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NewsHubПрес-служба президента України Петра Порошенка опублікувала текст привітання глави держави.
Дорогі українці!
Не лише діти, а кожен з нас, незалежно від віку, вірить у диво. Особливо в цей святковий час, який починається ще зі Святого Миколая та завершується аж Водохрещем. Особливо в цю ніч, коли настає Новий рік і переповнює наші серця радістю, вірою, надією.
Приводів для оптимізму сьогодні більше, ніж рік тому. Легко ще не буде, але й найгірше в економіці – позаду.
Ми подолали шок від руйнування частини індустріального потенціалу, спричиненого військовою агресією. Так само, як і від ворожого закриття Росією ринку для наших товарів, від торговельної та транспортної блокади.
Ми адаптували наше господарство до нових умов. Нам вдалося відновити економічне зростання. І це дозволяє в новому році тримати курс на збільшення доходів українців.
Ми зміцнили нашу обороноздатність. Впоратися із завданням вдалося без мобілізації. Армія стає контрактною, а захисник Вітчизни – одна із найшляхетніших професій.
Вперше в історії не купили жодного кубометра газу із Росії – і це великий крок до енергетичної незалежності!
Як єдиний народ, ми раділи перемозі Джамали на Євробаченні, величезному успіху українських паралімпійців і медалям олімпійців в Ріо-де-Жанейро, влучним ударам наших боксерів.
Прийдешній рік – особливий. Це – рік століття Української національної революції.
Та тоді українці, замість того, щоби згуртуватися проти зовнішніх загроз, воювали між собою. І зараз, якщо не зробити висновків, бездумне політичне протистояння може легко повернути економіку назад, в піке. Політику – занурити в анархію. А країну – зробити здобиччю агресора.
Про найважливіші уроки історії не варто забувати навіть у новорічну ніч. Я зробив висновки. Чужих помилок – не повторю. Та й іншим – не дам.
Головним своїм завданням бачу підтримку належних політичних умов для розвитку країни. І звичайно ж, – посилення нашої обороноздатності, зміцнення міжнародної підтримки України, зближення з Євросоюзом та НАТО.
Бажаю кожному з вас миру, перемоги, щастя, добробуту.
З особливою пошаною згадаймо наших земних ангелів-хранителів.
Славні українські воїни! Вся країна дякує вам за те, що даруєте нам цю мирну святкову ніч. За те, що гарантуєте захист у новому році.
Від імені всієї України вітаю вас, наші співвітчизники, брати та сестри в Криму, Севастополі та окремих районах Донеччини та Луганщині. Російська окупація – тимчасова. Ми обов’язково об’єднаємося.
Все буде добре!
Слава Україні!
З Новим роком!
Раніше було опубліковано відео-привітання Порошенко з Новим 2017-м роком.

Similarity rank: 5.6

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У 2016 році на Донбасі загинули 211 українських військових


NewsHubПро це в Маріуполі заявив Петро Порошенко, повідомляє « Українська правда ».
«Лише протягом цього року 211 військовослужбовців ЗСУ віддали своє життя за мир і свободу», – заявив Порошенко.
Він посмертно нагородив званням Герой України 21-річного Микиту Ярового, який загинув у бою біля селища Луганське.
Також Президент оголосив про відкриття в Маріуполі оновленого спостережного пункту, оснащеного новітньою системою виявлення, попередження та ідентифікації цілі. Планується встановлення ще 5 таких комплексів, які «бачать повітря, воду і землю».

Similarity rank: 5.8

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Напередодні Нового року бойовики продовжують обстрілювати позиції ЗСУ – Штаб АТО


NewsHubБойовики протягом доби здійснили 20 обстрілів позицій сил АТО.
Про це повідомляє прес-центр штабу АТО в Facebook.
Зазначається, що бойовики продовжили обстріли на усіх напрямках.
„На Маріупольському – з 122-міліметрової артилерії вони вели вогонь в напрямку наших позицій в районі Водяного. Поблизу Мар’їнки вів вогонь снайпер. З гранатометів і стрілецької зброї стріляли по Водяному, Широкіному, Павлополю, Гнутовому, Красногорівці і Старогнатівці“, – сказано в повідомленні.
„На Донецькому напрямку з тих же видів озброєння – в районі Зайцево і Крутої Балки“, – повідомили в прес-центрі.
Згідно з повідомленням, на Луганському напрямку з гранатометів обстрілювали Новозванівку і Кондрашевку Нову.
Раніше повідомлялося, що президент України Петро Порошенко з американською делегацією на чолі із сенатором Джоном Маккейном прибули на командний пункт в районі Широкіного на лінію розмежування, щоб привітати військовослужбовців з Новим роком .

Similarity rank: 6.7

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Sea-Monkeys documentary explores toy creator's dark side


NewsHubMany of us fell for the idea of Sea-Monkeys. As kids, we hoped to own royal underwater creatures who wore golden crowns and sat on thrones. The package promised a kind of „Planet of the Apes“-meets-Atlantis inside cheap plastic mini-aquariums.
Sadly, Sea-Monkeys were nothing more than brine shrimp (Artemia salina) whose eggs could be brought to life by adding them to water.
As exciting as seeing the eggs hatch and turn into tiny translucent shrimp was, the only other trick Sea-Monkeys performed was swimming toward light. Not exactly what was advertised on the toys‘ packaging.
In the video “ Just Add Water “ by Great Big Story and CNN Films, posted Wednesday, we learn the bizarre history of Sea-Monkeys and their creator, an eccentric inventor named Harold von Braunhut who marketed the creatures to gullible kids since their debut in 1960.
It wasn’t the brine shrimp themselves that captured kids‘ imaginations, but the marketing behind them. After all, who could resist the ads in the back of comic books of cartoon-style underwater creatures (that look nothing like monkeys at all) doing circus tricks? Of course, none of us read that very small print that said, „Caricatures shown are not intended to depict Artemia salina. “
Harold von Braunhut went so far to file a Sea-Monkeys patent to breed a hybridized version of the brine shrimp to insure they would live longer.
Sea-Monkeys weren’t the only kids toys invented by Harold von Braunhut. He also created X-Ray Spex, Crazy Crabs and something called Invisible Goldfish. But according to the video, he also had a dark past that might involve supporting Nazis.

Similarity rank: 0

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Dips Are a Great Alternative When You’re Tired of Push-Ups


NewsHubPush-ups, like vanilla flavors, are reliable, but when you want something different but just as good dips are your answer. Dips also work out your chest, shoulders, and triceps, but focus on slightly different parts of those muscles. Combine that with push-ups and you will build awesome chest and “pushing” strength.
Before you try chest dips, make sure you can do a full push-up and have no pain in your shoulders and elbows. Dips can be done with either your body weight or a weight that’s tied around your waist, between two chairs or parallel bars. While holding onto both chairs or bars that are about shoulder width apart, suspend yourself in the air, using your arms, core, and legs to hold your whole body afloat and steady. Then you slowly lower your body by bending your elbows until they’re about 90 degrees and push back up. Once you try them, you’ll probably find them pretty difficult to do at first. You can work up to them by:
Just generally getting stronger in your upper body and core from other exercises will go a long way toward helping you complete dips. For more tips on setup and bad habits to avoid, check out the full video.
How to Do Dips – Chest & Triceps Exercise | Buff Dudes

Similarity rank: 0

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Quickly Improve a Smartphone Portrait in Photoshop with a Simple Depth of Field Effect


NewsHubA portrait is often defined with a little depth of field of effect that makes the person in focus really pop. Most smartphone’s can’t produce this effect, but How-To Geek shows off a way to use a single Photoshop effect to create the same look.
How-To Geek suggests using an Iris Blur to emulate the effect of a wide aperture lens. Essentially, you’ll apply the effect, then drag the circles around to fake a good portrait effect. Of course, it takes a little more finesse than that, so head over to How-To Geek for their guide.
How to Make a Smartphone Photo Look like It Was Taken With a DSLR | How-To Geek

Similarity rank: 0

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Don't Hold Your Failures Against Yourself, Most People Don't Even See Them


NewsHubYou spend more time with your own failures than anyone else on Earth. Eventually, you might internalize them and come to fear failure. However, for everyone else, they barely know your failures even exist.
As personal finance site Four Pillar Freedom points out, many of the failures you internalize are completely invisible to everyone else. If you apply to a hundred jobs but only get one, most people only see you getting a job. You’re the only one who sees the hundred rejections. Sure, they might not feel great, but no one else is holding them against you:
Of course, sometimes you’ll screw up in a public way that people can see. None of us can hide all of our faults. However, you’re not as much of a failure as you might think. Most people experience those same rejections. You just don’t see theirs and, naturally, they don’t see yours.
You Are the Only Person Tracking Your Failures | Four Pillar Freedom via Rockstar Finance
Photo by Emertz76 .

Similarity rank: 0

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Turn Your Now-Irrelevant Gingerbread House Into a Tasty Pie Crust


NewsHubNow that the year is ending, and the holiday season is over, your gingerbread house may seem a little outmoded. But pie knows no season, so rather than tossing your cookie house in the trash, you should probably make it into a pie crust.
This brilliant idea comes from the geniuses over at Extra Crispy , and I really wish I had known about it before I tossed my spicy construction project, due to structural issues. Assuming you didn’t use glue to keep the thing together, this can be done with almost any gingerbread house. Just pick off the gumdrops and other candies (frosting and sprinkles can stay), bash it up with a hammer, and chuck it in the food processor to get two cups of fine crumbs. Mix the crumbs with half a stick of melted butter, press into a pie pan, and bake at 350 °F for ten minutes. Fill as you please.
Turn a Gingerbread House into a Crazy-Good Pie Crust | Extra Crispy
Photo by Carrie Stephens .

Similarity rank: 0

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10 games you should get excited for in 2017


NewsHub2016 is said and done from a gaming perspective, but don’t fret – there are enough great titles coming out in 2017 to put your New Year’s resolution of getting outside more or spending less on games in some serious jeopardy.
The rules for this list are simple: It’s 10 games that are planned to come out in 2017 (unless they get delayed for some reason) that we are excited for.
Our first eagerly-anticipated release is less than a month away, so let’s not waste any more time and start off with:
The latest entry in Capcom’s survival horror series is a wild departure from its predecessors, but in the end that only makes us all the more excited to get our hands on it.
Foregoing the guns-blazing action mentality that had come to define the series for better or worse in the past few years, Resident Evil VII comes at us with a much more subdued – but by no means less scary – take on the formula.
A first-person horror adventure trapped in a musty, rotted house with a family of musty, rotted maniacs? Sign us up!
If the demo that came out after its E3 2016 reveal was any indication, Capcom’s zombie-killing franchise may be coming back in style in a big way when it releases January 24.
The newest project from Killzone series developer Guerrilla Games, Horizon Zero Dawn’s concept is far more unique and engrossing than the forgettable mashup of words that make up its title. (Seriously, we challenge you to leave us a more generic-sounding title in the comments below.)
Thankfully, Horizon’s premise is far more original. An action adventure set in a world overrun with robotic fauna, Horizon casts you as a human hunter named Aloy who uses a mix of stealth, ranged combat, and a little improvisation to fell inorganic beasts and survive in the mecha-wilderness.
Not just a unique take on an open world, Horizon is also crazy pretty. Guerrilla is really pushing what the PS4’s hardware can do from a graphical level, which only makes us all the more excited to play it when it’s expected to hit stores starting late February.
Given how the original Mass Effect trilogy wrapped up the epic tale of Commander Shepard’s battle for all sentient life with a nice lil’ bow, the next installment in BioWare’s sci-fi series has us intrigued.
With essentially a blank slate to tell a new story, Andromeda is set far in the future, after the events of Mass Effects 1 through 3.
In an expansive, open-world environment, players are tasked with exploring new planets with the aid of your own ship, the Tempest, and a customizable six-wheeled space whip called the Nomad.
Of course, things don’t always go according to plan in the more roguish parts of the galaxy, so you’ll also be bringing your allies, laser weaponry, biotic powers, and other abilities both familiar and new to Mass Effect fans along for the ride.
Given that it’s our first real dip back into the ME universe following the legacy of Commander Shepard, we’re excited to dust off our old N7 armor and see where BioWare takes its world(s) next with Mass Effect: Andromeda.
One of the few sequels that can get us excited over an announcement of an announcement , Rockstar’s Red Dead Redemption 2 takes us back to the untamed, open-world expanses of the Wild West.
The team over at Rockstar was kind enough to give the internet a passing glimpse of what to expect from their next stint in the saddle, showing off gorgeous stretches of untamed prairie, pristine forests, not-so-pristine settlements, and of course – a posse of armed men on horseback seemingly up to no good.
Rockstar has promised little of the next Red Dead installment, save for what the company calls “the foundation for a brand new online multiplayer experience,” leaving us desperate for details and counting down what seem like endless days before RDR2’s planned Fall 2017 release.
Announced during Sony’s PlayStation Experience event earlier this year, Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite looks to continue the unlikely crossover series’ ability to turn us into 11-year-olds that argue with friends over who would win in a fight between Mega Man and Iron Man.
Oh wait, and Captain Marvel is now showing up to fight, too? Sweet! Given how esoteric the MvC series gets when picking representatives from each company to fight for each other, we’re already pumped for all the potential characters we could be playing as next year.
Will Viewtiful Joe make a reappearance? Does Disney’s weird business grudge with Fox mean no more X-Men? Can we team up Black Panther with Leon S. Kennedy?
In short, prepare to see a lot of nerding out from the internet when the roster reveals start flooding in later next year for this 2-on-2 fighting game extravaganza.
Marvel ain’t the only superhero property throwing down this coming year.
NetherRealm Studios’ 2013 brawler Injustice: Gods Among Us is getting a sequel in 2017, returning to the DC Comics universe to knock some serious heads.
With classic standbys like Batman, The Flash, and Wonder Woman going toe-to-toe with new additions like Gorilla Grodd and Blue Beetle, Injustice 2 is looking to be a from-the-pages slugfest both fighting game fans and comic aficionados alike can really enjoy.
To that end, Injustice 2’s tagline of “Every Battle Defines You” isn’t just a dramatic piece of marketing text. Each time you step into the ring with one of the DC’s finest, that character walks away with new loot that enhances their skills, traits, or overall ability until you have a suped-up Superman tuned exactly to your tastes.
From the ashes of the cancelled-before-its-time Prey 2, Arkane Studio’s revival of the Prey franchise is, well, some interesting branding.
With little direct resemblance to the original Prey to be a reboot, nor anything really to do with its scrapped sequel, the upcoming Prey is more of a re-imagining of the series’s original concept – though we question what constitutes a series when only one entry ever saw the light of day, but we digress.
What now stands in Prey 2’s place is something wild, intriguing, and plenty ambitious enough to be whatever it wants to call itself.
Aboard a research vessel floating in space to study a mysterious alien life form, players will have to use their wits and resources to survive as a breach puts them – and possibly the entire Earth – in danger.
Our impressions so far give us a “sci-fi BioShock” vibe (yes, we know what System Shock is, but you get what we mean), and given Arkane’s pedigree thus far with the Dishonored series, we’re ready to prey on Prey when it comes out in Q1-Q2 2017.
The next major entry in Atlus’ Persona series – which is itself a spin-off of the long-running Shin Megami Tensei series that became so beloved that it’s essentially a separate series – Persona 5 is the next big JRPG to watch out for in a post- Final Fantasy XV world.
For the many of you out there who aren’t obsessed with Persona 4 and are excited on the namesake alone, Persona 5 is a role-playing game with social sim elements.
Players take on the double-life roles of a high school student juggling the usual everyday hassles of school and socializing with the not-so-everyday hassles of fighting demons with your powerful inner manifestations, called Personas.
Look, if you’re doing a list of anticipated games for a year that a new Legend of Zelda game is expected to come out, you’re almost definitely required by law to add it to that list.
The next big step for the storied Nintendo franchise, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild takes the adventuring shenanigans of Link and blows it up onto a sprawling open world where players can explore at their leisure and daring.
Even the series’ trademark dungeons can be played in whatever order the player wants, making Breath of the Wild a game that is just as much about maintaining the long-standing series status quo as it is breaking it.
While previous entries in the Legend of Zelda series like Ocarina of Time and Wind Waker have played with the concept of a large explorable map, Breath of the Wild is taking things to ambitious new heights.
We can’t wait to see how it turns out when it hits the Wii U and Nintendo Switch this coming year, which reminds us…
…as it nears its March launch window, Nintendo’s shiny new Switch is due for some games.
While we can only really say with confidence that The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is planned for the new console at this point in time, we can only help but wonder what else could be coming to the handheld/console hybrid.
Will there be a new Mario game? Will Splatoon get a sequel? Are the rumors of a console version of Pokemon Sun & Moon true? Will other mobile-friendly Nintendo franchises like Fire Emblem or Advance Wars make an appearance?
In the meantime, however, all we can do is cross our fingers and hope Nintendo has a liiiittle more to offer this coming spring besides a possibly late-to-the-party Zelda game and 2011’s The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

Similarity rank: 0

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【エルサレム時事】トルコの最大都市イスタンブール中心部にあるナイトクラブで1日未明(日本時間朝)、銃撃事件が起き、イスタンブール県のシャヒン知事によると、少なくとも35人が死亡、40人が負傷した。知事は「テロ攻撃」だと非難した。ナイトクラブは新年を祝う人々でにぎわっていた。 犯行声明は出ていない。在イスタンブール日本総領事館は「これまでのところ邦人が巻き込まれたとの情報はない」としている。 このナイトクラブは「レイナ」と呼ばれるボスポラス海峡沿いの有名なクラブで、事件は1日午前1時15分ごろに発生。同知事によると、犯人は入り口で警官1人と市民1人を射殺。その後、内部に侵入し、人混みに向かって銃を乱射した。サンタクロースの格好をしていたとの情報もある。 トルコのメディアによると、事件を受けて、救急車50~60台が現場に急行した。 トルコでは2015年以降、過激派組織「イスラム国」(IS)やクルド人勢力によるテロ事件が相次いでいる。地元メディアによると、イスタンブールでは、新年を祝う人々へのテロ攻撃を警戒し、警官2万5000人が警備に当たっていたという。(2017/01/01-11:07)

Similarity rank: 12
Sentiment rank: -5.6

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