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Florida librarians create fake patron to keep books


NewsHubSORRENTO, Fla. (AP) — To keep infrequently used library books on shelves, two Florida librarians created a fictitious person to take out tomes, and now the county has since requested a system-wide audit of its libraries
The Orlando Sentinel reports Chuck Finley checked out 2,361 books at the East Lake County Library in a nine-month period.
His selections ranged from “Cannery Row” by John Steinbeck to a children’s book called “Why Do My Ears Pop?” by Ann Fullick.
The goal behind the creation of Finley was to insure that certain books stayed in the library. Books that aren’t used for a long period can be discarded and removed from the library system.
After allegations by an unidentified person in November, an investigation by the Lake County clerk of courts inspector general’s office concluded that Finley was a fake, and the county requested the audit.
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Japan's 'Tuna King' wins annual auction for $636,000


NewsHubJapan’s self-styled “Tuna King” has done it again — paying more than $600,000 for a single fish.
Sushi entrepreneur Kiyoshi Kimura paid top price at the first auction of the new year at Tokyo’s Tsukiji fish market on Thursday, bagging a prized bluefin tuna for an eye-watering 74.2 million yen ($636,000).
The head of the Sushizanmai chain is now the proud — if temporary — owner of a 212-kilogramme (467-pound) fish.
At that price a single piece of fatty tuna sushi would cost roughly $85, or 25 times the $3.4 that Kimura charges for the product at his 51 stores across Japan.
“I feel it was a bit expensive, but I am happy that I was able to successfully win at auction a tuna of good shape and size,” Kimura said.
Kimura has built his successful chain into a national brand by paying big money at Tsukiji’s first auction every year — he has now won for six straight years — essentially using the event for publicity.
He paid a record $1.8 million for a bluefin — a threatened species — at the New Year auction in 2013, outbidding a rival bidder from Hong Kong.
Last year, he faced no formidable rival and paid a bargain $117,000 for a 200-kilogramme tuna.
The prices may seem enormous, but Kimura makes sure to get the most out of his money.
Every year, the boisterous auction, which takes place in the small hours, makes national headlines.
On Thursday, Kimura made the rounds of Japan’s major networks, telling viewers the tuna will be cut and distributed among his restaurants.
The 2017 auction could be the last at Tsukiji, the world’s largest fish market.
It was originally supposed to move to a new location in November, but the plan was put on hold until at least late this year over concerns about toxic contamination at the new site.
Tokyo governor Yuriko Koike said in November that the move could even be delayed until the “spring of 2018” depending on results of health and environmental tests.
But she also held out the possibility of scrapping the relocation altogether.

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Sentiment rank: 5.3

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Las Vegas attorney, who disappeared in Dec., arrested on theft charges


NewsHubProsecutor Jay P. Raman said investigators think the amount lost by clients could top $15 million.
Robert Graham, a prominent Las Vegas attorney, was arrested on Jan. 4, 2017.
“We felt it was necessary to quickly seek an indictment on this case to ensure that evidence was preserved and that Mr. Graham was unable to cause any further financial damage to families in our community,” said Clark County District Attorney Steve Wolfson, CBS affiliate KLAS reports.
Graham was booked into the Clark County jail on $5 million bail pending an initial appearance in Clark County District Court.
His defense attorney, Lance Hendron, didn’t immediately respond to messages seeking comment.
A statement by Clark County District Attorney Steve Wolfson said prosecutors quickly sought an indictment to ensure that evidence would be preserved.
Graham, a Nevada lawyer since September 1992, was a frequent television advertiser before shutting down his Lawyers West probate services firm and laying off employees on Dec. 2.
He graduated from the Brigham Young University J. Reuben Clark School of Law, and had offices in Utah and Colorado. He also had a home in Fort Collins, Colorado.
The Nevada State Bar filed a misconduct complaint against Graham on Dec. 8, and the Nevada Supreme Court on Dec. 9 temporarily suspended his license pending the outcome of the professional disciplinary proceedings.
The court said letting Graham practice law posed a “substantial threat of serious harm to the public.”
Graham later contacted the local Las Vegas Review-Journal, which reported he expressed remorse that his business failed.

Similarity rank: 1.1
Sentiment rank: -4.5

© Source: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/robert-graham-arrested-theft-las-vegas-attorney-disappeared-in-december/
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The men who murder their families


NewsHubZach was four years old when his mother’s new partner, David Potts, broke into the family home and set it on fire.
Now aged nine, he is able to remain remarkably calm when describing how such a tragic event unfolded.
“[Potts] bought two litres of petrol and poured it all over the house, everywhere,” he explains to the BBC’s Victoria Derbyshire programme. “Then my mum and eldest brother went to try and stop him, but he lit the fuel just in time. ”
Potts, Zach’s mother, Tracy, and his 15-year-old half-brother, Shaun, were killed in the blaze in Manchester, in September 2011.
Zach survived, along with his 18-year-old half-sister, Cailin. He spent the next two months at a children’s hospital.
His father, Ric – who Zach now lives with – says it was “heartbreaking” to see the condition his son was left in.
“He had wires and tubes and things coming out from him all over the place. They put him into an induced coma, to help his body deal with the shock and the burns as best as [it could]. He was about 20% burns, mainly up to his arms. ”
Two women are killed every week in England and Wales by a current or former partner, 2015 figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) show.
According to Dr Jane Monckton-Smith, a criminologist currently leading one of the biggest studies of domestic homicide in the UK, such killings are on the increase.
She says that in 95% of cases the killer will be a man, and usually the head of the household.
The perpetrators of such crimes often share certain traits, such as a need to control those around them, she adds.
Ric believes Potts showed this same behaviour towards Zach’s mother, Tracy.
“From what I could gather he used to check the phone to see who she’d been talking to and texting,” he says. “He was allowed out [to socialise], but she wasn’t. ”
Zach and his father both agree that what happened that day has brought them closer together. But Zach still remembers the moment he found out his mother had died.
“I was crying, and when I think about it, it makes me emotional,” he says.
His burns act as a reminder of what happened that night. Children at school sometimes ask him about them, leaving him to decide whether to ignore or explain them.
Denise Williams met her ex-husband, Steven Wilson, when she was 16.
Six months into their marriage he had started to show his “true colours”, she says.
“He knew I had nowhere to go, no-one to run to. He’d call me all the different names under the Sun, he’d verbally abuse me, mentally abuse me, physically abuse me, punch me, kick me, whatever he had to do. ”
Denise had cut ties with Wilson on several occasions, only to go back to him.
She left him for the final time in February 2002, but – planning to go back for them later – did not take her two sons, Bret, eight, and, Bradley, seven, with her.
When the couple met at a restaurant a few days later, the children were in the back of Wilson’s car. He assaulted Denise, and drove off with them.
About 20 minutes later, Denise received a call from Wilson. In it, she says, Wilson told her: “I’ve just killed the kids, and I’m going to kill myself. ”
Denise remembers trying to listen out for the boys in the background, but couldn’t hear them.
Wilson had murdered his two sons by stabbing them.
Denise vividly recalls the moment the police sergeant knelt on the floor and told her: “Denise, they’re dead. ”
She still suffers from regular nightmares in which she relives their deaths.
“I’m on a field, and I can see the car, and I can hear them calling, ‘Mummy, Mummy, please help us Mummy.’ And all I can see is a knife – a knife going up and down in a car as he’s killing the boys. ”
Wilson was given two life sentences for the murders, but hanged himself in prison.
Denise says she felt “cheated”, and “very, very angry at the fact that he hasn’t got to live with this”.
“I’m the one left behind having to cope, trying to live with all this. ”
Wilson killed himself on Mother’s Day – which Denise believes was one final act of revenge.
According to Dr Monckton-Smith, perpetrators of domestic homicide will try to take their own lives “in a lot of these cases” – and often show “a lack of remorse, which could be because they have a personality disorder”.
She also believes the killers nearly always plan the murders.
Denise believes her boys were killed by Wilson as an act of revenge towards her.
“He lost power, he lost the control he had over me. Because I left him, he’d lost everything,” she says.
“[The murders] were just purely to hurt me, because he knew how close me and the boys were.
“I think he knew that he’d lost the boys – that they’d come back to me – and so, if he couldn’t have them, he made sure I couldn’t have them [either]. ”
But despite the trauma she has suffered, Denise says she is glad of the eight years she had with her boys.
“The children may have died, but their memory is never going to die – it’s always there. ”
The BBC’s Victoria Derbyshire programme is broadcast on weekdays between 09:00 and 11:00 on BBC Two and the BBC News channel.

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Sentiment rank: -85.5

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Gunman identified in nightclub attack as jihadi suspects are detained


NewsHubThe gunman behind the Istanbul nightclub attack on New Year’s Day has been identified by Turkish authorities investigating the massacre.
The move came as police detained dozens of suspected Isil members of Central Asian and North African origin. However, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu refused to give any details about the killer.
The attacker shot his way into the exclusive Reina nightclub on Sunday, opening fire with an automatic rifle, reloading his weapon half-a-dozen times and shooting the wounded as they lay on the ground.
Turks as well as visitors from several Arab nations, India and Canada were among the 39 victims.
Isil has claimed responsibility for the attack, saying it was revenge for Turkish military involvement in Syria.
Turkish media reports have said the attacker is believed to be an ethnic Uighur, possibly from Kyrgyzstan. He appeared to have been well-versed in guerrilla warfare and may have trained in Syria, according to one security source.
Police in the Aegean coastal city of Izmir said they had detained 20 suspected Isil militants thought to be of Central Asian and North African origin in raids on three addresses. Fake passports, cell phones, and equipment including night vision goggles and a GPS device were seized.
Police did not say whether the detentions were directly linked to the Istanbul nightclub attack.
But local media reports have said the gunman is thought to have entered Turkey from Syria and spent time in Konya, travelling with his wife and two children so as not to attract attention.
At least 36 people have been detained since the attack, according to Turkish media reports.
One TV station said that 14 people had been detained in Istanbul, while another reported that two foreign nationals had been held at Istanbul’s main airport.
Among those held in Istanbul were seven Uighurs detained at a restaurant in the working-class neighbourhood of Zeytinburnu, where the gunman was thought to have gone by taxi after the attack and asked to borrow money to pay the driver, according to the Haberturk newspaper.
It said raids had been carried out on more than 50 addresses in the district.
The atrocity in Istanbul’s Ortakoy neighbourhood, an upmarket suburb in the Besiktas district, came after a year in which Nato member Turkey was shaken by a series of attacks by radical Islamist and Kurdish militants and by a failed coup.

Similarity rank: 2.1
Sentiment rank: -2.6

© Source: http://www.independent.ie/world-news/middle-east/gunman-identified-in-nightclub-attack-as-jihadi-suspects-are-detained-35343184.html
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Leader of Sarangani group with IS sympathies killed in firefight


NewsHubKORONADAL CITY – Government security forces on Thursday killed the alleged leader of a Sarangani-based armed group sympathetic to the Islamic State.
Mohammad Jaafar Sabewang Maguid, also known as “Tokboy” of the Ansar Al-Khilafah, was being arrested in a beach resort i Kiamba, Sarangani on charges of involvement in last year’s explosion at a carnival in Maasim, also in Sarangani, when killed, said Superintendent Leonardo Suan, the Central Mindanao deputy director for police operations.
Suan said Maguid and his three companions engaged the arresting team in a firefight.
Maguid’s three companions, identified as Matahata Dialawe Arboleda, Ismael Sahak and Morhaban Veloso alyas Bugoy, were later arrested. CDG

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Sentiment rank: -16.6

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Major league notebook: Indians hope slugger puts them over the top


NewsHubCLEVELAND — The AL’s best team is set to start the new year with a power surge.
One win from a World Series title last season, the Cleveland Indians are set to finalize a $65 million, three-year contract with free agent slugger Edwin Encarnacion.
Encarnacion, who has averaged 39 homers over the past five seasons, took a physical on Wednesday, one of the final steps to complete a deal agreed upon before Christmas. The team announced a news conference for Thursday at Progressive Field with president Chris Antonetti “regarding a potential new member of the organization.”
Cleveland aggressively pursued Encarnacion, who also was sought by big-market clubs. Encarnacion hit 42 homers and drove in 127 runs last season for the Toronto Blue Jays, who lost to the Indians in the AL Championship Series.
Encarnacion’s agreement is the largest in club history, surpassing a 2007 deal with Travis Hafner that added $57 million in guaranteed money through 2012 and a $56 million, four-year contract with free agent Nick Swisher ahead of the 2013 season.
Encarnacion’s signing also represents the second major move in six months by the Indians, who traded for elite reliever Andrew Miller before last year’s trading deadline. That acquisition helped the Indians win the AL Central for the first time since 2007 and got them to their first Series since 1997.
Cleveland is hoping Encarnacion can lead the franchise to its first Series title since 1948.
Encarnacion, who turns 34 on Saturday, hit 193 homers over the past five years and has connected for 310 in his big league career. He is expected to split time at first base and designated hitter with Carlos Santana.
The Indians were in the market for a power bat after deciding not to re-sign Mike Napoli, who helped them get to the World Series. The 34-year-old Napoli set career-highs with 34 homers and 101 RBI and the club credited his work ethic and leadership in helping Cleveland’s young players.
Encarnacion appears to be a perfect fit for the Indians, who have been looking for a big bat to compliment one of the majors’ best pitching staffs.
With Francisco Lindor and Jason Kipnis at the top of the order, and Michael Brantley possibly returning from a shoulder injury, Cleveland has the right table setters for Encarnacion, who has averaged 110 RBI over the past five seasons.
Encarnacion, who spent eight seasons with Toronto after five in Cincinnati, may cause a significant bump in attendance at Progressive Field, where the Indians have struggled to draw fans in recent years. Cleveland averaged only 19,650 fans at home last season; only Oakland and Tampa Bay were worse.
Manager In-Sik Kim told Yonhap News Agency on Tuesday he was “leaning toward” removing Kang from the roster because of “worsening public opinion.” After meeting with coaches at the Korean Baseball Organization headquarters, Kim decided to replace Kang with Ha-Seong Kim, the shortstop for Nexen Heroes, Kang’s former Korean Baseball Organization team.
“As we all know, Kang has had some issues,” Kim told Yonhap News. “So our coaching staff made this call (to drop him from the roster).”
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© Source: http://www.pressherald.com/2017/01/04/major-league-notebook-indians-hope-slugger-puts-them-over-the-top/
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Huskies win 89th straight, 90-45 over East Carolina


NewsHubThere was no jumping up and down after UConn won its 89th straight game on Wednesday.
There was no dancing in the locker room and no shouts from the Huskies about being just a game away from tying their own NCAA Division I record for consecutive wins following the 90-45 rout of East Carolina.
UConn’s players say they don’t see the point of celebrating something they expect to do.
“It’s not being cocky,” said forward Napheesa Collier, who led UConn with 21 points and seven rebounds. “If you know you’re a good team, you need to play like that. ”
Gabby Williams added 16 points, Katie Lou Samuelson had 15 and Kia Nurse chipped in with 14 for UConn (14-0, 2-0 American), which now has the two longest winning streaks in Division I college basketball history.
The win broke a tie with the John Wooden’s UCLA men’s program, which won 88 straight in the early 1970s. That program won 10 national titles. Geno Auriemma’s women have won 11 championships, including the last four.
“I just want them to enjoy this,” Auriemma said. “Because it’s a once-in-a-lifetime…well, at least I thought it was a once-in-a-lifetime (thing). They’ve already done something by winning tonight that people thought would be impossible to do and it’s happened twice now. I don’t even know what to say. ”
Saniya Chong hit a 3-pointer from the left corner to open the scoring and the Huskies never trailed. UConn closed out the first half on a 12-2 run that made it 45-20 and took their first 40-point lead in the third quarter on a pair of Natalie Butler free throws that made the score 68-28.
The Pirates have never come within 40 points of the Huskies, losing the seven games they have played by an average of 47.3 points.
East Carolina coach Heather Macy said wants her players to realize it’s not about the score when you play UConn, it’s about how you are playing.
“The goal is how many five minute segments can you win and as we progress though the game not to look up there at the daunting task of having a 40-point deficit,” she said.
Kristen Gaffney led East Carolina (9-6, 0-2) with 12 points.
The Huskies outscored East Carolina 52-20 in the paint and outrebounded the Pirates 41-23.
UConn has won 136 of its last 137 games. Their only loss during that stretch came by two points, in overtime, at Stanford on Nov. 17, 2014.
“We understand that it’s a big thing and we’re excited about it, but we have to focus on what comes next,” said Nurse.
A win next Tuesday over No. 22 South Florida would tie the 90-game streak that Auriemma’s teams set between November 2008 and December 2010.
UConn owns the top three winning streaks in women’s basketball history at 90, 89 and 70 games. The Huskies also had streaks of 47 (2013-15), 35 (1994-96), and 33 games (1996-97). The team is also riding a 31-game road winning streak, which was originally listed by the NCAA as a record. The organization was missing the 34 straight road games UConn won between 2001 and 2004. That string includes a tournament game the Huskies won against Hawaii on the Rainbow’s home court.
East Carolina: The Pirates opened the season 9-3, but have now dropped three straight. Five of their six losses have come by 10 or more points.
UConn extended several other streaks on Wednesday. UConn’s home winning streak now stands at 55 games. The Huskies also have won 117 straight against unranked opponents, and 292 of their last 293 games against foes outside the Top 25. The program is now 300 games over.500 since the start of the 2008-09 season (312-12). UConn also has gone 863 games without losing two in a row. The Huskies are 57-0 after a loss since March, 1993.
“We generally don’t lose games that we’re not supposed to lose,” said Auriemma. “We don’t lose to teams that are not as good as we are. We don’t show up and just go through the motions and mail it in and have an upset one night. The fact that hasn’t happened is probably the most amazing thing. ”
UConn: The Huskies will try to tie their record 90-game winning streak against South Florida next Tuesday in Hartford. The Bulls will be the eighth ranked opponent the Huskies have faced this season. The Huskies also beat No. 25 Kansas State, which wasn’t ranked the teams met last month.
East Carolina: The Pirates hope to snap their losing streak when they return home to face SMU on Saturday evening.

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Sentiment rank: 6.7

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Dating 101: Start to finish in under an hour | Keeping the Faith


NewsHubby Ilana Angel
23 hours ago
I received an email online from a man this evening. He is handsome, educated, and at first glance seemed very entertaining. He wrote me a charming and funny email letting me know he was interested. I sent a quick response as I was in line at the grocery store. When I got home I looked through his profile properly and realized he was actually quite fascinating. I am most attracted to men who have stories to tell, and it appeared this man had a lot of stories. I was intrigued.
I wrote him to say I thought he was impressive and he wrote back and wished me luck with my search. He went from telling me he was interested, to telling me he wasn’t, in the blink of an eye. It was strange. It was also a shame because putting aside any attraction or romantic intentions, I was simply curious about him and thought hearing some of his stories would be wonderful. It was finished as quick as it was started, and I am left feeling confused.
Dating online is a nightmare. You are written to based on a picture, then on occasion you come across someone who actually reads your profile, and it is exciting because that matters. Then in a series of quick emails, you manage to say something that changes your path. It is odd to me that things can be altered so quickly. This man does not know me, and there is certainly no obligation or expectation, but I feel compelled to tell him I don’t get what happened.
I am 50 years old and a smart girl, but I will never understand how dating works. If he was interested and I said something he didn’t like, understand, or appreciate, why not just say so? Why not give the person a chance to clarify? Why not say you didn’t agree with them and now think it is not a match? Dating requires one to be brave, even in the face of rejection, but some days are rough. For some reason this rejection has hurt my feelings. Oy vey with dating.
Seems to me I should get another cat and call it a day. That would be the easy thing to do, but I’m not one to take the easy route. I’ll keep trying because love is grand and I’m not giving up on finding it. By not giving up of course I mean I’m totally giving up on it for today, but tomorrow is a new day. Dating sucks, but one must date in order to find someone to share their life with, so I date. On a night like this I am dating and also drinking because wine helps.
I read our exchange and didn’t see an issue, but clearly there was one and I’m left feeling bad about it. Not because I’m overly sensitive or naïve about the process, but because I like to understand things and have no understanding of what happened. It’s a shame chicks don’t do it for me because that seems easier as women are not complicated to me. At the end of the day it’s not a big deal and I wish him well. Dating is a crap shoot so I’m keeping the faith.
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Dele Alli double ends Chelsea's winning run


NewsHub(CNN) Even when doing bitter north London rival Arsenal a favor of sorts, Tottenham Hotspur found a way to stick the boot in.

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