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Sen. Sessions on track for confirmation as attorney general


The Senate is working overtime toward confirming President Donald Trump’s close ally, Sen. Jeff Sessions, to become the nation’s top law enforcement officer as attorney general.
WASHINGTON (AP) – The Senate is working overtime toward confirming President Donald Trump ’s close ally, Sen. Jeff Sessions, to become the nation’s top law enforcement officer as attorney general.
The Alabama Republican appears headed toward confirmation on Wednesday evening by a nearly party-line vote. Democrats harshly criticized Sessions for being too close to Trump , too harsh on immigrants, and too weak on civil rights.
“There is simply nothing in Senator Sessions’ testimony before the Judiciary Committee that gives me confidence that he would be willing to stand up to the president,” said Sen. Pat Leahy, D-Vt. “He has instead demonstrated only blind allegiance.”
Republicans say Sessions has demonstrated over a long career in public service – and two decades in the Senate – that he possesses integrity, honesty, and is committed to justice and the rule of law.
“We all know him to be a man of deep integrity, a man of his word, and a man committed to fairness,” said Judiciary Committee Chairman Charles Grassley, R-Iowa.
Sessions enjoys unanimous backing from fellow Republicans and cleared a procedural vote Tuesday afternoon by a 52-47 margin, with West Virginia Democrat Joe Manchin crossing over to back him.
Sessions would be the fourth Cabinet nominee approved by the Senate , where Democratic delaying tactics mean far fewer of Trump ’s picks are in place than were President Barack Obama’s eight years ago.
Wednesday’s vote comes amid rising tension between Republicans controlling the chamber and minority Democrats largely opposed to Trump Cabinet picks like Betsy DeVos at Education – who cleared the Senate by a 51-50 vote on Tuesday with Vice President Mike Pence casting a historic vote to break a tie.
Democrats asserted that Session wouldn’t do enough to protect voting rights of minorities, protections for gay people, the right of women to procure abortions, and immigrants in the country illegally to receive due process. Their opposition invariably returned to skepticism that Sessions would weigh the interests of Trump along with the rights of the public.
“Sen. Sessions views this appointment as an opportunity to participate in a movement to advance the president’s agenda,” said Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California, top Democrat on the Judiciary panel. “This is not the role of the attorney general of the United States…. Can we really expect him to be an attorney general who is independent from President Trump?”
This week has featured overnight Senate sessions as GOP leaders are grinding through a thicket of controversial picks. After Wednesday’s vote on Sessions comes Health and Human Services Department nominee Rep. Tom Price, R-Ga.
Epitomizing the sharp-edged partisanship surrounding confirmation of Cabinet nominees, Sen. Elizabeth Warren was given a rare rebuke Tuesday evening for quoting Coretta Scott King, widow of the late civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr., on the Senate floor.
Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell held that the Massachusetts Democrat had run afoul of the chamber’s arcane rules by reading a three-decade-old letter from Mrs. King that dated to Sessions’ failed judicial nomination three decades ago. McConnell’s fellow GOP senators backed his position and Warren, who is very popular with her party’s liberal wing, was construed as violating Senate rules for “impugning the motives” of Sessions, even though senators have said far worse in fiery floor debates. Republican Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas called McConnell a liar in a 2015 dustup in the chamber.
Sessions was a prominent early backer of Trump and was a big supporter of his hard line on illegal immigration and an joined Trump ’s advocacy of a wall along the U. S.-Mexico border.
His confirmation vote comes as Trump has upended Washington, most notably with his ban on travel from seven majority Muslim nations and his criticism of a federal judge who issued a stay halting it.
Sessions’ nomination to a federal judgeship was rejected three decades ago by the Senate Judiciary Committee after it was alleged that as a federal prosecutor he had called a black attorney “boy” and had said organizations like the NAACP and the American Civil Liberties Union were un-American.
At his hearing last month, Sessions said he had never harbored racial animus, saying he had been falsely caricatured.
Sessions has described a conservative vision for the Justice Department, pledging to crack down on illegal immigration, gun violence and the “scourge of radical Islamic terrorism” and to keep open the Guantanamo Bay prison in Cuba.
But he has also called waterboarding, a now-banned harsh interrogation technique that Trump has at times expressed support for, was “absolutely improper and illegal.”
Though he said he would prosecute immigrants who repeatedly enter the country illegally and criticized as constitutionally “questionable” an executive action by Obama that shielded certain immigrants from deportation, he said he did “not support the idea that Muslims, as a religious group, should be denied admission to the United States.”
Copyright © 2017 The Washington Times, LLC.
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Similarity rank: 5.2
Sentiment rank: 1.1

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One year out, 2018 Winter Olympics face a few uncertainties


By most accounts, preparations for the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea, are progressing smoothly.
By most accounts, preparations for the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea, are progressing smoothly.
Still, with one year to go before competition begins, the upcoming Games face some uncertainty.
It remains unclear whether NHL players will take a break from the regular-season schedule to represent their countries. No big surprise — this has happened before — but as negotiations continue, a Plan B is taking shape for gathering alternate talent.
“The USA hockey team is focused on this, and they really have a pretty good idea where they want to go without the NHL,” said Alan Ashley, chief of sport performance for the U. S. Olympic Committee.
The Russian Olympic team is another potential question mark. Six months after much of the squad was barred from competing at the 2016 Summer Games in Rio de Janeiro , its status for 2018 is a continuing subject of debate.
Given the country’s ongoing doping scandal — which included allegations of cheating inside a Sochi anti-doping lab during the 2014 Winter Games in Russia — there have been calls for another ban.
Regardless of who shows up, Pyeongchang will include a handful of new sports, including mixed doubles curling, an alpine skiing team event, mass-start speedskating and men’s and women’s big-air snowboarding.
“One thing I can tell you is, we have great athletes in those disciplines,” Ashley said. “We’re going to be able to field a really good team.”
While the weather is always a variable — especially at previous Winter Olympics that ran a bit short of snow — U. S. athletes and officials said they are optimistic about South Korea.
“I’ve only heard the snow in Asia can be incredible,” slalom star Mikaela Shiffrin said. “A lot of times it’s really dry and plentiful.”
Sights and sounds from Saturday’s Dodgers FanFest at Dodger Stadium.
After a first half in which he played like that impostor in a Tom Brady mask, the New England Patriots quarterback put on a Super Bowl performance for the ages Sunday, leading his team back from a 25-point deficit to beat the Atlanta Falcons in overtime, 34-28.
Chargers owners Dean and John Spanos talk about the team as it prepares to relocate to L. A.
New Rams Coach Sean McVay talks about his vision for the team.
Lindsey Thiry and Nathan Fenno discuss the Chargers‘ announcement they are moving to Los Angeles. 
Lindsey Thiry and Nathan Fenno discuss the Chargers‘ announcement they are moving to Los Angeles.

Similarity rank: 1

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Putin-Gegner Nawalny zu fünf Jahren auf Bewährung verurteilt


Kirow (dpa) – Dem russischen Oppositionellen Alexej Nawalny droht durch einen Schuldspruch in einem umstrittenen Strafprozess eine Kandidate
Kirow (dpa) – Dem russischen Oppositionellen Alexej Nawalny droht durch einen Schuldspruch in einem umstrittenen Strafprozess eine Kandidaten-Sperre bei der Präsidentenwahl 2018.
Ein Gericht in der Stadt Kirow nordöstlich von Moskau verurteilte Nawalny am Mittwoch zu fünf Jahren Haft auf Bewährung sowie einer Geldstrafe und bestätigte ein erstes Urteil von 2013. Er soll einer staatlichen Firma Bauholz im großen Stil gestohlen haben. „Wir akzeptieren das Urteil nicht“, sagte der
bekannte Gegner von Kremlchef Wladimir Putin.
Nawalnys Anwälte fürchten, dass dieser bei einer rechtskräftigen Verurteilung nicht bei der Präsidentenwahl 2018 kandidieren darf. Der 40-Jährige kündigte Berufung an. „Dieses Urteil hat vollständig die Ergebnisse des ersten Verfahrens wiederholt“, kritisierte er.
Bereits 2013 war Nawalny in dem Fall zu fünf Jahren Haft auf Bewährung und 500 000 Rubel Geldstrafe verurteilt worden. Nawalnys früherer Geschäftspartner Pjotr Ofizerow wurde auch wieder zu vier Jahren auf Bewährung verurteilt. Damit bekräftigte Richter Alexej Wtjurin das Urteil von 2013.
Den beiden wird vorgeworfen, die Bauholzfirma um mögliche Einnahmen von rund 16 Millionen Rubel (etwa 250 000 Euro) gebracht zu haben. Der Europäische Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte stufte den Prozess von damals aber als unfair ein, das Oberste Gericht Russlands ordnete eine Neuaufnahme an.
Nawalny will bei der Präsidentenwahl 2018 antreten. Beobachter räumen ihm bei einer Kandidatur allerdings nur geringe Chancen ein. Ob er nach dem Schuldspruch kandidieren darf, ist fraglich.
Seine Anwältin Olga Michailowa sagte der Agentur Interfax, nach dem Wahlgesetz dürfe Nawalny nicht kandidieren, sofern das Urteil nicht zurückgenommen wird. Zugleich behauptete sie, dass es in dieser Frage eine Kollision zwischen Wahlgesetz und Verfassung gebe.
Nawalny kündigte an, er werde kämpfen für sein Recht zu kandidieren: „Wir werden das Verfassungsgericht anrufen. “ Er wirft den Behörden vor, mit dem Prozess seine Teilnahme an der Wahl verhindern zu wollen. Kremlsprecher Dmitri Peskow sagte, er halte solche Befürchtungen für unangebracht. Kritiker werfen Nawalny vor, sich mit dem Prozess interessant machen zu wollen und diesen deswegen gezielt mit seinem Wahlkampf in Verbindung zu bringen.
Bei Twitter gab sich Nawalny kämpferisch: „Putin und seine Bande von Dieben hat Angst vor uns bei den Wahlen. Sie haben Recht: Wir werden gewinnen. “ Am Wochenende hatte er demonstrativ in Putins Heimatstadt St. Petersburg ein Wahlkampfbüro eröffnet.
Die Bundesregierung lehnte eine Stellungnahme zu dem Fall zunächst ab. Der Sprecher des Auswärtigen Amtes, Martin Schäfer, sagte, grundsätzlich wünsche sich die Bundesregierung, dass sich jeder, der das möchte, zur Wahl stellen könne – „das ist das Wesen einer Demokratie und so würden wir uns das auch wünschen“.
Putin hat sich noch nicht geäußert, ob er 2018 wieder antreten will. Beobachter rechnen aber damit. Neben Nawalny haben der Rechtspopulist Wladimir Schirinowski und der liberale Politiker Grigori Jawlinski von der Oppositionspartei Jabloko ihre Kandidaturen angekündigt. Ihnen werden kaum Chancen eingeräumt. Oppositionelle klagen immer wieder darüber, kaum Zugang zu kremlgelenkten Medien zu bekommen.

Similarity rank: 5.2

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Philipp Lahm wird «Privatier»: Servus mit Kalkül


München (dpa) – Der Blumenstrauß zum Dienstjubiläum in den Händen von Philipp Lahm erlangte urplötzlich eine ganz andere symbolische Bedeutu
München (dpa) – Der Blumenstrauß zum Dienstjubiläum in den Händen von Philipp Lahm erlangte urplötzlich eine ganz andere symbolische Bedeutung. In der Nacht wirkte das Geschenk von Karl-Heinz Rummenigge nach dem angekündigten Ende von Lahms Bilderbuchkarriere wie ein erstes Abschiedsgeschenk.
„Irgendwann ist es einfach zu Ende, und das Ende will ich selber bestimmen“, begründete der 33 Jahre alte Lahm seine Kündigung als Fußballprofi. In diesem Sommer – statt wie vertraglich vereinbart am 30. Juni 2018 – ist für den kühl kalkulierenden Karriereplaner beim Rekordmeister Feierabend. Der Entscheider Lahm setzt damit konsequent den Weg fort, den er auch in der Nationalmannschaft beschritten hatte. Am Morgen nach dem WM-Triumph 2014 teilte Lahm noch in Brasilien Bundestrainer Joachim Löw seinen Entschluss zum Rücktritt mit. Der hochdekorierte Weltmeisterkapitän trat auf dem Höhepunkt seiner DFB-Schaffensphase ab. Damals kam der Schritt überraschender als diesmal.
Auch im Vereinsalltag, der den Familienvater nach anderthalb Jahrzehnten als Profi immer mehr Kraft kostet, will er ein großes Ende: Bloß nicht irgendwann als Auslaufmodell ohne Einfluss und weitab von Auftritten auf allerhöchstem Niveau enden. Wie in den knallharten Mechanismen des Fußballs mächtige Anführer stürzen können, erlebte er als Profiteur beim Nationalmannschafts-K.o. von Michael Ballack hautnah. Lahm war 2010 fortan der Kapitän.
„Ich bin mir sicher, dass ich bis zum Ende der Saison meine Topleistung abrufen kann, aber nicht darüber hinaus“, sagte Lahm nach dem 1:0 seiner Münchner gegen den VfL Wolfsburg. Nach 501 Pflichtspielen für den Herzensclub, sieben Meisterschaften, sechs Pokalsiegen und dem Champions-League-Triumph 2013 als Krönung verkündete einer der immer noch besten Außenverteidiger der modernen Fußball-Historie die „einfach gereifte“ Entscheidung.
Gleich an einen Schreibtisch in der FC-Bayern-Zentrale an der Säbener Straße will der Unternehmer nicht wechseln. „Es gab Gespräche. Am Ende habe ich mich aber dazu entschlossen, dass es nicht der richtige Zeitpunkt ist, beim FC Bayern einzusteigen“, formulierte es Lahm. Vorstandschef Karl-Heinz Rummenigge hatte ihm den Posten des Sportdirektoren reserviert. Lahm will lieber „ein kleines Break“. Für den zeitlichen Abstand schlägt er ein lukratives Club-Angebot aus.
„Für mich steht fest, dass ich ab Sommer Privatier bin. Ich kann mich noch mehr um andere Dinge kümmern, ich kann mich ein bisschen umschauen, umhören, mich mit anderen Leuten treffen“, sagte der am idyllischen Tegernsee residierende Lahm. Ob es ein Bayern-Abschied für immer wird, ließ der an mehreren Firmen beteiligte und gesellschaftlich aktive Lahm offen. Dem 113-maligen Nationalspieler stünden auch beim DFB Türen offen. Eine Azubi-Rolle wird Lahm aber nirgendwo übernehmen. Wenn er – wo auch immer – einsteigt, will der leidenschaftliche Golfspieler gestalten können.
Durch die Absage Lahms rückt Gladbachs Manager Max Eberl automatisch in den Münchner Fokus. Der 43-Jährige hat eine langjährige Bayern-Vergangenheit und ein gutes Verhältnis zu Präsident Uli Hoeneß. „Ich habe gar keine Namen im Kopf, weil wir bisher nur mit Philipp Lahm gesprochen haben“, bekundete Aufsichtsratschef Hoeneß. „Es wird sicherlich alles dafür getan, dass ab dem 1. Juli ein Sportmanager, Sportdirektor oder Sportvorstand da ist. “
„Die ganze Diskussion, ob Sportdirektor oder Sportvorstand, nutzt hier gar nichts“, erklärte Hoeneß mit seinem rot-weißen Bayern-Schal um den Hals in der ARD. „Du musst ein guter Mann sein, und was du für einen Titel hast, ist für sonstwas“, stellte Hoeneß fest.
Seit 1995 ist Allrounder Lahm, unterbrochen von einem kurzen Intermezzo in Stuttgart, beim FC Bayern. „Er ist ein fantastischer Spieler, eine großartige Persönlichkeit“, lobte Trainer Carlo Ancelotti. Als „Musterprofi“ und „Weltklassespieler“ bezeichnete ihn Löw erst kürzlich in einer UEFA-Würdigung. „Er ist eine absolute Legende und der intelligenteste Spieler, den ich je in meiner Karriere trainiert habe“, rühmte ihn Ex-Trainer Pep Guardiola.
Erstmals feierte Lahm am 3. November 2002 beim 3:3 in der Champions League gegen Lens sein Pflichtspieldebüt bei der Profi-Garde. Geht es nach Lahms „Sehnsucht“, dann krönt er am 3. Juni nach dem Finale im selben Wettbewerb im Millennium Stadium von Cardiff mit dem Henkelpott in den Händen seine herausragende Bayern-Vita. Im kleineren DFB-Pokal blieben die Bayern mit dem 10. Viertelfinaleinzug nacheinander auch auf Titelkurs. Lahm könne noch 100 Jahre spielen, scherzte Kollege Thiago. Es werden aber nur noch rund 100 Tage sein.

Similarity rank: 2.1

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Drone Photos Capture Stunning Reunion of Over 500 Family Members in Chinese Village


A photographer had to use a drone to capture all the members in one photo.
More than 500 members of a family in China recently got together for a reunion in their home village to celebrate the Lunar New Year.
The reunion of the Ren family took place in the village of Shishe in the eastern province of Zhejiang. It was captured in stunning photos taken by photographer Zhang Liangzong, according to the BBC and state news media.
Zhang had to use a drone to capture all the family members, who stood in long rows in front of basalt formations near the village.
The photographer told the BBC that the Ren family’s origins in the village can be traced back 851 years.
However, their modern family tree had not been updated for more than eight decades, which prompted village elders to want to track down the family’s living descendants, Zhang said.
Village elders were able to find at least 2,000 living descendants spanning seven generations, according to Zhang.
The village’s chief, Ren Tuanjie, told state news agency Xinhua it took more than two-and-a-half years to complete the updated family tree.
He added that the village decided to get all the family members together for the new year „so as to let our ancestors know where they are. „

Similarity rank: 2

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Trump is not-so-subtly threatening the judicial system, and even his Supreme Court nominee is upset


Trump is basically saying: „That’s a nice reputation you’ve got there. It’d be a shame if something happened to it. „
Update: Among those feeling threatened by Trump’s comments is apparently his Supreme Court nominee, Neil Gorsuch. Gorsuch told Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) on Wednesday that Trump’s comments are „disheartening“ and „demoralizing“ to the independence of the judiciary. Blumenthal relayed Gorsuch’s comments to reporters, and a Gorsuch spokesman confirmed them.
The U. S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit is now weighing what to do with President Trump’s travel ban. And Trump did his best Wednesday to put his thumb on the scales of justice.
Continuing a highly unusual days-long effort by a president, Trump issued a stark warning to the three-judge panel and, really, the entire court system: Run afoul of me, and you may just pay a price.
In a speech in front of law enforcement officials in Washington, Trump suggested to the three judges that they would marginalize themselves politically if they decide the wrong way. Trump has said similar things about the judge who previously halted his travel ban — albeit after the decision had come down.
The comments were oblique, but Trump’s point was crystal clear.
“If these judges wanted to help the court in terms of respect for the court, they’d do what they should be doing,” Trump said, in a comment thick with subtext. “It’s so sad.”
He added: “I don’t ever want to call a court biased, so I won’t call it biased. But courts seem to be so political, and it would be so great for our justice system if they would read [the law] and do what’s right.”
If that isn’t a threat to marshal support against the American court system and fight it politically, I’m not sure what is. Trump is basically saying: That’s a nice reputation you’ve got there. It’d be a shame if something happened to it.
Trump has been dancing around this idea ever since the first judge halted his executive order on Friday. In tweets spaced out over the weekend, he asserted that the judge was overstepping his authority and suggested any future attacks might be laid at his — and other judges‘ — feet.
Some tweets were targeted at the judge personally. But others, tellingly, addressed the “the courts” and “the court system” as an entity.
The opinion of this so-called judge, which essentially takes law-enforcement away from our country, is ridiculous and will be overturned!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 4, 2017
What is our country coming to when a judge can halt a Homeland Security travel ban and anyone, even with bad intentions, can come into U. S.?
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 4, 2017
I have instructed Homeland Security to check people coming into our country VERY CAREFULLY. The courts are making the job very difficult!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 5, 2017
Just cannot believe a judge would put our country in such peril. If something happens blame him and court system. People pouring in. Bad!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 5, 2017
“If something happens blame him and court system.” “The courts are making the job very difficult.” Trump’s ire isn’t just directed at the judges directly involved in his case; he seems to be girding for a showdown with other judges who might dare to try to rein in his executive power.
I wrote about this potential showdown over the weekend :
It’s something experts on executive authority have been chewing over. Given Trump’s populist campaign, admiration for authoritarian leaders and expressed skepticism toward the political establishment, some think it’s possible he takes on the judicial establishment, too.
“They’re spoiling for a fight, and that’s what populists do,” said Daniel P. Franklin, a professor at Georgia State University. “And I think that’s the way it plays out — maybe not on this issue, but on something.”
That piece dealt with the possibility that Trump might actually take this to its extreme and ignore what the court tells him to do. But he can do plenty before he goes that far to try to undermine the judiciary and send a message. Even if he doesn’t intend to force a legal showdown over its authority, comments like the ones Trump made Wednesday at the very least seem geared toward “working the refs” — i.e., sending a message that judges, who are supposed to be apolitical, won’t be immune from his political wrath. And when they issue a decision he doesn’t like, Trump is saying, they’re going to pay the same price as a senator who votes the wrong way on a bill.
This is something that’s troubling to those who would prefer to keep politics out of the judiciary. But as with many other political norms, Trump is increasingly taking a hacksaw to this one.

Similarity rank: 10
Sentiment rank: 1

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Politico: Appeals Court Ruling on Travel Ban Not Expected Wednesday


The three-judge panel examining President Donald Trump’s recent immigration order will not issue a ruling Wednesday, it was reported.
The three-judge panel examining President Donald Trump’s recent immigration order will not issue a ruling Wednesday, it was reported.
According to Politico, the judges in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals will provide 60 to 90 minutes of notice before they issue a decision on the case. That will not come Wednesday, meaning the Trump administration will have to wait at least one more day to learn the future of its executive order.
The judges in the case heard oral arguments Tuesday.
Trump signed an order Jan. 27 that put a temporary halt on people coming to the United States from seven countries with a terror presence — Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia, and Yemen. The order also halted the refugee program from those nations for 120 days and the Syrian refugee program indefinitely.
Critics have called it a ban on Muslims , but supporters said Trump had national security in mind when he signed the directive.
Trump said Tuesday his immigration order might eventually reach the Supreme Court.

Similarity rank: 11
Sentiment rank: 0.9

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Bitcoin price falls as Chinese authorities meet with exchanges


Bitcoin prices retreated on Wednesday following reports that China’s central bank is holding a closed-door meeting with several local cryptocurrency exchanges.
Bitcoin prices retreated Wednesday following reports that China’s central bank is holding a closed-door meeting with several local cryptocurrency exchanges.
The news, first reported by Bloomberg, revived fears that authorities in one of bitcoin’s biggest markets are planning to crack down on the digital currency market, said Charles Hayter, founder and chief executive officer of CryptoCompare. Until recently, Chinese authorities had allowed bitcoin trading to flourish with relatively few restrictions.
Money laundering was one of the topics up for discussion at the meeting, according to the Bloomberg report.
News emerged late last year that Chinese authorities were exploring how to better monitor, and possibly restrict, digital-currency trading to prevent market manipulation and money laundering. In January, China’s largest bitcoin exchanges announced they had adopted new controls to ensure compliance with local rules in accordance with the wishes of authorities at the People’s Bank of China, the country’s central bank.
Chinese exchanges also adopted trading fees, leading to a dramatic reduction in local trading volume. Previously, Chinese exchanges had handled nearly 90% of bitcoin transactions thanks in part to their rock-bottom trading fees. U. S. exchanges, by comparison, have always required clients to pay a fee to trade.
The growth of the bitcoin market in China has been sharp, bitcoin experts say. Bitcoin miners based in China are responsible for generating more than two-thirds of the bitcoin network’s processing power. Bitcoin miners compete to process pending bitcoin transactions by rushing to solve complex cryptographic puzzles before others. Whoever is first to solve a puzzle blockchain, is rewarded with a cache of freshly minted bitcoins.

Similarity rank: 2

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Приоритетной версией мотивов убийства Шеремета является журналистская деятельность – полиция


Публикации материалов журналиста Павла Шеремета и его программы имели критический характер к действующей власти в…
Следствие рассматривает несколько версий убийства журналиста Павла Шеремета. Об этом сообщил начальник главного следственного управления Нацполиции Александр Вакуленко на брифинге, передает корреспондент издания „ГОРДОН“.
„Говоря о версиях, следствие рассматривает профессиональную деятельность в Украине. В первую очередь, заслуживают внимания те расследования, которые не были завершены. Также рассматривается профессиональная деятельность за пределами Украины. Всем известно, что публикации материалов журналиста и выпуск его программ имели критический характер к действующей власти в Беларуси и России. Критические выступления и озвучивание позиции относительно экспансии РФ в Чечне, Грузии и Украине рассмариваются также как версия профессиональной деятельности журналиста за пределами Украины. Рассматривается также версия дестабилизации ситуации в Украине, что обусловленно демонстративностью способа убийства журналиста. „, – сказал Вакуленко.
Он добавил, что озвучивались также версии „ошибка в объекте“ и „конфликты в личной жизни“.
„Последние две версии отработанны и они не являются приоритетными для следствия. В первуо чередь рассматривается версия профессиональной деятельности Шеремета как журналиста как в Украине, так и за ее пределами“, – добавил Вакуленко.
Он также добавил, что согласно результатам экспертизы, причиной смерти Шеремета является травматический шок и значительная потеря крови.
Павел Шеремет погиб 20 июля 2016 года в Киеве: его машину взорвали. Генпрокурор Украины Юрий Луценко заявлял, что убийца Шеремета был не один , взрывчатку, предположительно, заложили несколько человек. Основным мотивом убийства он называл профессиональную деятельность журналиста.

Similarity rank: 10

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