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Premier Szydło do Polonii: Drzwi nad Wisłą zawsze są otwarte


Premier Szydło do Polonii: Drzwi nad Wisłą zawsze są otwarte – Drzwi w waszym domu nad Wisłą zawsze pozostają otwarte – zapewniła w środę przedstawicieli Polonii w Holandii premier Beata Szydło. Zadeklarowała, że rząd będzie wspierać inicjatywy polonijne w Holandii.
Drzwi w waszym domu nad Wisłą zawsze pozostają otwarte – zapewniła w środę przedstawicieli Polonii w Holandii premier Beata Szydło. Zadeklarowała, że rząd będzie wspierać inicjatywy polonijne w Holandii.
Premier RP Beata Szydło podczas spotkania z przedstawicielami Polonii w ambasadzie RP w Hadze / Radek Pietruszka / PAP
Premier w środę złożyła wizytę w Holandii, podczas której rozmawiała z premierem tego kraju Markiem Rutte. W ambasadzie RP spotkała się także z przedstawicielami Polonii.
Szefowa rządu w trakcie spotkania dziękowała im za to, że są w Holandii ambasadorami polskości i dbają o polskie tradycje. “Dzięki waszej postawie i inicjatywom Polska może mówić, że jest państwem niezwykle szanowanym, państwem, z którym chcą inni współpracować, państwem bezpiecznym, dbającym o swoich obywateli, swoją historię i kulturę” – zwróciła się do zgromadzonych.
Podkreślała, że polski rząd jest “do dyspozycji” Polonii i jest gotowy do współpracy ze wszystkimi organizacjami polonijnymi. “Chcemy państwa zaangażowanie wspierać jeszcze bardziej” – deklarowała szefowa rządu.
“Zawsze dla was w waszym domu nad Wisłą drzwi pozostają otwarte” – podkreślała premier. “Jesteśmy zawsze gotowi wspierać wszystkie inicjatywy, które państwo tutaj podejmują, ale też zapraszamy was do waszej ojczyzny, do tego, by państwo jak najczęściej zaglądali nad Wisłę” – mówiła do uczestników spotkania.
“A tych z państwa, którzy myślą o powrocie, mam nadzieję, że przekonamy o tym, że nad Wisłą, w bezpiecznym domu, można spokojnie myśleć o przyszłości” – zaznaczyła. Zwróciła się z prośbą do przedstawicieli Polonii, by dalej pracowali na rzecz Polski.
W obecności premier zostały wręczone odznaczenia przyznane przez prezydenta Andrzeja Dudę. Krzyżem Kawalerskim Orderu Zasługi RP został uhonorowany Eugeniusz Kowalski za “wybitne zasługi w upowszechnianiu wiedzy historycznej oraz kultywowanie pamięci o polskich żołnierzach biorących udział w drugiej wojnie światowej”. Za “wybitne zasługi w działalności duszpasterskiej i patriotycznej” Krzyż Kawalerski Orderu Odrodzenia Polski otrzymał ks. Sławomir Klim.
W Holandii według oficjalnego rejestru mieszka 150 tys. Polaków. Rejestracja w tym kraju dla polskich obywateli nie jest obowiązkowa; według nieoficjalnych szacunków liczba rodaków pracujących i mieszkających w Holandii może być dwa razy większa.
Z Hagi Magdalena Cedro

Similarity rank: 7.5
Sentiment rank: 2.5

© Source: http://fakty.interia.pl/polska/news-premier-szydlo-do-polonii-drzwi-nad-wisla-zawsze-sa-otwarte,nId,2349656
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VW-Skandal: Piëch belastet Niedersachsens Ministerpräsident Weil


Der Ex-Porsche-Aufsichtsratschef wirft dem SPD-Politiker Weil offenbar vor, früh von VW-Abgasmanipulationen in den USA gewusst zu haben. Der weist das zurück.
Der frühere Aufsichtsratschef des Autobauers Porsche, Ferdinand Piëch, hat nach Informationen des Spiegels und der Bild am Sonntag vor der Staatsanwaltschaft Braunschweig ausgesagt, er habe vier Aufsichtsräte des VW-Konzerns frühzeitig über Hinweise auf den Dieselbetrug informiert: Niedersachsens Ministerpräsident Stephan Weil, VW-Betriebsrat Bernd Osterloh, Ex-IG-Metall-Chef Berthold Huber und Wolfgang Porsche.
Die vier Aufsichtsräte hätten demnach bereits Anfang März 2015 von ihm erfahren, dass es Hinweise auf Abgasmanipulationen in den USA gebe. Offiziell flog der Betrug erst im September 2015 in den USA auf, ein halbes Jahr später. Das Unternehmen
gestand die Manipulation danach ein. Weltweit sind elf Millionen Fahrzeuge
betroffen, die meisten davon in Europa.
Kürzlich hatte der Spiegel bereits berichtet, Piëch habe auch Ex-Konzernchef Martin Winterkorn gegenüber der Staatsanwaltschaft Braunschweig belastet. Piëch gab demnach an, Ende Februar 2015 von einem Informanten den Hinweis erhalten zu haben, dass der Autobauer Abgaswerte manipuliere und deswegen ein großes Problem in den USA habe. Damit habe er Winterkorn konfrontiert. Dieser soll entgegnet haben, er habe die Sache im Griff.
Der VW-Aufsichtsrat soll gegenüber dem Spiegel erklärt haben, dass die Anschuldigungen Piëchs falsch sind. Die Kontrolleure hätten erst durch die Veröffentlichung der US-Behörden am 18. September von dem Dieselskandal erfahren. Der damalige Aufsichtsratschef Piëch habe sie zuvor nicht informiert.
Ein Mitglied des Aufsichtsratspräsidiums sagte dem Magazin, er sei bereit, eidesstattliche Versicherungen dafür abzugeben. Eine solche Behauptung sei auch völlig unsinnig. “Sonst hätten wir ja nicht auf einen Rückzug Piëchs aus dem Aufsichtsrat gedrängt, sondern kritische Fragen zu Herrn Winterkorn gestellt. “
Ministerpräsident Weil erklärte gegenüber dem Spiegel : “Mir sind diese Vorwürfe seit einigen Monaten bekannt. Sie sind einer unabhängigen Prüfung unterzogen und als unglaubwürdig bewertet worden. Tatsächlich hat es im Frühjahr 2015 von keiner Seite Hinweise an mich gegeben, Volkswagen nehme unzulässigerweise Einfluss auf Schadstoffwerte. Davon habe ich erst am 19. September 2015 erfahren. Jede anderslautende Darstellung ist schlichtweg falsch. ”
Das Land Niedersachsen ist ein wichtiger VW-Anteilseigner.

Similarity rank: 3.2

© Source: http://www.zeit.de/mobilitaet/2017-02/vw-skandal-ferdinand-piech-staatsanwaltschaft-braunschweig
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Windows 10 Creators Update Build 15031 for PC arrives on the Fast ring, introduces yet more new features


Microsoft has been busy bug bashing this week, but has still found time to push out a new Insider Preview build to the Fast ring. Microsoft has been busy bug bashing this week, but has still found time to push out a new Insider Preview build to…
Microsoft has been busy bug bashing this week, but has still found time to push out a new Insider Preview build to the Fast ring.
Build 15031 is for PC only (a Mobile Build is anticipated later this week), and introduces yet more new features to the forthcoming Creators Update, including Dynamic Lock .
This new feature is something we’ve looked at previously , but in a nutshell it automatically locks your Windows 10 PC when you’re not around. It uses a Bluetooth-paired phone to identify when you step away, and when you return.
To enable the Dynamic Lock feature you need to pair your phone to the PC via Bluetooth and then go to Settings > Accounts > Sign-in options and toggle Dynamic lock to “on”.
Sounds great, right? Except, there’s a known bug that prevents PCs on this build from successfully pairing devices via Bluetooth. So, yeah…
This build also introduces a new Compact Overlay window. This allows apps to appear over the top of everything else. As an example, you’ll be able to keep watching a movie in the Movies & TV app, for example, while doing other things. Support for that app, and the Skype Preview app will be introduced in the future.
There’s a new Share icon in this build, and improved full-screen support for the Windows Game Bar too.
Other changes, improvements, and fixes for PC
Known issues for PC
Photo credit: charnsitr / Shutterstock

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: http://feeds.betanews.com/~r/bn/~3/bzQxpsmvEtc/
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Trump attacks Nordstrom for dropping daughter's fashion line


President Donald Trump on Wednesday lashed out at department store chain Nordstrom over its recent decision to stop selling his daughter’s clothing line.
“My daughter Ivanka has been treated so unfairly by Nordstrom,” Trump said in a tweet.
“She is a great person — always pushing me to do the right thing! Terrible! “
Trump sent out the remarks shortly after speaking to a gathering of local law enforcement agents where he delivered stark warnings about the dangers of terrorism.
The retailer, which has about 350 stores in the United States and Canada, said last week it was dropping Ivanka Trump’s line — which includes high-end women’s clothing, accessories and shoes — due to poor sales.
Representatives of the upscale retailer did not immediately responded to a request for comment from AFP about the twitter attack.
Nordstrom said in a statement last week that its decision was based purely on commercial merit and came as part of its regular review of the 2,000 brands it sells.
“In this case, based on the brand’s performance we’ve decided not to buy it for this season. “
Since his surprise victory in November’s elections, Trump has used his Twitter feed to lambast companies for off-shoring US jobs or overcharging the federal government for aircraft.
But the latest tweet was different in that it sought to defend part of Trump’s family business empire, which critics have said could be a source of profound conflicts of interest for the White House.
Unlike other companies he has attacked on Twitter, including Lockheed, Boeing and Ford, Nordstrom stock was up slightly at midday
Nordstrom was one of several retailers that faced boycott calls for selling Trump family products or supported the campaign.
Anti-Trump activists created “Grab Your Wallet” after the election to enlist consumers in boycotts to protest Trump’s agenda, which also has been met by waves of demonstrations inside and outside the United States.

Similarity rank: 11
Sentiment rank: -0.7

© Source: http://www.timeslive.co.za/world/2017/02/08/Trump-attacks-Nordstrom-for-dropping-daughters-fashion-line
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​Another Samsung battery fire — this time at its factory


A Wednesday fire in a Samsung SDI battery plant in China was extinguished with no injuries.
Samsung recalled its dangerous Galaxy Note 7 phones
Burning batteries have caused more trouble for South Korean tech giant Samsung.
For the last year, the problem has been Samsung Electronics’ Galaxy Note 7 phone. But on Wednesday, its sister company Samsung SDI was hit by a minor fire involving faulty batteries. The batteries were among waste products that caught fire at a plant in Tianjin, China, according to Reuters , citing Samsung SDI and local fire authorities.
Lithium batteries caused the fire, fire authorities said. It was extinguished with no injuries or disruption to production, Samsung SDI told Reuters.
The Galaxy Note 7 used batteries from two suppliers, Samsung SDI and Amperex, and both suppliers’ batteries had problems .
Samsung Electronics and Samsung SDI didn’t immediately respond to requests for comment.

Similarity rank: 3

© Source: https://www.cnet.com/news/another-samsung-battery-fire-this-time-at-its-factory/
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Trump’s claim Ivanka is being ‘treated so unfairly’ by Nordstrom


The evidence is stacked against Trump and Spicer, resulting in Four Pinocchios.
“My daughter Ivanka has been treated so unfairly by @Nordstrom. She is a great person — always pushing me to do the right thing! Terrible!”
–President Trump, post on Twitter , Feb. 8, 2017
“I think there’s clearly a targeting of her brand and it’s her name still out there. So she’s not directly running the company, it’s still her name on it. And there’s clearly efforts to undermine that name based on her father’s positions on particular policies that he’s taken. This is a direct attack on his policies and her name.”
–White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer, news briefing, Feb. 8, 2017
Trump took to Twitter to bash Nordstrom over the retailer’s decision to stop carrying Ivank Trump products. Trump even retweeted himself using the official presidential @POTUS Twitter account. In a news briefing, Spicer defended Trump’s tweets, saying the president had a right to stand up for his family. Ivanka is being “maligned” because Nordstrom has “a problem with his policies,” he added.
There’s no question the president has the right to defend his family. In 1950, President Harry S. Truman blasted The Washington Post’s music critic, Paul Hume, for a negative review of his daughter Margaret’s singing performance.
“I’ve just read your lousy review of Margaret’s concert. I’ve come to the conclusion that you are an ‘eight ulcer man on four ulcer pay,’” Truman wrote. “Some day I hope to meet you. When that happens you’ll need a new nose, a lot of beefsteak for black eyes, and perhaps a supporter below!”
But Truman didn’t charge that Hume’s review was politically motivated. In contrast, Trump and his White House claim the president’s daughter was treated unfairly and maligned because of politics. Is that the case?
A national “Grab Your Wallet” boycott of retailers carrying products by Trump and his family began in October 2016, in the wake of The Washington Post’s report of a 2005 “Access Hollywood” video that captured Trump making lewd comments about women.
In a Nov. 21, 2016, internal email obtained by Fortune Magazine , the company’s co-president Pete Nordstrom said the company planned to carry the brand as long as sales were profitable. He wrote the company “strive[s] to be agnostic about politics and to treat all our customers with respect.” The company confirmed the legitimacy of the email to The Fact Checker.
Excerpts from the email:
“We’ve heard from customers, including some who are long time loyal customers, threatening a boycott of Nordstrom if we continue to carry the line. Similarly, we’ve heard from customers who say they will boycott Nordstrom if we stop carrying the brand. This is a sharply divisive subject. No matter what we do, we are going to end up disappointing some of our customers.”
“Every single brand we offer is evaluated on their results — if people don’t buy it, we won’t sell it,” and the Ivanka Trump brand “has grown to be a sizable and successful business.”
Fortune Magazine reported that the company’s neutral stance may end up divisive for its employees, who want the company to take a political stand.
The company had already ordered the spring collection of Ivanka Trump clothing. The spring order likely was placed in late summer or early fall, before the Grab Your Wallet boycott began in October or the November election, according to Racked.com .
On Feb. 2, Nordstrom announced it will stop carrying Ivanka Trump, due to poor sales. The company said it evaluates sales each season. Racked.com found there was a dramatic decline in Ivanka Trump products on the retailer’s website from Dec. 2 to Dec. 27, 2016. The company said on Feb. 2:
“We’ve got thousands of brands – more than 2,000 offered on the site alone. Reviewing their merit and making edits is part of the regular rhythm of our business. Each year we cut about 10 percent and refresh our assortment with about the same amount. In this case, based on the brand’s performance we’ve decided not to buy it for this season.”
The White House did not respond to our request for evidence that Nordstrom’s move was politically motivated. In response to Trump’s tweet and Spicer’s comment, Nordstrom said on Feb. 8:
“To reiterate what we’ve already shared when asked, we made this decision based on performance. Over the past year, and particularly in the last half of 2016, sales of the brand have steadily declined to the point where it didn’t make good business sense for us to continue with the line for now. We’ve had a great relationship with the Ivanka Trump team. We’ve had open conversations with them over the past year to share what we’ve seen and Ivanka was personally informed of our decision in early January.”
Ivanka Trump herself announced she would leave her eponymous brand, after her husband was appointed senior adviser to the White House. The Ivanka Trump brand did not respond to our inquiry, but issued a statement on Feb. 3 that read, in part: “We believe that the strength of a brand is measured not only by the profits it generates, but the integrity it maintains.”
While Trump and Spicer paint this issue as a political move targeting Ivanka Trump and the president’s policies, the company has maintained for months that it will base its decisions on sales performance.
The Nov. 21 internal email shows the company faced threats of boycotts from both sides of the issue. Customers were sharply divided, the email said: Some wanted Nordstrom to continue selling Ivanka Trump apparel, others wanted the company to discontinue sales. Nordstrom told its employees it would be “agnostic about politics and to treat all our customers with respect,” and anticipated whatever decision it made would be based on sales, and would disappoint some of its customers.
Somewhere between the end of November and end of January, the company decided it would no longer carry Ivanka Trump apparel next season. Based on the information at hand, Nordstrom consistently has said its decisions are made based on sales performance. It has not taken a stance for or against Trump’s policies, the president’s daughter or her brand. (For instance, an internal email on the immigration executive order took no specific stand.) The evidence is stacked against Trump and Spicer, and we award them Four Pinocchios.
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Similarity rank: 13
Sentiment rank: -1.5

© Source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/fact-checker/wp/2017/02/08/trumps-claim-ivanka-is-being-treated-so-unfairly-by-nordstrom/
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Nawalny erneut zu fünf Jahren Haft auf Bewährung verurteilt


Ein russisches Gericht hat den Oppositionellen Nawalny wegen Unterschlagung zu fünf Jahren Haft auf Bewährung verurteilt. Der Putin-Kritiker soll eine staatliche Firma bestohlen haben. Damit wird er möglicherweise nicht bei der Präsidentschaftswahl kandidieren dürfen.
Ein russisches Gericht hat den Oppositionellen Nawalny wegen Unterschlagung zu fünf Jahren Haft auf Bewährung verurteilt. Der Putin-Kritiker soll eine staatliche Firma bestohlen haben. Damit wird er möglicherweise nicht bei der Präsidentschaftswahl kandidieren dürfen.
In einem neu aufgerollten Prozess hat ein russisches Gericht den Oppositionellen Alexej Nawalny der Unterschlagung schuldig gesprochen und ihn zu fünf Jahren Haft auf Bewährung verurteilt. Damit folgte das Gericht der Forderung der Anklage. Dem bekannten Kritiker von Präsident Wladimir Putin wird vorgeworfen, einer staatlichen Firma Bauholz im Wert von rund 16 Millionen Rubel (etwa 250.000 Euro) gestohlen zu haben.
Nawalny hatte angekündigt, bei der Präsidentenwahl antreten zu wollen – mit dem Urteil wird er nun voraussichtlich nicht zugelassen. Seine Anwältin Olga Michailowa hatte der Agentur Interfax gesagt, nach dem Wahlgesetz dürfe Nawalny nicht kandidieren, sofern das Urteil nicht zurückgenommen wird. Zugleich verwies sie darauf, dass die russische Verfassung lediglich jenen verbiete zu kandidieren, die im Gefängnis sitzen. Wie es etwa bei einer Bewährungsstrafe aussieht, ist demnach offen. Hier gebe es eine Kollision zwischen Wahlgesetz und Verfassung.
Nawalny hatte den Behörden vorgeworfen, mit dem Prozess seine Teilnahme an der Wahl verhindern zu wollen. Kremlsprecher Dmitri Peskow sagte, er halte solche Befürchtungen für unangebracht. Kritiker werfen Nawalny wiederum vor, sich mit dem Prozess interessant machen zu wollen und diesen deswegen gezielt mit seinem Wahlkampf in Verbindung zu bringen.
Nawalny ist vor allem durch seine Blogs in Russland bekannt geworden. Der nationalistisch orientierte Politiker war 2013 wegen Unterschlagung bei Geschäften mit einer Holzfirma in der Region Kirow zu fünf Jahren Haft verurteilt worden. Später wurde dies in eine Bewährungsstrafe umgewandelt. Im November kassierte das Oberste Gericht das Urteil und verwies es an eine untere Instanz zur Neuverhandlung zurück.

Similarity rank: 2.1

© Source: http://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/nawalny-139.html
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Richard Lyon, pioneering Navy SEAL who fought in two wars, dies at 93


He was a “naked warrior” during World War II and Korea, a spy in China, a Navy SEAL,  a mayor and one of the greatest surfers to ride the waves in Oceanside.
He was a “naked warrior” during World War II and Korea, a spy in China, a Navy SEAL,  a mayor and one of the greatest surfers to ride the waves in Oceanside.
Retired Rear Adm. Richard “Dick” Lyon, the first Navy SEAL team reservist to become a flag officer, died Feb. 3 from age-related renal failure at his home in Oceanside. He was 93.
Called a modern Forrest Gump by his children because of his rich and varied life, he was known by war-hardened commandos for his stern demeanor in the face of danger and by his family as a God-fearing joker who toiled to make life better for the neediest of kids as a founding trustee of Children’s Hospital in Orange County.
“We used to say that there are bold demo men and there are old demo men, but there aren’t any old and bold demo men. Well, Dick proved us all wrong. He was old and bold and full of life until the day he died,” said retired Rear Adm. Garry Bonelli, a longtime friend.
Lyon was born July 14, 1923, in Anaheim.  
A record-breaking swimmer, he was selected to the U. S. Olympic team for the 1940 games in Tokyo, but the games were canceled because of World War II.
After graduating from Yale University and attending Columbia University Midshipman School in New York, he saw a poster seeking strong swimmers interested in volunteering for a special warfare unit tasked with using explosives.
Lyon joined the Scouts and Raiders, the forerunners of today’s SEAL teams, and learned the art of the “naked warrior” — sneaking onto enemy beaches armed with only a Ka-Bar knife stuck in his web belt and blowing up sea mines.
Lyon is believed to be one of the first commandos to walk on Japanese soil in the wake of the atomic attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Released from active duty in 1946, he joined the 7th Fleet in Shanghai as a staff scout intelligence officer. Assigned to northern China to spy on Mao Tse-Tung’s revolutionary army, he filed reports from the Shandong Peninsula as that nation collapsed deeper into civil war.
In 1951, shortly after he finished his first year of graduate work at  Stanford, he was recalled to active duty in the Korean War.
Working in Wonsan, a strategic harbor city besieged by communist forces,  Lyon was ordered to help destroy a new type of anti-submarine mine. In frigid conditions and often dodging enemy fire, Lyon would swim under a mine, sever its tether with bolt cutters and then float it to a shore position held by United Nations forces.
He and his team later prowled inside enemy lines, blowing up railroads and tunnels — part of an evolution in Navy doctrine that would create the modern SEAL method of waging war.
After the Korean War, Lyon finished his graduate work and went into retail and financial management as a member of the National Assn. of Securities Dealers in Newport Beach.
He remained in the Navy reserves and became a fixture in Coronado’s burgeoning Naval Special Warfare community.
In 1975, the Navy promoted Lyon to rear admiral, the first SEAL reservist to be named a flag officer. Three years later, the Navy recalled him to active duty as the deputy chief of the Navy Reserve.
A graduate of the National War College and the Naval War College,  Lyon became the first reserve officer to be appointed to the United States Naval Institute’s board of directors.
Founder and trustee president of Children’s Hospital in Orange County, Lyon also served on the board of directors of Girl Scouts of Orange County Council and was president of the Anaheim Rotary Club from 1965 to 66.  
In 2013, he received the Yale Athletics George H. W. Bush Lifetime of Leadership Award.
Lyon served two terms as mayor of Oceanside and served as president of the city’s unified school district.
An avid outdoorsman, Lyon was a pilot, a skier and a yachtsman. He won body surfing contests well into his late 70s.
Lyon is survived by wife, Cindy; nine children; 14 grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.
The Lucerne Valley Mustangs refuse to quit,   a week in the life of P‑22 , Senate rebukes Elizabeth Warren , and judges sharply question attorneys for both sides on Trump’s travel ban .
In an extraordinarily rare move, Senate Republicans said that Sen. Elizabeth Warren had breached Senate rules by reading past statements opposing Jeff Sessions from figures such as the late senator Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., and the late Coretta Scott King. Feb. 7, 2017. (C-SPAN)
Trump’s travel ban is likely to head to the Supreme Court ,  the most controversial ad of the Super Bowl , California’s gearing up to fight the Zika virus , and prosecutors have charged an L. A. County jail guard with assault. 
Abdullah Al-Rifaie, an Iraqi student, gains U. S. reentry after the court stay of President Trump’s travel ban from seven Middle Eastern, predominantly Muslim countries.
Abdullah Al-Rifaie, an Iraqi student, gains U. S. reentry after the court stay of President Trump’s travel ban from seven Middle Eastern, predominantly Muslim countries.

Similarity rank: 1

© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/latimes/news/opinion/commentary/~3/U1yHW2bzCiw/la-me-richard-lyon-20170208-story.html
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Sąd nie zgodził się na areszt dwóch urzędników stołecznego ratusza ws. reprywatyzacji


Wrocławski sąd odrzucił w środę wnioski prokuratury o tymczasowe aresztowanie dwóch urzędników stołecznego ratusza: Mariusza P. i Gertrudy J.-F., podejrzanych o niedopełnienie obowiązków urzędniczych w związku z reprywatyzacją w Warszawie.
Informację o odrzuceniu wniosków przekazał dziennikarzom po posiedzeniu aresztowym prokurator Marek Kaczmarzyk z Prokuratury Regionalnej we Wrocławiu.
Prokuratura wnioskowała o areszt wobec Mariusza P. i Gertrudy J.-F, ponieważ – jak powiedziała rzeczniczka Prokuratury Regionalnej we Wrocławiu Anna Zimoląg – istnieje “obawa mataczenia w prowadzonym śledztwie”.
“Sąd nie podzielił zarzutu prokuratora”
Jak powiedział dziennikarzom rzecznik Sądu Okręgowego we Wrocławiu Marek Poteralski, sąd nie uwzględnił wniosków prokuratury i nie zastosował wobec osób podejrzanych tymczasowego aresztowania. – Sąd nie podzielił zarzutu prokuratora, że istnieje obawa matactwa, utrudniania postępowania i że istnieje potrzeba zabezpieczenia materiałów dowodowych w sprawie, bo w większości te materiały dowodowe to są dokumenty, które zostały już zabezpieczone – mówił sędzia.
Wobec trzeciej z podejrzanych osób, niezatrudnionego już w warszawskim Ratuszu radcy prawnego Jerzego M., prokuratura nie wnosiła o areszt; nakazała mu wpłacenie 50 tys. zł poręczenia majątkowego, nałożyła też dozór policyjny i zakaz opuszczania kraju.
Poniedziałkowe zatrzymanie
Urzędnicy zostali zatrzymani w poniedziałek. Mariusz P. to kierownik Działu Nieruchomości Dekretowych m.st. Warszawy w Wydziale Spraw Dekretowych i Związków Wyznaniowych Biura Gospodarki Nieruchomościami Urzędu m.st. Warszawy.
Gertruda J.-F. jest naczelnikiem Wydziału Spraw Dekretowych i Związków Wyznaniowych Biura Gospodarki Nieruchomościami Urzędu m.st. Warszawy, a radca prawny Jerzy M., który w przeszłości pełnił funkcję koordynatora samodzielnego wieloosobowego stanowiska pracy radców prawnych Biura Gospodarki Nieruchomościami Urzędu m.st. Warszawy, nie jest już zatrudniony w ratuszu.

Similarity rank: 5.4
Sentiment rank: -2.9

© Source: http://www.polsatnews.pl/wiadomosc/2017-02-08/sad-nie-zgodzil-sie-na-areszt-dwoch-urzednikow-stolecznego-ratusza-ws-reprywatyzacji/
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The New York Times offers free Spotify to new subscribers


If you’ve been thinking about subscribing to The New York Times, this could be the moment to do it, since The Times just announced a special offer that also..
If you’ve been thinking about subscribing to The New York Times, this could be the moment to do it, since The Times just announced a special offer that also includes free access to Spotify Premium.
The offer applies specifically to The Times’ All Access subscription, which includes unlimited reading on The Times website and apps, as well as behind-the-scenes content. You’ll have to sign up to All Access for a year at a cost of $5 per week.
These two services might not seem like the most obvious combination, but NYT Chief Revenue Officer Meredith Kopit Levien told Bloomberg , “If you think about the places where people spend their time in media, they spend a lot on music and a lot on news.”
The Times recently announced that during the last three months of 2016, it added 276,000 new digital subscribers — the most since 2011.

© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/Gj8Vm2ZGDkM/
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