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Trump Meeting With Potential Supreme Court Nominees


NewsHubPresident-elect Donald Trump has started meeting with potential Supreme Court nominees as he considers who to pick to fill the vacancy created by Justice Antonin Scalia’s death last year, Above the Law reported.
Trump said at his press conference last week that he has met with numerous candidates and hopes to make an announcement of his choice some two weeks after the inauguration.
According to Politico , Trump has narrowed his short list to about a half-dozen finalists from the public list of 21 judges from which Trump pledged during the campaign he will select.
Above the Law said that Trump met in New York with Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals Judge William Pryor, who has long been thought to be near the top of Trump’s shortlist.
His prospects have been bolstered by the ease in which Jeff Sessions sailed throughout his hearings, because Sessions is a major Pryor supporter and a close friend from more than two decades.
In addition, the administration, noticing how the liberal wrath at Sessions turned out to be an almost non-factor in his hearings, could now be emboldened to nominate another controversial figure among liberals.
Pryor indeed triggers strong opposition from liberal interest groups, especially those who support abortion, due to the judge’s comments that Roe v. Wade is the „worst abomination in the history of constitutional law. “
Pryor, however, also has his critics among conservatives, as the Judicial Action Group said that the Alabama jurist „failed to interpret the Constitution as the framers intended“ on several occasions.

Similarity rank: 4.6
Sentiment rank: -1

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Man Dies After Little Village Garage Fire


NewsHubCHICAGO (CBS) – A 52-year-old man died Friday of injuries from a garage fire in the Southwest Side Little Village neighborhood.
The gasoline fire happened not long after 4 p.m. Friday in a garage in the 2600 block of West 25th Place, according to the Chicago Fire Department and the Cook County medical examiner’s office.
Filiberto M. Delacruz, of the 2700 block of West 24th Place, suffered major burns to the extremities and was taken in critical condition to Stroger Hospital, where he was pronounced dead at 8:16 p.m., according to fire department authorities and the medical examiner’s office. An autopsy Sunday found he died of thermal and inhalation injuries from the fire, and his death was ruled an accident.
A second man, believed to be in his mid-50s, was taken to Mount Sinai Hospital with first- and second-degree burns, according to fire department authorities.
The cause of the fire was still under investigation Monday afternoon.

Similarity rank: 5
Sentiment rank: -23.2

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New Year's nightclub attacker caught in Istanbul, reports


NewsHubThe gunman suspected of killing 39 people in an Istanbul nightclub on New Year’s Day has been caught by police, according to reports.
The man, who media quoted police as saying had operated under the cover name Abu Muhammed Horasani, was caught in a hideout with his four-year-old son, in the city’s Esenyurt district, the Hurriyet newspaper website and other media reports said.
The reports could not immediately be confirmed.
Dozens of people have previously been detained in connection with the attack for which Islamic State has claimed responsibility, saying it was revenge for Turkish military involvement in Syria.
On January 1, the attacker shot his way into the Reina nightclub then opened fire with an automatic rifle, reloading his weapon half a dozen times and shooting the wounded as they lay on the ground.
Turks as well as visitors from several Arab nations, India and Canada were among those killed in the attack.
Horasani was described as being of Uzbek origin by the Haberturk website, which said he was caught at a housing complex in Esenyurt district, on the European side of the city.
There were three people in the apartment where he was caught, the home of a Kyrgyz friend of his to which he had gone three days earlier, Haberturk said.
According to state-run Anadolu news agency, five people were detained in the operation, including the alleged perpetrator, a man of Kyrgyz origin and three women. It said simultaneous raids were being conducted on other cells linked to the group.
The shooting in Istanbul’s Ortakoy neighbourhood, an upscale district on the Bosphorus shore, came after a year in which NATO member Turkey was shaken by a series of attacks by radical Islamist and Kurdish militants and by a failed coup.
One security source said in the wake of the attack that the gunman appeared to have been well-versed in guerrilla warfare and may have trained in Syria.
President Tayyip Erdogan has said the attack, which targeted a club popular with local celebrities and moneyed foreigners, had been being exploited to try to divide the largely Sunni Muslim nation.

Similarity rank: 19
Sentiment rank: -8.1

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Керри отреагировал на критику Трампа в адрес ЕС


NewsHubГоссекретарь США Джон Керри назвал критику избранного президента США в адрес ЕС и канцлера Германии Ангелы Меркель неприемлемой, передает Радио Свобода.
„Думаю, что для избранного президента США неприемлемо вмешиваться в политику других стран в достаточно прямой манере“, – сказал Керри в интервью CNN.
Он назвал Ангелу Меркель „одним из сильнейших лидеров Европы“ и „самым важным игроком“.
Напомним, в интервью изданию Bild и Times, опубликованном 15 января, Дональд Трамп назвал проводимую канцлером Германии политику по приему беженцев „катастрофической ошибкой „, связав нападение на рождественской ярмарке в Берлине с миграционным кризисом. Трамп поприветствовал выход Великобритании из ЕС, заявив, что наплыв мигрантов будет стимулировать другие страны покидать ЕС.
Ангела Меркель в ответ заявила, что ЕС имеет ответственность ь. „Судьба европейцев в наших руках“, – сказала Меркель в Берлине.
„Лично я жду инаугурации президента США. После этого мы с ним будем работать на всех уровнях“, – добавила канцлер Германии.
Инаугурация Дональда Трампа на пост президента СШ(А состоится 20 января.

Similarity rank: 6.6

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Порошенко встретился с главой ОБСЕ и обсудил полицейскую миссию


NewsHubВечером 16 января президент Украины Петр Порошенко встретился в Киеве с новым главой ОБСЕ и министром иностранных дел Австрии Себастианом Курцом. Во время встречи стороны обсудили конфликт в Донбассе.
– Есть каждый день давать четко понять России, что ей не избежать ответственности за вопиющее пренебрежение нормами и принципами международного права, а ее надежды на ослабление санкционного давления – напрасны, – цитирует Порошенко пресс-служба главы государства .
Вместе с этим президент заявил, что урегулирование ситуации в Донбассе требует применения всего потенциала ОБСЕ.
– В этом контексте ключевое значение имеет продолжение начатой Немецким председательством работы над вопросом размещения вооруженной полицейской миссии ОБСЕ в регионе, – сказано в сообщении.
Глава ОБСЕ: Введение полицейской миссии на Донбасс – маловероятно
– ОБСЕ – это организация с 57 государствами-членами. В том числе и Россией. И любая миссия нуждается в согласии всех государств. В настоящее время у этой идеи нет необходимой поддержки, – заявил в интервью изданию Kurier Себастьян Курс.

Similarity rank: 8.5

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В Давосе сегодня начинается Всемирный экономический форум


NewsHubВ швейцарском Давосе начинается 47-й по счету Всемирный экономический форум. Мероприятие пройдет с 17 по 20 января под заглавием „Чуткое и ответственное руководство“.
Как ожидают организаторы, в этом году форум соберет рекордное число участников, около 3 тыс. тысяч представителей власти, международных организаций, бизнеса, гражданского общества со всего мира. Также на форуме будут присутствовать представители ведущих международных организаций, таких как, ООН, ВТО, МВФ.
Во время форума состоится около 400 сессий в четырех направлениях: переосмысление глобального сотрудничества, реформирование капитализма, оживление глобальной экономики и подготовка к четвертой промышленной революции.
Как сообщалось ранее, Украину на форуме представит президент Петр Порошенко. Ранее пресс-секретарь главы государства Святослав Цеголко сообщил, что Порошенко будет иметь широкую программу на Всемирном экономическом форуме. Но участвовать в завтраке, организованном Виктором Пинчуком, он не будет.
Также от Украины форум посетит министр финансов Александр Данылюк. В ходе визита в Давос он примет участие во встречах Порошенко с руководством МВФ и ЕБРР, а также проведет двусторонние встречи с главами Еврокомиссии, Всемирного банка, министрами финансов других стран и с международными инвесторами.
Напомним, Меркель и Олланд не посетят экономический форум в Давосе.

Similarity rank: 9

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Олланд – Трампу: Нам не нужны советы извне


NewsHubЕвропейский союз не нуждается в советах извне относительно того, что ему делать. Такое заявление президент Франции Франсуа Олланд сделал в ответ на слова новоизбранного президента США Дональда Трампа, сообщают Українські новини со ссылкой на France-Presse.
„Я заверяю вас, что Европа всегда будет готова продолжать трансатлантическое сотрудничество, но будет следовать своим интересам и ценностям. Нам не нужны советы извне относительно того, что нам делать“,- заявил Олланд во время церемонии награждения посла США.

Similarity rank: 10

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Thomas has another big 4th quarter to carry Celtics past Hornets


NewsHubBOSTON — Isaiah Thomas scored 17 of his 35 points in the fourth quarter, and the surging Boston Celtics beat the Charlotte Hornets 108-98 on Monday night for their ninth victory in 11games.
It was Thomas’ 25th straight game with 20 or more points. He’s been putting up big final quarters of late – scoring 20 or more three times this season. No other NBA player had done it more than once entering Monday.
Al Horford had 22 points, while Kelly Olynyk and Jae Crowder added 15 apiece for Boston, which has won all three meetings with Charlotte this season.
Kemba Walker scored 24 points and Marvin Williams had 21 for the Hornets, who lost their fifth straight – all on the road.
Thomas scored 13 straight points, pushing Boston ahead 93-83 with his 3-pointer from the left wing with 7½ minutes left.
Boston led 80-71 entering the final period.
Celtics rookie Jaylen Brown addressed the crowd before the game on Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Without notes, he quoted King in saying: “The day our lives begin to end, the day we become silent about things that matter.”
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Similarity rank: 2.2
Sentiment rank: 3.6

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Australian Open: U. S. entries get off to strong start


NewsHubMELBOURNE, Australia — Shelby Rogers thoroughly dominated the No. 4 player in the world, Simona Halep. A teary-eyed CoCo Vandeweghe battled nausea to outlast another top-20 veteran, Roberta Vinci.
And the grande dame of the women’s tour, 36-year-old Venus Williams, refused to cede the spotlight for at least another match at the Australian Open, beating Kateryna Kozlova in the first round of her 73rd career Grand Slam tournament, an Open-era record.
It’s been a fast start for many of the 32 Americans in the men’s and women’s singles draw in Melbourne – both the old guard and the unproven youngsters of the next generation. Thirteen won their first-round matches on Monday, compared to six losses – two of which were to American opponents.
On Tuesday, Serena Williams added to the America’s success, beating Belinda Bencic 6-4, 6-3 in her quest for her 23rd Grand Slam title.
The power-hitting Rogers scored the biggest upset Monday.
Newly confident after her surprising run to the French Open quarterfinals last year, the 24-year-old South Carolina native outplayed Halep with an aggressive, all-court game, winning 6-3, 6-1.
Vandeweghe fell to her knees with nausea while trailing in the second set of her match against Vinci, but after an extended medical timeout and a couple sips of a soft drink, she recovered to break back and finish off a 6-1, 7-6 (3) victory.
Also Monday, Roger Federer returned from a six-month layoff to beat fellow 35-year-old Jurgen Melzer 7-5, 3-6, 6-2, and Andy Murray advanced to the second round with a 7-5, 7-6 (5), 6-2 win over Illya Marchenko.
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Similarity rank: 2.1
Sentiment rank: 5

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Vegas Play of the Day: Cavaliers at Warriors


NewsHubTony Dejak / Associated Press
Cleveland Cavaliers’ LeBron James, left, and Golden State Warriors’ Stephen Curry battle for a loose ball in the second half of an NBA basketball game, Sunday, Dec. 25, 2016, in Cleveland. The Cavaliers won 109-108.
By Mike Grimala ( contact )
Monday, Jan. 16, 2017 | 11:37 a.m.
We’ve entered the third season of the annual South Point-lined Play of the Day competition, effective July 1.
Starting bankrolls have reset to $10,000, with the maximum bet being to win $1,000 and the minimum wager $300. Ray Brewer won the 2015-2016 season after Taylor Bern prevailed in 2014-2015. Bern stepped away in the middle of the 2016-2017 season with a 16-12 record and $13,317 bankroll, with Mike Grimala taking his place.
This is the best rivalry in the NBA right now, and maybe all of sports, as both teams are playing at a championship level and remain evenly matched, even though Cleveland has won the last four meetings (including three straight to close out last year’s NBA Finals). And it’s the closeness of the rivalry makes me lean toward Cleveland +7.5 in this one.
Yes, the Warriors will be playing at home, but 7.5 points seems like too big of a spread considering how well the Cavs have matched up with them over the last two seasons. When these teams met in Cleveland on Christmas Day, the Warriors ran out to a double-digit lead in the fourth quarter but couldn’t put it away, as LeBron James and Co. came back to win by a single point, 109-108.
James put up 31 points and 13 rebounds in that game, and Kyrie Irving went for 25 points and 10 assists. Golden State still doesn’t have anyone capable of defending either of them. No matter how well the Warriors play on offense, I fully expect James and Irving to at least keep this game close, if not win it outright.

Similarity rank: 2.1
Sentiment rank: 3.5

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