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ООН официально отнесла страны Балтии к Северной Европе – евродепутат


NewsHubОрганизация Объединенных Наций официально отнесла страны Балтии – Литву, Латвию и Эстонию – к Северной Европе. Об этом в своем Twitter написал депутат Европарламента Артис Пабрикс, ссылаясь на сайт ООН.
“ООН официально меняет статус государств Балтии с Восточной Европы на Северную Европу. Это то, к чему мы принадлежим”, – говорится в сообщении.
На странице департамента статистики ООН в списке географических регионов и входящих в них стран последние обновления значатся от 26 сентября 2016 года. Страны Балтии там действительно входят в число северноевропейских стран.
Украина, Чехия, Польша, Россия, Беларусь и ряд других стран – Восточная Европа.
Длительное время страны Балтии считались странами восточноевропейского блока и относились к зоне влияния РФ. Литва, Латвия и Эстония начали активную евроинтеграцию после развала Советского союза в 1991 году.

Similarity rank: 7.4

© Source: http://gordonua.com/news/worldnews/oon-oficialno-otnesla-strany-baltii-k-severnoy-evrope-evrodeputat-168134.html
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В Польше скончался сын экс-президента Леха Валенсы


NewsHubСтоит отметить, что у экс-президента Польши Леха Валенсы и его супруги Дануты восемь детей – четверо сыновей и четверо дочерей.
Как сообщал MIGnews.com.ua ранее, в Дании умер князь Дмитрий Романов в возрасте 90 лет, он являлся самым старым родственников последнего русского царя Николая II.

Similarity rank: 8.8

© Source: http://mignews.com.ua/proisshestviya/16266937.html
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The 10 Most Anticipated PC Games of 2017


NewsHub2016 was a decent if unspectacular year for PC gaming. Several popular game franchises received high quality additions – Battlefield 1, Dishonored 2, Civilization VI, and Watch Dogs 2 just to name a few – but we also saw great new IPs from studios big (Ubisoft’s The Division) and small (Jonathan Blow’s The Witness).
On the other hand, a collection of games we were excited to play ended up being major disappointments. Mafia III and No Man’s Sky are prime examples, though even titles like Deus Ex: Mankind Divided received mixed reception among fans of the series. Hopefully the games we’re most excited to play in 2017 will meet the hype surrounding their release.
Perhaps the most hotly anticipated game of 2017 on PC, as well as consoles, is Mass Effect Andromeda. While not a direct sequel to 2012’s Mass Effect 3, Andromeda will bring gamers back into the universe of the highly regarded original trilogy, complete with an all-new open world environment. The game is Electronic Arts’ big first half release, and developer BioWare will undoubtedly create a stunning role-playing experience using DICE’s fantastic Frostbite 3 engine.
Andromeda is set 600 years after the events of Mass Effect 3 in, you guessed it, the Andromeda Galaxy. The game will feature many classic Mass Effect elements, such as exploration of planets using a space ship under your character’s command, the ability to play as many races and genders, and choices that impact the narrative. After delays pushed Andromeda back to an early 2017 launch, we can’t wait for this one to hit PC.
The hack-and-slash genre has been neglected for a few years now. Most games of this type are either transformed into expansive role-playing adventures, or released in a painfully mediocre state (anyone remember Ryse: Son of Rome?). For Honor is Ubisoft’s take on the genre, their first in 30 years of game development and publishing, and it’s set to occupy the company’s traditional early-year release slot that last year gave us Far Cry Primal and The Division.
For Honor allows you to take control of a character from one of three major medieval war factions: The Legion (knights), The Chosen (samurai), and The Warborn (Vikings). Throughout a story-driven singleplayer campaign you’ll duel enemies using a combat system known as “Art of Battle”, which gives more intricate control over weapons than a standard ‘mash the button’ hack-and-slash game. There’s also a variety of multiplayer, which the game’s creative director described as a “shooter with swords”, whatever that means.
Most fantasy role-playing games include magical elements, but Kingdom Come: Deliverance is different. This is a role-playing game based on medieval history; there’s no magic, no dragons, and no potions to be found here. Kickstarted in 2014 and developed by a new company called Warhorse Studios, Kingdom Come is set to offer something truly different than the vast majority of fantasy RPGs.
Elements you’d expect from a modern RPG are still here, though. The game is open world, set in the Kingdom of Bohemia in 1403. There’s a skill tree for your character, and a weapons system that supports everything from swords to bows. With such a strong focus on realism, you can also expect an NPC system that reacts to crime, an intricate armor system that includes degradation, and lots of travelling around on horses. If it all comes together as planned, this could be the sleeper hit of 2017.
Scalebound is the third role-playing game on this list so far, and it could be the most exciting. Developed by PlatinumGames as an exclusive for Microsoft platforms, Scalebound sees the player control not just a human character, but also a large dragon sidekick. Most fantasy RPGs make dragons your enemies, but in Scalebound your dragon will greatly assist you in the heart of battle. Think of it like Daenerys Targaryen’s dragons in Game of Thrones.
Aside from copious dragon-related powers – including the main character’s ability to shapeshift into a half-dragon hybrid – Scalebound will feature more role-playing elements than any of PlatinumGames’ previous titles. The studios expertise in hack and slash games such as Bayonetta and Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance will certainly come in handy for the combat in Scalebound. You can also expect a seriously beautiful game here: the developers are specifically aiming to make Scalebound a graphics masterpiece through the use of Unreal Engine 4.
The Dawn of War series has been immensely popular with real-time strategy fans since the first was released more than 12 years ago. Dawn of War III has been a long time coming, especially since the last installment, Dawn of War II – Retribution, is over five years old now, but it’s something to look forward to in 2017.
Relic Entertainment have been keeping most of the information regarding Dawn of War III close to their chest, but it is known that three races will be playable from day one: the Space Marines, the Eldar, and the Orks. The game will also include basebuilding and large-scale walkers, elements that weren’t seen in Dawn of War II. Some websites have hinted that the game will be released on April 30 th , although this hasn’t been officially confirmed by the game’s creators.
After finishing work on the critically acclaimed Life is Strange, Dontnod Entertainment moved on to Vampyr, an upcoming role-playing game set during the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic in London. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that you’ll be playing as a vampire called Jonathan Reid, who struggles to uphold the Hippocratic Oath as a doctor while craving the taste of human blood. You’ll often be faced with the choice between protecting your identity, and gaining new abilities by preying on those around you.
Much of the game is based on vampire lore. You won’t be able to enter the houses of Londoners unless you are invited, although you will be able to ‘mesmerize’ human targets into following you to an alley for an easy feed. Combat consists of mostly improvised and crafted weapons, which you will need to defeat vampire slayers and other vampires. And while Vampyr is not strictly open-world, the game will feature open neighborhood hubs for exploration and questing. Expect period-accurate visuals recreated in Unreal Engine 4 and a compelling story as well.
Prey is one of the most exciting games to expect in 2017. This game has been anticipated in a variety of forms since the original release of Prey in 2006, firstly as a sequel by Human Head Studios (cancelled in 2014 after eight years of troubled development), and now as a “re-imagining” of the original by Dishonored developer Arkane Studios. Built from the ground up for modern platforms using CryEngine, the new Prey will finally hit PC and consoles in the first half of the year.
The game is set on a futuristic space station with alien enemies, and much of the story revolves around using the station’s resources to defeat said aliens. Arkane are integrating role-playing elements into Prey, including decisions that affect the story and a continuous environment, alongside elements that made their Dishonored games a huge success. Players will get to explore both the interior and exterior of the station, the latter involving zero-gravity movement. The character you play, Morgan Yu, can gain abilities from aliens as well.
This is a game that has been flying under the radar, but should be a ton of fun when released. A spin-off from the Saints Row series, Agents of Mayhem will take place after the ending of Saints Row: Gat out of Hell in a futuristic Seoul. You can expect developer Volition will include a lot of crazy antics and hilarious missions in this open-world title, as gamers have come to expect from everything Saints Row. Even the names of the organizations in the game – M. A. Y. H. E. M. for the good guys, L. E. G. I. O. N. for the bad guys – are unsurprisingly ridiculous.
The specifics of Agents of Mayhem have mostly been kept a secret, but we do know that you’ll control three agents at any one time with the ability to switch between them, giving you a variety of abilities depending on who you choose. There will be twelve agents in total to select, and given what we’ve come to love from Saints Row games, you can expect all of them to be over-the-top caricatures of real world figures. This game won’t take itself seriously and you can bet it’ll be filled with humor and parodies like previous games from Volition.
Ubisoft is calling Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands one of their biggest ever open world games, and early impressions have indicated it’s not just a typical Ubisoft open-world experience. That’s enough for us to get excited about this shooter, which is set in the beautiful expanses of present-day Bolivia, rather than the futuristic settings of previous Ghost Recon games. Players will be tasked with commanding a four-person special operations squad sent to Bolivia to infiltrate and destroy a powerful drug cartel in the area.
Ghost Recon Wildlands will feature popular elements from previous Ghost Recon games, including its third-person perspective and four-player co-operative modes (although single-player with AI teammates will also be an option). Missions will be partially open ended, and the game will give players numerous ways to traverse the landscape, recon the area, and take out any required targets. Ubisoft will also build in interactions with NPCs, allowing players to form relationships that may affect missions and the story, which could add some interesting non-linear elements into the game.
Absolver is one of the most exciting indie games set for release in 2017. Developed by Sloclap, a studio formed by ex-Ubisoft Paris employees, Absolver is an action role-playing game that integrates fluid martial arts fighting. The world within the game is connected such that the game includes single-player elements alongside cooperative and competitive play; there will even be some MMO aspects such as player versus player fighting matches.
Some interesting concepts are included in Absolver, such as the ‘combat deck’, a series of cards that governs what fighting moves are available during gameplay. Progressing through the game will see more cards added to this deck, expanding the amount of dynamic moves available. Role-playing elements like collecting weapons and equipment will also be a feature of Absolver, as is a beautiful art style that focuses more on stylized landscapes than realism. It’s one of several engrossing titles set for release in 2017 that uses Unreal Engine 4

Similarity rank: 0

© Source: http://www.techspot.com/article/1303-most-anticipated-pc-games-2017/
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CES 2017: Hands-on with Huawei's $1500 Porsche Design Mate 9


NewsHubAlthough Huawei debuted the Mate 9 for the US earlier in the week, we still couldn’t forget about its more luxurious counterpart, the Porsche Design Mate 9. While it won’t be making its way to the United States anytime soon, we still managed to get our hands on it at CES for a quick hands-on.
The Porsche Design Mate 9 feels as good as it looks and like most high-end devices, the body of the device is constructed from metal and feels sturdy in hand. The front is probably the most tantalizing part of the phone, as it offers a slightly curved QHD AMOLED display. The gentle slopes on the edges offer just enough visual eye candy to separate it from many of its competitors. If there is one thing to complain about in regards to the design, it would be the gaudy “Porsche Design” logo that is emblazoned on the top bezel above the display.
With the limited time on hand, the handset could only be tested so far, but from first impressions, the handset felt quite speedy. That comes as no surprise considering it is utilizing the latest Kirin 960 processor and has 6GB RAM.
For those looking to get their hands on the Porsche Design Mate 9, you’ll most likely have to look at third-party sites if you do not live in the areas in which it was released. If the retail price of €1395 EUR (almost $1500 USD) is a bit much, you might want to consider checking out its more affordable counterpart, the Mate 9 Pro , which offers the same specifications and design but was released exclusively in China.

Similarity rank: 0

© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/neowin-main/~3/5zVI-cZKPzo/ces-2017-hands-on-with-huaweis-1500-porsche-design-mate-9
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Gartner forecasts Windows will lose its position to Apple in device shipments this year


NewsHubAfter decades of leadership in device shipments, Microsoft is set to lose its place to Apple in 2017, according to a Gartner’s market prediction. The forecast takes into account all sorts of devices running Windows, OS X (now macOS) or iOS, from PCs and 2-in-1s to tablets and phones.
As can be seen in the chart above, the shipment of devices running Windows has been declining since 2013, so Gartner predicts this trend won’t change for 2017. In the other hand, shipments of Apple’s devices also seemed to be declining, but Gartner predicts this trend is about to change, even though no explanation is given on that matter.
As predicted by Gartner last year , worldwide device shipments are set to fall and then to stagnate until at least 2019. According to Ranjit Atwal, Gartner Analyst, in a statement last Wednesday :
In addition, Atwal pointed out that consumers have few reasons to buy new traditional devices, mainly because of the current slower rate of innovation. This trend is also reflecting on the average selling prices which are starting to stagnate, according to Atwal.
In the same press release, Gartner stated that nearly seven billion PCs, tablets and phones were in use in the world by the end of last year.
Sources: Computer World via MSPoweruser

Similarity rank: 0

© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/neowin-main/~3/eIo_wT9jEFM/gartner-forecasts-windows-will-lose-its-position-to-apple-in-device-shipments-this-year
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OnePlus rolls out new Android 7.0 update to 3 and 3T, bringing fixes…and some known issues


NewsHubLast week, with just a few hours of 2016 remaining, OnePlus fulfilled its promise to begin the rollout of its Android 7.0 update to its two flagship phones, the 3 and 3T , before the end of the year. Following the release of OxygenOS 4.0, the company has now made a new update available, which addresses some problems – but also includes some known issues.
OxygenOS 4.0.1 has now started rolling out, and along with the improvements in the 4.0 update, it also includes these additions:
However, OnePlus has also warned of the following known issues, including possible workarounds for two of them:
OnePlus says that this is an “incremental roll-out” of the update, which means that it will gradually make its way to all 3 and 3T handsets in the days ahead.
Source: OxygenOS 4.0.1 release notes for OnePlus 3 / OnePlus 3T

Similarity rank: 0

© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/neowin-main/~3/eB2BdqiqE9I/oneplus-rolls-out-new-android-70-update-to-3-and-3t-bringing-fixesand-some-known-issues
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Spotify is testing a change to its app design to make album art a lot more prominent


NewsHubSpotify is one of the most popular music streaming services around – at last count, back in September, it had over 40 million subscribers, up by 10 million in just six months. The company is now testing a revised mobile app design that makes album art more prominent – but which also makes some changes to the user interface that might not please everyone.
As Android Police reports, it appears that Spotify has been performing A/B testing of the design changes with a limited group of users of its Android app, as the revised design hasn’t appeared for everyone.
The changes focus on the ‘now playing’ view, making the album art full-screen with a fade-out effect towards the bottom of the screen where the controls are displayed. Tapping the screen hides the controls leaving nothing but the album art visible, along with an unobtrusive progress bar at the very bottom, showing how much of the current song has played.
However, as part of the changes, Spotify has replaced the queue button with a share button instead, while the shuffle and repeat buttons have been removed.
It’s not clear if Spotify intends to implement these design changes for all users, if it will stick with the current layout, or if it will find some middle ground that strikes the best balance between old and new. If it does introduce these or similar changes, it will certainly be interesting to see how they’re implemented across other platforms too.
Source: Android Police

Similarity rank: 0

© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/neowin-main/~3/jb-2EOUcpuU/spotify-is-testing-a-change-to-its-app-design-to-make-album-art-a-lot-more-prominent
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You can now get a Surface Pro 4 with Type Cover for £699 in the UK, saving 25%


NewsHubWith the festive season now an increasingly distant memory, Microsoft is once again selling its Surface Pro 4 tablets at full price in the UK. But buyers there can currently enjoy huge savings when purchasing one model in the range – although there is a catch.
The Microsoft Store is currently selling the Surface Pro 4 with an Intel Core i5 processor, 4GB RAM and 128GB SSD for £849. If you want a Type Cover keyboard for the device, that would ordinarily set you back a further £109.99, although Microsoft is currently offering the keyboard for £82.49 .
But PC World is now offering the same Surface Pro 4 model for £699, including a black Type Cover keyboard. That bundle would save you £259.99 (27%) compared with the full price, and even with the discount on the Type Cover, you’d still save 25% compared with the cost of buying from the Microsoft Store.
Now, here’s the catch: the bundle isn’t available for delivery, but the company does say that you can “order online and collect in store minutes later” – subject to local availability.
Still, if you can’t make it to a PC World store, don’t worry too much – Microsoft itself runs promotional offers on its Surface devices every few weeks, so if you miss out on this deal, there’ll no doubt be another one along soon enough.
Source: PC World

Similarity rank: 0

© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/neowin-main/~3/x9kAUE_VIcI/you-can-now-get-a-surface-pro-4-with-type-cover-for-699-in-the-uk-saving-25
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Meryl Streep gets political in Golden Globes acceptance speech


NewsHub(CNN) Meryl Streep was honored at the Golden Globes for a lifetime of notable work, and she took her moment in the spotlight to give an acceptance speech of a lifetime.

Similarity rank: 5.8
Sentiment rank: 3.5

© Source: http://rss.cnn.com/~r/rss/edition_entertainment/~3/J4XbC40MxfU/index.html
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Jimmy Fallon Jokes About Donald Trump in Golden Globes Monologue


NewsHubIt’s showtime!
Jimmy Fallon has kicked off the 2017 Golden Globes and he didn’t hold back in poking fun at President-elect Donald Trump , among others, in his opening monologue.
First, the teleprompter went down, to which Fallon joked, “I can do impressions, what do we do here!? … Already you have your Golden Globes moment. “
Then he got right into joking about the 2016 presidential election. He said the Globes were an event “where America still honors the popular vote,” alluding to the fact Hillary Clinton won the popular vote, but lost the election in the Electoral College to Trump.
Next, he spoke about “Game of Thrones” and its notorious villain King Joffrey.
He said fans were wondering “what it would have been like if King Joffrey had lived … well in 12 days we’ll find out,” he said about Trump’s inauguration.
The election jokes also included a nod to Meryl Streep ‘s “Florence Foster Jenkins,” joking even she wouldn’t perform at Trump’s inauguration and that the Globes’ winners were tabulated as always by the accounting firm of “Ernst & Young & Putin. “
Others in the room were not off limits either. Fallon called out Matt Damon , saying his best acting job this year was telling buddy Ben Affleck he was good in “Batman V Superman. “
He also said no matter what tonight, “No one is gonna thank O. J. [Simpson.]”

Similarity rank: 6
Sentiment rank: 0.8

© Source: http://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/highlights-jimmy-fallons-golden-globes-monologue/story?id=44638225
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