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Стрілянина в аеропорту Флориди поки не визнана терактом. Злочинець діяв сам


NewsHubІнформація про нову стрілянину і другого стрілка в аеропорту Форт-Лодердейл (штат Флорида) не підтверджується, заявив шериф округу Скотт Израел, передає Інтерфакс-Україна.
„За інформацією на даний час, не було іншої стрільби“, – сказав він журналістам на брифінгу.
Шериф зазначив, що, судячи з усього, злочинець діяв сам. Він також не став відповідати на питання, є чи подія терактом, підкресливши, що ще рано робити якісь висновки.
Раніше Адміністрація транспортної безпеки (АТБ) США повідомила про нового стрілка в будівлі аеропорту Форт-Лодердейл.
У той же час CNN повідомляє, що стрілок , який відкрив вогонь в міжнародному аеропорту Форт-Лодердейл, провіз свою зброю в багажі.
За даними співрозмовника телеканалу, стрілок задекларував свою зброю. Підозрюваний летів з Аляски до Флориди через Канаду. Коли він прибув в аеропорт Форт-Лодердейл, стрілок взяв свій багаж, витяг зброю і почав стріляти. Один співрозмовник CNN розповів, що чоловік пішов в туалет, щоб дістати зброю, а потім вийшов і відкрив вогонь.
Нагадаємо, невідомий 6 січня відкрив стрілянину в міжнародному аеропорту у Флориді .
Місцева поліція підтвердила загибель п’яти осіб. Ще вісім людей поранено. Раніше повідомлялося про дев’ять поранених.
Також ЗМІ повідомляють, що зловмисник родом з Нью-Джерсі , деякий час жив на Алясці, після чого переїхав до Флориди по роботі. У нього був дозвіл на носіння зброї.

Similarity rank: 10

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Update: 5 ppl dead; 8 injured were taken to an area hospital.
— Broward Sheriff (@browardsheriff) 6 January 2017
銃撃を目撃したマーク・リアさんは CBSニュース に、容疑者は無差別に銃撃したように見えたと話した。「容疑者は何かを叫んだり、わめいたりはしていなかった」と、リアさんは言った。「彼は射撃訓練をしているみたいに、ただただ、引き金を引いていました」。容疑者は当局に拘束された際、素直に応じ、警察側からの発砲はなかったという。
MORE: „He was just picking off things like target practice,“ eyewitness says of gunman at FLL airport shooting
— CBS News (@CBSNews) 6 January 2017
Video shows panic and chaos after shooting at Fort Lauderdale airport
— CNN (@CNN) 7 January 2017
I’m at the Ft. Lauderdale Airport. Shots have been fired. Everyone is running.
— Ari Fleischer (@AriFleischer) 6 January 2017
Gene Messinaさん(@gmessina121)が投稿した動画 – 2017 1月 6 10:56午前 PST
バハマへ船旅に出かけたジーナ・エルパルドさんとその家族は、銃撃が起こった時、ミシガン州デトロイトへの帰りの便を待っているところだった。手荷物受取所の1フロア上の階で エルパルド(39)さんが夫と2人の息子とともにハンバーガーを食べていると、銃声が聞こえた。
現場から50km弱の近距離にあるマイアミ国際空港やその他 複数の空港 が、安全対策を強化して警戒していると伝えた。
Out of an abundance of caution, extra security measures in place at MIA. All operations are normal.
— Miami Int’l Airport (@iflymia) 6 January 2017
Monitoring the terrible situation in Florida. Just spoke to Governor Scott. Thoughts and prayers for all. Stay safe!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 6 January 2017
フォートローダーデール・ハリウッド空港は、フォートローダーデールの中心地からおよそ3マイル(約5キロ)、マイアミから北へ21マイル(約34キロ)のところにある。この空港は、2015年の旅客数がアメリカで 21番目だった 。2016年の予想旅客数は2900万人だ。
#FLL is currently closed and will be for an extended period of time. Please contact your airline about your flight .
— Ft. Laude-Hlwd Int’l (@FLLFlyer) 6 January 2017
ハフィントンポストUS版 より翻訳・加筆しました。

Similarity rank: 7.6
Sentiment rank: -16.6

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チリ検察、仏に情報提供 引き渡し長期化か 留学生不明


NewsHub筑波大からフランス東部ブザンソンに留学中の黒崎愛海(なるみ)さん(21)の行方不明事件で、仏捜査当局から協力を求められた南米チリの検察当局は6日、国際指名手配されているチリ人の男について仏側に情報提供したと明らかにした。ただ身柄の引き渡しは求められておらず、男の拘束にはさらに時間がかかりそうだ。 チリ人の男はかつて黒崎さんと交際しており、昨年12月にチリに帰国したが、その後の足取りがわからなくなっている。黒崎さんが行方不明になる直前まで一緒にいたとされ、仏捜査当局は殺人容疑などで捜査。名前は未公表だが、仏メディアはこの男を「ニコラス・セペダ・コントレラス容疑者」と伝えている。 チリ検察によると、フランスからの捜査協力の依頼内容は男の個人情報に関するもの。書類上の情報提供のみで、身柄引き渡しの要請は来ていないという。 チリ検察の担当者によると、チリ政府にフランスから身柄引き渡しの要請があった場合、チリの最高裁がその是非を判断する。決定内容には異議申し立てもできるため、引き渡し実現には長い時間がかかりそうだ。容疑がチリ国外で起きた事件であるため、チリの警察や検察が独自に捜査を行うことはないという。(ラセレナ〈チリ北部〉=田村剛)

Similarity rank: 5.6
Sentiment rank: -1.3

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日仏共同声明、中国に自制求める ACSA締結交渉入り



Similarity rank: 3.2
Sentiment rank: 1

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米フロリダの空港乱射、容疑者はイラク派遣経験 :日本経済新聞



Similarity rank: 3.3
Sentiment rank: -4.6

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さっぽろ雪まつり:準備始まる 像、大小200基制作予定



Similarity rank: 3.1
Sentiment rank: -0.9

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CourtHarbor Kicks Off AdLove Giveback Program to Support Youth in Under-Served Tennis Communities


NewsHubWINSTON-SALEM, N. C. , Jan. 6, 2017 /PRNewswire/ — Beginning January 2017, CourtHarbor, , will kick off its giveback program, AdLove, which supports youth in under-served tennis communities.
Each quarter, CourtHarbor has committed to give 15 percent of its net profit to one deserving school or organization. Nominations are currently being encouraged and accepted at .
As part of AdLove, CourtHarbor will also offer life skills sessions to high school students in North Carolina’s Triad focused on personal and career development. Successful business professionals from various lines of work will participate in these sessions, according to CourtHarbor Founder/President Jon McLamb.
„Creating and providing opportunities and resources to tennis programs that might not otherwise have them is extremely important to our team, as is giving back to our community with our own time and resources,“ he says. „Through AdLove, we are able to do each of these and put our ‚why‘ into action at CourtHarbor in meaningful and purposeful ways. We’re fortunate in the Triad to have so many sharp and talented professionals in various lines of business. So, we’re excited about these individuals sharing their career and life experience, along with their wisdom and insight, with high school students throughout the Triad. “
For more information on AdLove, visit
CourtHarbor has created and developed free-standing tennis court dividers providing facilities a unique, on-court way to promote their brand while experiencing safer, less interrupted tennis. The court dividers are grabbing nationwide attention of tennis coaches and teaching professionals that are looking for a creative way to effectively promote their brand and enhance the look and feel of their courts. CourtHarbor is able to customize each court divider with logos or designs provided by the club, school or tennis center.
„The court dividers are quickly becoming popular at the college tennis level. Furman University , University of North Carolina-Wilmington , Boise State University , Oglethorpe University , Georgia Gwinnett College , University of Tennessee , University of Minnesota, Kennesaw State University and University of Wisconsin-Whitewater are among a host of college programs that have added the court dividers. Duke University , West Virginia University and Stephen F. Austin State University are CourtHarbor’s most recent additions. University of Kentucky , East Carolina University , Elon University and University of North Carolina will be adding court dividers to their facilities in the coming weeks,“ McLamb says.
„It’s exciting for our team at CourtHarbor to see the value our product is bringing to tennis facilities throughout the country,“ he says. „Our goal of providing a product that enhances the tennis experience by cutting down on the amount of interrupted play, and the added element of offering facilities a creative approach to branding, brings our team a lot of satisfaction. “
CourtHarbor’s name is also spreading to the private and public tennis sectors. Concord Country Club (MA) recently added the court dividers joining West Side Tennis Club Forest Hills in New York (former host site of the U. S. Open); Field Club of Greenwich (CT); North Hills Club in Raleigh, North Carolina ; and The Clubs at St. James Plantation in Southport, North Carolina , as private tennis clubs that have added the court dividers to their facilities. Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation Department in Charlotte, NC recently increased their commitment and will soon have 22 court dividers at their public facilities.
CourtHarbor’s innovative products, which are 100-percent American made, provide tennis facilities the ability to maximize their home court advantage by promoting their brand in a variety of ways. In addition to their court dividers, CourtHarbor produces custom logo court number signs, net signs and windscreens.
Bradley Farrell
(844) 855-3441
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This content was issued through the press release distribution service at For more info visit: .
SOURCE CourtHarbor

Similarity rank: 1.1
Sentiment rank: 4.4

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Reynolds, Fisher laid to rest at Hollywood Hills cemetery


NewsHubLOS ANGELES — Debbie Reynolds and Carrie Fisher have been laid to rest together at a sprawling Los Angeles cemetery favored by celebrities. The mother and daughter had a private joint funeral Friday at Forest Lawn – Hollywood Hills the day after a memorial at their two neighboring houses.
Minimal details were revealed about the ceremony or the final resting places of the two actresses who died on consecutive days last week.
But Reynolds’ son and Fisher’s brother Todd Fisher talked to reporters afterward, telling them that Carrie Fisher was cremated before the funeral and her ashes put in her favorite possession, a giant porcelain Prozac pill.
Todd Fisher said the funeral was “fitting and beautiful.” He said he and other relatives will now plan a public memorial for the two women.

Similarity rank: 1.1
Sentiment rank: 1.8

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Crews in Lake Erie find what may be human remains from plane ::


NewsHubPosted 10:01 p.m. today
Updated 59 minutes ago
CLEVELAND — Crews searching Lake Erie on Friday found what may be human remains on a seat from a plane that was carrying six people when it disappeared more than a week ago.
Officials said Friday night that the remains were being analyzed by a medical examiner to determine if they are human. They said the remains were found on a seat from the plane’s passenger compartment.
Divers guided by an underwater detector earlier Friday found the cockpit voice recorder and pieces of the tail from the plane. They continued to search into the evening for the plane’s fuselage debris despite rough conditions that limited visibility to less than a foot just off shore from downtown Cleveland.
Authorities later said they had concluded their search for the day, would resume Monday and would be meeting to determine their next steps. They said they’d continue to search until they’re confident they’ve found all they can.
Transmissions from a locator beacon detector helped narrow the search area, but divers moved slowly as they followed the signals.
Daytime temperatures have been in the teens throughout the search, and Friday’s noon reading in Cleveland was 14 degrees with a wind chill of 3. The search by air and along the shore for debris continued as weather permitted.
Investigators have said the cockpit voice recorder appeared to be intact and would be sent to Washington, D. C., for further examination. National Transportation Safety Board investigator Tim Sorenson said the review is only in the beginning stages.
Searchers said previously they were looking for the cockpit voice recorder in an underwater area about 125 feet by 325 feet. They have found almost daily debris that is consistent with the Cessna 525 Citation, which vanished shortly after takeoff from Burke Lakefront Airport on Dec. 29.
The plane was piloted by John T. Fleming, the president of a Columbus beverage distribution company. The passengers were his wife, Suzanne Fleming; their teenage sons, Jack and Andrew; and two neighbors, Brian Casey and his teenage daughter, Megan Casey, a freshman nursing student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
The group was returning to Columbus after attending a Cleveland Cavaliers game in downtown Cleveland.
Calling hours for the Fleming family will be from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday at Canfield Presbyterian Church, 140 W. Main St., in Canfield. A memorial service will be held at 11 a.m. Monday at the same church.
A second memorial is planned for 4 p.m. Tuesday at Liberty Presbyterian Church in Delaware, north of Columbus.
Funeral arrangements for the Flemings‘ neighbors were not immediately available.
The families of Fleming and his wife issued a statement thanking supporters for their concern and kindness.
„The families are touched by the tremendous outpouring of support and continue to be grateful to all the agencies and individuals who have aided in the search and recovery efforts, now in the capable hands of the City of Cleveland,“ it said.

Similarity rank: 1.1
Sentiment rank: -3.8

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Gross & Klein LLP: Federal Jury Indicts Two Former Paskenta Tribe Employees on Embezzlement Charges


NewsHubCORNING, Calif. , Jan. 6, 2017 /PRNewswire/ — A federal grand jury has criminally charged John Crosby , his mother Ines Crosby , and her sister Leslie Lohse on 69 federal felony counts arising out of alleged embezzlement from the Paskenta Band of Nomlaki Indians (the Tribe), while they were Tribal employees and, in Lohse’s case, an elected official in the Tribal government.
The charges are as follows:
If convicted on every count:
As detailed in the Tribe’s related civil federal Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act (RICO) complaint filed in March 2015 in the U. S. District Court, Eastern District of California , against John Crosby , Ines Crosby , Leslie Lohse , and others, they and their co-conspirators used vicious and callous methods of intimidation and coercion to maintain access to the Tribe’s money, millions of which they stole in order to live a life of obscene luxury, while services to Tribal members went unfunded and Tribe members lived in fear of economic retaliation.
„The Tribe hails the decision by the grand jury to issue this indictment, which represents a significant step towards vindication and justice for the Tribe,“ said Tribal Chairman Andrew Alejandre. „As alleged in the Tribe’s complaint, the harm caused by these persons to Tribe members was not limited to the millions they stole from the Tribe, which could have been used to improve the general welfare of Tribe members. These persons also abused and corrupted the Tribe’s institutions of government and terrorized its members, including elders who lived in fear of losing the income that they depended upon to meet basic needs and who, in some cases, had such income taken from them for speaking out, leaving them destitute.
„The Tribe’s success in removing these persons from power in 2014, after over a decade of abuse, was proof of the power of democracy and the resilience and determination of its members. This indictment is proof of the federal government’s ability and willingness to uphold justice on behalf of those members and others like them. The Tribe is very grateful for the work that led to this indictment and prays for the ultimate success of the government’s effort. “
Stuart G. Gross of Gross & Klein LLP, who represents the Tribe in the civil RICO action commented, „This a great development. We look forward to the convictions. “
The Tribe is represented in its civil RICO action, Paskenta Band of Nomlaki Indians, et al. v. Ines Crosby , et al. , by Stuart G. Gross and Rachel Rivers , of Gross & Klein LLP., Andrew M. Purdy of the Joseph Saveri Law Firm, Inc.
SOURCE Gross & Klein LLP

Similarity rank: 1.1
Sentiment rank: -2.5

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