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トランプ大統領と初の日米首脳会談へ 安倍首相 今夜出発


安倍総理大臣はアメリカの トランプ大統領との 初めての 日米首脳会談に臨むため、 9日夜、 ワシントンへ出発します。 政府は、 トランプ大統領が2国間の 貿…
安倍総理大臣はアメリカのトランプ大統領との初めての日米首脳会談に臨むため、9日夜、ワシントンへ出発します。政府は、トランプ大統領が2国間の貿易協定を目指す姿勢を示していることなどから、首脳会談に向けて、マクロ経済政策や通商政策を協議する、双方の閣僚などによる新たな枠組みを設ける方向で最終調整に入りました。 安倍総理大臣は9日夜、羽田空港を政府専用機で出発してアメリカのワシントンに向かい、日本時間の11日未明にホワイトハウスでトランプ大統領との初めての日米首脳会談に臨むことにしていて、麻生副総理兼財務大臣や岸田外務大臣も同行することになっています。 今回の首脳会談で、安倍総理大臣は、個人的な信頼関係の構築を進めるとともに、外交・安全保障や経済分野の課題などについて幅広く意見を交わし、同盟関係の強化や双方の利益となる経済関係の確立に向けて、緊密に協力していくことを確認したい考えです。 ただ、トランプ大統領は、TPP=環太平洋パートナーシップ協定からの離脱を決め、日本を含む各国と2国間の貿易協定の締結を目指す姿勢を示しているほか、日本の自動車市場や金融・為替政策を批判しています。 このため、日本政府は首脳会談に向けて、アメリカ政府と、マクロ経済政策や通商政策それにインフラ整備を含む共同プロジェクトなどを協議する、双方の閣僚などによる新たな枠組みを設ける方向で最終調整に入りました。 一方、安倍総理大臣は首脳会談の後、大統領専用機・エアフォース・ワンにトランプ大統領と同乗して南部フロリダを訪れ、大統領の別荘で夕食を取りながら会談するほか一緒にゴルフをする予定で、強固な日米同盟を内外に示す機会にもしたい考えです。

Similarity rank: 7.4
Sentiment rank: 4.2

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4野党、法相辞任要求で一致 「共謀罪」巡る答弁など :日本経済新聞


民進、 共産、 自由、 社民の 野党4党は8日の 国会対策委員長会談で、 金田勝年法相の 辞任を求める方針で一致した。 犯罪を計画段階から処罰する「共謀罪」 の 構成要件を改め「テロ等準備罪」 を新設する組織犯罪処罰法改
会談に臨む(左から)自由・玉城、民進・山井、共産・穀田、社民・照屋の野党4党国対委員長(8日午後、国会)=共同 民進、共産、自由、社民の野党4党は8日の国会対策委員長会談で、金田勝年法相の辞任を求める方針で一致した。犯罪を計画段階から処罰する「共謀罪」の構成要件を改め「テロ等準備罪」を新設する組織犯罪処罰法改正案を巡る対応が「閣僚の資質に欠ける」と判断した。 会談後、民進党の山井和則国対委員長は、自民党の竹下亘国対委員長に電話し、法相の辞任を求めた。法相は衆院予算委員会で「誠心誠意、職責を果たす」と述べ、辞任を改めて否定した。安倍政権は辞任要求を拒否し、続投させる構えだ。 4党は、南スーダンの国連平和維持活動(PKO)に関する文書に「戦闘」が発生したとの記述がある点に関して、稲田朋美防衛相を徹底追及する方針も確認した。衆院予算委員会での集中審議などを求める。 山井氏は記者団に、法務、防衛両省の問題と文部科学省による組織的な天下りについて「『隠蔽3点セット』だ。国民の知る権利を侵している」と語った。

Similarity rank: 10
Sentiment rank: -1.1

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Pyongyang using refined tactics to duck sanctions on large scale: U. N. report


North Korea is increasing the scale and refinement of the tactics it uses to evade international sanctions, particularly in the lucrative trade in military
NEW YORK – North Korea is increasing the scale and refinement of the tactics it uses to evade international sanctions, particularly in the lucrative trade in military technology, according to a summary of a U. N. experts’ report obtained by Kyodo News.
The country’s movement of illicit ammunition, weapons and natural resources continues to prop up the regime of Kim Jong Un. The report blames a lack of political will on the part of the international community in effectively enforcing the implementation of sanctions.
“The DPRK is flouting sanctions through trade in prohibited goods with evasion techniques that are increasing in scale, scope and sophistication,” the report reads. DPRK stands for North Korea’s official name, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.
“(The sanctions implementation) effort has not yet been matched by the requisite political will, prioritization and resource allocation to ensure effective implementation,” the summary warned.
According to the report, the problem was laid bare when in August the largest shipment of ammunition in the sanctions period was discovered.
Maritime databases, which track vessels, indicated that the Cambodian-flagged ship reached a port in Egypt.
“An interdiction of the vessel Jie Shun was the largest seizure of ammunition in DPRK sanctions history,” according to the document.
A source informed Kyodo News the Egyptian port was not the general cargo ship’s final destination, despite its strategic location near a number of regional conflict hot spots. However, the report said that seizures like it demonstrate “the country’s use of concealment techniques as well as an emerging nexus between DPRK entities trading in arms and minerals.”
The trade in minerals is also a valuable source of funding for North Korea despite it being specifically prohibited from supplying or transferring by sea or air from its territory minerals, such as gold, copper, nickel, silver, zinc and rare earth minerals.
Although bans on trade in minerals were adopted for the first time in 2016, the report points out there are various interpretations of the minerals that are listed, and countries utilize exemption clauses in different ways, effectively circumventing bans.
The summary also points out that North Korean entities and banks continue to operate by using agents who are “highly experienced and well-trained” in moving money, people and goods, which include arms and related materials, across borders.
They include agents who are foreigners working as facilitators for North Korea utilizing front companies.
“Their ability to conceal financial activity by using foreign nationals and entities allows them to continue to transact through top global financial centers,” the document states.
The annual report is produced by a panel of experts under the U. N. Security Council’s sanctions committee on North Korea. The panel also makes recommendations to improve implementation of the resolutions.
Since 2006 when the first underground nuclear test was detonated, the isolated country has been subject to six rounds of sanctions.
On Nov. 30, the Security Council adopted the most recent and harshest resolution for the fifth test that took place in September. It was aimed at hitting coal, the cash-strapped country’s largest export, in an effort to cut off funding sources for its nuclear and ballistic missile programs.
Before the report is publicly released, it must be adopted by consensus at the next sanctions committee meeting, which is to be held next week. Once adopted it is then circulated to the Security Council and later made public.

Similarity rank: 1

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Facebook pulls 'Oculus Live' experience from nearly 200 Best Buy locations


Facebook has decided to pull nearly 200 Oculus Rift demo kiosks from Best Buy locations amid reports of lackluster performance. The reason did not have to do with the sales performance of headset.
It wasn’t that long ago that Oculus was being sold to curious developers for the purpose of experimenting with virtual reality. After being purchased by Facebook in 2014 , the company has pushed forward, eyeing the crown for virtual entertainment. As the Oculus Rift headset approaches its one year anniversary , Facebook is pulling its retail experience demo kiosk from Best Buy locations across the United States.
According to the folks at Business Insider, Facebook is discontinuing the ‚Oculus Live‘ experience at nearly 200 Best Buy stores. Oculus Live is a specialized demo kiosk that allows those curious to experience virtual reality. The kiosk offers a specially trained representative to show off the capabilities of the Rift headset and its Touch controllers. Although Facebook has pulled the program from quite a few stores, you can still schedule a demo of the Rift headset, if you live in an area that still offers the experience.
The Oculus Rift can be purchased for $599.99, but if you are looking to get the most from the experience, you’ll want to opt for the Touch controller bundle for $799.99.
Source: Business Insider via TechSpot | Image via Oculus

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「望まぬ性的撮影」73人 「モデルに」と勧誘 内閣府2575人調査


アダルトビデオ(AV)への 出演強要被害に関して内閣府が初めて行った実態調査で、 「モデルにならないか」 と勧誘されるなどした経験の ある2575人の うち73人が、 意に反して性的な行為などを撮影されていたことが分かった。 8日の 内閣府男女共同参画会議「女性に対する暴力に関する専門調査会」 で報告された。

Similarity rank: 4.2
Sentiment rank: -2.5

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АМКУ оштрафував Київенерго на 18 мільйонів гривень


Київенерго порушило законодавство про захист економічної конкуренції у вигляді зловживання монопольним становищем на ринку.
Антимонопольний комітет України оштрафував теплопостачальну компанію Київенерго на 17,959 млн гривень за зловживання монопольним становищем на ринку передачі (розподілу) електричної енергії власними місцевими локальними електромережами на території Києва, повідомляє прес-служба АМКУ.
„Тимчасова адміністративна колегія встановила, що Київенерго створювало перешкоди доступу постачальникам за нерегульованим тарифом (ПНТ), зокрема, ТОВ ЕК Енолл і ЗАТ Карбон на ринок постачання електроенергії“, – йдеться в повідомленні.
Відзначається, що Київенерго обмежувало ПНД у виборі ними потенційних споживачів і позбавило їх можливості здійснювати господарську діяльність в Києві, зокрема, шляхом висунення необґрунтованих вимог до проекту договору на розподіл електроенергії.
Такі дії Київенерго визнані порушенням законодавства про захист економічної конкуренції у вигляді зловживання монопольним становищем на ринку передачі електричної енергії власними місцевими локальними електромережами на території Києва.
Київенерго не визнає помилки в рахунках за тепло

Similarity rank: 6.5

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Помер нардеп Петро Ванат


Депутат від фракції Народний фронт помер на 80-му році життя.
Нардеп від фракції Народний фронт Петро Ванат помер на 80-му році життя. Про це повідомив лідер політсили Арсеній Яценюк у Facebook.
„З глибоким сумом дізнався про смерть члена нашої команди, народного депутата України Петра Ваната – світла, щира людина, справжній патріот нашої держави. Це велика втрата для всіх нас“, – написав Яценюк.
Петро Михайлович Ванат народився 28 січня 1938 року в с. Дубно Самбірського повіту Польщі (нині місто обласного значення в Рівненській області України) – український політик. Член правління і президії УСПП.

Similarity rank: 7

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Griffin leads Clippers past Knicks after Oakley ejection


Blake Griffin scored a season-high 32 points and the Los Angeles Clippers beat the New York Knicks 119-115 on Wednesday night after former Knicks star Charles Oakley was ejected and arrested in the first quarter.
The Los Angeles Clippers saw plenty of fight at Madison Square Garden — especially from a former Knick.
Blake Griffin scored a season-high 32 points and the Clippers beat New York 119-115 on Wednesday night after ex-Knick Charles Oakley was ejected and arrested in the first quarter.
Griffin was one the players close to the action as Oakley shouted at MSG chairman James Dolan and shoved away security guards before he was forcefully removed by arena security.
„I stopped and then there was an inbounds play on the side. I turned around just in time as he was handing it to him and then there was a foul. I walked back to catch the third, fourth and fifth rounds,“ Griffin said. „It was crazy, man. “
DeAndre Jordan added 28 points and 15 rebounds for the Clippers, who rallied from a 10-point deficit in the fourth quarter to snap a three-game losing streak.
Carmelo Anthony had 28 points and Kristaps Porzingis 27 on a night there was plenty of fight from the Knicks — especially Oakley.
The rugged power forward was removed after an altercation with arena security near the seat of Madison Square Garden chairman James Dolan.
Anthony played well the day after Phil Jackson took another dig at him on Twitter by referencing an article that was critical of the forward. Coach Jeff Hornacek acknowledged it may have been a distraction but one he expected the Knicks to play through, and they had a chance to tie before Anthony missed a 3-pointer down 118-115.
Griffin then put it away with a free throw with 5.9 seconds left.
„They kept their composure. They played well, they executed and we just couldn’t score,“ Porzingis said. „That’s how it goes sometimes. “
The Knicks lost their third in a row on a bizarre day even for one of the NBA’s most dysfunctional franchises.
„At the end of the day, regardless of what’s being said, what’s going on, you still got to come in here and play basketball,“ Anthony said. „And I think that’s the most important part, the most important thing that we should be focusing on. “
The Jackson-Anthony feud dominated the pregame talk but quickly took a back seat to the main event between Oakley and Dolan. Oakley was a popular Knick during the 1990s but has fallen out of favor with the franchise because of his criticisms of Dolan.
He shouted at Dolan from a seat a couple of rows behind until security came. Oakley shoved a couple of them before he was removed while players on both teams watched as Porzingis was preparing to shoot free throws. Fans chanted „Oakley! Oakley! “ as he was led to the tunnel, handcuffed and eventually taken by the New York Police Department.
„It kind of happened fast. It was a crazy little situation,“ Jordan said. „But then they kind of took my boy out of there. It was kind of crazy. “
Clippers: Clippers coach Doc Rivers and assistant Mike Woodson both played for the Knicks. Woodson later coached the team to playoff appearances in 2012 and 2013. … Clippers got his 785th win, passing Gene Shue for 15th place on the NBA career coaching list.
Knicks: Hornacek said forward Lance Thomas, who has missed 13 games with a broken bone in his face, is having fewer headaches and doing more in practice. He may take contact in Thursday’s practice with the hope of playing Friday or Sunday. But Joakim Noah (sore left hamstring) is probably unavailable Friday, with Sunday a possibility.
Wednesday was the one-year anniversary of Jackson firing Derek Fisher as coach when the Knicks had a 23-31 record. They are 22-32 now.
The Clippers beat the Knicks for the ninth straight time, their longest current winning streak against an opponent and their longest ever against New York.
Clippers: Visit Charlotte on Saturday to end the eastern portion of their five-game trip, which ends at Utah.
Knicks: Home again Friday to face Denver, Anthony’s former team.

Similarity rank: 8.7
Sentiment rank: -0.5

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Pyeongchang and the South Korea ski culture


Pyeongchang in South Korea will host the Winter Olympic Games in 2018. Here’s an inside look at the local ski culture there.
It’s midnight. The slopes are still open and the music’s still blaring.
This is skiing South Korean-style: fast, furious and full of energy.
In a year’s time, Pyeongchang, a little-known mountain region in eastern South Korea, will become host to the world’s biggest winter sports stage: the Olympic Games.
But will the crowds come?
South Korea has never been as much of a tourist draw as neighboring China or Japan, and the precarious security situation — the Korean Peninsula remains in a technical state of war, with North Korea brandishing nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles — hasn’t helped.
South Korea is mountainous but doesn’t have the stunning, jagged peaks of the Alps or volcanoes blanketed in 15 meters of snow like Hokkaido.
MORE: 10 of the world’s most beautiful ski lodges
It doesn’t have the rollicking, raucous mid-mountain huts of Austria where skiers pass around bottles of schnapps, or log-cabin lodges with crackling fires where skiers sip glasses of vin chaud or gluehwein.
What South Korea lacks in tradition it makes up for in efficiency: small, modern resorts with fast lifts and good snowmaking.
And the region does have a ski culture all its own: soju, BBQ and plenty of time soaking in spas known as jjimjilbang .
Tourists from Southeast Asia know this, and make their way to South Korea’s Gangwon Province for a taste of winter and to follow in the footsteps of some of their favorite Korean stars.
It’s Hokkaido-lite, with a splash of K-pop.
Ready to hit the slopes?
Here’s how to ski like a local in Pyeongchang, South Korea (not to be confused with Pyongyang, North Korea, which has its own ski resort).
Carry a flask of soju for those frigid 2 a.m. chairlift rides
If you’re planning to ski at night, consider arming yourself with a flask of soju — Korea’s answer to schnapps — to keep you warm.
Here’s why: the future site of the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics in eastern Gangwon Province lies about 200 kilometers from the South Korean capital, Seoul.
But until construction is completed on the high-speed train line, you’ll be traveling by bus or car. Without traffic, it’s a 2.5-hour drive.
But with weekend traffic, you could arrive well into the night.
Perhaps to accommodate Seoulites‘ hours, resorts here stay open late. Very late.
Alpensia is open until 10 p.m. while chair lifts at Yongpyong , also known as Dragon Valley, operate for night skiing until 2:30 a.m.
That gives diehard skiers and snowboarders the chance to sneak a few hours in after their long drive — as long as they bundle up against midnight temperatures that dip perilously below freezing.
Dragon Peak at the top of the gondola is where you’ll get your pop cultural fix: The iconic lodge there served as a key setting for one of South Korea’s most famous TV dramas, „Winter Sonata. “
As you’re skiing down, you can pose for „Winter Sonata“ selfies in the photo zones.
MORE: 40 most beautiful places in South Korea
Blast off that snow and ice
South Koreans are meticulous about their gear.
When you get off the mountain, you can stop outside the lodge to blast off all the snow and ice with the air guns lined up outside.
Down an overpriced latte, and then it’s off to the jjimjilbang for a soak.
MORE: Ski destinations where the food’s as good as the slopes
South Korea’s version of apres-ski: Jjimjilbang
South Koreans have taken Asia’s love of mineral baths to another level by adding rooms where you can sit and, literally, „steam“ yourself.
Nothing is more relaxing after a snowy day on the slopes than warming up and then stretching the muscles in a hot bath.
Saunas at Dragon Valley Hotel at Yongpyong and the Holiday Inn at Alpensia are open to the public.
The resorts‘ water parks, Ocean 700 at Alpensia and Peak Island at Yongpyong , are like saunas on steroids, with swimming pools, towering waterslides, food courts and DVD rooms.
Peak Island even has an area where you can play golf, and Ocean 700 has a pool that simulates ocean waves.
MORE: Secrets of a Korean scrub mistress
A monk’s feast
By this point, you’re probably starving.
Pyeongchang, frankly, does not have the glitz or glamor of Aspen or Courchevel.
Despite the construction going up for the Olympics, Pyeongchang remains a country town. Restaurants close early, and there’s no nightlife.
But there are hidden culinary surprises in Pyeongchang if you know where to look.
Gangwon Province is known for its mountain vegetables, or sanchae, and is dotted with rustic restaurants such as Odae Sanchae Nara, where the tables groan from the weight of dozens — yes, dozens — of small plates featuring roots and greens preserved and presented in different ways.
Platters of potato pancakes round out the meal, all paired with the local makgeolli, or rice wine.
Mountain vegetables are a favorite of monks from nearby Woljeongsa Temple .
Originally built in the year 643, this Buddhist temple is breathtaking in winter and is a popular stop for meditative retreats.
Legend has it the temple has been rebuilt several times, most recently after South Korean troops torched it to smoke out North Korean rebels suspected of hiding inside during the 1950-53 Korean War.
Odae Sanchae Nara; 159 Jingogae-ro, Ganpyeong-ri, Jinbu-myeon, Pyeongchang-gun, Gangwon Province; +82-33-334-9514; open daily, 8:30 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Where’s the beef?
If you eat meat, do like the locals: Pick up packets of Gangwon Province’s famous hanwoo beef, up there in tenderness with Wagyu beef from Japan.
There are several „hanwoo towns“ in Pyeongchang with self-service grills next door.
Buy your favorite cuts and for a few thousand won (a few extra dollars), you can grill it up right there, with all the kimchi and fixings your hungry heart desires.
Or bring the beef back to the condo and eat the way Koreans do: sitting cross-legged on the heated floor while playing drinking games with somaek, a mashup of the Korean words for beer and soju.
MORE: What does the world’s most expensive meat taste like?
Convenience stores have everything you need for a Korean BBQ: disposable chopsticks, microwaveable rice and small containers of the spicy, earthy ssamjang sauce that gives barbecued beef the kick that makes it Korean. And of course, beer and soju.
The only way to finish this Korean night off properly — if you haven’t already keeled over from all the snow, steam and soju — is to sing.
Karaoke in private rooms called noraebang is a typical way to end any night out in South Korea. And without much nightlife at Pyeongchang, this is where the private party happens.
After you’ve let out your inner K-pop star, you can stumble back to your condo, lay out your mattress and let the heated ondol floors lull you to sleep.
This is skiing, South Korean-style.

Similarity rank: 1

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Ушел из жизни легендарный голкипер Динамо Виктор Чанов


Известный спортсмен скончался в возрасте 57 лет
8 февраля умер известный советский и украинский футбольный вратарь, тренер Виктор Чанов.
Об этом изданию „ГОРДОН“ сообщили родные Чанова.
Смерть наступила около 19.50 8 февраля.
Чанов родился в 1959 году в Донецке. На профессиональном уровне начал играть в 19-летнем возрасте. Три года – с 1978-го по 1981-й – он провел в донецком „Шахтере“, затем перешел в киевское „Динамо“. В столичной команде Чанов выступал девять лет – до 1990 года. За сборную СССР в период с 1982-го по 1990 год Виктор Чанов сыграл 21 матч, в которых пропустил восемь голов.
Чанов – трехкратный чемпион СССР, пятикратный обладатель Кубка СССР. Кроме того, с „Динамо“ в 1986 году он стал победителем Кубка обладателей кубков (предшественник Кубка УЕФА и Лиги Европы).
С 1995 года начал тренерскую карьеру, в частности, работал тренером в „ЦСКА-Борисфен“ и киевском „Динамо“.

Similarity rank: 12

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