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У Багдаді прогримів потужний вибух: десятки загиблих і поранених


NewsHubВ одному з густонаселених районів Багдада терористи підірвали автомобіль, начинений вибухівкою.
Як повідомляє BBC , в результаті теракту загинули, щонайменше, 35 осіб, ще понад 60 отримали поранення.
Вибух стався в районі Садр-Сіті в східній частині міста, який населяють переважно шиїти.
Нагадаємо, раніше повідомлялося, що в Багдаді сталися одразу два вибухи.

Similarity rank: 9.8

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Теракт в Стамбулі: ІДІЛ взяла на себе відповідальність за напад


NewsHubТерористична організація „Ісламська держава“ взяла на себе відповідальність за теракт в Стамбулі, в ході якого було здійснено напад на нічний клуб в перший день Нового року, в результаті якого загинули 39 людей. Про це йдеться в заяві угруповання від 2 січня, передає „Радіо Свобода“.
У заяві зазначається, що „солдат халіфату“ здійснив атаку у місці, де „християни відзначають своє відступницьке свято“.
Нагадаємо, Рада Безпеки ООН засудила терористичну атаку в нічному клубі турецького міста Стамбул.
У Стамбулі в новорічну ніч в результаті стрілянини в нічному клубі загинули 39 осіб, з них 16 – іноземні громадяни. Також були поранені 69 осіб.

Similarity rank: 11

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A Wish for the New Year | Shiksa in Hollywood


NewsHubby Joy Bennett
1 day ago
May your heart be a little lighter,
your smile a little brighter,
your wallet a little thicker,
and your world a little kinder,
today and every day in this New Year.
View our privacy policy and terms of service .

Similarity rank: 4.3
Sentiment rank: 3.6

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Woman dies after being struck by hit-and-run vehicle in Austin


NewsHubA woman died after she was struck by a vehicle in a hit-and-run crash Monday morning in the Austin neighborhood on the West Side.
She was struck about 6:15 a.m. while she was in a crosswalk in the 5300 block of West Chicago, according to Chicago Police.
The woman, thought to be between 45 and 50 years old, was taken to Mount Sinai Hospital, where she was pronounced dead, police said.

Similarity rank: 4.6
Sentiment rank: -5.8

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Sheringham New Year's Day dip revived after a decade


NewsHubSwimmers made a splash about the start of 2017 by reviving a Norfolk seaside dip for the first time in a decade to raise money for the RNLI.
In biting cold winds, about 50 people took the New Year’s Day North Sea plunge off the coast at Sheringham with many in fancy dress and some ticking the activity „off the bucket list“.
Dippers ran into the sea at 11:00, with some even going in twice.
The event raised nearly £300 for RNLI Sheringham.

Similarity rank: 5.4
Sentiment rank: 0.8

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CNET giveaway: TomTom Spark multisport GPS watch


NewsHubThis week’s sweepstakes is for anyone looking to get a little more active in 2017.
You have a chance to win a TomTom Spark multisport GPS watch. The Spark includes all-day activity tracking (steps, distance, calories burned, active minutes), automatic sleep tracking, Bluetooth to connect with smartphones , multisport activity profiles (running, biking, swimming, freestyle, gym, stopwatch), interval training and a water-resistant rating of 5 ATM, so you can wear the watch in the shower and the pool.
The watch includes GPS and a built-in optical heart-rate sensor to help take your training to the next level. There’s also 3GB of onboard storage to store up to 500 songs right on your wrist. You can then use a pair of Bluetooth headphones to stream the music, giving you a completely hands-free and wireless workout.
So what do you have to do to win this TomTom Spark multisport GPS watch? Please read our rules carefully.
And we can’t forget to tell you about the legalities:

Similarity rank: 0

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Ugandan Graduate Brian Turyabagye Designs a Biomedical Smart Jacket That Will Tackle Misdiagnosis of Pneumonia


NewsHubAfter Brian watched his grandmother suffer with pneumonia, he began researching methodologies for diagnosing the disease [pneumonia] and its treatments. During his research, he discovered that the illness affects far more children than it does in adults.
Reports according to UNICEF show that, pneumonia kills half a million children under five in sub-Saharan Africa every year, with the region accounting for half of all global deaths from pneumonia of children under five.
“Many of those deaths are because of misdiagnosis,” says Brian.
“In the villages and remote areas, children get sick – and the first reaction is to treat them for malaria. Most people are aware of malaria, and the signs for malaria and pneumonia are very similar, so it is difficult for health professionals to differentiate,” he adds.
Even when a correct diagnosis is made, treatment is often unavailable. According to the Uganda Paediatrics Association (UPA), fewer than 20% of children with pneumonia receive antibiotics, which cost less than a dollar.
So Brian began designing a biomedical smart jacket; he named “ Mamaope “, or “Mother’s Hope” – a reference to the 27,000 children who die of pneumonia in Uganda every year , that would distinguish pneumonia’s symptoms – temperature, breathing rate and sound of the lungs – and eliminate most human error, diagnosing pneumonia at a rate three to four times faster than a doctor.
“We focused on the distinguishing signs of pneumonia,” says Brian. “One of the processes that most doctors use is a stethoscope to the check the lungs. But [pneumonia] tends to be on side points around the body, not just in the chest or back. Its accuracy of being able to diagnose what is healthy, and what is not, is very encouraging.”
Currently a prototype of the Mamaope jacket will undergo an official national medical examination within this month. Certification for use in health centers and hospitals is expected by spring.
The jacket could be a major boon to diagnosing, treating and preventing pneumonia in sub-Saharan Africa.
“Although sub-Saharan Africa accounts for half of pneumonia deaths among children under five worldwide, funding for pneumonia prevention, management and treatment in the region remains low,” according to Mark Young , senior health specialist for UNICEF.
The Mamaope Jacket was shortlisted for this year’s £25,000 Africa prize for engineering innovation .
source: The Guardian and UNICEF

Similarity rank: 0

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: choosing a smart toothbrush that syncs with an app


NewsHubUsers of electric toothbrushes see themselves as superior to people who have to move their wrist backwards and forwards each morning and evening. Today’s smart toothbrushes – which interact with mobile apps – are the new premium home dental cleaner, and you’ll find excellent examples from major brands such as Oral-B and Philips, and newcomers such as Kolibree. We tested a range of products to find the best electric toothbrush – paying particular attention to the smart, app-connected brushes.
Toothbrushes have come a long way since man started taking care of his teeth. We started with chewing twigs and stayed that way for about 1,000 years before the Chinese invented the first proper brushes (using the bristles from pigs’ necks) in the 15 th century. It wasn’t until 1938 that nylon bristles appeared to create the first modern toothbrush. And in 1960 along came the first electric toothbrush.
Aside from these developments, and advances in toothpaste, the evolution of brushing teeth has been very slow.
Most toothbrushes these days aren’t significantly different from ones used over 50 years ago. In the same time man has walked on the moon, cured killer diseases, and rediscovered the Pokemon craze.
Since the introduction of the iPhone in 2007 countless industries and tools have been revolutionised by smartphone apps, but again it took a long time for toothbrushes to catch up.
The currently available smart toothbrushes aren’t a giant leap forward in dental hygiene just because of the app integration. Other less smart but still technological advances in brush handles and brush heads have moved mouth cleaning on far more than using an app while you’re brushing, but what we like about these smart brushing apps is that they focus the user on properly cleaning his or her teeth and other areas of the mouth.
You don’t need an app for that, but used correctly we think such apps will significantly improve your dental hygiene regime.
The vast majority of electric toothbrushes aren’t “smart”, in that they don’t come with a dedicated app. You can, however, easily download an app and use it alongside a non-smart toothbrush. This certainly makes sense for kids, who need a bit more fun than most smart brush apps allow.
We’re looking forward to testing the soon-to-be-released Prophix electric toothbrush from ONVI , which has an HD camera built into the handle that allows users to film inside their mouths, and so target specific areas and see exactly where they’re brushing. While we wait for that level of sophisticated technology there are smart brushes that connect with smartphone apps already available, and the great news are that they’re not just smart but also perform excellently at their primary function: removing plaque.
Superior electric toothbrushes feature a brushing timer that helps the user brush for the recommended full two minutes. Most dentists suggest you spend 30 seconds per quarter of the mouth (upper left, upper right, lower left, and lower right). A good brush timer will alert you every 30 seconds so you know when to move on to the next quarter.
Philips prefers a six-section mouth view, with 20 seconds per area, while Oral-B sticks with the traditional 30 seconds per quarter.
The more-sophisticated electric toothbrushes feature different modes for specific mouth areas. Most will have a standard clean setting and a deep-clean mode. Some will have a special setting for brushing the tongue (see below) or sensitive teeth, while others have a range of speed or intensity settings that can be used in a similar way.
They should also boast a pressure sensor to prevent you pushing too hard against your teeth, which can actually damage both the tooth and the gum.
When I first used an electric toothbrush with a pressure sensor I was amazed how wrong (and damaging) my brushing technique was. I was brushing far too hard. Vigorous over-brushing can wear down the enamel on the teeth, and lead to sensitive teeth and receding gums, exposing the sensitive root area.
If buying an electric toothbrush with a pressure sensor stops you doing that it will have paid for itself immediately. After a few brushes you should have tamed this over-brushing habit.
Many of us neglect to clean our tongue as part of our dental regime, and this is a mistake. As much as half the bacteria in your mouth reside on your tongue. Look for white areas or desquamation (skin peeling) for signs of tongue ill health. Having a healthy tongue could improve your sense of taste and reduce bad breath.
A decent electric toothbrush will have a special tongue-cleaning mode, which is gentler than that which you use for brushing your teeth. This will eliminate the need for a separate tongue scraper.
Most of us probably don’t change our toothbrush heads often enough. Both the Oral-B and Philips smart brushes claim they know when you need to switch to a new brush head, although we suspect this is calculated merely by time since the previous replacement. If you can’t work this out – or have a scheduling system – then a gentle reminder from the connected app should help you keep your brush heads from wearing out.
The brushes we test here connect with a smartphone app to help you perfect your tooth-brushing routine, collect data on each brushing session, and point out errors in your technique.
In practice we found these apps to promise more than they actually achieved but using the apps for a few weeks really did focus the mind to improving our dental hygiene regime. We expect such apps to get smarter and more accurate but for now you should use them to perfect your routine rather than be a surrogate dental hygienist.

Similarity rank: 0

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: Setting up a home storage solution doesn't have to be difficult


Benny Har-Even
| 21 mins ago
£239.99 inc VAT
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While many NAS drives, with their need for installing disks and using screwdrivers, have a rather techly feel about them, the WD My Cloud Mirror range is clearly aimed at the consumer. It’s a very compact unit with a pleasingly space age looking shell with curves rather than the harsh angular lines of most NAS. It looks more like WALL-E’s futuristic friend EVE, rather than well, WALL-E. Also see: Best NAS drives
It does however have quite a plastic feel to it and is less sturdy as other units we’ve tested. It’s a two-bay model and this 4TB models comes pre-populated with two 2TB disks preconfigured as RAID 1, so you get 1.96 TB of usable storage capacity, which doesn’t seem that much for a NAS these days. You can buy one with 16 TB, but that versions costs over £750. The 6 TB version could be the better value option. You can buy this 4TB version at Amazon.
If a drive does fail, or if you wanted upgrade you can access them simply just by popping the lid off on the top.
At the rear, there are two USB 3.0 ports and a simply Gigabit Ethernet port. Make sure your router and your computer have Gigabit Ethernet if you want to ensure you get the maximum speeds you can. There’s also a cable lock port for physically securing the drive and a reset button.
Set up was straightforward. You type ‘http://wdmycloud’ into your browser and from there you create a login password and an account for remote access. With no need to install disks or build the RAID you are up and running very quickly.
The main UI has a rather simplistic look to it but is designed to be easy to use. The remaining capacity is presented in very large numbers and the range of functions is spread across the top. You still need to click small arrows to view all the options at the top though. This includes the Apps button from where you can install third-party apps by clicking the icons below the list of pre-installed apps. Of these the P2P downloads app was the only one of interest.
Oddly, when I first selected the list it appeared blank, and I had to reboot the device to solve this. Compared to the huge number of options you find from the likes of Synology and QNAP the choices are limited but you will find essential such as a Plex Media Server and even Dropbox, so you can sync all your files between the web and the drive without having to take up space on your main computer. Standard DLNA is also supported as is an iTunes server.
Remote access is possible via a dedicated app. You just sign into your My Cloud account and you can access your drives content. As the iPhone doesn’t natively support test files the app could not stream the videos direct to my phone. Instead I downloaded the whole file and from there could lunch it to my app of choice to play the file.
From the UI you can easily create new users and extra shared folders and perform backups to another external device. What we really appreciated was that the WD was quiet in operation, hovering around 50db. See all NAS drive reviews
Testing video file playback via PS4 client, Plex worked as advertised, playing our H.264 MKV tests files and an MP4, but it could not transcode our test H.265 encoded files. However, these did stream the files flawlessly to an iPhone 7 Plus and the AV Player app, which handling the decoding without any issues.
In our tests we were more than satisfied with the speeds we say, hitting a read speed of 107MB/s and 115.8 MB/s with the Crystal Disk Mark, nearly the limit of the Gigabit Ethernet link. Files copied from a USB key to the drive at a peak of 11.1 MB/s. See all storage reviews
When it comes to ease of use the WE My Cloud Mirror is hard to beat. Initial setup is very easy and even sorting our remote access is simple too. For sharing music, movies, photos and documents it works a treat and performance is fine. The downside is that you don’t get the huge range of apps that are available for other brands. However, if you prioritise ease of set up and ease of use the WD is worth looking at and with 4 TB of storage included for the price, it’s a great value option.
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Similarity rank: 0

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: Top 10 board games for adults, kids, children & families | Best board game expansions & buying advice


NewsHubWhat are the best board games in 2017? And what are the best board game expansions?
We live in a golden age of board gaming. If you grew up with Scrabble and Cluedo (which are okay games) and Risk and Monopoly (which are not), you may understandably believe that board games are limited in scope and of interest only to kids and weirdos. But in 2017 this hobby has far more to offer. The best board games are well worth anyone’s time.
Depending on your tastes, modern board gaming offers simplicity ( Hive ) or complexity ( Twilight Struggle ); abstraction ( The Duke ) or narrative ( Tales of the Arabian Nights ); co-operation ( Ghost Stories ) or backstabbing ( Game of Thrones ); silliness ( Galaxy Trucker ) or seriousness ( Puerto Rico ). Board games have something for everyone.
In this article we round up the 10 best board games available to humanity, together with our explanation of why each one is so essential, vital statistics (time to play, number of players, our difficulty rating) and a link to buy. We’ve also put links to help you find more information about each game on the wonderful resource Boardgamegeek , to whom I am indebted for the information about game times.
Where relevant we’ve included our picks of the best expansion packs for each board game. Expansions are a little cheaper than full games and can be an appealing choice of Christmas present for a loved one with a particular obsession with one board game. Some of them are amazing. But there are some pitfalls to avoid.
We don’t recommend that you buy an expansion until you’re sure you love the base game, have played it a fair bit and are starting to feel like you’re reaching the limits of what it has to offer. A good expansion takes a great game and adds more depth, but no good game needs an expansion to ‚complete‘ it, despite what some people will tell you; some expansions, in fact, will take a tight, streamlined game and bog it down with extra rules. And for the price of maybe two expansions you could get an entirely new game. When I was getting into board gaming I went right down the rabbit hole of Settlers of Catan expansions and rather regret it. We could have been trying new games instead of settling into a comfort zone.
Anyway! Our roundup of the best board games is arranged in order of brilliancy: we start with the merely superb, and work our way up to the impossibly amazing. Let’s get started!
Read next: Best iPad board games

Similarity rank: 0

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