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Homeless hero helps Manchester concert attack victims


Stephen Jones, a homeless man who was outside the Manchester Arena when Monday’s deadly attack took place, is being hailed as a hero after he helped the wounded as they fled the scene.
Stephen Jones, a homeless man who was outside the Manchester Arena when Monday’s deadly attack took place, is being hailed as a hero after he helped the wounded as they fled the scene.
“First there was a bang, I thought it was some kind of firework, and then there was a big explosion, ” he told CNN affiliate ITN.
“I just felt the wind force, and then everyone started screaming and running. Me and my mate we got up and we started running. We realized what had happened, we run back, and all the women and children were coming out with blood.”
Police have not given details of the device used by the attacker, who died in the blast along with 22 of his victims, but Jones said he saw injuries he believed were caused by nails.
Instinct to help people
“We are human, we still have a heart, we still have that instinct to help people out that need help and that’s what we are doing. And obviously when we are seeing children like that, with blood and, pulling nails out of their arms and stuff, and there were a couple in a girl’s face, ” he said.
“It was children, a lot of children with blood all over them, crying and screaming. If I didn’t help, I wouldn’t be able to live with myself for walking away and leaving kids like that.”
“We wiped blood from children’s faces. I mean, one little girl, she was covered in blood. Her mom was screaming so some guy was coming at her, took the little girl’s t-shirt off her, and it was someone else’s blood shed on her.”
Jones described how he and a friend held the legs up of a woman who was severely bleeding while waiting for the ambulance to arrive. “We thought she was just going to bleed right out.”
Crowdfunders rush to help
His selflessness has not been lost on social media where one woman set up an account on the charity fundraising site Just Giving, which quickly doubled the target of $650.
Jones’ account and actions will raise the spotlight on Manchester’s growing homeless problem. The newly elected mayor of Manchester, Andy Burnham, has pledged to donate 15 per cent of his salary to a homeless charity.
Jones said a lot of homeless people sleep rough by the Manchester Arena where the attack happened.

© Source: http://fox13now.com/2017/05/23/homeless-hero-helps-manchester-concert-attack-victims/
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英首相、自爆テロと断定 死者22人、子どもも犠牲


【マンチェスター共同】 英中部マンチェスターの コンサート会場で22日夜に起きた爆発で、 メイ首相は23日「無慈悲なテロであることは疑いの 余地がない」 と述べ、 自爆テロと断定した。 地元警察によると、 会場で起爆装置を持った男1人が死亡した。 死者は22人、 負傷者は59人で、 …
【マンチェスター共同】英中部マンチェスターのコンサート会場で22日夜に起きた爆発で、メイ首相は23日「無慈悲なテロであることは疑いの余地がない」と述べ、自爆テロと断定した。地元警察によると、会場で起爆装置を持った男1人が死亡した。死者は22人、負傷者は59人で、ロイター通信によると、負傷者のうち19人が重体。若者に人気の米歌手アリアナ・グランデさんのコンサートで、子どもも複数犠牲になった。 メイ氏はロンドンの官邸で治安担当閣僚らによる緊急会合を開催後、報道陣の前で声明を発表。観客が会場を出るタイミングを狙い、最も大きな被害を与えようとしたと指摘した。

© Source: http://www.tokyo-np.co.jp/s/article/2017052301001724.html
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За день бойовики понад 20 разів обстріляли позиції ЗСУ


Російсько-терористичні бандформування продовжують обстрілювати українські позиції. Про це повідомляє прес-центр АТО.“Всього, з початку доби, незаконні збройні формування понад 20 разів відкривали вогонь по позиціях Збройних Сил України, застосовуючи, зокрема, й озброєння, використання якого суворо заборонене Мінськими домовленостями. Також проросійські…
Російсько-терористичні бандформування продовжують обстрілювати українські позиції.
Про це повідомляє прес-центр АТО.
“Всього, з початку доби, незаконні збройні формування понад 20 разів відкривали вогонь по позиціях Збройних Сил України, застосовуючи, зокрема, й озброєння, використання якого суворо заборонене Мінськими домовленостями. Також проросійські НЗФ знову обстріляли житлові квартали Авдіївки”, – йдеться в повідомленні.
Зокрема, як зазначають у штабі, близько 16.00 години російсько-терористичні війська здійснили обстріл житлового сектору Авдіївки, застосувавши реактивні системи залпового вогню БМ-21 “Град”. Чотири будинки за чотирма різними адресами зруйновані вщент. Десятки – ушкоджені. Одного місцевого мешканця поранено.
“Близько 6.00 години ранку НЗФ здійснили обстріл оборонних укріплень сил АТО у передмісті Авдіївки з мінометів калібру 120 мм, озброєння танку, гранатометів та стрілецької зброї. Також із 120-мм мінометів противник бив неподалік Кам’янки. З мінометів калібру 82 мм – в районі Зайцевого. Поблизу Верхньоторецького та Пісків бандити вели вогонь з гранатометів різних модифікацій та стрілецької зброї”, – додали в прес-центрі.
За даними штабу, на Приморському напрямку зафіксовано найбільше фактів порушення режиму припинення вогню.
“По опівдні бойовики вдарили по наших позиціях біля Чермалика зі 120-мм мінометів. Впродовж дня противник обстрілював опорні пункти сил АТО в районі Широкиного, Лебединського, Водяного, Талаківки з гранатометів різних систем та стрілецької зброї. Північніше, біля Мар’їнки, вели вогонь з великокаліберних кулеметів. Там же “працював” ворожий снайпер”, – уточнюється в повідомленні.
Луганський напрямок. Бойовики декілька разів з автоматичних станкових гранатометів обстрілювали наші позиції в районі Кримського та Донця. По українських воїнах, які тримають оборону поблизу Новотошківського, вів вогонь ворожий снайпер.
“З початку доби один військовослужбовець ЗС України зазнав поранення”, – констатували в штабі АТО.

© Source: http://day.kyiv.ua/uk/news/230517-za-den-boyovyky-ponad-20-raziv-obstrilyaly-pozyciyi-zsu
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Państwowa Służba Ochrony ma zastąpić BOR


Z 2,2 tys. do 3 tysięcy ma rozrosnąć się Państwowa Służba Ochrony, która zastąpi Biuro Ochrony Rządu – zakłada projekt ustawy przygotowany w MSWiA. Nowa formacja ma uzyskać uprawnienia do kontroli operacyjnej; polskich placówek dyplomatyczn
Projekt umieszczono we wtorek na stronach Rządowego Centrum Legislacji. Związki zawodowe mają na opinię 21 dni, a urzędy i instytucje czas do końca maja. Dokument liczy 366 artykułów i mieści się na 155 stronach. W przygotowanym projekcie nie określono jakiego konkretnie dnia PSO zastąpi BOR – przepis stanowi, że nastąpi to w dniu wejścia ustawy w życie, czyli trzy miesiące od jej ogłoszenia.
Nowa służba nie będzie miała szefa – jak BOR, tylko komendanta, ale jako odrębny organ administracji państwowej będzie on wyższy rangą. Ma być powoływany i odwoływany przez premiera w uzgodnieniu z prezydentem na wniosek ministra spraw wewnętrznych. Zastępców – na wniosek komendanta PSO – ma powoływać i odwoływać samodzielnie minister spraw wewnętrznych.
Pomimo, że PSO ma uzyskać uprawnienia służb specjalnych, nie zapisano w projekcie potrzeby opiniowania kandydatury komendanta i jego zastępców przez sejmową komisję ds. służb specjalnych i rządowe Kolegium ds. służb specjalnych, tak jak w przypadku wszystkich innych kierujących służbami specjalnymi.
Podstawowym zadaniem PSO jest ochrona najważniejszych osób w państwie i budynków im służących. Ochroną prezydenta ma zajmować się wydzielona komórka PSO. Przygotowywane przepisy dają prawo czasowej rezygnacji z ochrony przez część ustawowo chronionych osób.
W Ocenie Skutków Regulacji dołączonej do projektu zaznaczono, że PSO nie będzie jak BOR ochraniać polskich placówek zagranicznych – przedstawicielstw dyplomatycznych i urzędów konsularnych. Te zadania ma przejąć Żandarmeria Wojskowa.
Projekt zakłada nadanie PSO prawa do wykonywaniu czynności operacyjno-rozpoznawczych oraz “w szczególnie uzasadnionych przypadkach” prawo do korzystania z pomocy osób niebędących funkcjonariuszami, ujawnianie tożsamości których jest zabronione. Za swoja pomoc takie osoby mogą być wynagradzane – w PSO będzie niejawny fundusz operacyjny.
Za zgodą ministra spraw wewnętrznych PSO będzie mogła korzystać z tajnej współpracy osób, których inne służby nie mogą pozyskiwać do współpracy przez inne służby: posłów, senatorów, członków władz, sędziów, adwokatów, radców prawnych, dziennikarzy, redaktorów naczelnych i osób z władz spółek medialnych. Pozostałe służby także obowiązuje taki zakaz werbowania – tam zgodę na jego ominięcie wydaje premier lub minister-koordynator służb specjalnych.

© Source: http://www.wnp.pl/informacje/panstwowa-sluzba-ochrony-ma-zastapic-bor,298694_1_0_0.html
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Samsung Galaxy S8's 'airtight' iris recognition can fooled by a photo taken 16 feet away


It appears Samsung’s Galaxy S8 iris scanner is not as ‘airtight’ as initially perceived. Hackers have revealed it can be bypassed with a printed picture of the owner’s eye and a contact lens.
Samsung has said the its Galaxy S8’s iris scanning provides users with ‘airtight security’ , but researchers have demonstrated that it can be easily bypassed using a photograph and a contact lens.
A new video has revealed that hackers can place a contact lens over a printed photo of the smartphone owner’s eye to unlock the handset.
Although Samsung has noted that ‘the patterns in your irises are unique to you and are virtually impossible to replicate’ the makeshift eye is able to fool the technology – leaving many to wonder just how secure the technology really is.
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The discovery was made by researchers, or as they call themselves, ‘hackers’ , at the Chaos Computer Club (via Motherboard) .
DailyMail.com has contacted Samsung and has yet to receive a response.
‘The Samsung Galaxy S8 is the first flagship smartphone with iris recognition,’ the team shared in a blog post.
‘The manufacturer of the biometric solution is the company Princeton Identity Inc. The system promises secure individual user authentication by using the unique pattern of the human iris.’
‘A new test conducted by CCC hackers shows that this promise cannot be kept: With a simple to make dummy-eye the phone can be fooled into believing that it sees the eye of the legitimate owner.’
The hack was carried out in a matter of minutes, starting with capturing a picture of the user’s eye.
Using ‘a good digital with 200mm-lens’ at about 16 feet (5m) from the phone owner, the team snapped the picture and then printed it out with a laser print that so was also manufactured by Samsung.
But to make it look more realistic, the hackers thought of adding a contact lens on top of the print out – this ‘emulated the curvature of a real eye’s surface’ .
And when he held up the photo in front of the iris scanner, the Samsung Galaxy S8 smartphone instantly unlocked.
‘The security risk to the user from iris recognition is even bigger than with fingerprints as we expose our irises a lot. Under some circumstances, a high-resolution picture from the internet is sufficient to capture an iris“, said Chaos Computer Clubs spokesperson, Dirk Engling.
Samsung had announced its iris scanner with pride, sharing that users only need to align their eyes with the circles to unlock their phone ‘with a look’ .
But it seems it doesn’ t matter if the look is from a real person or a photo of them.
On top of the iris scanning is facial recognition technology, which is said to have lightening quick capabilities and the facial tracking features are able to instantly recognize the users face – the process seems to be much faster than fingerprint recognition.
But when the Samsung Galaxy S8 made its debut at the Unpacked event, an early viewer found a disheartening flaw with the technology.
Blogger Marcianophone setup a S8 handset with his face at the Unpacked event, which unveiled the new Android, and in seconds, revealed how simple it was to trick the facial recognition technology with just a selfie.
This also means that it would be possible to use the face of a user who is sleeping.
Forbes has noted that because the smartphone was at the unveiling it may not be running on the final software meant to hit the market.
Regardless, this mishap is making some users weary about how secure the phone is, which is the last thing Samsung might want hear– the Galaxy S8 was meant to help the firm’s reputation, not tarnish even more.
The South Korean firm has acknowledged the flaw and explained that the facial recognition technology was not meant to be a security feature.
However, it did say that it serves as another way to get to the Home screen- as opposed to Slide to Lock.
‘Facial recognition is a convenient action to open your phone – similar to the ‘swipe to unlock’ action, ‘ said a Samsung spokesperson in a statement sent to Business Insider .
‘We offer the highest level of biometric authentication – fingerprint and iris – to lock your phone and authenticate access to Samsung Pay or Secure Folder.’
Samsung had also noted that users who plan on using the facial recognition technology should considering using fingerprints or iris scanners instead, as these two are not as easily tricked – but the hack from Chaos Computer Clubs suggests otherwise.

© Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-4535424/Samsung-s-Galaxy-S8-iris-recognition-easily-fooled.html?ITO=1490&ns_mchannel=rss&ns_campaign=1490
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Mosque near Manchester set on fire in ‘possible retaliation’ against concert bombing


The door of an Islamic center in Oldham, outside Manchester, was set alight in an arson attack hours following the suicide bombing at the nearby Manchester Arena in which 22 people died.
“Last night at around 2am somebody has started a fire through our letterbox. The door is completely burnt down. Very soon after a member of the public was walking past and called the fire brigade. Thankfully nobody was inside at the time, ” Mohammad Saddiq, the imam of the Qasmia Zahidia Islamic Centre told the Daily Mail. “We have no idea why somebody would target us. We are a religious and educational center. I’ve been involved her for three years and never dealt with anything like this.”
Police are currently examining CCTV footage from the arson site but Saddiq believes the attack may have been a response to what the government believes was a terrorist act perpetrated by UK-born Muslim man Salman Abedi, 22.
“People are upset, ” said Saddiq. “There’s a possibility that it’s a retaliation to what happened in Manchester last night but we can’t confirm that. It’s sad to see more misery in Manchester. What happened last night was terrible but this is not the way to respond.”
In the wake of the deadliest terrorist attack on UK soil since the London bombings in 2005, police in Glasgow removed graffiti with the word ‘ISIS’ inscribed inside a heart and painted on the wall of the city’s central mosque.
Police said they were informed about the sign prior to the attack on Saturday May, 20, and “enquiries are continuing” concerning the defacers.
Authorities have warned of potential backlash against Muslims, who constitute around 5 percent of the UK’s population. Police reported a “slight uplift” in “Islamophobic incidents” following the previous notable terrorist attack at Westminster in March, in which five victims and the perpetrator, a Muslim man, died.
So far, most of the tension anger over the latest incidents has been expressed through social media, where accusations of “Islamophobia” and appeasement of Islamist terror have been traded in the aftermath of Monday’s deadly episode in Manchester.

© Source: https://www.rt.com/uk/389491-mosque-oldham-manchester-arson/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=RSS
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Former CIA confirms ‘interactions’ between Russia, Trump campaign


Donald Trump’s argument that the Russia scandal is a “witch hunt” was thoroughly discredited today by the former director of the CIA.
For months, Donald Trump, Mike Pence, and their political operation insisted that no one from Trump World was in communications with Russia while Russia was attacking our election in support of Trump. The evidence to the contrary from news accounts has been overwhelming, to the point that the White House doesn’ t even bother to repeat the talking point anymore. It was nevertheless helpful to have the former director of the CIA testify under oath today about the “interactions” between Team Trump and its Russian benefactors.
[F] ormer CIA Director John Brennan appeared before the House Intelligence Committee and said he believes Russia “brazenly” interfered in last year’s presidential election and that he knew of contacts between Trump associates and Russian officials. “I encountered and am aware of information and intelligence that revealed contacts and interactions between Russian officials and U. S. persons involved in the Trump campaign, ” Brennan told lawmakers. He added that he is not sure whether “collusion existed” between the campaign and Moscow, but the interactions were enough that he believed the matter warranted an FBI investigation.
So much for the president’s “witch hunt” argument. Brennan, who led the CIA for four years, including throughout the 2016 U. S. presidential campaign, also testified that Moscow “clearly had a more favorable view” toward the Trump campaign. And though the former CIA chief didn’ t identify individuals from Trump’s operation by name, Brennan was willing to say in his testimony, “I know there was a sufficient basis of information and intelligence that required further investigation by the bureau to determine whether U. S. persons were actively conspiring, colluding, with Russian officials.” As a rule, the president and his allies seize on circumspect answers from intelligence agency officials – folks who tend to avoid provocative public answers on any subject – to falsely claim the “collusion” allegation has already been discredited. Brennan’s remarks to Congress today were a reminder that the allegation is alive and well. It was also a reminder that every claim from Team Trump about there being no contacts between Trump’s operation and Russian officials was demonstrably wrong – raising questions anew about whether the president was ignorant or lying. Making matters just a little worse, Brennan answered questions about Trump apparently leaking classified secrets to Russia for unknown reasons, which the former CIA director said likely violated two U. S. intelligence protocols. Finally, Brennan took a moment to note that during his career, he’s seen examples of Russia getting Americans, even CIA officials, “to become treasonous. And frequently, individuals who go along a treasonous path do not even realize they’ re along that path until it gets to be a bit too late.” File that quote away for future reference.

© Source: http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/former-cia-confirms-interactions-between-russia-trump-campaign
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Гройсман рассказал, когда предложат нового министра агрополитики


Премьер сказал, что сожалеет об отставке Кутового
Новая кандидатура на должность министра аграрной политики будет предложена после консультаций с коалицией. Об этом на своей странице в Facebook написал премьер-министр Владимир Гройсман.
“Что ж, мне жаль, но это его решение”, – написал Гройсман об отставке министра Тараса Кутового.
“Новая кандидатура на должность Министра аграрной политики будет предложена после консультаций с коалицией, но стратегическая линия на развитие отечественного аграрного сектора будет однозначно продолжена”, – добавил премьер.
Сегодня министр аграрной политики и продовольствия Украины Тарас Кутовый заявил, что написал заявление об отставке.

© Source: http://news.liga.net/news/politics/14756599-groysman_rasskazal_kogda_predlozhat_novogo_ministra_agropolitiki.htm
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1971年の 渋谷暴動事件で指名手配された過激派「中核派」 の 活動家大坂正明容疑者(67)とみられる男と一緒に逮捕された鈴木哲也容疑者(52)が2016年1月、 大坂容疑者の 潜伏先だったとみて警視庁が家宅捜索した東京都内の アジトでも活動していたことが23日、 捜査関
捜査関係者によると、警視庁公安部は16年1月、中核派メンバーの有印私文書偽造・同行使容疑で、北区西が丘のマンション一室を捜索。その際に、捜査員を押し倒して捜索を妨害したなどとして、この部屋にいた男2人を公務執行妨害容疑で現行犯逮捕した。うち1人が鈴木容疑者で、その後釈放されていた。 押収した資料などから、大坂容疑者は07~08年夏ごろ、このアジトに潜んでいたことが判明した。鈴木容疑者は釈放後、大坂容疑者とみられる男と合流。偽名でホテルに宿泊したとして、大阪府警が今月18日、私文書偽造などの疑いで広島市内のアジトで逮捕した。 大坂容疑者は71年11月、JR渋谷駅周辺で過激派の学生らが機動隊と衝突した際、新潟県警から派遣されていた機動隊員=当時(21)=に火炎瓶を投げつけるなどして殺害した疑いが持たれている。(2017/05/23-20: 57) 関連ニュース
【社会記事一覧へ】 【アクセスランキング】

© Source: http://www.jiji.com/jc/article?k=2017052301263&g=soc&m=rss
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'We keep fighting back': Poet captures defiant mood at Manchester vigil


Thousands gathered Tuesday in Albert Square, outside Manchester town hall, to mourn the victims of Monday’s suicide bombing at an Ariana Grande concert.
MANCHESTER, England — Under bright sunshine, people of different faiths and backgrounds came together Tuesday to mourn the victims of a suicide bombing at an Ariana Grande concert Monday night.
“The people of Manchester will remember the victims forever and we will defy the terrorists by working together to create cohesive, diverse communities that are stronger together. We are the many, they are the few, ” said Manchester’s Lord Mayor Eddy Newman, kicking off a ceremony of thousands gathered in Albert Square, outside Manchester town hall.
Britain’s Home Secretary Amber Rudd and opposition Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn were also in attendance, along with representatives from the Christian, Jewish and Muslim faiths.
“I have lived in Manchester for 12 years and I love this city. The people are amazing, ” said Paul Shovelton, who brought his three dogs Kai, George and Dorus. The Hungarian Vizslas barked a few times during the speeches.
“I keep telling people that whatever you are doing this weekend come to Manchester: shop, spend, eat, there’s no reason to stay at home, ” Shovelton added.
For the Carneys, a family of four from Stockport, part of Greater Manchester County, it was a teachable moment.
“With social media, the kids knew about the attack from the start. Years ago you probably wouldn’t want to tell your kids, but now they see it on their phones, on Instagram and things like that. It was important that we sat them down and talked to them and showed them it was important to stick together and not be afraid, ” said dad Darren.
“It’s made me feel worried and scared, ” said his daughter Alice, 9.
“That’s exactly why we needed to bring them here today, ” interjected her mother, Claire. “To show them — I mean just look at the turnout here at this vigil — there are far more good people in the world than bad.”
Many were moved to tears during a minute’s silence for the 22 victims, the youngest of whom so far confirmed killed is 8. Victim Saffie Rose Roussos was described by her teacher earlier as “simply a beautiful little girl in every aspect of the word.”
Perhaps the most memorable moment of Tuesday’s vigil came during a reading by Tony Walsh, a poet who goes by the name “Longfella.’
“This is the place” paid tribute to Manchester for its historic role in the Industrial Revolution, and more recently as a culturally diverse city whose soccer teams and popular music bands are known worldwide.
“This is the place. In the north-west of England. It’s ace, it’s the best. And the songs that we sing from the stands, from our bands. Set the whole planet shaking. Our inventions are legends. There’s (nothing) we can’ t make, and so we make brilliant music. We make brilliant bands. We make goals that make souls leap from seats in the stands, ” Walsh read.
“This is a place that has been through some hard times: oppressions, recessions, depressions, and dark times. But we keep fighting back with Greater Manchester spirit. Northern grit, Northern wit, and Greater Manchester’s lyrics.”

© Source: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2017/05/23/manchester-terror-attack-vigil/102063518/?utm_source=feedblitz&utm_medium=FeedBlitzRss&utm_campaign=usatoday-newstopstories
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