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Трамп привітав з Новим роком всіх, включаючи недоброзичливців


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Обраний президент США Дональд Трамп привітав американців з наступаючим Новим роком. Привітання він розмістив на своїй сторінці в Twitter.
Трамп привітав у тому числі своїх недоброзичливців.
“Щасливого Нового року всім, включаючи багатьох моїх ворогів і тих, хто боровся проти мене, але програв так погано, що тепер не знає, що робити. З любов’ю”, – написав Трамп.
Новини за темою: Сорос: США обрали президентом шахрая і потенційного диктатора
Дональд Трамп – обраний президент США. Був висунутий на вибори від Республіканської партії. Офіційно Трамп стане президентом США 20 січня 2017 року. Нагадаємо, що проти Трампа від Демократичної партії на президенській гонці була Гілларі Клінтон.
Як зустрічають Новий 2017 рік по всьому світу, 112.ua відстежує в онлайн-трансляції .

Similarity rank: 7.7

© Source: http://ua.112.ua/golovni-novyni/tramp-pryvitav-z-novym-rokom-vsikh-vkliuchaiuchy-nedobrozychlyvtsiv-362780.html
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Австралія зустріла Новий рік


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Австралія зустріла Новий рік.
У Сіднеї на святкування зустрічі Нового року зібралися близько мільйона осіб.
Новий рік, нагадаємо, вже зустріли у Новій Зеландії, на Камчатці і Чукотці. Як зустрічають Новий 2017 рік по всьому світу, 112.ua відстежує в онлайн-трансляції .

Similarity rank: 8.6

© Source: http://ua.112.ua/golovni-novyni/avstraliia-zustrila-novyi-rik-362767.html
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У Гельсінкі автомобіль в'їхав у натовп людей біля метро


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У Гельсінкі автомобіль в’їхав у натовп людей біля метро. Про це повідомляє iltasanomat.
У результаті аварії травми отримали чотири людини. Важкі поранення отримали дві жінки, ще двоє чоловіків постраждали легше. За деякими даними, постраждали до семи осіб.
За даними поліції, наїзд не був навмисним. Повідомляється, що водій міг перевищити швидкість, унаслідок чого втратив керування автомобілем. Зазначається, що в автомобіля естонські номери. На даний момент водія взято під варту.
Аварія в Гельсінкі відбулася на тлі зростання кількості навмисних наїздів на людей у Європі. У 2016 році подібні ісламістські атаки сталися в Ніцці і в Берліні. Унаслідок обох нападів загинули близько 100 осіб.

Similarity rank: 8.8

© Source: http://ua.112.ua/avarii-np/u-helsinki-avtomobil-vikhav-u-natovp-liudei-bilia-metro-362778.html
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Президент відкрив систему попереднього виявлення цілей на Азовському морі


NewsHubКрім того, за даними прес-служби, Верховний Головнокомандувач ЗС України привітав прикордонників із наступаючим святом та подякував за надійний захист країни, вручив охоронцям кордону броньовані автомобілі, снайперські гвинтівки, безпілотні комплекси і малий бойовий катер морської охорони.
Як зазначили у ДПСУ, система раннього виявлення та попередження “AEROS” виробництва США, якою обладнаний прикордонний пост технічного спостереження, є першим кроком у створенні сучасної системи контролю за морською обстановкою. Вона призначена для радіолокаційного та оптико-електронного спостереження за надводними, повітряними і наземними цілями. Технічні можливості системи дозволяють забезпечити цілодобовий контроль за Азовським морем в межах Донецької області та завчасно реагувати на обстановку. В темний час доби охорона морської ділянки посилюється за рахунок використання прожекторної станції. Нині також проводиться робота з подальшої модернізації берегових постів технічного спостереження і заміни застарілого обладнання на сучасні системи.
Прикордонники продемонстрували Главі держави можливості системи раннього виявлення, попередження та ідентифікації “AEROS”, порядок роботи з відстеження судів та обладнання за допомогою якого організовується служба.
“… введення в експлуатацію даної системи дає можливість прикордонникам на ранньому етапі виявляти, ідентифікувати цілі та своєчасно вживати відповідні заходи для протидії потенційним загрозам на державному кордоні”, — йдеться у повідомленні.
Крім того, за даними прес-служби, у цей день прикордонні однострої поповнилися не лише сучасним постом технічного спостереження з системою раннього виявлення, попередження та ідентифікації “AEROS” Глава держави окремо вручив 6-ть одиниць бойової броньованої техніки на базі автомобіля “ХАМЕР”, снайперські гвинтівки, 6 безпілотних авіаційних комплексів, а це загалом 18 БПЛА, сучасний бойовий катер морської охорони “УMC-1000”. Вручена новітня техніка та озброєння дозволить військовослужбовцям Держприкордонслужби ще більше підвищити ефективність під час виконання завдань з охорони кордонів держави та лінії розмежування в межах Донецької та Луганської областей.

Similarity rank: 8.9

© Source: http://www.unn.com.ua/uk/news/1632241-prezident-vidkriv-sistemu-poperednogo-viyavlennya-tsiley-na-azovskomu-mori
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Порошенко з Маккейном прибули на командний пункт у районі Широкиного


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Порошенко і делегація США в Широкіно
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Порошенко і делегація США в Широкіно. 31.12.2016
Фото: Facebook Петра Порошенко
Порошенко і делегація США в Широкіно. 31.12.2016
Фото: Facebook Петра Порошенко
Порошенко і делегація США в Широкіно. 31.12.2016
Президент України Петро Порошенко з американською делегацією на чолі із сенатором Джоном Маккейном прибули на командний пункт в районі Широкиного на лінії розмежування, щоб привітати військовослужбовців з Новим роком. Про це голова української держави написав у Твіттері.
“Прибув на командний пункт в районі Широкиного з Джоном Маккейном, Ліндсі Гремом та Емі Клобучар, щоб привітати наших Воїнів з Новим роком”, – написав Порошенко.
Президент відвідав передові позиції української армії в районі проведення антитерористичної операції, зокрема завітав до підрозділу морської піхоти Військово-морських сил України, який тримає лінію оборони в Широкиному.
Петро Порошенко поспілкувався з особовим складом 36-ї окремої бригади морської піхоти, привітав українських воїнів з прийдешнім Новим роком і Різдвом Христовим та вручив новорічні подарунки.
На запрошення українського голови із ситуацією в зоні АТО ознайомилася також делегація сенаторів США на чолі із сенатором Джоном Маккейном. Президент також вручив українську нагородну зброю американським сенаторам.
Глава держави також провів нараду у штабі АТО та прийняв доповідь керівника штабу щодо ситуації в районі проведення антитерористичної операції, зокрема у секторі “М”, де продовжуються обстріли позицій українських військових з боку бойовиків.
Президент з американськими сенаторами прибув на командний пункт в районі Широкіно, щоб привітати наших воїнів з новим роком pic.twitter.com/9WHiK3vZY0 Svyatoslav Tsegolko (@STsegolko) 31 грудня 2016 р.
Новини за темою: Головна мета поїздки Маккейна в Україну – вивчити ситуацію, – Базів
Нагадаємо, вчора Порошенко запропонував сенаторам США відвідати Донбас , щоб вони особисто побачили провокації бойовиків.

Similarity rank: 9.8

© Source: http://ua.112.ua/polityka/poroshenko-z-makkeinom-prybuly-na-komandnyi-punkt-v-raioni-shyrokino-362785.html
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Looking back: In 2016, Microsoft became one of the most exciting companies in the tech world


NewsHubFor fans of technology, 2016 has been another extraordinary year, filled with all sorts of exciting and delighting developments. But it seems fair to say that few companies have come close to matching Microsoft in the sheer breadth and scale of its accomplishments over the last twelve months.
Microsoft’s closest rivals, by comparison, had somewhat more mixed results. Google ditched its much-loved Nexus brand and introduced its new Pixel flagship phones – but while they’re certainly very capable devices, they haven’t exactly reinvented the wheel when it comes to Android handsets. Another new version of Android, 7.0 Nougat , arrived as well (and now version 7.1.1 too ) – but while there are some nice additions and improvements, few people have got to enjoy them so far, with only 0.4% of devices running Nougat over three months after its release .
With much fanfare, Google introduced two new messaging apps in May, called Allo and Duo – but they haven’t been the runaway success the company would have liked. And Google also massively scaled back its ambitions in one truly exciting area, ditching the development of its own purpose-built self-driving car , and instead realigning its efforts around creating and selling that technology to other manufacturers.
Apple’s year was marred by a series of disappointments. With typical bluster, it hyped up its new MacBook Pro notebooks beyond all belief – particularly the keyboard-bound Touch Bar that the company touted as some innovative, brand new idea that only Apple could think of, despite it being a refinement of old ideas tried by other companies. Aside from the underwhelming battery life (a problem that Apple solved by removing the estimated battery time indicator from its OS), the high cost of the new laptops was particularly unwelcome, given the usability nightmare that Apple created in forcing owners towards ‘dongle hell’ , thanks to its total disregard for compatibility with other devices, including its own iPhones.
It wasn’t all that long ago that Microsoft was thought of as a dull, bland corporation – and to some extent, it’s struggled to shake off that image, despite its considerable efforts to do so. But in 2016, Microsoft seemed to break through those antiquated perceptions like never before. In October, Mashable wrote ” Admit it: Microsoft is now a braver, more innovative company than Apple “, and The Verge published a similar article praising Microsoft for its more bold outlook for desktop computing.
In September, it announced that Windows 10 was installed on over 400 million devices – an incredible milestone, just fourteen months after its release. But that achievement came as a result of Microsoft’s clumsy, heavy-handed approach to ‘encouraging’ Windows 7 and 8.1 users to upgrade to the new OS, using methods that won the company few friends , resulting in scathing criticism from both its customers and the media. Last week, Chris Capossela, Microsoft’s chief marketing officer, admitted to Mary Jo Foley and Paul Thurrott on the Windows Weekly podcast that approach had been “too aggressive”.
Microsoft also admitted in July that it would fail to meet its target of a billion Windows 10 devices by 2018. Bizarrely, the company blamed that on its phone business, despite Windows phones never having contributed any significant volumes to its device sales. Indeed, just a few months after Windows chief Terry Myerson announced that target in 2015 , Microsoft wrote down $7.6 billion on its phone business, along with the loss of 7,800 jobs, in the first round of a major restructuring – and downsizing – plan.
The effects of that restructuring had a devastating impact on the Windows phone platform in 2016. Microsoft launched the last of its four Windows 10 Mobile devices in February, the Lumia 650 , and all four handsets are now at the end of their retail lives, having sold out in several markets, with no direct replacements on the way.
Only a handful of manufacturers have so far signed up to launch Windows 10 Mobile devices, and those that did sold their handsets in meager numbers. IDC estimates that Windows’ share of the global smartphone market will be just 0.4% by the end of 2016. Given that 97% of Windows 10 Mobile devices in use are Microsoft Lumias , the company’s retreat from the phone hardware market doesn’t bode well for its mobile ecosystem.
But while things may now appear bleak for Windows handsets, the future may well be a bit brighter. Earlier this month, Microsoft made a major announcement, revealing its plans to bring the full-fat Windows 10 OS to next-generation devices with the latest Qualcomm Snapdragon processors. Even more excitingly, it promised support for desktop-class 32-bit x86 applications on these devices through emulation.
While many expect that to lead to more power-efficient notebooks and tablets being released in 2017, that announcement naturally led to speculation about the prospect of Microsoft’s much-rumored ‘Surface phone’, which could arrive as early as next year .
In August, Microsoft released the Windows 10 Anniversary Update, bringing it to PCs , phones , HoloLens , the Xbox One, and many more devices. Compared with the more modest November Update in 2015 , the Anniversary Update was a major overhaul for the OS, bringing a vast range of new features and significant improvements , including upgrades to Cortana, a revamped Action Center, more customization features, a better Windows Ink experience, and a lot more.
The update was warmly welcomed by users, although its rollout was tainted by freezing problems that affected some PCs , as well as a very unpleasant issue that disabled millions of webcams .
In October, Microsoft announced details of its next major Windows 10 release, known as the Creators Update , which will also bring a broad selection of new features and enhancements to the OS when it arrives in early 2017. That announcement came alongside the launch of an exciting new device.
Microsoft unveiled the Surface Studio, an all-in-one desktop PC with a focus on creativity. It features a 28-inch touchscreen with support for its Surface Pen, allowing users to draw and write directly onto the display. Microsoft earned itself widespread praise for the machine, which it says has the thinnest LCD monitor ever built.
Many observers commented with surprise that Microsoft had built such a device, saying that it was the PC that Apple should have built. High praise indeed, particularly at a time when many in the creative industries have voiced displeasure at how little Apple seems to care for them these days.
Along with the Surface Studio, Microsoft also introduced the Surface Dial, “a new tool for the creative process”. The rotary input device can be placed directly onto the Surface Studio’s display to offer quick access to context-sensitive features and menus, not just in ‘creative’ scenarios, but also across other types of app. The Dial is also compatible with other Windows 10 devices, to varying degrees.
While Apple turns its back on some of its most loyal customers, Microsoft has been embracing users of all kinds, on all platforms.
In February, it acquired cross-platform app development specialists Xamarin , and a few weeks later, it announced that those developer tools would be open-sourced and made available free to devs. It was a stunning announcement, underlining Microsoft’s commitment to offering the best and most complete software development experience.
That acquisition enabled Microsoft to launch Visual Studio for Mac in November , as well as rolling out a release candidate for Visual Studio 2017 , and introducing the Visual Studio Mobile Center, which it described as “a mission control for mobile apps” , making development for phones and tablets a smoother and less complex process.
Microsoft stayed true to its commitment to embrace cross-platform development throughout 2016, not just for other developers, but also for itself. In addition to releasing all sorts of apps for iOS and Android over the last twelve months, the company raised quite a few eyebrows in November when it announced that it had joined the Linux Foundation as a platinum member. Jim Zemlin, executive director of the Foundation, said that Microsoft would now be “better able to collaborate with the open source community to deliver transformative mobile and cloud experiences to more people”.
Coinciding with that announcement, Microsoft also announced a public preview of SQL Server on Linux .
In September, Microsoft made another hugely significant announcement – the formation of a new Artificial Intelligence and Research Group, with over 5,000 computer scientists. Earlier in the year, Microsoft’s Dave Coplin had described AI as “the most important technology on the planet” , adding:
This technology will change how we relate to technology. It will change how we relate to each other. I would argue that it will even change how we perceive what it means to be human.
Of course, after ‘the Tay incident’ , some might say that Microsoft needs to invest as much as it can in perfecting AI ASAP…
As part of its ambitions behind the new research group, Microsoft said that it planned to “build the world’s most powerful AI supercomputer with Azure and make it available to anyone, to enable people and organizations to harness its power. ” It also promised that it will “harness AI to fundamentally change human and computer interaction through agents as Cortana”.
This month, the company took a big step towards exploring the full potential of its digital assistant when it announced the new Cortana Skills Kit and Devices SDK. With these new tools, companies will have the ability to connect to the assistant in more diverse ways than before, creating a much broader range of user experiences. Manufacturers will also be able to build their own devices powered by Cortana, the first of which was teased a couple of weeks ago by Harman Kardon.
Microsoft’s latest quarterly financial report revealed a strong set of results across many parts of its business, with a remarkable year-over-year increase of 51% in its Office 365 commercial revenue, 11% revenue growth in Dynamics, and a staggering 116% rise in revenue from its Azure cloud services, with Azure compute usage more than doubling in twelve months.
Its success throughout the year pushed the company’s share price to an all-time high in October , and it ended 2016 even higher than that.
The markets were watching Microsoft closely in June, when it announced its purchase of professional networking platform LinkedIn , in a deal worth around $26.2 billion – its largest acquisition to date.
There are some very good reasons for that acquisition , despite its enormous cost, and now that the deal has been completed, Microsoft has begun the process of integrated LinkedIn with the rest of its services .
Microsoft further boosted its proposition for professionals around the world in November with the launch of Teams, a new “chat-based workspace” for Office 365 , designed to take on Slack.
But it hasn’t been all work and no play for Microsoft over the last year.
At the E3 gaming expo in June, Microsoft revealed its Xbox Play Anywhere program , enabling people to buy a game once and then play it on either their PC or Xbox One at no extra cost, rather than having to pay twice for the same title on different devices. The first Play Anywhere game was ReCore , which arrived in September , but Microsoft hopes that more games publishers will support the feature in the months and years ahead.
At the same event, Microsoft also unveiled the Xbox One S , an updated (and much smaller!) version of the console that it launched in late 2013. With support for HDR and 4K video, the Xbox One S has been keenly priced in bundles starting at $299, which usually include a free game – and there have many other promotional deals since its launch to further entice buyers.
That’s certainly helped to boost the new console’s appeal, after years of being consistently outsold by its PlayStation 4 rival. In November, combined sales of the Xbox One and One S grabbed 56% of the UK market , while in the US, Microsoft’s consoles outsold the PS4 for four months in a row.
But Microsoft also made one more tantalizing announcement at E3: Project Scorpio. Described as the “most powerful console ever” , it will include support for native 4K gaming and virtual reality… but there’s a long wait ahead, as it’s not expected to arrive until the end of 2017.
We’ll be taking a closer look at what else we can expect from Microsoft during the year ahead in another article, but for now, let me suggest something else that you might enjoy.

Similarity rank: 0

© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/neowin-main/~3/rvqLCEhWsKQ/looking-back-in-2016-microsoft-became-one-of-the-most-exciting-companies-in-the-tech-world
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The Dish: Celebrate New Year's with chef José Andrés


NewsHubJosé Andrés, a former sailor in the Spanish navy and an eternal optimist, oversees an empire of 27 restaurants, including 10 in Washington, D. C. He invited “CBS This Morning: Saturday” co-host Alex Wagner to Jaleo — where he began his takeover of the Washington dining scene 24 years ago.
On the menu for Andrés’ New Year’s celebration? Traditional tapas: lobster salad in a gazpacho-style dressing, a Norwegian shellfish cigala, beloved in his home country of Spain, and ibérico ham with something extra extraordinary.
“So we get egg yolks and we drop the egg yolks into the semi under boiling syrup, water and sugar. And at the end, you get these threads like hair,” Andrés said.
“Candied egg yolk?” Wagner asked.
“It’s candied egg yolk.” Andrés said. “Me, I love this. It’s such a crazy mix.”
Chef José Andrés shows “CBS This Morning: Saturday” co-host Alex Wagner describes how he candied egg yolks to create thread-like texture.
Like this meal, Andrés’ cuisine is steeped in tradition, but he’s become famous for his experimentation. His formative years were spent working for the revolutionary chef Ferran Adrià at elBulli in northeastern Spain. Andrés immigrated to America in 1991, eventually settling in the nation’s capital.
“You have a restaurant on that corner, a restaurant right there, a restaurant right here. Restaurants can define a neighborhood. What was this place like before you got here?” Wagner asked.
“This entire area was — almost nothing happening. Four p.m., we go dark. No cars. No people in the streets,” Andrés said.
Over nearly two and a half decades, Andrés helped turn the District into a dining capital. Whether it’s at his two-Michelin-star restaurant Minibar, his veggie-focused fast casual chain Beefsteak or at kitchens for the less fortunate, his passion for food and life is unmistakable.
Chef José Andrés has opened a series of fast-casual restaurants called Beefsteak, where the main focus is on vegetables. In this web-exclusive cl…
“Restaurants can become agents of change, and I love that as chefs and restaurant people, we do that part in America to keep moving America forward,” Andrés said.
But in a city where everything is political, even restauranteurs can get caught in the crossfire. Andrés, who became an American citizen three years ago, made headlines when he backed out of opening a restaurant in Washington’s new Trump International Hotel over candidate Donald Trump’s remarks about Mexican immigrants.
“There’s not much I can say about that because it’s still going, but what I can tell you is that I always dream about opening a restaurant there,” Andrés said.
The two men are currently in a legal standoff.
“We always need to be celebrating the success of others. Unfortunately for me, it was not the right environment to open a restaurant, for personal reasons. But at the end, I always wish everybody the best because when others do well, you do well, the community does well,” Andrés said.
Andrés still thinks food can bring all parties to the table.
“I’ve seen Democrats. I’ve seen Republicans. I’ve been able to feed all of them. I’ve been able to feed different administrations. But as a restauranteur, I’m going to keep doing what I do. Restaurants are a meeting place, a meeting place of people with different ideologies, different backgrounds, different social status,” Andrés said. “It’s a place that wants you sharing a plate of food. Even if you’re not in the same table, but being in the same place, it’s an amazing, unique way of bringing people together.”
In that spirit, Andrés introduced us to the unique way Spaniards toast the new year: with cava, their sparkling wine, and a dozen grapes.
“People of America, happy new year! People of America, happy new year!” Andrés said.

Similarity rank: 15
Sentiment rank: 2.8

© Source: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/the-dish-chef-jose-andres-new-years-eve-celebration-trump-hotel/
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The Latest: New Year’s revelers begin to pack Times Square


NewsHubNEW YORK (AP) — The Latest on New York’s New Year’s Eve celebrations in Times Square. (all times local):
4 p.m.
Revelers have begun to pack into Times Square to secure coveted spots hours before the annual New Year’s Eve ball drop.
Onlookers donning oversized 2017 eyeglasses and green Statue of Liberty hats were screened by police Saturday afternoon ahead of the midnight bash.
Street vendors hawked scarves, plastic glasses, paper horns and other New Year’s Eve merchandise.
If celebrants leave the Crossroads of the World once they’re in one of 35 metal pens, they aren’t allowed to re-enter.
But that didn’t faze Stefania Moran, of Puebla, Mexico, who described celebrating New Year’s Eve in New York as a must-do “before you die.”
Officials believe as many a million people will descend upon Times Square to bring in the New Year.
1 a.m.
Maybe a million revelers are expected to navigate through high security in the blocks around New York City’s Times Square to cheer on the new year with entertainers including Mariah Carey.
The annual minute-long midnight descent of the famed glittering crystal ball is the highlight of a celebration watched around the world.
United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon (bahn kee-moon) will launch the ball with a press of a button.
Security has gradually been tightened for the event over the last two decades.
Recent deadly truck attacks in Germany and France brought about another security upgrade this year. Dozens of 20-ton sanitation trucks weighted with an extra 15 tons of sand will block off streets leading to the celebration zone.
About 7,000 police officers will be there, too.
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The Associated Press has photographers around the world. Here are some of the best photos they took in 2016.

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© Source: http://wtop.com/lifestyle/2016/12/the-latest-new-years-revelers-begin-to-pack-times-square/
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AP Photos: People around the world ring in 2017


NewsHubRevelers around the world have been welcoming 2017 with crackling fireworks displays and loud cheering, saying goodbye to a year filled with political surprises, prolonged conflicts and the deaths of several beloved performers.
The people of Sydney were treated to a glittering display over their famed harbor and bridge that honored the singer David Bowie and actor Gene Wilder, who both passed away in 2016.
The tone was more somber elsewhere, though, including Berlin, where some expressed worry about the political mood in Germany. It was also relatively quiet in China’s two largest cities, Beijing and Shanghai.
In New York City, meanwhile, people packed into Times Square hours before midnight to secure coveted spots to watch the annual ball drop.

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© Source: http://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/nation-world/national/article123988889.html
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Russia seeks UN backing for Syria truce


NewsHubFollowing are key dates in the battle for Syria’s Aleppo where fierce fighting resumed on Wednesday in a blow to hopes for the peaceful evacuation of the last rebel-held areas.
A Syrian child evacuated from Aleppo during the ceasefire arrives at a refugee camp in Rashidin. (AP Photo)
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Beirut – A ceasefire held across most of Syria for the second day on Saturday despite sporadic clashes near Damascus as Russia pushed for a UN resolution on the truce it brokered.
Moscow says it wants the United Nations to be involved in peace talks between Damascus and rebels in Kazakhstan in January, although the UN is negotiating separately for an to end the war.
Rebel supporter Turkey and key regime ally Russia, which brokered the ceasefire, say the talks in the Kazakh capital Astana aim to supplement UN-backed peace efforts, rather than replace them.
They want to involve regional players like Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Jordan.
Russia’s UN ambassador Vitaly Churkin voiced hope the Security Council would vote Saturday on the draft resolution – which also endorses the planned talks in Kazakhstan – “and adopt it unanimously”.
Diplomats, however, said they did not see how a quick UN weekend vote could occur as the resolution needed to be “seriously studied” and hinted Russia might be hard-pressed to muster the nine votes needed for it to pass.
Washington is conspicuously absent from the new process, but Moscow has said it hoped to bring US president-elect Donald Trump’s administration on board once he takes office in January.
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a British-based monitor of the war, said that most of the country remained calm on Saturday.
But limited clashes continued in some areas including Wadi Barada near Damascus, which was also hit by 10 regime air strikes, and the southern city of Daraa where one opposition fighter was killed.
The fighting in Wadi Barada has led to water shortages that have affected four million people in the capital, with the two sides trading blame.
Five rebel fighters and two civilians were killed in Wadi Barada and the rebel bastion of Eastern Ghouta near Damascus since the truce started on Friday, said Observatory director Rami Abdel Rahman.
The Observatory said a total of 60 000 people were killed in violence across Syria in 2016, more than 13 000 of them civilians.
The forces in Wadi Barada include former Al-Qaeda affiliate Fateh al-Sham Front, previously known as Al-Nusra Front, which Syria’s government says is excluded from the ceasefire.
‘Real opportunity’
The Syrian government said the ceasefire deal is a “real opportunity” to find a political solution to the war.
More than 310 000 people have been killed and millions have been forced to flee since Syria’s conflict began in March 2011 with protests against the regime of President Bashar Assad.
Despite being left out of the process, Washington described the truce as “positive”.
Analysts were cautious, but said the involvement of Russia, Iran and Turkey could be important.
Sam Heller, fellow at The Century Foundation, said there was “real interest and urgency” from Moscow and Ankara, but expressed doubts about whether Syria and its ally Iran, which also welcomed the truce, were on board.
“All indications are that Iran and the regime want to continue towards a military conclusion,” he said.
Talks in Astana
Russian President Vladimir Putin has said he would reduce Moscow’s military contingent in Syria, which has been fighting to bolster the government since last year.
But he added Russia would continue to fight “terrorism” and maintain its support for Assad’s government.
Despite backing opposite sides in the conflict, Turkey and Russia have worked increasingly closely on Syria, brokering a deal this month to allow the evacuation of tens of thousands of civilians and rebel fighters from Aleppo.
Their ceasefire deal calls for negotiations over a political solution to end the conflict.
UN peace envoy Staffan de Mistura has said he hoped the agreement would “pave the way for productive talks”, but also reiterated he wants negotiations mediated by his office to continue next year.
In an interview published on Saturday, De Mistura said a UN resolution that foresees a political transition in Syria was still on the table, although the focus had shifted following territorial gains by the regime.
“We now have before us another scenario: a negotiation between the Assad regime and the rebels,” he told the Italian daily Corriere della Sera.
The Security Council held closed-door consultations on the Russian-proposed resolution early on Friday and Moscow later amended the draft at the request of several member states.
The latest version of the resolution, a copy of which was seen by AFP, includes a reference to the talks being led by de Mistura.
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© Source: http://www.news24.com/World/News/russia-seeks-un-backing-for-syria-truce-20161231
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