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Java framework builds microservices as Docker containers


The java-micro platform lets developers build and configure environment, command-line, and external services
Implementing microservices in Java has become a top priority at Oracle, which is rebooting Java Enterprise Edition for microservices and cloud deployments. Meanwhile, another microservices effort for Java has emerged separate from Oracle.
Attributed to Sixt, a rental car service operating worldwide, the lightweight java-micro framework enables developers to easily set up microservices in Java. Developers can build services as a Docker container or fat jar package, and they can configure environment, command-line, and external services.
The framework features a pluggable service registry for registering and discovering service instances, while event-handling is done via the kafka distributed streaming platform. Guice dependency injection is featured for implementing and testing services, and the framework provides an interface for calling endpoints on other services and handling errors from them. Java-micro also features standardized Json logging and metrics reporting, client-side load-balancing, an interface for a service to support health checks, and built-in database migrations.
Java-micro was begun with the intention to support both Java and Google’s Go language. Sixt uses Go Micro as its framework for Go services and wanted compatibility between its Go and Java frameworks. „Java-micro is meant to keep compatibility so that service developers can easily choose between developing a service in Java or Go,“ Sixt said. „Other languages can also be supported by using the Go Micro sidecar. “
The Java framework was developed primarily in 2016 and is offered under an Apache license. It has emerged not long after Eclipse took on MicroProfile, a formerly independent project to outfit Java with microservices. This effort arose amidst concerns that Oracle had been neglecting enterprise Java.
More about Apache Eclipse Google Oracle

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МВФ: Україна гостро потребує пенсійної реформи


Підвищення пенсійного віку є одним з механізмів реформи, кажуть у МВФ.
У МВФ заявили, що Україна гостро потребує пенсійної реформи, яка б дозволила оновити всю пенсійну систему в країні, і в цьому сенсі підвищення пенсійного віку є одним з механізмів реформи.
Про це заявив глава Департаменту зовнішніх зв’язків МВФ Джеррі Райс на брифінгу у Вашингтоні.
„Ми в тісному контакті з владою. Є технічні моменти, які я не можу назвати, але вони повинні бути вирішені. Але незабаром вони будуть вирішені. Ми розраховуємо представити доповіді в найближчі тижні“, – зазначив Райс.

Similarity rank: 5

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Osnabrück klarer Favorit gegen Mainz 05 II


Der VfL Osnabrück will seinen Aufstiegsplatz in Liga drei festigen. Die Chancen stehen gegen Schlusslicht Mainz 05 gut. zeigt die Partie heute ab 19 Uhr im Video-Livestream.
Erst der Spitzenreiter, nun das Schlusslicht: Auf den VfL Osnabrück wartet am 22. Spieltag der Dritten Liga nach dem Topduell beim MSV Duisburg (2:2) eine vermeintlich leichte Aufgabe. Heute ist der abgeschlagene Tabellenletzte Mainz 05 II, der in elf Auswärtsspielen erst zwei Zähler geholt hat, zu Gast an der Bremer Brücke. zeigt die Begegnung heute abend ab 19 Uhr im Video-Livestream. Kommentator ist Hendrik Deichmann. Die meisten Fans und Experten sehen den VfL als klaren Favoriten, nicht so Osnabrücks Trainer Joe Enochs: „Das will zwar keiner hören, aber Mainz ist eine gute Mannschaft. Mir müssen sehr konzentriert spielen, um zu gewinnen. “
Ohnehin mahnte Enochs: „Die Gefahr besteht, dass die Erwartungshaltung zu groß wird. “ Doch zu großen Sorgen muss sich der Osnabrücker Übungsleiter eigentlich nicht machen. Die beiden guten Auftritte seiner Mannschaft gegen Münster (3:1) und in Duisburg in diesem Jahr haben untermauert, dass die Niedersachsen zum Kreis der Aufstiegskandidaten gehören. „Die Mannschaft ist intakt und hat eine sehr gute Mentalität“, betonte der Coach, der noch um den Einsatz von Stürmer Kwasi Okyere Wriedt (Adduktorenzerrung) bangt. „Er wird wahrscheinlich nicht zur Verfügung stehen“, so Enochs.
Tor: Marius Gersbeck
Rechter Verteidiger: Nazim Sangaré
Innenverteidiger: Marcel Appiah
Innenverteidiger: Tobias Willers
Linker Verteidiger: Alexander Dercho
Defensives Mittelfeld: Bastian Schulz
Defensives Mittelfeld: Anthony Syhre
Offensives Mittelfeld: Marc Heider
Offensives Mittelfeld: Michael Hohnstedt
Sturm: Kemal Rüzgar
Sturm: Steffen Tigges

Similarity rank: 1.1

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Mark Zuckerberg channels Mickey Mouse with VR gloves for poking


More hands-on stuff from the social network that can’t stop eating,Communications ,Social Media,VR
Facebook, in case you missed it, is a kind of barcode reader that advertisers can use to assess human beings. It also lets people post up pictures of cats and food and cats eating food, announce pregnancies, show off new tattoos and have long drawn out arguments.
You don’t have to be on Facebook to know about it, and you don’t have to be on it to be on it. We suspect that even the most vehement of non-users have slipped through in the background of someone’s selfie, and we weep for them.
Anyway. Zuckerberg is up to something, and it is our duty to tell you about that. He’s done us a favour by doing a blog on his plans and posting up some photos about the time that he honoured the Oculus Labs with a visit and had a look at where his money is going.
It’s going on technology, gloves, virtual reality, mixed reality, and teeny tiny goggles. This is, we are given to understand, the best thing to happen to VR since virtual sliced bread.
“ I just visited our Oculus Research lab in Redmond , Washington where some of the best scientists and engineers in the world are pushing the boundaries of virtual and augmented reality,“ he said.
„The goal is to make VR and AR what we all want it to be: glasses small enough to take anywhere, software that lets you experience anything, and technology that lets you interact with the virtual world just like you do with the physical one. Oculus Rift is already the best VR experience you can buy — and the technology being built in this lab right now makes me want the future to get here a lot sooner. “
Hooray and yaroo…
We are so pleased. Best of all are the five photos that Zuckerberg posed, for it is there that we see him wearing gloves like Howard Hughes, and making other people cover themselves in white boiler suits in his presence. µ

Similarity rank: 1.1

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DeepMind AI learns to act aggressive when it doesn't get its way


Sound like anyone you know?,Software ,AI,Google,Android,cloud computing
GOOGLE’S ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI) has already started to show some evidence of personality traits , but now DeepMind is learning to show signs of aggression when it thinks it’s not going to get its own way. Sound like anyone you know?
Where multiple instances of DeepMind are running they can, on the other hand, agreed to work together for a common goal should they believe there’s more to be gained by doing so.
It may occur to you as it has to us, that words like „aggression“ and phrases like „working together“ are exactly the sort of thing that doomsayers pick up on in predicting mankind’s demise at the hands of robot overlords.
However, this early research based primarily around game theory is experimental in nature and about as scary as BluTac.
The research was based around two games, one centred around gathering fruits and the about hunting. You will note the pastoral nature of the games rather reflects the caveman era of AI were currently still in.
Both games used AI characters as players referred to as ‚agents‘. In the Apple game, for example, each is taught to score points by collecting as many apples as possible from the fictional landscape.
However, there is a twist. At any time one agent can ‚blast‘ an opposing player with array that removes them from the game for a set period.
The agents soon learnt that the best way to win the game was to keep blasting their opponent. Essentially the agents were showing greed fuelled aggression.
In the second game, however, the agents act as wolves protecting prey, where points are scored if both walls are near the prey when it’s caught, thus making it easier to defend from scavengers.
The point of all this, explains Joel Z Leibo, who led the research paper, is to better understand how to control multiagent systems, such as those that might be used in smart cities for example.
Zeibo explains, „At this point we are really looking at the fundamentals of agent cooperation as a scientific question, but with a view toward informing our multi-agent research going forward,“.
Zeibo also suggests that this type of simulation could be used to sandbox situations before putting them live in an AI controlled situation. µ

Similarity rank: 1

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Tim Cook on Brexit: it'll be fine


Apple’s CEO Tim Cook isn’t worried about Brexit but will continue to speak out about US immigration policies
Worried about the impact of Brexit on your business? Don’t be — Tim Cook says we’ll be „just fine“.
The Apple CEO was in the UK to pick up an honorary doctorate from the University of Glasgow, and swung by Good Morning Britain for an interview.
Asked about Brexit, he said: „We are very optimistic about the UK’s future. We are all in. “
He added: „We’re a big believer in the UK. The UK will be just fine. Yes, there will be bumps in the road along the way but the UK’s going to be fine. “
Cook didn’t explain why he believed Brexit wouldn’t have a negative impact, but did suggest Apple saw room for growth in the UK. The iPhone maker is building a new London office at the Battersea Power Station development , at a cost of £8 billion. „We’re doubling down on a huge headquarters in the Battersea area and we’re leaving significant space there to expand,“ he said of the project.
Cook also offered a similar message to Prime Minister Theresa May, reportedly saying in a meeting with her that he was „optimistic“ about the UK’s future.
Apple has bumped up prices of its MacBook Pro and App Store downloads following currency fluctuations after Brexit, as reports suggest leaving the EU is already hurting tech salaries and will hit the tech sector the hardest , with 2016 spending sliding .
Shaking voice
Cook also discussed American politics, in particular the recent travel ban that saw people from seven countries temporarily stopped from entering the country, catching out many Silicon Valley staff.
In a talk given after being awarded the degree in Glasgow, he told students that Apple would „speak out even when our voice shakes“ against such policies.
He also revealed his personal work ethic and values. „My philosophy is don’t work for money, it will wear out fast,“ he said. „Or you’ll never make enough and you’ll never be happy. “
Easy to say, perhaps, when your company’s cash reserves hit a record $246 billion last month.

Similarity rank: 1.1

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Using the rJava R Package to Do More –


In this final part of the rJava series, learn about checking for exceptions, using arrays, and other important tasks.
In “ Getting Started with R Using Java ,“ you learned how to initialize the JVM to use Java with R, set the classpath, and invoke a Java object you created. In “ Using Java Strings and the Swing API in R ,“ you learned to use Strings, create a Java Swing application, and find if an object is an instance of a class. In this tutorial, we shall discuss using the rJava R package for exception handling, arrays, collections, casting and comparing Java objects and also to get System properties. This tutorial has the following sections.
As mentioned before, the .jnew(class, …, check=TRUE, silent=!check) function has the provision to check for exceptions by setting the check arg to TRUE , which is the default. Because the „silent“ arg is !check by default, an error message gets output if an error exists. As an example, create a new Java object from the non-existent class hello/world with check=TRUE.
The following output indicates an error.
The following functions are provided to check for exceptions and throw exceptions.
If check=FALSE in the .jnew function call, an error message is not generated, the exception is not cleared, and the exception object may be obtained. As an example, call.jnew with a non-existent class and check=FALSE. No error message is generated.
To find if a Java exception was raised, call the .jgetEx function on the implicit exception object e and, if the exception object is not null, output a message to indicate that an exception was raised.
The exception message may be output.
The .jcheck function clears the exception and, if called twice consecutively, an output of FALSE or 0 indicates the same.
The rJava package provides the .jarray function to create a Java array reference from a vector or a list of Java references.
The contents.class is used only if a list of Java references is used to create an array and indicates the Java class to use for the objects in the array. The default is the java.lang. Object class.
For example, the following creates an array of ints 1 to 5.
The .jevalArray returns the contents or elements of an array. For example, output the elements in array „a“. The ints 1 to 5 are output.
The .jarray returns a Java array reference jarrayRef. As another example, create an array from a vector with the vector being created using the R function „c“.
Subsequently, evaluate the array using .jevalArray to output the elements of the array.
Collections could be created just as any other Java objects. As an example, create a class reference for the java.util. Vector class using the J high-level API for Java.
Create a Java object reference called „v“ from the class reference using the „new“ operator.
Add elements to the Vector object.
Output from the preceding function calls is shown in R Console (see Figure 1).
Figure 1: Output from the preceding function calls, shown in R Console
Print the first element using the Vector class method firstElement() .
Output the size of the array with the size() method.
Output the Object reference for the array using the toArray()) method of Vector .
Output the Vector class as a Sting using the toString() method.
Output the last element in the Vector reference with the lastElement() method.
Find if the Vector is empty with the isEmpty() method.
Remove an element with the remove() method.
Subsequently, if the first element is printed, „item2“ is output and not „item1“.
Remove all elements with removeAllElements() method in the Vector class.
Subsequently, find if the Vector object is empty and TRUE is returned.
As another example of Collections create an object „h“ of type java.util. HashMap.
Put a few key/value pairs in the HashMap .
Print the size of the HashMap object using the size() method.
Output the values in the HashMap using the values() method in HashMap .
Get the value for a key with the get() method.
The .jcast function casts a Java object to another class and has the following usage.
The „obj“ is the Java object to cast and the class is the class to cast to. If check=TRUE , a check is performed using the.jinstanceof function to verify that the object is an instance of the class. If check=FALSE , which is the default, a check is not performed and an error is generated if the object is not an instance of the class. The convert.array =FALSE does not convert an array object to a jarrayRef reference. As an example, create a Vector class object called „v“.
Cast the object to class java/lang/Object using .jcast .
Output from the preceding function calls is shown in R Console, as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Output from the preceding function calls, shown in R Console
The system properties may be output using the .jcall function by supplying the system property to get as an arg to the getProperty method of java/lang/System with the value returned as a String .
Java references could be compared by using binary comparison operators such as ==, , =. As an example, create three objects of type Double, two of which would be from the same double value 10.0 and one from double 5.0.
Find if d1 is equal to d2 with the == binary operator.
The output is as follows.
Compare if d1 is less than d2 with = .
The output is as follows.
Find if d1 is less than d2 with

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White House adviser ‘counseled’ after brand promotion


NEW YORK — The White House has “counseled” a top aide to President Donald Trump after she promoted Ivanka Trump’s fashion line during a national cable television appearance from the White
This frame grab from video provided by Fox News shows White House adviser Kellyanne Conway during her interview with Fox News Fox and Friends, Thursday, Feb. 9, 2017, in the briefing room of the White House in Washington. Conway defended Ivanka Trump’s fashion company, telling Fox News that Trump is a “successful businesswoman” and people should give the company their business. (Photo from Fox News via AP)
NEW YORK — The White House has “counseled” a top aide to President Donald Trump after she promoted Ivanka Trump’s fashion line during a national cable television appearance from the White House.
But House Oversight Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz says that’s not enough, calling what Kellyanne Conway did “wrong, wrong, clearly over the line, unacceptable.”
The Utah Republican congressman said he will join with Democratic Oversight Leader Elijah Cummings to ask the Office of Government Ethics to review the matter. Chaffetz also said he will write a formal letter to the White House lodging his irritation.
He said White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer’s remark that Conway has been “counseled” doesn’t go far enough.
“It needs to be dealt with,” he said in an interview with The Associated Press. “There’s no ifs, ands or buts about it.”
The ethics dustup began Wednesday with the president himself.
Reacting to news that a department store had dropped his daughter’s line of clothing and accessories, Trump tweeted — and retweeted from the official presidential account — that Ivanka Trump had been treated “so unfairly by @Nordstrom.”
Ivanka Trump does not have a specific role in the White House but moved to Washington with her husband, Jared Kushner, who is one of Trump’s closest advisers. She followed her father’s approach on business ties by handing over operating control of her fashion company but retaining ownership of it.
In a Thursday morning interview with Fox News from the White House briefing room, Conway urged people to “go buy Ivanka’s stuff,” boasting that she was giving the brand “a free commercial here.”
While Trump and Vice President Mike Pence are not subject to ethical regulations and laws for federal employees, Conway, who is a counselor to the president, is. Among the rules: An employee shall not use his or her office “for the endorsement of any product, service or enterprise.”
“For whatever reason, the White House staff evidently believes that they are protected from the law the same way the president and vice president are,” said Stuart Gilman, a former special assistant to the director of Office of Government Ethics.
He called the Conway comments “incredible,” adding that they risk wrecking the US reputation around the world as a model for government employee ethics.
In addition to the House Oversight Committee, two liberal-funded government watchdogs pounced on Conway’s comments, filing ethics violation complaints with the Office of Government Ethics, which advises and oversees federal employees on such issues but is not an enforcement agency.
“Conway’s action reflects an ongoing careless disregard of the conflicts of interest laws and regulations by some members of the Trump family and Trump administration,” said Craig Holman, government affairs lobbyist for Public Citizen. The group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington also lodged a complaint.
Spicer said Wednesday that Trump was responding to an “attack on his daughter” when he posted the tweet and that “he has every right to stand up for his family and applaud their business activities, their success.”
Ethics lawyers had a different interpretation. The implication, intended or not: Hurt my daughter’s business, and the Oval Office will come after you.
“This is a shot across the bow to everybody who is doing business with Trump or his family,” said Norman Eisen, who was President Barack Obama’s chief ethics counselor. “It’s warning them: Don’t withdraw their business.”
Though Trump has tweeted about companies such as Boeing, Carrier and General Motors, ethics experts say this time was different because it involved his daughter’s business, raising conflict-of-interest concerns.
Ethics experts have criticized Trump’s plan to separate himself from his sprawling real estate business by handing managerial control to his two adult sons. The experts want him to sell his company. Most modern presidents have sold their financial holdings and put the cash raised in a blind trust whose investments remained unknown to them.
Eisen joined with other legal scholars and lawyers to sue the president last month for allegedly violating a clause in the Constitution that prohibits government officials from accepting gifts or payments from foreign governments.
Trump and his top aides have repeatedly said that Americans do not care about what Eisen and other ethics critics say. “Prior to the election it was well known that I have interests in properties all over the world,” Trump wrote on Twitter Nov. 21.
Nordstrom reiterated Wednesday that its decision was based on the brand’s performance, not politics. The company said sales of Ivanka Trump items had steadily declined over the past year, particularly in the last half of 2016, “to the point where it didn’t make good business sense for us to continue with the line for now.”
Retailers drop brands all the time because of poor performance, said brand consultant Allen Adamson. But given a highly charged political environment, perception is reality for loyal Trump fans.
“It is clearly hard for Nordstrom to tell the story that it is dropping (the brand) for business reasons,” said Adamson, founder of the firm Brand Simple. –Bernard Condon and Julie Bykowicz
* *
Associated Press writers Catherine Lucey in Washington and Anne D’Innocenzio and Matthew Ott in New York contributed to this report.

Similarity rank: 7.6
Sentiment rank: 3.4

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Украинские военные сбили в Донбассе беспилотник


Летательный аппарат точно не принадлежит каким-либо международным организациям.
На востоке Украины сбили беспилотник, который находился в непосредственной близости к линии разграничения. Об этом сообщили в пресс-центре штаба АТО.
– 8 февраля около 19.00 в небе неподалеку линии столкновения был обнаружен беспилотный летательный аппарат. После идентификации объекта и получения подтверждения, что летательный объект не принадлежит ни силам АТО, ни международным организациям, осуществляющим мониторинг обстановки вблизи линии разграничения средствами беспилотной авиации, было принято решение о его уничтожении, – сказано в сообщении.
По данным штаба, объект сбили из стрелкового оружия. Сейчас специалисты выясняют происхождение аппарата.
Американский беспилотник провел разведку в Донбассе
Тяжелый американский беспилотник RQ-4A Global Hawk провел разведывательный полет вдоль линии разграничения в Донбассе. БПЛА вылетел утром 16 декабря с авиабазы Сигонелла, которая находится в Сицилии. В воздушное пространство Украины он вошел со стороны Румынии и двинулся на восток через Кировоградскую и Днепропетровскую области.

Similarity rank: 8.7

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嘉手納差し止め、米政府への訴え却下 那覇地裁支部


米空軍嘉手納基地(沖縄県沖縄市など)の 周辺住民146人が、 米政府を相手取り、 米軍機の 夜間・ 早朝の 飛行差し止めと騒音被害に対する1人150万円の 損害賠償を求めた訴訟で、 那覇地裁沖縄支部(藤倉徹也裁判長…

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