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大阪市の 学校法人「森友学園」 が大阪府豊中市で開設を目指していた小学校の 設置認可申請を取り下げた問題に関し、 自民党大阪府議団は13日、 開会中の 府議会で同学園の 籠池泰典理事長=退任表明=の 参考人招致を求めたが、 籠池氏から拒否されたことを明らかにした。 籠池氏は当初、 招致に応じる意向を示していたというが、 同日午後になって「話したいことはあるが、 この 時期はやめた方がいい」 と伝えてきたという。

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[東京 13日 ロイター] – 三越伊勢丹ホールディングス<3099. T>の 杉江俊彦次期社長(現 : 取締役専務執行役員)は13日の 会見で、 大西洋社長が昨年秋に公表した「構造改革」 の 方針は引
[東京 13日 ロイター] – 三越伊勢丹ホールディングス<3099. T>の杉江俊彦次期社長(現:取締役専務執行役員)は13日の会見で、大西洋社長が昨年秋に公表した「構造改革」の方針は引き継ぐと表明した。 ただ、成長戦略よりも構造改革を優先させるとしたほか、大西社長の現場との対話不足を指摘、改善する考えを示した。 大西洋社長は3月末で退任、4月1日付で杉江氏が社長に就任する。事業会社、三越伊勢丹の社長も兼務する。 杉江次期社長は、大西社長が進めてきた戦略と「基本的な方向性は全く変わらない」としながらも「やり方や優先順位は変えていきたい」と述べた。構造改革と成長事業を進めるに当たっては、大西社長が成長事業を優先していたのに対し、杉江次期社長は、17―18年度で構造改革を進め、19―20年度で成長戦略を進める方針。 また、大西社長時には「2つの反省点がある」とも述べ、社内での対話不足と事業の選択と集中を挙げた。社内での対話不足については「大西社長はアグレッシブでパワフル。社外に向けて発信する一方で、社内での対話は少し不足していた。従業員の一体感含めて、社内での対話の時間を増やしたい」と述べた。 縮小が続く百貨店市場。杉江次期社長は「百貨店事業だけでは大きな成長は望めない」と指摘。百貨店以外の事業の柱としては、保有する不動産を活用する「不動産事業」を挙げた。 苦戦する地方店は「何らかの手を打たなければならない」としながらも「グループ経営の利益の足を引っ張る店舗の整理は終わった。今、閉める議論をしている店はない」と述べた。 (清水律子)

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「DeNA、配慮足りず」 まとめサイトで第三者委 :日本経済新聞


ディー・ エヌ・ エー(DeNA)の 第三者委員会は13日、 キュレーションメディア(まとめサイト)事業の 不祥事についての 調査報告書を公表し、 記者会見を開いた。 委員長の 名取勝也弁護士は記者会見の 冒頭、 「『永
ディー・エヌ・エー (DeNA)の第三者委員会は13日、キュレーションメディア(まとめサイト)事業の不祥事についての調査報告書を公表し、記者会見を開いた。委員長の名取勝也弁護士は記者会見の冒頭、「『永久ベンチャー』は免罪符ではない」と指摘し、運営体制の抜本的な見直しを求めた。主なやり取りは以下の通り。 ――DeNAが運営していた10サイトの37万件以上の記事について、最大5.6%に複製権侵害などの可能性があると推計している。これらの記事について、放置したままでいいのか。 名取氏「会社で報告書を検討して問題を認識したのであれば、過去の問題についても対応すると考えている。そうすべきだと考えている」 ――調査期間が短いなかで、大変だったことは何か。 名取氏「DeNAがキュレーション事業を行うことで、どのような価値を、どのような相手に提供するのか見えにくかった。リスクや他社に迷惑をかけるのかなどの認識が十分にできていなかった。継続・拡大だけを優先して、そのような配慮が足りていなかった。そこはDeNAが反省すべきだと思う。著作権侵害の可能性があることは真摯に受け止めて適切な対応・方針を取るべきだ」 ――納期をあおるといった行為がマニュアル化されてはいなくても、盗用を促すような運営体制があったのではないか。 名取氏「確かにそう感じる外部ライターがいたのは事実。アンケートの結果、(医療情報サイトの)WELQについては18人中8人がコピー&ペーストを推奨しているように感じていた」 ――同じ時期にいくつかの新規事業が立ち上がっているなかで、なぜキュレーションメディア事業で問題が起きたのか。 名取氏「3社を買収し、新たな人がたくさん入ってきた。従来いた人とのコミュニケーションが若干不十分だった」

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Прокуратура Польщі викликає Дональда Туска на допит


Районна прокуратура у Варшаві викликала на допит президента Європейської ради Дональда Туска у зв’язку зі справою проти колишніх співробітників спецслужб
Йдеться про події 2010 року, коли Туск був прем’єр-міністром Польщі.
„Дональда Туска викликано як свідка у справі проти колишніх керівників військових контррозвідувальних служб (SKW), яким було пред’явлено звинувачення у співпраці зі спецслужбами іншої країни без дозволу прем’єр-міністра“ , – заявив прокурор Міхал Дзєканський (Michal Dziekanski), йдеться у заяві прокуратури, інформує агентство Reuters .
Нагадаємо, що Дональда Туска переобрали головою Європейської ради на другий термін, незважаючи на антипатії до його кандидатури в рідній Польщі.
Польща, яка намагалася заблокувати переобрання Дональда Туска президентом Європейської ради, погрожувала зірвати саміт ЄС.

Similarity rank: 5.9

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Intel buys Mobileye for $15.3B to expand in self-driving tech


First they partnered, and now comes the acquisition: the computing giant Intel has confirmed that it is acquiring Mobileye, a leader in autonomous driving..
First they partnered, and now comes the acquisition: the computing giant Intel has confirmed that it is acquiring Mobileye , a leader in autonomous driving technology, for $15.3 billion — the biggest-ever acquisition of an Israeli tech company.
Specifically, “Under the terms of the agreement, a subsidiary of Intel will commence a tender offer to acquire all of the issued and outstanding ordinary shares of Mobileye for $63.54 per share in cash, representing a fully-diluted equity value of approximately $15.3 billion and an enterprise value of $14.7 billion,” the company noted in a statement.
“The combination is expected to accelerate innovation for the automotive industry and position Intel as a leading technology provider in the fast-growing market for highly and fully autonomous vehicles,” the company continued. “Intel estimates the vehicle systems, data and services market opportunity to be up to $70 billion by 2030. The transaction extends Intel’s strategy to invest in data-intensive market opportunities that build on the company’s strengths in computing and connectivity from the cloud, through the network, to the device.”
Still under discussion are what roles different executives will take post-acquisition: one concerns Mobileye’s CTO, who is being tipped to head up Intel’s automotive division, said David Bedussa , a senior business analyst focusing on automotive at CMC Labs in Israel.
“Nothing will be moved to the U. S. [and] Intel may open another R&D center in the country focused on automotive,” he said.
One source tells TechCrunch that Mobileye will be gathering staff for an announcement, so the news could be official soon.
Other notable exits that have also tapped into the country’s expertise in computer vision and machine learning have included Google buying mapping startup Waze for $1.1 billion and Apple buying 3D sensor specialist PrimeSense for reportedly around $300 million.
The negotiations about what stays where for Mobileye and Intel are reminiscent of one of the other big M&A deals in Israel’s tech history, concerning Waze. Originally, Waze was being courted by Facebook , although there were disagreements over where Waze’s staff would be centered: engineering wanted to stay in Israel while Facebook was keen to get the to Facebook’s HQ in Menlo Park. Ultimately that delay led to Google swooping in, agreeing to Waze’s terms, and closing the deal.
Intel has been working officially with Mobileye since last year and earlier this year , with BMW, started to test 40 self-driving cars equipped with the two companies’ technology. Mobileye was also an early partner of Tesla’s for its autonomous technology, although that relationship is ending amid some controversial undertones about safety measures at the carmaker.
Mobileye went public on the Nasdaq in 2014 and currently has a market cap of about $10.5 billion. It’s trading up now more than 33 percent ahead of the market opening on the news. As a point of context, the company had moved only 0.83% on Friday’s trades.
Intel had been a leader in processors at the peak of the PC era, although it has competed hard (and often lost) as smartphones overtook the larger devices as consumers’ computers of choice.
Moving deeper into self-driving technology is part of Intel’s bigger strategy to build up its position in emerging areas of computing. Other verticals that Intel has focused on include connected “objects” (IoT) and virtual and augmented reality. It has been following through on this strategy with acquisitions as well as organic growth.
Intel has disclosed several other acquisitions in Israel to fill out that strategy, including buying a personal assistant platform from Ginger Software; Omek Interactive for gesture-based technologies; and Replay Technologies for 3D video.
Intel is not the only company that is investing in and acquiring startups in the area of computer vision to raise its game in the area of autonomous cars.
Just earlier today, Valeo, the automotive parts giant, announced that it had acquired gestigon , a start‑up out of Germany that develops in-car 3D image processing software — used both to communicate to the driver as well as pick up signals from within the car and from the driver to communicate to a self-driving (or partially self-driving) car what to do next.
Terms of the deal, which includes staff as well as IP, were not disclosed. Valeo has been a regular investor in autonomous driving tech, taking a stake, for example, in French autonomous shuttle company Navya and getting a license in California to test self-driving cars. This latest acquisition shows that it remains serious about doing more in this area.
More to come.

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Viber is the latest messaging app to clone Snapchat with new ‘Secret Chat’ feature


Everyone is cloning Snap right now, but messaging app Viber has gone back to the old school by copying Snapchat’s core ephemeral messaging feature. Unlike..
Everyone is cloning Snap right now, but messaging app Viber has gone back to the old school by copying Snapchat’s core ephemeral messaging feature.
Unlike Facebook, which has thrown Snapchat’s 24-hour Story mode into all of its core mobile apps , Viber — which was acquired by Rakuten for just shy of $1 billion three years ago — has copied the original feature that helped Snapchat first make its name in messaging.
Today, Viber for iOS and Android got an update today which brings ‘Secret Chats’ to the service for the first time. Like Snapchat, Facebook, Telegram and many others before it, Viber now enables its users to set a timer for their messages after which they will self-destruct. The new feature also alerts a user if the person they are talking to takes a screenshot, that’s another feature that Snapchat pioneered.
Viber has claimed for some time that its service has over 800 million registered users, but it has kept silent on how many of those are actually active — that’s the all important number. It has a strong network of users in certain parts of Latin America and North Africa, and in Myanmar and the Philippines in Southeast Asia, but it is far from as universally popular as WhatsApp or Messenger.
It’s been a fairly hectic past few months of news for Viber. It named formerly mobile advertising executive Djamel Agaoua as its CEO last month — founding CEO Talmon Marco left the company some time ago; he currently runs Uber rival Juno — while it has added a range of new features that include an e-commerce button , public accounts , one-touch video calling , and disappearing multimedia.
With the global messaging space pretty settled as the apps of choice have solidified their positions in most parts of the world, Viber applies to be pushing its security credentials in a bit to differentiate itself from the rest. It added end-to-end encryption and hidden chats last year, although researchers raised doubts around some of the company’s claims.

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Hailo app being parked in London as mytaxi migration kicks off


Uber alternative Hailo, which lets people hail a licensed taxi via smartphone app, is coming to the end of the road in London, as users are now being urged to..
Uber alternative Hailo , which lets people hail a licensed taxi via smartphone app, is coming to the end of the road in London, as users are now being urged to switch to new ride-hailing vehicle, mytaxi.
Hailo users in London have until the end of May to switch — after which the app will be switched off.
Last July the London-based company which was started by ex-cabbies sold a majority stake to car company Daimler, and announced plans to merge and rebrand with the latter’s on-demand taxi app, mytaxi — seeking greater scale across Europe.
The Hailo-mytaxi merger process is evidently taking a little time. Last month the company announced the official launch of mytaxi in London but Hailo users were told to hang fire for further instructions on how to migrate their accounts.
That migration process is now live, with Hailo app users being directed via a personalized link to download mytaxi — avoiding the need for them to register, login or add account details.
“They are automatically logged in and their Hailo account details will be ready and waiting, meaning they can start hailing cabs straight away,” the company notes today.
Similarly, the brand merger was announced in another Hailo city, Barcelona, back in January but the Hailo app hasn’t yet been switched off there entirely either. But the eventual aim is to consolidate operations across Europe under the mytaxi brand.
Across Europe, mytaxi has around 100,000 registered drivers whose taxis can be hailed via the app, and is available in more than 50 cities across nine countries — with a tenth country (Greece) due to be added soon after mytaxi acquired local player Taxibeat last month .

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Engie, the car diagnostics app and mechanic marketplace, launches in UK


Engie, the Israeli startup that offers a car diagnostics device and app to enable you to better understand the health of your car, tied to a marketplace for..
Engie , the Israeli startup that offers a car diagnostics device and app to enable you to better understand the health of your car, tied to a marketplace for local mechanics, sees its full U. K. launch today.
Priced at £14.99 for Android users or £19.99 for iOS, Engie’s Bluetooth device plugs into you car’s on-board computer and via the accompanying Engie app tells you what might be wrong with your vehicle, or what repairs might be required in the near future.
I’m told this includes anything from engine malfunctions, emission and fuel consumption, to battery condition and maintenance information.
It then takes that information — thus making sense of the various data points that a car’s diagnostic ‘black box’ already monitors — and connects you to the Engie after-market mechanic marketplace, which includes TripAdvisor-styled reviews and price comparisons for any work and parts required.
One caveat: The device claims to work with any car manufactured from 2002 except diesel cars, which are supported from 2005. The latter means that I’ve been unable to test Engie (yes, my car is old ).
Once a specific malfunction is detected, the Engie app will alert local repair shops in its marketplace, who will assess the problem and send back a quote for required work. This also forms the basis for the startup’s business model: it takes a 6 per cent commission on each job booked via the app.
Last June, Yarden Gross, co-founder and CEO of Engie, told me the inspiration for the startup came from his own feeling of being at the mercy of mechanics and the auto industry anytime something went wrong with his car.
He had no idea if he was being taken for a ride (pun intended) in terms of what he was being told needed repair or the cost of parts. Better technology and a more transparent marketplace — or, more specifically, Engie was the answer.
Gross also said that, since each manufacturer or car model has different diagnostics interfaces and data points, producing a universal diagnostics card and app is non-trivial, involving a certain amount of reverse-engineering and gleaning of auto industry data.
Since launching in 2015, the company claims 100,000 registered users and works with 200 mechanics in Israel.

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А. Меркель підтримала Нідерланди в конфлікті з Туреччиною


КИЇВ. 13 березня. УНН. Канцлер Німеччини Ангела Меркель стала на бік Нідерландів у дипломатичному конфлікті цієї країни з Туреччиною: вона різко …
“З огляду на те, наскільки Нідерланди постраждали від націонал-соціалізму, це є абсолютно неприйнятним. І тому Нідерланди мають мою повну підтримку і солідарність”, — заявила А. Меркель.
Нагадаємо, Р. Ердоган назвав голландців “залишками нацистів” і “фашистами” , коли влада Нідерландів заборонила посадку в Роттердамі літака глави турецького МЗС Мевлюта Чавушоглу.
Прем’єр-міністр Нідерландів Марк Рютте назвав ці слова Р. Ердогана “божевільним коментарем”.
Раніше Р. Ердоган звинуватив владу Німеччини у використанні “нацистських методів”. Це сталося після того, як у трьох містах ФРН були скасовані агітаційні зустрічі міністрів уряду Туреччини з діаспорою, пов’язані з майбутнім референдумом щодо внесення змін до турецької Конституції.

Similarity rank: 5.4

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Is silence better than disclosure for zero-day vulnerabilities?


It’s been known for some time that Western government cyber agencies stockpile zero-day vulnerabilities, hoping to find ways of exploiting them in
It’s been known for some time that Western government cyber agencies stockpile zero-day vulnerabilities, hoping to find ways of exploiting them in Internet-connected devices of targets. Meanwhile security researchers urge the same governments to quickly release discoveries of these vulnerabilities so they can quickly be patched before criminals and not-so-friendly governments find and exploit them.
Now a new study suggests keeping quiet may be the better way to protect society because the odds of zero-days being discovered are low.
The study, by the U. S.-based Rand Corporation of a dataset of the history 200 zero-day vulnerabilities and their exploits found between 2002 and 2006, reveals they have average shelf life —the time between initial private discovery and public disclosure—of 6.9 years. In addition, the likelihood of two people finding the same vulnerability — which researchers call the collision rate — is approximately 5.7 percent per year.
Those two facts suggests the level of protection afforded by disclosing a vulnerability may be modest, argues the report, and that keeping quiet about—or “stockpiling”—vulnerabilities may be a reasonable option for those looking to both defend their own systems and potentially exploit vulnerabilities in others’.
The report has added interest with the release last week by WikiLeaks of an alleged hacking archive of tools used by the U. S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to leverage exploits in a wide-range of devices.
“Typical ‘white hat’ researchers have more incentive to notify software vendors of a zero-day vulnerability as soon as they discover it,” Lillian Ablon, lead author of the study and an information scientist with Rand, said in a news release. “Others, like system-security-penetration testing firms and ‘grey hat’ entities, have incentive to stockpile them. But deciding whether to stockpile or publicly disclose a zero-day vulnerability—or its corresponding exploit—is a game of tradeoffs, particularly for governments.”
“Looking at it from the perspective of national governments, if one’s adversaries also know about the vulnerability, then publicly disclosing the flaw would help strengthen one’s own defense by compelling the affected vendor to implement a patch and protect against the adversary using the vulnerability against them,” Ablon said. “On the other hand, publicly disclosing a vulnerability that isn’t known by one’s adversaries gives them the upper hand, because the adversary could then protect against any attack using that vulnerability, while still keeping an inventory of vulnerabilities of which only it is aware of in reserve. In that case, stockpiling would be the best option.”
Of the more than 200 zero-day vulnerabilities and exploits that take advantage of them studied almost 40 per cent are still publicly unknown. Twenty-five per cent of vulnerabilities didn’t survive to 1.5 years, while another 25 per cent lived more than 9.5 years.
Once an exploitable vulnerability has been found, time to develop a fully functioning exploit is relatively fast, with a median time of 22 days.
While the average long lifetime of zero-days may support arguments stockpiling the vulnerabilities, the report also notes that there is still a chance of discovery. “Some may argue that, if there is any probability that someone else (especially an adversary) will find the same zero-day vulnerability, then the potentially severe consequences of keeping the zero-day private and leaving a population vulnerable warrant immediate vulnerability disclosure and patch,” the authors write.
“In this line of thought, the best decision may be to stockpile only if one is confident that no one else will find the zero-day; disclose otherwise.”

Similarity rank: 2.1

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