS platform and knows every detail of the hardware and partition schemes used. Additionally, the closed nature of iOS devices makes it pretty unlikely that non-jailbroken users have messed with their devices‘ storage, adding further predictability to the picture.
This does not mean, however, that upgrading to APFS will not have some undesirable consequences for a number of users. As macOS and iOS developer Michael Tsai wrote in his blog, there are a number of things that make APFS intrinsically at odds with HFS+, including the way APFS does not normalize Unicode filenames , or the fact that APFS allows multiple files whose names differ only in case to exist in the same directory. InfoQ will keep an eye on such kind of issues and report back if anything interesting arises.
As to the technical merit of upgrading a file system in a transparent way for users, Reddit user applishish explains that the migration does not actually moves data, rather it writes APFS metadata into HFS+ free space. This approach has the advantage that if anything goes wrong with the conversion, the user is still left with a valid HFS+ partition. In the same thread, Reddit user 1337Gandalf says Apple’s move is somewhat reminiscent of Microsoft’s when introducing XP and dealing with the upgrade to NTFS from FAT32 volumes, although in that case the user was given the option whether to upgrade to NTFS during the upgrade process or not.

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Undercover videos of fetal tissue talks spur felony charges


Two anti-abortion activists who secretly recorded Planned Parenthood conversations about fetal tissue must each face more than a dozen felony charges.
Two anti-abortion activists who secretly recorded Planned Parenthood conversations about fetal tissue must each face more than a dozen felony charges.
California’s new Attorney General Xavier Becerra filed 15 counts apiece Tuesday against David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt of the Center of Medical Progress, saying the videos showing discussions of fetal tissue were made without the consent of the people in them in violation of state law.
Becerra, a longtime Congressional Democrat who took over the investigation in January, said in a statement that the state „will not tolerate the criminal recording of conversations. “
The charges come eight months after similar charges against the pair were dropped in Texas.
California prosecutors say Daleiden, of Davis, California, and Merritt, of San Jose, filmed 14 people without permission between October 2013 and July 2015 in Los Angeles, San Francisco and El Dorado counties. One felony count was filed for each person recorded. The 15th was for criminal conspiracy to invade privacy.
Daleiden said in an email to The Associated Press that the „bogus“ charges are coming from „Planned Parenthood’s political cronies. “
„The public knows the real criminals are Planned Parenthood and their business partners,“ Daleiden said.
The conversations included officials from Planned Parenthood and StemExpress, a California company that provides blood, tissue and other biological material for medical research and had received fetal tissue from Planned Parenthood.
In one of the pair’s videos, Daleiden poses as „Robert Sarkis“ of the phony Biomax Procurement Services and is shown discussing liver tissue with the chief executive of StemExpress at a Northern California restaurant.
Abortion opponents said the recordings showed Planned Parenthood was illegally harvesting and selling the organs. Planned Parenthood said the videos were deceptively edited to support extremists‘ false claims.
„As we have said from the beginning, and as more than a dozen different state investigations have made clear: Planned Parenthood has done nothing wrong, and the only people who broke the law are those behind the fraudulent tapes,“ said Mary Alice Carter, interim vice president of communications for Planned Parenthood, in a statement.
In April of last year, Daleiden said in a Facebook post that California Department of Justice agents raided his home, seizing all of his video footage along with personal information.
Since then the case had gone largely quiet, with virtually no revelations about the investigation and no indication that the charges were coming before they were filed Tuesday in San Francisco Superior Court.
The case is one of the first of high-profile prosecutions for Becerra, who left the U. S. House to take over for Kamala Harris after she became a U. S. Senator.
Daleiden and Merritt had previously been indicted in Texas on similar charges in January of 2016, but all of the charges were eventually dropped by July as prosecutors said a grand jury had overstepped its authority. The grand jury had originally been convened to investigate Planned Parenthood, but after finding no wrongdoing turned around and indicted Daleiden and Merritt instead.
The videos reignited the American abortion debate when they were released in 2015, and increased Congressional heat against Planned Parenthood that has yet to subside.

Similarity rank: 5.3
Sentiment rank: -0.4

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Satellite images show North Korea may be planning nuclear test


North Korea may be preparing to test another nuclear device as President Donald Trump prepares to meet Chinese President Xi Jinping next month, in a summit that is expected to focus on containing North Korea’s weapons program
SEOUL — North Korea may be preparing to test another nuclear device as President Donald Trump prepares to meet Chinese President Xi Jinping next month, in a summit that is expected to focus on containing North Korea’s weapons program.
Commercial satellite imagery analyzed Tuesday by North Korea experts showed signs of activity at the nuclear test site at Punggye-ri in the country’s northeast, where North Korea had previously conducted tests.
Joseph Bermudez and Jack Liu, analysts for 38 North, said the imagery, taken on March 25, suggested that communications cables had recently been laid, and that water had been drained, at an entrance to an underground site — a combination of signals that they said “strongly suggests that test preparations are well under way.”
The analysts cautioned, however, that the apparent actions may be an effort to deceive experts monitoring North Korea’s nuclear test site for signs of activity.
An expanded version of this report appears on
North Korean defectors must adjust to a completely different economic system in South Korea, or risk financial exclusion. The Wall Street Journal looks at the challenges facing some of capitalism’s newcomers. Photo: Clément Bürge
Elon Musk launches Neuralink to connect brains with computers.
Congress gears up for fight over spending.

Similarity rank: 9.5

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Japan's tepid retail sales raise concerns about consumption, growth


Japanese retail sales were effectively flat in February as consumers cut back on food and durable goods.
Japanese retail sales were effectively flat in February as consumers cut back on food and durable goods after employers offered the lowest spring wage increases in four years.
Retail sales rose 0.1 percent in February from a year ago, well below the median estimate for a 0.5 percent annual increase, and much less than year-on-year growth of 1.0 percent in January.
The anemic figures raise further doubt about the strength of private consumption, emphasizing how difficult it will be for Japan’s economy to generate sustained wage growth and price inflation, as envisaged in the government’s „Abenomics“ policies.
„I was expecting consumption to pick up in January-March, but so far things look weak,“ said Hidenobu Tokuda, senior economist at Mizuho Research Institute.
„This reflects concerns that wages this year won’t rise as fast as last year. Some people are also feeling the pinch from higher energy prices. “
The data showed that spending on foodstuffs fell an annual 1.5 percent in February, the first decline in five months. Spending on durable goods fell an annual 2.2 percent in February versus a 0.8 percent annual decline in the previous month.
Spending on general daily goods fell 5.1 percent from a year ago, considerably faster than January’s a 2.9 percent annual decline.
Most major Japanese companies offered their lowest increase in base pay in four years at annual spring wage negotiations this year in a setback to consumer spending and overall economic activity.
In addition, a rise in crude oil prices last year and a falling currency have pushed up prices of gasoline, which is also starting to hurt consumer sentiment.

Similarity rank: 1

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Порошенко планує відновити спеціальні військові суди


Президент України Петро Порошенко заявив, що планує запропонувати відновлення спеціальних військових судів відповідно до існуючої міжнародної практики.
Про це глава держави повідомив в Facebook, коментуючи вирок генералові Віктору Назарову у справі про збитий Іл-76 в аеропорту Луганська.
„Оцінювати дії командирів у бойовій обстановці повинні військові фахівці, військові експерти і військові судді, а не цивільні. Принаймні зараз, поки йде ця жахлива підступна гібридна війна. Справедливість безумовно повинна бути досягнута в суді, але рішення військових судів не будуть ставитися під сумнів нашими воїнами „, – переконаний президент.
Порошенко додав, що як Верховний головнокомандувач не може мовчати після вироку одного з цивільних суден, який засудив бойового генерала до ув’язнення на 7 років.
„Наші військові виконують свій обов’язок захищати Україну. Інколи ціною власного життя. Розумію горе родин. Але по-справжньому винним у загибелі наших героїв є ворог, який віроломно вторгся на нашу землю. Єдиним виправданням цим смертям є наближення ними невідворотної перемоги“ , – зазначив глава держави.
За його словами, за останні три роки в Україні виховане нове покоління ініціативних, сміливих, а часом і відчайдушних командирів, які забезпечують захист держави. „Стриножити їх судовими рішеннями було б нерозумно з точки зору забезпечення обороноздатності і безпеки „, – додав президент.
“ Саме тому я планую запропонувати відновлення спеціальних військових судів відповідно до існуючих міжнародних практик „, – резюмував він.
Вчора генерала Віктора Назарова засудили до 7 років позбавлення волі у справі про збитий Іл-76 в аеропорту Луганська.
Нагадаємо, трагедія, сталася о першій годині ночі 14 червня 2014 року. У той час бойові дії під Луганськом тільки розгорталися, і в луганському аеропорту стояли українські війська. Увечері 13 червня в Луганський аеропорт для доставки особового складу, боєприпасів і бронетехніки були спрямовані три літаки Іл-76 з 25-ої транспортної авіабригади. Перший здійснив успішну посадку, другий був збитий бойовиками з ПЗРК „Игла“ , а третій, дізнавшись про знищення другого літака, зажадав скасування посадки і повернув назад.
Головнокомандувач ЗСУ, Начальник Генштабу генерал Віктор Муженко, командувач АТО на сході України, знав про те, що бойовики готувалися збивати українські військово-транспортні літаки, що вилетіли в Луганськ 13 червня 2014, проте все одно відправив їх до Луганський аеропорт.

Similarity rank: 9.9

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イギリス EUに離脱を正式に通知へ


イギリスの メイ首相は29日、 EU=ヨーロッパ連合に対して離脱を正式に通知する見通しで、 これを受けて、 双方はEU史上最も困難とも言われる離脱交…
イギリスのメイ首相は29日、EU=ヨーロッパ連合に対して離脱を正式に通知する見通しで、これを受けて、双方はEU史上最も困難とも言われる離脱交渉を始めることになります。 イギリスが去年6月の国民投票でEUからの離脱を決めたことを受け、メイ首相は29日、EUのトゥスク大統領に書簡を送り、離脱を正式に通知することにしています。 書簡の中でメイ首相は、離脱交渉に臨むイギリスの基本的な方針を伝えるものと見られ、これを受けてEUのトゥスク大統領は、48時間以内にほかの加盟国に交渉に臨むEUとしての方針を伝えることにしています。 ヨーロッパでは、1985年にデンマーク領のグリーンランドがEUの前身であるEC=ヨーロッパ共同体から離脱したことがありますが、イギリスのような経済規模を持つ加盟国が離脱した前例はなく、EU史上最も困難な交渉になると言われています。 交渉にあたって、イギリスのメイ首相は「悪い合意なら決裂したほうがましだ」として、EUからの離脱後も関税などで加盟国に近い待遇を求める構えですが、EU側もほかの加盟国が離脱する事態を避けるため厳しい姿勢で交渉に臨むものと見られます。 イギリスに進出する各国の企業や金融機関は、EUの単一市場へのアクセスがあることを前提しており、交渉の結果次第では経営戦略の転換を迫られるだけに、交渉の行方に注目しています。 離脱交渉は早ければことし5月にも本格的に始まり、2年を期限に行われ、激しい駆け引きが予想されます。

Similarity rank: 1.1

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"Сбербанк" в Україні перейменують в Norvik bank


КИЇВ. 29 березня. УНН. Російський бізнесмен Григорій Гусельников в ефірі радіо “Ехо Москви” заявив, що після завершення угоди з продажу …
“Він (банк) буде перейменовано. По всій видимості, він буде носити ім’я Norvik bank, тому що він буде дочірнім по відношенню до європейського Norvik bank,” — сказав Г. Гусельников.
За його словами, зміна бренду спрацює в інтересах і покупця, і продавця.
Так, після продажу української філії “Сбербанку Росії”, найімовірніше, фінансову установу очолить нинішня заступник голови правління ПАТ “Сбербанк” Ірина Князєва.
Нагадаємо, раніше стало відомо, що український філіал “Сбербанку” придбає латвійський Norvik Bank та Саїд Гуцерієв (син Михайла Гуцерієва, який є власником таких компаній як “РусНефть”, “Русский уголь” та “Мостпромстрой”).
Понад 80% акцій латвійської фінустанови належать російському бізнесменові Григорію Гусєльникову.
За попередньою інформацією, Г. Гусєльников та С. Гуцерієв розділять між собою українську “дочку” “Сбербанку” у співвідношенні 45% та 55% відповідно.
Вартість та інші деталі угоди поки не розголошуються.
Щодо Г. Гусєльникова, то він свого часу очолював G2 Сapital, підконтрольний російському олігарху Отару Марганії, який був позаштатним радником колишнього віце-премʼєра та міністра фінансів РФ Олексія Кудріна. Останнього вважають близьким до президента Росії Володимира Путіна та називаються “наглядачем” за “Сбербанком” у РФ.

Similarity rank: 5.2

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Australia holds emergency meeting with China after extradition treaty failure


Australia’s foreign minister held an emergency meeting with the Chinese ambassador in the wake of Canberra’s failure to ratify an extradition treaty with China, a source familiar with the situation said on Wednesday.
SYDNEY: Australia’s foreign minister held an emergency meeting with the Chinese ambassador in the wake of Canberra’s failure to ratify an extradition treaty with China, a source familiar with the situation said on Wednesday.
Australia cancelled a parliamentary vote on Tuesday to finally ratify an extradition treaty with China, 10 years after it was signed, with the government set for an embarrassing defeat on the vote amid opposition on the grounds of China’s humanitarian record.
Eager to head-off any possible diplomatic fallout, Bishop met with China’s ambassador to Australia, Cheng Jingye, on Tuesday, the source said. The Australian newspaper reported that the ambassador expressed „disappointment“ at the cancelled vote.
The meeting came just hours after China’s Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying called on Australia to approve the treaty.
„We hope that Australia keeps in mind the broader picture of bilateral relations and continues to promote the relevant domestic process so the treaty can go into enforcement as soon as possible,“ Hua told a daily news briefing on Tuesday.
If Australia had ratified the pact, it would have become one of the few Western countries besides France and Spain to enter into an extradition treaty with China.
The failure to enact the treaty is a rare dent to Sino-Australia relations, which have soared in recent months, culminating in the spate of trade agreements signed last week following the five-day visit of Chinese China Premier Li Keqiang.
Beyond the diplomatic blow, it is also a setback in China’s overseas hunt for corrupt officials and business executives who have fled abroad with their assets, dubbed Operation Fox Hunt.
And it comes at a time when Australia is seeking closer cooperation with Chinese law enforcement to stem a rising tide of synthetic drugs trafficked from southern China, and when three Australian employees of casino operator Crown Resorts Ltd remain in Chinese custody following their arrest in November 2016 for alleged gambling offences.

Similarity rank: 4

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Google Home welcomes 12 new partners in big smart home update


Starting today, Google’s smart speaker can control a variety of new devices, including locks and sprinklers.
A dozen new hardware partners including Logitech Harmony, Lifx and August jump on board with Google’s smart home system.
It’s the first major update to Google’s smart speaker since it launched last November. Back then, the Home worked with four platforms: Nest , Philips Hue , SmartThings and IFTTT. As a result, the Home was well behind its chief competitor — the Amazon Echo — when it came to controlling the smart home. Since then, Google’s new partner announcements have included a few at CES in January , as well as Belkin WeMo lighting products and Honeywell connected thermostats a few weeks after that.
Say the wake words „Hey, Google“ or „OK, Google“ and you can issue a command to the Home without needing to hit any buttons.
This announcement doesn’t quite even the playing field with Amazon, since Amazon’s assistant Alexa now has more than 10,000 „skills“ — essentially third-party apps for voice control. Still, it’s a big push in the right direction that includes many popular smart home products.
Google promised a push of this sort back in December of last year, when the company announced it’d be expanding Weave — the language Google’s devices use to speak to each other. Now, that promise is coming to fruition.
Ask Google to lock your door.
This is the first lock to work with Google Home. You’ll be able to ask the Google assistant to lock your door or check on the status of the lock. Unlike with Alexa, you won’t be able to ask Google to unlock your door. August has promised that feature for Google later this year. With Alexa, unlocking the door requires you to say a PIN code. We’ll see what extra security measures August puts into place for the Google Home when the time comes.
Just like with Philips Hue bulbs, you’ll now be able to turn your Lifx bulbs on or off, adjust their brightness and change their color with a voice command to the Home. Unlike Philips Hue, Lifx bulbs don’t require a hub to connect to the internet. Install your bulbs, link your account in the Google Home app and give your command. Lifx bulbs also work with Alexa , and will soon work with HomeKit.
Control any lighting devices or thermostats you have connected to your Wink Hub.
All Wink-compatible lighting products and thermostats will now work with the Google Home. Wink’s lighting products include bulbs, switches, dimmers and outlets. Wink joins SmartThings as the second major smart home platform to work with Google. Wink currently works with Alexa as well , but not HomeKit.
Another new trick for the Google Home, you’ll now be able to turn on your garden sprinklers with your voice. The Rachio Smart Sprinkler Controller connects to your home’s Wi-Fi and monitors the weather to help you water more efficiently. Rachio can control up to 16 zones of in-ground sprinklers, and now you’ll be able to command Google to turn those sprinklers on or off or set a weather delay. Rachio works with Alexa as well.
Change the color of your TP-Link bulbs with the Google Home.
Expanding Google’s repertoire of bulbs and switches, you’ll be able to control any of TP-Link’s lighting products with your voice as well. With TP-Link’s bulbs, you can change the color, dim the bulbs and turn the lights on and off with your voice. TP-Link even specified the colors you can pick with a voice command: yellow, red, blue, purple, orange, green and pink. Like the rest of these partners so far, TP-Link works with Alexa.
Unlike the rest of the items on the list, you won’t be able to take advantage of Vivint’s new integration with the Google Home today — it’s due to launch in April. Vivint’s also the only item on the list that is a professionally installed, whole-home smart system as opposed to individual do-it-yourself options.
Plug your fan or lamp into the Best Buy Insignia Wi-Fi Smart Plug , and you’ll be able to turn it on or off with your voice. As with the rest of Google Home’s compatible smart plugs, Insignia also has an Alexa skill.
Perhaps making use of Google’s existing ability to control the temp via a thermostat, the Frigidaire Cool Connect will let the Google Home keep your place cool. Using your voice, you’ll be able to control the temperature settings on Frigidaire’s smart air conditioner. You’ll also be able to set the fan speed and ask Google about the Cool Connect’s current settings. Frigidaire does have a skill enabling similar controls with Amazon’s assistant Alexa.
Use your voice to cook a steak.
With the Anova Precision Cooker Bluetooth + Wi-Fi , you can make your sous vide cooking even more high tech with the Google Home. Just like with Anova’s Alexa skill , you can use your voice to set the temperature, check the status of your cooker and even search for recipes. Anova expects its Google Home integration to be ready by early next week.
Bringing even more smart lighting products to the table, you’ll be able to control Geeni’s smart switches and bulbs with Google Home, just like you can with Geeni’s Alexa skill .
With the First Alert Wi-Fi Thermostat , Google now offers another option for controlling your temperature with your voice. Similar to First Alert’s Alexa skill , you’ll be able to set and check on the temperature with the Google Assistant.
You could already control your TV to an extent with Google Home and Google’s Chromecast. Logitech Harmony brings lots of extra talents to Google’s digital entertainment repertoire. By creating activities in the Logitech app, you’ll be able to tell Google to turn on Netflix, or switch to a specific channel. You’ll need to start each command with „OK, Google, ask Harmony to… “ though I’d expect Google and Logitech to offer more flexible and intuitive commands soon.
Since all of Google’s new partnerships are already tied to Alexa, Google’s obviously still playing catch up. Today, though, Google took a sizable chunk out of Alexa’s lead.
The Google Assistant built into the Home also responds to more flexible language than Amazon’s Alexa. Because of that, and thanks to all of these new integrations, Google is already nipping at Amazon’s heels in the smart home, despite the Echo’s two-year head start.

Similarity rank: 1.1

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