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Mexicans unite against Trump's border wall and trade plans


NewsHubTop Mexican political figures are debating how to fight back against US president Donald Trump’s aggressive stance on trade and immigration.
They have suggested the country could expel US law enforcement agents, stop detaining Central American migrants or no longer inspect north-bound lorries for drug shipments.
Some activist groups are also calling for a boycott of American brands.
Former president Felipe Calderon said “we have to design a policy of retaliation” for Mr Trump’s proposed plans, which include making Mexico pay for the border wall he wants to build.
“We have to put US security issues under review … including the presence of (US) agents” on Mexican soil, Mr Calderon said.
The comments came after current president Enrique Pena Nieto scrapped a planned meeting on Tuesday with Mr Trump after the American president tweeted that it would be better to cancel if Mexico was unwilling to pay for his proposed wall.
Ruben Aguilar, a political consultant who was spokesman for former president Vicente Fox, noted that Mexico had been stopping Central American migrants before they reached the US border “as part of the logic between two friendly countries”.
He suggested that Mexico could say, “OK, I’m not going to stop Central Americans any more” and added: “Now if our two countries aren’t friends any more, that is a card we could play to increase the pressure. ”
“Drugs are another” possible card, Mr Aguilar said, adding: “If you want to stop them with your wall, well we won’t stop them any more, let them go through. ”
Mr Trump appeared to try to defuse the spat between the two countries on Friday, saying: “Great respect for Mexico, I love the Mexican people.
“We have really, I think, a very good relationship, the president and I, and we had a talk that lasted for about an hour this morning, and we are going to be working on a fair relationship. ”
The office of the Mexican president confirmed the call, calling it “constructive and productive”, but did not specifically mention the wall or other policies proposed by Mr Trump.
Mr Pena Nieto’s government instead stressed “the need for both countries to continue working together to stop the trafficking of drugs and the flow of illegal weapons”.
“Both presidents recognised their clear and very public differences on this very sensitive issue, and agreed to solve those differences as part of an integrated discussion of all aspects of the bilateral relationship,” Mr Pena Nieto’s office said.
“The two presidents also agreed, for the moment, to no longer speak publicly about this controversial topic. ”
Mr Pena Nieto met Mexican politicians to discuss US relations.
“There will be constant communication between the federal executive and the Senate to define what actions to take,” said Fernando Herrera of the conservative National Action Party.
Business magnate Carlos Slim called for “national unity” in the face of Mr Trump’s hostility and said the country should have a measured response “without getting angry but without surrendering”.
He called for a “modern, not protectionist” national programme of substituting imported products, the vast majority of which come from the United States, but stopped short of calling for a boycott of American goods.
“I think it is an error to think about boycotting companies,” Mr Slim said. “What we should do instead is buy what is produced in Mexico. ”
A coalition of Mexican farm and consumer groups, however, did call for such a boycott when it raised the battle flag on January 18, two days before Mr Trump took office.
The campaign’s slogan, “Consumers cry war! ” echoes the first line of Mexico’s national anthem as it calls on citizens to buy national products.
In a country where US chain restaurants, coffee shops and stores are now ubiquitous, social media users created long strings of hashtags such as #AdiosStarbucks #AdiosCostco, #AdiosWalmart, #AdiosMcDonalds, #AdiosProductosGringos , #ConsumoProductosMexicanos.
Peter Schechter, senior vice president for strategic initiatives at the Atlantic Council, said the dispute may awaken underlying currents of resentment in Mexico.
The US took away almost half of Mexico’s territory in the 1848 Mexican-American War, though that historic resentment had faded in the last three decades.
“All this does is to solidify the view that an attempt to negotiate with the United States under this administration is impossible and that we should break from the United States,” Mr Schechter said.
“This argument has moved from incredulous, to possible in people’s minds. The next step is it moves from possible, to the right thing, and that step is not that far. ”
In a Washington Post opinion piece, former Mexican president Ernesto Zedillo said “the prudent thing” was to assume that Mr Trump would kill the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which he said would be costly to Mexico.
“But such an outcome should not be cause for despair in my country,” he wrote, calling for Mexico to reinforce its commitment to openness and tell companies from around the world that it remained open for business.
“The end of Nafta, as disruptive and costly as it would be in the short term, could be compensated for with the right set of policies,” Mr Zedillo wrote.

Similarity rank: 12
Sentiment rank: -3.1

© Source: http://www.independent.ie/world-news/mexicans-unite-against-trumps-border-wall-and-trade-plans-35405154.html
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Умер британский актер Джон Херт


NewsHubВ 2015 году у Херта был диагностирован рак поджелудочной железы. В том же году актер сообщил, что рак был успешно излечен.
Актер наиболее известен по участию в фильмах “Полуночный экспресс”, “1984”, “Человек-слон”, “Чужой”, “Контакт”, “Хеллбой: Герой из пекла”, “Хеллбой 2: Золотая армия”, “Ключ от всех дверей”, “V – значит вендетта”, “Индиана Джонс и Королевство хрустального черепа” и серии фильмов о Гарри Поттере.
Актер дважды номинировался на премию “Оскар”. Также он является лауреатом премии “Золотой глобус” и четырехкратным лауреатом премии BAFTA. Рыцарь-бакалавр (2015) и командор Ордена Британской империи (CBE, 2004).

Similarity rank: 4.2

© Source: http://korrespondent.net/showbiz/cinema/3807096-umer-brytanskyi-akter-dzhon-khert
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NHS Digital picks peering exchange provider for HSCN


NewsHubNHS Digital has taken a major step towards the impending implementation of the new Health and Social Care Network (HSCN), set for March 2017, with the appointment of managed services provider Redcentric as its peering exchange provider for a three-year contract.
Developed out of the Public Services Network (PSN), HSCN is set to go live imminently following the final termination of the BT-held N3 data and voice networking contracts. It promises a wide choice of suppliers, more flexibility and cost-effectiveness for users across the NHS.
As the single-supplier network will be shifting to a disaggregated supplier model, the carrier neutral peering exchange will be vital to act as a so-called “super-switch”, connecting the multiple community network service providers (CN-SPs) selling HSCN services to NHS users and interconnecting their networks to form a single, logical network.
Dermot Ryan, HSCN programme director at NHS Digital, said the award of the contract came at the end of a very competitive procurement process to stand up a critical component of the HSCN infrastructure.
“The contract is a significant step forward in establishing an HSCN marketplace of assured network services. This marketplace will drive competition among suppliers, improve consumer choice, support innovation and deliver value for money,” he said.
“The peering exchange will allow HSCN customers, who are using different network suppliers, to reliably communicate by interconnecting multiple supplier networks. It is an important step in the migration from N3 to HSCN and will enable more opportunities for collaboration and support digital transformation which enhances health and social care,” said Ryan.
Mo Siddiqi, Redcentric COO, added: “We are already one of the largest suppliers of N3 connectivity systems and set to be among the first wave of new CN-SPs.
“We take our responsibility very seriously and are committed to delivering this critical infrastructure and service for NHS Digital as part of our ambition to be the most trusted provider of network, cloud and collaboration solutions to NHS Digital and the wider public sector.”
Towards the end of 2016, the HSCN switchover process became a source of concern after Capita-backed network integrator Updata issued statistics claiming a significant number of NHS trusts and other suppliers were not yet fully aware of how the new system would work .
Speaking to Computer Weekly at the time, Michael Bowyer, director at public sector networking association Innopsis, which had substantial input into the creation of HSCN, refuted these concerns and said it was “one of the best programmes we have ever been involved with”.
“The beauty of HSCN is it doesn’t proscribe the solution, it just presents the standards, but gives you the chance to be innovative on connectivity,” he said. “We have created a competitive, disaggregated model and given smaller and larger network suppliers the ability to compete on a level playing field.”
Bowyer said he was very relaxed about the speed of the transition from N3 to HSCN, and reaffirmed that no NHS organisation would be forced to move across until it was good and ready.
“HSCN has now briefed more than 700 NHS buyers, and the biggest question they’ve had is ‘how quickly can we move?’. Frankly, what drives supplier performance is when they get paid, so it’s in their interest to light up customers as quickly as possible,” he added.

© Source: http://www.computerweekly.com/news/450411823/NHS-Digital-picks-peering-exchange-provider-for-HSCN
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Ermittlungen nach Misshandlungs-Hinweisen bei der Bundeswehr


NewsHubBerlin (dpa) – Nach Misshandlungsvorwürfen in einem Ausbildungszentrum der Bundeswehr wurden sieben Soldaten vom Dienst suspendiert. Sie sollen fristlos entlassen werden. Die Bundeswehr und auch die Justiz gehen Hinweisen auf schwerwiegendes Fehlverhalten in Pfullendorf in Baden-Württemberg nach. «Spiegel online» zufolge geht es unter anderem um «sexuell-sadistische Praktiken» und Gewaltrituale. Rekruten hätten sich etwa vor Kameraden nackt ausziehen müssen und seien dabei gefilmt worden.

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: http://www.t-online.de/nachrichten/id_80202524/ermittlungen-nach-misshandlungs-hinweisen-bei-der-bundeswehr.html
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Fußball: Leipzig gegen Hoffenheim und Nord-Süd-Klassiker


NewsHubBerlin (dpa) – Mit dem spannungsgeladenen Verfolger-Duell starten der starke Aufsteiger RB Leipzig und die noch unbesiegte TSG Hoffenheim in die Rückrunde der Fußball-Bundesliga.
Tabellenführer FC Bayern ist am Samstag gegen seinen Lieblingsgegner Werder Bremen klarer Favorit. Der VfL Wolfsburg will seinen Aufwärtstrend am 18. Spieltag gegen den FC Augsburg fortsetzen, die neuen Trainer Torsten Frings beim SV Darmstadt 98 und Dieter Hecking bei Borussia Mönchengladbach stehen nach einem Remis zum Debüt jeweils unter Druck. Im Abstiegskampf wollen Ingolstadt und der HSV im direkten Duell unbedingt punkten.
EL PLASTICO: So wird das Duell zwischen Überraschungsaufsteiger RB Leipzig und der noch ungeschlagenen TSG 1899 Hoffenheim spöttisch genannt. Den Protagonisten ist das egal, sie wollen sich im Spitzenspiel auf das Sportliche konzentrieren. Die zuhause noch ungeschlagenen Leipziger wollen an Tabellenführer FC Bayern dran, Hoffenheim weiter ohne Niederlage bleiben. Es ist zudem die Rückkehr von RB-Sportdirektor Ralf Rangnick zu seinem Ex-Club und das Duell der deutschen Top-Torjäger Timo Werner und Sandro Wagner.
LIEBLINGSGEGNER: Zwölf Partien in Serie gewann der FC Bayern gegen Werder Bremen, in den vergangenen sieben Heimspielen lautete die verheerende Bilanz aus Sicht der Norddeutschen gar 0 Punkte und 4:22 Tore. “Ich denke, dass Bremen sich verändert hat. Wir spielen gegen ein anderes Team”, sagte Bayern-Trainer Carlo Ancelotti mit Blick auf das 6:0 im Hinspiel. Der 15. Bremen braucht nach dem 1:2 gegen den BVB zum Jahresstart im Nord-Süd-Klassiker Punkte gegen den Abstieg.
FEHLSTARTER: Zum Jahresauftakt kassierten der FC Ingolstadt und der Hamburger SV jeweils knappe 0:1-Niederlagen. Umso mehr hoffen die beiden abstiegsbedrohten Clubs auf Siege zum Rückrundenauftakt. “Wir sind im Existenzkampf mit fünf, sechs anderen Mannschaften, darunter ist auch der FC Ingolstadt”, sagte der HSV-Vorstandsvorsitzende Heribert Bruchhagen. Die Oberbayern wollen mit drei Punkten gegen den direkten Konkurrenten auf Relegationsrang 16 klettern.
BEWÄHRUNGSPROBE: Mit einem 0:0 trennten sich der SV Darmstadt 98 und Borussia Mönchengladbach mit ihren neuen Trainern Torsten Frings und Dieter Hecking zum Abschluss der Hinrunde. In ihrem jeweils zweiten Pflichtspiel wollen die beiden Übungsleiter nun den ersten Sieg. Die Lilien empfangen den bislang starken 1. FC Köln, Gladbach muss bei Bayer Leverkusen antreten, das sich mit dem 3:1-Sieg gegen Hertha BSC am vergangenen Wochenende neues Selbstvertrauen holte.

© Source: http://www.t-online.de/sport/fussball/bundesliga/id_80202512/fussball-leipzig-gegen-hoffenheim-und-nord-sued-klassiker.html
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Trump verfügt Einreisestopp für syrische Flüchtlinge


NewsHubUS-Präsident Trump hat verschärfte Restriktionen für die Einreise von Flüchtlingen und Migranten in die USA angeordnet. Der Erlass sieht auch einen Einreisestopp für syrische Flüchtlinge vor.
US-Präsident Trump hat für viele Menschen aus muslimischen Ländern praktisch einen Einreisestopp verhängt. Flüchtlinge aus Syrien würden bis auf weiteres gar nicht mehr ins Land gelassen, heißt es in einem Dekret mit dem Titel “Schutz der Nation vor der Einreise ausländischer Terroristen in die Vereinigten Staaten”. Das gesamte Regierungsprogramm zur Aufnahme von Flüchtlingen auch aus anderen Ländern wird für 120 Tage ausgesetzt.
In einem weiteren Schritt sollen in den kommenden 90 Tagen auch aus mehreren anderen mehrheitlich muslimischen Ländern keine Menschen mehr ins Land kommen dürfen, wenn sie keine Flüchtlinge sind. Ausgenommen sind bestimmte Personengruppen, darunter Diplomaten und Angehörige internationaler Organisationen, sowie Menschen, die zu den Vereinten Nationen reisen.
Das Flüchtlingsprogramm solle nach 120 Tagen nur dann wieder aufgenommen werden, wenn die Sicherheit der Vereinigten Staaten gewährleistet sei, heißt es in dem Text. Nur Menschen aus Ländern, für die das Heimatschutz- und das Außenministerium in Verbindung mit dem Geheimdienst grünes Licht geben, sollen dann aufgenommen werden können. Erleichterungen sollen Angehörige religiöser Minderheiten bekommen. Diese Regelung zielt vor allem auf Christen in muslimischen Ländern.

Similarity rank: 2.1

© Source: http://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/trump-muslime-101.html
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Bundestagswahl: SPD lehnt weitere große Koalition ab


NewsHubFührende SPD -Politiker haben einer Neuauflage der großen Koalition nach der Bundestagswahl im Herbst eine Absage erteilt. “Eine große Koalition darf keine Dauereinrichtung sein. Demokratie lebt vom Wechsel, wir wollen ins Kanzleramt”, sagte der SPD-Fraktionsvorsitzende Thomas Oppermann den Zeitungen der Funke Mediengruppe. Die SPD hatte vor kurzem verkündet, mit dem ehemaligen Präsidenten des EU-Parlaments Martin Schulz als Spitzenkandidaten in den Wahlkampf zu ziehen.
SPD-Generalsekretärin Katarina Barley sagte der Rheinischen Post , niemand in der SPD wolle die “Fortführung der großen Koalition”. Sie wüsste auch nicht, “auf welche Inhalte wir uns mit CDU und CSU beim nächsten Mal einigen könnten”, sagte sie und fügte hinzu, die SPD habe die Union mit dem jetzigen Koalitionsvertrag bereits an ihre Schmerzgrenze gebracht.
Oppermann betonte zugleich, die Machtoptionen nach der Bundestagswahl seien “völlig offen”. Dies werde voraussichtlich die erste Bundestagswahl, “bei der keine Partei vorher eine Koalitionsaussage macht. ” Für die verbleibenden Monate der Bundesregierung aus CDU, CSU und SPD kündigte er eine härtere Auseinandersetzung mit den Koalitionspartnern an. Die Koalition habe bislang sehr gute Arbeit gemacht, doch scheine für die Union die Grenze erreicht, ab der sie sozialdemokratische Politik nicht mehr mitmachen wolle.
Der SPD-Politiker beklagte unter anderem, dass Menschen, die hart arbeiteten, höhere Steuern zahlen müssten als jene, die bloß ihr Geld arbeiten ließen. “Wir werden das Land weiter gut regieren, aber den Streit um bessere Konzepte für die Zukunft unseres Landes mit der Union verschärfen,” kündigte Oppermann an.

© Source: http://www.zeit.de/politik/deutschland/2017-01/spd-fraktionschef-thomas-oppermann-bundestagswahl-grosse-koalition
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Why fake news is a tech problem


NewsHubNews used to be reliable.
While “fake news” has always existed, we enjoyed a halcyon period in the second half of the 20th Century where the news media in industrial democracies produced a reliable, shared reality. People disagreed, but their opinions were mostly based on credible facts produced by solid journalism standards, fact-checking and editorial integrity.
Then the web arrived, followed by the social web. Now, instead of three reputable news sources, you hear facts and ideas from thousands of sources of varying reliability. These appear before your eyeballs by invisible means — by the compatibility of the content with the secret algorithms used to determine what spreads widely — and what doesn’t.
A broad range of people with political, commercial or anti-social interests have been evolving their techniques for gaming the social algorithms for ever-accelerating the spread of fake news. Dana Boyd calls it ” hacking the attention economy. ”
Here’s the problem: Patently false news is ridiculous and, as such, harmless. The worst kind of fake news is a Russian export called ” disinformatzya. ”
Guardian journalist and Russia specialist Luke Harding says the Kremlin’s “disinformatzya” tactics were honed by the KGB during the Cold War. They’ve been around for decades, but only in Russia.
What’s new is that in recent years Russia has been applying “disinformatzya” to English-language audiences. We’re not used to “disinformatzya,” and so it’s extra effective.
The goal of “disinformatzya” isn’t to get people to believe lies, but to “confuse and bamboozle everybody else by floating conspiracy theories, so there are 10 different explanations for an event,” Harding said in an interview with NPR’s Terry Gross. The Russian government does this through the publication of semi fake news and also ” by hiring armies of trolls ,” which spread misinformation and disrupt online conversations with abusive, hateful posts, thus preventing rational conversation.
Inside Russia, “disinformatzya” seeks to erode trust in all institutions so that a “strong man” like Putin can present himself as the only solution.
Outside Russia, “disinformatzya” helps Russia destabilize and weaken rivals, while simultaneously enabling the Russian leader to convince the Russian public that the West is just as corrupt and dysfunctional as Russia is.
The worst part is that this manipulative tactic of using “disinformatzya” to deliberately create confusion and havoc works. And because of that, it’s being instinctively picked up by American and European organizations, trolls and politicians.
That’s what’s new. That’s why “fake news” is such a big problem now.
Muddying the waters is that the “fake news” label is being thrown around irresponsibly.
“The National Catholic Register” slammed an article in The Atlantic about the political effect of ultrasound technology as “fake news. ”
President Trump started calling CNN “fake news” after that network reported information the president disagreed with.
A post this week in Canada’s Financial Post went full circle on “fake news. ” The author of the piece slams the Canadian government for an intended crackdown on “fake news,” saying that the government itself spreads “fake news. ” The article is accompanied by a warning that the piece may itself be “fake news. ”
There’s no question that “fake news” is a “thing” now. Australia’s Macquarie Dictionary named “fake news” their “Word of the Year. ”
CNN created a “fake news” beat position — not to create fake news, but to research, report and expose it.
Governments in Germany, Canada, the Czech Republic and elsewhere are setting up commissions, review boards and committees to tackle the fake news problem. These efforts are nice, but won’t have the desired effect, because they don’t affect the spread of fake news on social sites.
Fake news is technology’s fault. Can technology fix it?
The fake news problem has gotten so bad lately that Silicon Valley companies and others are scrambling for technology solutions to a technology-created problem. Google this week announced that it had banned some 200 publishers from its AdSense network. Google didn’t publish a list of banned sites, which resulted from a change in the company’s policy on misleading content. Google has now added a category for sites that impersonate news sites.
While the word “ban” sounds strong, the fact is that Google is merely withholding its advertising services from these sites, which are free to pursue other advertising opportunities.
Facebook reportedly updated its Trending service to reduce the viral sharing of fake news. It took an interesting approach, too. Facebook’s algorithms will now eject news that’s trending where that news comes from a single source. Unless a report gets pickups (original stories based on the reporting of another publication) in other publications, it won’t be allowed in the Trending section.
Unfortunately, this appears to be easy to game. Fake-news sites need only to publish multiple sites, and do pickups on their own content — something many of the fake news sites already do. Facebook also promised to de-personalized Trending topics that show the same list to all users.
The French newspaper Le Monde built a database called “Decodex” containing 600 fake-news websites that goes online in February. The database was compiled by the publication’s fact checkers. Most of the sites are fake, but foreign sites like America’s “Breitbart” and the “Daily News Bin” are also included. Users can paste in URLs to see if an online news piece is fake or, better yet, use a Chrome or Firefox extension that alerts readers with a color-coded system. Le Monde plans to also launch a Facebook Messenger bot for fact-checking.
This approach might be effective. Researchers at the University of Cambridge found that ” inoculation ” is the best way to prevent people from believing fake news. (Studies show that when fake news is corrected, they continue to remember and believe the fake news.) But when study participants were given true news, then told that specific groups were circulating fake news, followed by exposure to the fake news, they continued to believe the true news. In other words, identifying fake news only works if the fake news is identified before exposure.
A 19-year-old Stanford University student, Karan Singhal, created a ” fake news detector ” using artificial intelligence. It analyzes 55 different metrics, including writing style, layout and domain name. You can try it for free.
Climate scientists and technologists are also collaborating on fighting fake news with a new site called climatefeedback.org. The site gets climate scientists to do reviews on stories about the climate. The scientist/reviewers add notes and links to the articles, and add a credibility score.
The beauty of this approach is that each article is judged independently (instead of branding an entire publication as “bad”). For example, the site slams the Guardian for this article but praises it for this one. Better still, the site essentially teaches media criticism and skepticism from a scientific point of view.
One of the most aggressive actions comes from Snap. The company updated its content guidelines for Snapchat publishers to battle fake news, according to a report in The New York Times this week.
In advance of an expected IPO, Snap wants to cut down on clickbait. Snapchat’s “discovery” section now bans profanity, sexual or violent content and misleading or fraudulent headlines.
But Snap also targets fake news. The company says all content must be fact-checked and accurate and that publishers can’t impersonate entities or people. It’s not clear how Snap will police the guidelines. But to the extent that they are policed, they’re among the most stringent of all the social sites.
Snap is doing the right thing by saying: We’re a publisher. We’re responsible for content. And that’s the only responsible policy.
The attitudes of Twitter and Facebook, meanwhile, are irrational and toxic. They reserve the right to ban, censor or delete any content they want — Facebook based on its ” Community Standards ” and Twitter based on ” The Twitter Rules. ” Both Twitter and Facebook tend to take action only when shamed in the court of public opinion. But when it comes to fake news, they throw their hands up and say they’re not publishers and that they support free speech — or they make minor tweaks to filtering to placate critics.
Recently, a series of analyses found that fake news didn’t determine the outcome of the recent election, and therefore we shouldn’t worry about fake news. But who wants to live in a backwards world where people believe journalism is false while propaganda, conspiracy theories and fake news are truth; where scientific research is considered political, but claims by politicians about science are not?
It’s time for Google, Facebook and Twitter to get serious. Fake news can and must be identified, banned, deprioritized, labeled or otherwise disempowered.
The only thing that can save us from the scourge of fake news and “disinformatzya” is Silicon Valley.

© Source: http://www.itnews.com/article/3162020/it-industry/why-fake-news-is-a-tech-problem.html
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Трагедия в Княжичах произошла из-за "серьезной недоработки" – Аваков


NewsHubКак выяснилось, трагедия – это “серьезная недоработка при планировании операции тех руководителей, которые проводили эту операцию”, сообщил журналистам в пятницу, 27 января, министр внутренних дел Арсен Аваков, пишет “Укринформ”.
“Закончено служебное расследование по Княжичам. Оно находится в Генеральной прокуратуре в объеме более 40 страниц. В результате этого расследования 8 человек уволены и порядка 12 человек получили дисциплинарные взыскания. В том числе, неполное служебное соответствие объявлено начальнику полиции города Киева полковнику Крищенко и начальнику райотдела Герману Преступе”, – сказал министр.
В ночь на 4 декабря 2016 года во время спецоперации по задержанию грабителей в селе Княжичи Броварского района Киевской области из-за несогласованных действий погибли два сотрудника полиции охраны, двое полицейских и боец спецподразделения КОРД. После этого в Киеве задержали восемь подозреваемых в организации ОПГ , во время слежки за которой произошла перестрелка между сотрудниками полиции.
Как сообщил вр. и. о. Нацполиции Вадим Троян, преступная группа, за которой велось наблюдение, состояла из ранее судимых за разбой лиц, бывших сотрудников правоохранительных органов, а также лиц, близких к правоохранительной системе.
Расследование гибели полицейских поручили Генеральной прокуратуре. Участников спецоперации на время расследования отстранили от работы.

Similarity rank: 4.3

© Source: http://zn.ua/UKRAINE/tragediya-v-knyazhichah-proizoshla-iz-za-sereznoy-nedorabotki-avakov-237301_.html
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Pearl Harbor Navy salvage diver dies at 103 ::


NewsHubPosted 3:34 a.m. today
SAN DIEGO — Ken Hartle, who as a Navy diver during World War II had the grim task of retrieving bodies from ships sunk by the Japanese at Pearl Harbor, has died. He was 103.
Hartle died Tuesday afternoon at an Escondido, California, center for people with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia, the San Diego Union-Tribune (http://bit.ly/2jnUNzC) reported Friday. A reporter was at his bedside with Hartle’s son and daughter three hours before his death.
Hartle may have been the oldest surviving Pearl Harbor salvage diver, said David Ball of San Diego, an officer with the Navy Divers Association.
Hartle and his fellow Seabees worked in the days before scuba diving equipment was commonplace. His heavy canvas diving suit and brass helmet weighed more than 200 pounds.
Japan’s Dec. 7, 1941 surprise attack on Pearl Harbor sank or beached 18 ships. Among them was the battleship Arizona, which went down with 1,177 crew members.
Hartle was working as a civilian ship-fitter at a Navy yard in the San Francisco Bay Area when the war broke out but he wasn’t allowed to enlist until 1943 because his job was deemed too important to the war effort.
Hartle was proud of the work he performed over the next two years, his children said. He risked death by towing away unexploded torpedoes and salvaging ships and planes, first at Pearl Harbor and later from Maine to the Philippines.
He suffered the bends — painful and dangerous bubbles in his bloodstream from improper decompression — and was nearly killed when an anchor chain cracked and spewed metal shards.
But he avoided mentioning one task: recovering the long-submerged bodies of sailors who went to the bottom at Pearl Harbor.
“He just didn’t like talking about it,” said his son, Ken W. Hartle, 64, of Montana. “He would only say that the hardest part of the job was ‘bringing up our boys.’ ”
Ambert Kenneth Hartle was born in 1913 in Bakersfield, California. His mother, a brother and a sister died from illness or accidents before he was 10 and his father was sent to a tuberculosis sanitarium in 1916, according to Hartle’s children.
Hartle and his siblings were sent to Los Angeles to live with relatives but he hitchhiked to the San Francisco Bay Area. He worked as a prune-picker, a ranch hand and a cook for mining camps and resorts, earned a high school diploma and studied commercial art in college, where he also managed the basketball team.
His son said Hartle managed to cheat death several times, beginning at age 3 when a mule kicked him in the face and knocked him unconscious for 20 hours.
At 9, he was stabbed in the neck during a schoolyard brawl. In college, he was flung hundreds of feet when his car was crushed by a truck. He was bitten by a rattlesnake and a scorpion while working alone at a mining camp.
He had colon and prostate cancer, six heart bypass surgeries, and broke his shoulder falling from a ladder while trimming trees when he was 97.
“He was from a generation of people who were amazingly tough,” said his daughter and longtime caregiver, Karen Dahl, 66. “He had a lot of problems with pain from the work he did in his younger life, but he never complained. ”
After the war, he settled in Buena Park, California, and later became a chicken breeder in Valley Center in northern San Diego County.
His second wife, Jeanne, died in 2008.
“He was a great storyteller. He could talk for hours about his life in the most amazing detail,” his daughter said. “He loved his life and he had a wonderful one. “

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