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У Севастополі невідомий намагався спалити російський прапор


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Чоловік викрикував погрози на адресу російської влади, в результаті чого охоронці викликали наряд поліції.
Поліцейські, які прибули на місце події в Артилерійську бухту, зіткнулися з активним спротивом невідомого, який, продовжуючи вигукувати образи, завдав кількох ударів поліцейському, після чого став вириватися від охоронців.

Similarity rank: 8

© Source: http://espreso.tv/news/2017/01/06/u_sevastopoli_nevidomyy_namagavsya_spalyty_rosiyskyy_prapor
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На Черкащині обмежили рух транспорту на дорогах загального користування


NewsHub“У Черкаській області обмежено рух вантажних транспортних засобів та пасажирського транспорту на автомобільних дорогах загального користування”, — йдеться у повідомленні.
Нагадаємо, наразі діють такі обмеження:
1. Одеська область:
— обмежено рух вантажних транспортних засобів та пасажирського транспорту на автомобільних дорогах загального користування.
— а/д М-15 Одеса-Рені з 84 до 306 км (від повороту до с. Монаші до Рені) — заборонено рух для всіх видів транспорту.
— також з 18:00 заборонено рух для всіх видів транспорту на автодорогах Арцизського, Білгород-Дністровського, Болградського, Чілійського, Ізмаїльського, Ренійського, Саратського, Тарутинського, Татарбунарського районів.
2. Кіровоградська область:
— з 15.00 заборонено рух для всіх видів транспорту на автомобільних дорогах загального користування.
3. Миколаївська область:
— обмежено рух для всіх видів транспорту на автомобільних дорогах загального користування.
4. Херсонська область:
— обмежено рух вантажних транспортних засобів на автодорозі М-14 Одеса-Мелітополь-Новоазовськ від 177 до 207 км (від межі з Миколаївською областю до м. Херсон).
5. Дніпропетровська область:
Для всіх видів транспорту
Н-11 Дніпропетровськ — Миколаїв від 166 до 170 км (від Кривого Рогу до межі з Миколаївською областю);
Н-23 Кіровоград-Кривий Ріг-Запоріжжя від 77 до 104 км, від 161 до 247 км (від межі Кіровоградської до межі із Запорізькою областю) кордон;
Р-74 Пятихатки-Кривий Ріг-Широке) від Кривого Рогу до Широкого.

Similarity rank: 8.8

© Source: http://www.unn.com.ua/uk/news/1633562-na-cherkaschini-obmezhili-rukh-transportu-na-dorogakh-zagalnogo-koristuvannya
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Щедрик на фортепіано. Родина Порошенків привітала українців з Різдвом


NewsHubПрезидент України Петро Порошенко разом з дружиною Мариною та дітьми Євгенією, Олександрою та Михайлом привітали українців з Різдвом Христовим.
Відповідне відео опубліковане на каналі Адміністрація президента у YouTube.
З нагоди свята Олександра виконала на фортепіано знамениту композицію Щедрик Миколи Леонтовича.
Порошенко нагадав, що вперше цей музичний твір пролунав сто років тому, а згодом українська мелодія стала надбанням всього людства – під назвою Carol of the Bells.
“Слухаємо її, і неначе бачимо ластівочку, яка несе кожному з нас щастя й добробут, а державі нашій – мир і процвітання”, – зазначив Порошенко.
Він зауважив, що Різдво Христове є великим церковним та глибоко родинним святом.
“Незбагненне диво – народження у вертепі Сина Божого – назавжди змінило світ. Це диво нагадало, що найголовніша заповідь – любити ближніх, як самих себе. Народженню Ісуса раділи небо й земля, Діва Марія та Йосип, пастухи й волхви. Усім своїм життям Ісус долав зло і дарував віру у Спасіння”, – сказав президент.
У свою чергу, Марина Порошенко зазначила, що світлий і радісний день Різдва надихає всіх бути чуйними й уважними, ділитися теплом своїх сердець і простягати руку допомоги.
“Впевнена, що всім нам хочеться зробити світ привітним та добрішим. І для цього потрібно зовсім мало – бути гарним прикладом для своїх дітей, стати вірним другом і товаришем, любити ближнього, Україну та її народ. І тоді наші тривоги стануть надією, а сумніви розвіються відчуттям гідності”, – сказала Марина Порошенко.
Президент зазначив, що українці з давніх давен наповнюють Різдво урочистістю та святістю, а вертепи і колядки після служби Божої стали унікальним духовним надбанням українського народу.
“У це прекрасне свято, коли всі збираються за родинним столом, пропоную найперше біля святих образів помолитися за воїнів, які і в ці новорічно-різдвяні дні захищають нас від ворога-антихриста. Звертаюся до новонародженого Спасителя із проханням дати їм сил і берегти їхні земні життя. І всю нашу країну врятуй, Господи, від усякого зла”, – сказав глава держави.
“Бажаємо всім здоров’я, міцності духу, реалізації мрій і сповнення намірів, а головне – Божого благословення. Смачної куті та веселих свят, бо аж “три празники в гості”. Христос народився! “, – зазначив Петро Порошенко.

Similarity rank: 12

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AOL’s Kanvas launches an SDK: now any app can use its photo and video effects


NewsHubThe rise of apps like Instagram and Snapchat has put photo effects front and center in the world of picture messaging, giving users not only the ability to send images to each other, but to personalise them with little doodles, lurid colors, bunny ears. Now, an app maker that has built a bunch of these is launching an SDK that will let any app add these kinds of effects to their platforms, too.
Kanvas , a messaging app acquired by AOL in 2015 that lets you take, manipulate and send photos and other graphics with added filters, GIFs and other decorations, is launching at CES this week a new SDK that will let other third-party apps tap into and use Kanvas’ in their own picture messaging services.
This is a play for scale — and ultimately scale that can be used to grow AOL’s advertising network. When AOL (which also owns TechCrunch) acquired Kanvas, the app had 1 million users; now it has 5 million active users, CEO and co-founder Vic Singh told me in an interview, and the aim is to grow that by 5 million more with today’s launch.
And once there is enough scale, the idea will be to use this new network of usage as a vehicle to make money: advertisers can sponsor filters, and AOL (which itself was acquired by Verizon partly as a mobile advertising play) will be able to sell this as another advertising unit to clients who are already buying display and video ads or AOL properties.
The SDK will initially cover four features that Kanvas has built both in-house and by way of acquisition:

Similarity rank: 0

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Chip Pro is a $16 computer empowering makers to build IoT gadgets


NewsHubSay you want to create the next generation of voice recognition-enabled, AI-ensmartened, buzzword-laden gadget. The fist thing you need to do is pick a platform. Arduino isn’t powerful enough. The Raspberry Pi works great for prototyping, but going from Pi to production is a many-step process. Next Thing ‘s Chip Pro is stepping up to fill the gap with a smart development kit for IoT creators.
The dev kit is a clever combination of just the core chip needed to build your applications, and a slighty bigger development board that enables all the features of the chip. The idea is that you use the development board (which includes an USB host port, power controllers, battery and mains power sockets, an audio jack, a couple of microphones, servo controllers, LEDs, and more) to quickly prototype and build a version of the product. Once you have a working product, you can take the chip off the debug board and start building your own products from there.
An example projects built on the Chip Pro is the Trntbl internet-enabled record player , which now is available for pre-order for $425. It’s a normal record player, except the team added some IoT magic: It’s possible to stream your turntablist magic straight to Spotify for the world to enjoy. Useful? Who knows. Awesome? Hell yes.
The real magic with Chip Pro is that it’s a predictable constant. The company sources the 100 or so components that make up a Chip Pro, before assembling and testing it, taking a huge chunk out of the supply chain challenge for makers. The company has a pretty simple pricing, too: $16 per unit. It doesn’t matter if you order one or a million; the cost is $16. As someone who’s built electronics for mass manufacture in the past, let me just say this: I wish this thing had been around when I did. It would have made mass manufacturing a whole lot easier.
The company started in 2013 with a Kickstarted, hackable GIF camera called OTTO. The team ran into some interesting challenges along the way, and it made the company realize that there would be a market for a simple, low-cost computer platform for makers to use. That, too, received a warm welcome on Kickstarter, raising more than $2m from almost 40,000 backers.
I can’t wait to see what impact the current generation of Chip Pro will have on the next generation of gadget inventors.

Similarity rank: 0

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Here’s what it’s like to drive with Toyota’s Yui AI in-car assistant


NewsHubToyota revealed a new concept vehicle with a virtual companion named Yui built-in at CES this year. The Concept-i goes beyond the average concept car, with an in-car experience that gives the driver an AI partner that acts as part copilot, part travel guide and part spa attendant, all the while getting to know you better over time.
I took a ride with Yui via Toyota’s CES show floor demo station, which recreates Yui’s cockpit and provides a simulated version of what a true Yui experience would be like.
To start things off, I used a Microsoft Surface to tell Yui (voiced by a male actor, by the way, a rarity among modern virtual assistants) a bit about myself. This would normally happen from social cues, like linked social network accounts and devices, to get to know its driver more organically, but I filled out a short questionnaire about what I like to do with my spare time and with whom, along with my name to shortcut the process for the purpose of the demo.
Once that was done, I entered the car and Yui greeted me, asking about my destination preferences. It offered three possibilities, all around the Bay area, but also suggested a day of shopping in downtown San Francisco as the top option based on what I’d just told it about my habits. I could also ask Yui simple questions not related to the trip specifically, like weather, and it was able to step a bit outside of its main domain to provide more info.
Once I confirmed with a simple vocal response that I was happy with Yui’s destination choice, we were off. A Toyota rep explained that at this stage I was still in manual driving mode, since we were in an urban environment on city streets. The heads-up display still identified and projected highlights around pedestrians and other potential road hazards, however, and in fact Yui simulated taking control to engage emergency braking at one point in manual mode, which it’ll do when it deems it necessary to avoid an accident.
Once on the highway, the experience changed considerably. The seat reclined as Yui entered self-driving mode, indicated by a change in the color of its main circular icon on the dashboard from blue to purple. The path marker on the HUD also changed to purple, and dash lighting started displaying an ambient pulsing pattern which Toyota says is designed to help trigger your body to enter relaxation mode.
Something else happened – the driver’s seat started giving me a really good lower back massage, which is actually hugely appreciated after days of walking around Vegas with a heavy backpack. Media could also be projected on the HUD, a Toyota rep explained, for another option for relaxing while in highly automated driving mode.
Once we exited the freeway, Yui returned me to manual control, bringing the driver’s seat back to a driving position. It also picked out some popular local tourist spots, and ended up selecting one that seemed like it would match my preferences and directed me there.
Yui ended up being courteous and helpful throughout the drive. The car also showed me an emotional map of my ride, since it had been analyzing my facial expressions throughout and could identify when I seemed happiest or most excited. Toyota says it would eventually be able to crowdsource this data and offer navigation options that provide not only the fastest route, but also the “happiest,” for example.
Where Toyota sees Yui adding value is in building a real relationship with its human driver, however. Yui is designed to live in the cloud, and to transfer from vehicle to vehicle as an owner buys new cars (or uses car-sharing services). A demo video of Yui from Toyota envisions a man forming a 20-year bond with his own Yui assistant, with the AI knowing about his family, interests and personality very deeply.
Yui is probably still a long way from real-world launch; Toyota’s own Research Institute has said confidently that self-driving is still a long way off. Questions like how much and when to trigger relaxation in a driver definitely complicate this, and while Toyota told me that it’s done a lot of work to help Yui do both those things now, it’s going to take a while and a lot of study before they find the right, safe balance.
Still, Yui presents an interesting, unique view of what it might be like to live with a constant AI companion. The potential of an on-demand chauffeur that also knows what to do to help you relax while on the road is very intriguing. It’s also extremely weird to imagine making a lifelong, bonding friendship with automobile software – like having an advanced Tamagotchi that can zip you around at speeds of 60 MPH or more.

Similarity rank: 0

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How infrastructure will help cure healthcare


NewsHubDonald Trump’s election has left many wary of how he’ll respond to a campaign promise to dismantle Obamacare. It seems that select aspects of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), aka Obamacare, will remain intact. Likely to remain are provisions that make it illegal for insurers to deny a patient’s pre-existing medical conditions and enable children to stay on their parents’ insurance plans through age 26.
While not part of the ACA, structural innovations designed to control cost, such as the shift to value-based care (VBC), a new way of paying doctors and hospitals, will likely continue (more on this later). The Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) may cancel their timeline for this shift, slowing momentum. However, private insurance plans and doctors have already changed the way they contract together, making very unlikely a retreat to the old payment model.
Even without a crystal ball of the exact specs of a post-Trump healthcare world, the fundamentals of the healthcare market and the massive forces acting upon it continue to render it an excellent investment opportunity. Specifically, the most near-term and pervasive value-creation area is in infrastructure software, the “glue” that serves as middleware for healthcare.
The persistent truths are that the healthcare market represents $3 trillion, almost 20 percent, of the U. S. economy. This market also is plagued by a level of gross inefficiency and under-performance largely unseen in any other industries in our post-internet world.
Why has healthcare lagged behind so much?
Largely, it’s because despite complaints about skyrocketing costs, there was no need to change. The lack of technology progress wasn’t because of a lack of available solutions, but rather because of a lack of economic incentive. Incumbents maximized profit by continuing along proprietary business processes and technology paths, because doctors and hospitals got paid by insurance companies for every single transaction of care. Nobody stood to gain by re-engineering for common workflows or common infrastructure. Siloed operations were sufficient under a payment model based on transaction volume.
The paradigm, however, is shifting dramatically.
The new role of “patient as consumer” is key in making healthcare behave like a more normal market. High-deductible health plans are the driving engine. In 2006, only 6.2 million members in the U. S. were on high-deductible plans. By 2015, this number grew to 58 million, a growth rate of 28 percent per year. Because almost 90 percent don’t exceed $2,000 per year in healthcare spending, 50 million people are effectively paying 100 percent of their healthcare out-of-pocket!
Unsurprisingly, this will start to change consumer behavior. Previously, patients had a significantly higher threshold for bad experiences because they largely weren’t paying. Increasingly, payments are made by patients themselves and/or insurance companies based on outcome and experience. Healthcare providers that had optimized only around transaction volume are finding themselves in sore need of new CRM-like tools for a consumer-centric business: to segment/acquire/retain the right patients, control costs, message/coordinate care effectively and streamline processes.
The second catalyst for change is CMS. This department spends almost $1.1 trillion on healthcare each year, making it the largest payer in the country. They’re also changing how they pay. With the Medicare Access & CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA), Medicare has said it will pay for healthcare in a value-based way. Value-based payments invert the traditional healthcare business model: Instead of paying for healthcare transactions, doctors and institutions are to be paid for healthcare outcomes. Previously, the volume maximization recipe was “more patients, more revenues.” Now, the goal is to try to keep patients from needing the healthcare system at all.
The impact is amplified as private insurance companies are quickly following suit. Importantly, because these changes are being driven by Medicare, they are not impacted by the potential repeal of the ACA. As noted above, the repeal of the ACA may temporarily slow incorporation of new programs, but the industry transition to value-based care will continue. Under this model, standardization and integration are imperative, because value-based payments cover an entire “episode of care” (typically 90 days). Now needed are technical capabilities that enable longitudinally tracking of patients’ care histories and outcomes, auditing activity-based cost of services provided and determining return on investment for each episode of care.
The new world order has spurred a deluge of healthtech applications. Startup Health notes that the first half of 2016 was the strongest ever start to the year, with $3.9 billion of venture capital invested. However, most entrepreneurs reflexively focus on the seemingly lower-hanging fruit of consumer apps (lose weight, track steps, send photos straight to your dermatologist) or enterprise point-solutions, such as appointment scheduling, patient intake, patient risk stratification, etc. All legitimate problem areas.
However, without any horizontal infrastructure, each of these solutions takes forever to develop and subsequently function only in specific walled-data silos. So, following an unduly protracted dev cycle, a product further leads to duplication of work every time it extends outside the original data pool — which happens a lot. Instead of these abundant headline-grabbing consumer apps or siloed enterprise point-solutions, the best investment opportunities actually are found elsewhere: in infrastructural software providing best-in-class functional solutions pervasively needed across the broader universe of healthtech apps.
What do the best healthtech investments look like? Best-in-class infrastructure. What exactly does this mean? It means horizontal infrastructure that allows application-layer CTOs to outsource discrete functionalities and compress their own dev cycles.
It’s taking a page from the playbook of current-day pure-play tech CTOs who now can choose from a plethora of application program interfaces (APIs), software development kits (SDKs), platform-as-a-service (PaaS) and infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) partners. This enables them to focus solely upon their core product and outsource much of their tech stack (e.g. AWS for hosting, Twilio for messaging, Mixpanel for analytics, Salesforce for CRM). This is in stark contrast to the dev protocol in the late 1990s, when startups were capital-intensive and vertically integrated because they lacked a robust infrastructural ecosystem of developer tools and third-party cloud solutions.
Today, the pure-play tech app CTO has evolved to “borrow instead of build whenever possible,” in the words of Instagram co-founder Mike Krieger , in order to “focus on actually building out your product.” In healthtech, however, we still see too many app developers try to build everything natively, thus delaying focus on their core product. Invariably they burn through much of their early-stage financing runway before working on their core product enough to secure the proof points necessary for follow-on investment rounds.
There is an emerging crop of healthtech entrepreneurs who see the more stage-appropriate opportunity actually lies within the infrastructural layers. This is how Lisa Maki of PokitDok arrived at their product. Initially, they sought to launch a consumer healthcare price comparison tool. But in order to power that, she needed a robust engine to run patient health-plan eligibility checks and payment processing. Seeing no such solution in the market, PokitDok shifted to now provide a readily accessible, turn-key API to do just that. (Disclosure: Healthy Ventures invested in PokitDok.) Such an arc is also shared by Chas Bellow in his founding of Aptible for HIPAA compliance and data security and Michelle Longmire of Medable for a data modeling platform.
These founders had originally set out to launch an end user-oriented solution. They rightly realized that the more compelling opportunity is in helping to empower the entire cohort of digital health developers to come and unleash the true potential of Healthcare 2.0. They saw that only in this way would a constellation of innovative healthtech apps be efficiently created — while they themselves can immediately generate revenue, achieve scalable commercial relevance and rise with the rising tide of the underlying crops of app-layer companies.
Investors, by focusing on pervasive infrastructural layers instead of betting on app-layer single shots on goal, are backing a systematic build-out of the nodes and roads that power digital health now and beyond. This portfolio that underscores the market’s central nervous system also provides an early look into downstream investment opportunities. In a virtuous cycle, infrastructure investors secure a veritable dashboard of the underlying app-layer solutions best poised for growth and subsequent investment potential.
The best-in-class healthtech infrastructural solutions offer:

Similarity rank: 0

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Hyperloop One’s Global Challenge could help speed government connections as it preps for its test in the desert


NewsHubAfter sifting through thousands of applications since May of 2015, Hyperloop One announced today it has whittled its competitors in its Global Challenge down to 35 semifinalist teams from all over the world. According to H1, these teams come from 17 countries and represent every continent but Antarctica — 11 teams hail from the U. S., 5 from India and 4 are in the U. K.
The company has some ambitious plans to ship things and people all over the world at hyper-speed and the idea behind the challenge is to use these minds from several locations and countries to come up with a plan to connect and improve upon the hyperloop technology to help propel it throughout the globe as H1 begins to expand.
Each team puts forth a comprehensive plan with models, maps, renderings, talks and video to showcase how they would implement policies and procedures to get government and investors involved in the cause within their respective regions.
And it may prove smart to get ideas from all over the world to improve your game. On the flip of that is the prestige and recognition each team could get from local authorities and H1 itself. The company has promised eventual winners will get to “work closely with the Hyperloop One engineering and business development teams to explore project development and financing later this year,” according to a company release.
The competition will also help H1 make headway in areas it needs to connect into throughout the world. H1 is already running on full steam globally with plans to build the first commercial hyperloop transportation system in the world, going from Dubai to Abu Dhabi.
Earlier it announced a partnership with the third largest shipping port in the world DP World Group of Dubai and is currently preparing for its “Kitty Hawk moment” at Apex in North Las Vegas within the next three months, where H1 intends to conduct the first test of its technology on a 500 linear meter track, with the goal of hitting 700 mph (or the equivalent of shooting a human through a vacuum tube from San Francisco to Los Angeles in half an hour).
H1 does have some competition in the space, the closest being its L. A. counterpart Hyperloop Transportation Technologies, but so far no one has been able to prove the machinery can get to those speeds using hardly any electricity just yet so we are eagerly waiting to see what happens in the next three months in Vegas.
As for the remaining 35 semifinalists in the challenge, those teams now go up for review by Hyperloop One’s panel of experts and will eventually get whittled down to a fraction of the current number to be announced later this year.
H1 also told TechCrunch it will be raising for the company and for each chosen team separately to build a hyperloop and work on projects to help move H1 forward in each of their respective regions.

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Add items to your grocery list by scanning them on the way to the garbage can


NewsHubAt first glance, the GeniCan is completely ridiculous. At second, it’s actually kind of brilliant. The scanner clips onto the side of a trash can, an always present reminder to scan items when you run out. Before throwing an object out, you hold it up to the IR scanner and it adds it to your list.
If an item can’t be scanned – like, say, a piece of fruit — the company relies on voice command. You tell it to add an orange, and it adds an orange, syncing it with the company’s shopping list app. And that’s pretty much it, really.
We got a basic demo of the tech in action tonight at an after hours CES event, though the IR was acting up in the odd ballroom setting we were demoing the tech in, so it was fairly hiccupy. I’m willing to concede here that a ballroom setting is not the standard case use for a device like this.
That said, the product is currently in its final version, with shipping starting early this year, so hopefully the thing will work better in a more standard kitchen setting. I’d also like to learn a bit more about the technology driving the voice recognition tech here. The company wouldn’t spill the beans, beyond saying that they’ve partnered with a third party for the tech.
At $129 for preorder and $149 for the final version, it’s not cheap for a relatively minor convenience. But it’s a pretty ingenious bit of technology, nonetheless.

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'Border wall will be paid for by Mexico' – Donald Trump repeats election claim


NewsHubDonald Trump has repeated the claim made during his election campaign that Mexico will foot the bill for a wall along the US-Mexican border.
Congressional Republicans and the president-elect’s transition team are exploring whether they can make good on his promise to build a wall without passing a new bill.
Under the evolving plan, the Trump administration would rely on existing legislation authorising fencing and other technology along the southern border.
Legislators would be asked to ensure enough money is available in US coffers to build the wall, but Congress would not pass a standalone bill authorising it.
Mr Trump said in a tweet early on Friday: “The dishonest media does not report that any money spent on building the Great Wall (for sake of speed), will be paid back by Mexico later! ”
The potential approach was confirmed by two congressional officials and a senior transition official with knowledge of the discussions. They emphasised that no final decisions had been made.
The approach could come as a surprise to some but could also prevent a legislative fight Mr Trump might lose if he tried to get Congress to pass a measure authorising the kind of border wall he promised during the campaign.
It is not clear how much could be done along the 2,000-mile border without additional action by Congress. Legislators passed the Secure Fence Act of 2006, but most of those 700 miles have already been built. Some areas are in much better shape than others and long stretches are made up of fencing that stops vehicles but not pedestrians.
Whatever steps might be taken without Congress’s approval would be likely to fall short of the extravagant new wall on the border that Mr Trump repeatedly said Mexico would pay for during his campaign for the White House.
Despite Congress’s involvement in approving any spending, such an approach might also open Mr Trump to charges of circumventing the House and the Senate to take unilateral actions, something he repeatedly criticised President Barack Obama for.
A spending bill including money for border construction could also provoke a legislative showdown given potential opposition from Senate Democrats.
However, some immigration hardliners have already expressed the desire to see Congress take a vote, given how prominent the wall was during Mr Trump’s presidential campaign, and their desire to act on the issue.
His vow to build an impenetrable concrete wall along the southern border was his signature campaign proposal.
Mr Trump often promised the wall would be built of hardened concrete, rebar and steel as tall as his venues’ ceilings, and would feature a “big, beautiful door” to allow legal immigrants to enter.
Most experts viewed such promises as unrealistic and impractical, and Mr Trump himself sometimes allowed that the wall would not need to span the entire length of the border, thanks to natural barriers like rivers. After winning the election, he said he would be open to stretches of fencing.

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© Source: http://www.independent.ie/world-news/north-america/us-election-2016/border-wall-will-be-paid-for-by-mexico-donald-trump-repeats-election-claim-35346859.html
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