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Starfield: How to Escape Ship Combat


While there seems to be no permanent escape from Starfield pirates, here are some workarounds for avoiding space combat.
In Starfield, ship combat refers to encounters with enemy starships in space. In these battles, players must defend themselves against attacking vessels, often those belonging to pirate factions like the Crimson Fleet. However, there are instances in the game when players may prefer not to engage in these brawls and instead seek to cease fire.
The challenge lies in the fact that the hostile ships in Starfield are operated by persistent NPCs, making it difficult to break away from them. Nevertheless, this guide explores potential strategies to minimize ship combat damage, offering players a chance to outmaneuver and perhaps even outsmart some of these bloodthirsty pirates. How to Evade Starship Battles
In Starfield, the only way to escape ship combat is through Grav Jump. Players looking to flee from pirates or other attackers must open the Starmap, choose a different star system, and jump to it. This necessitates having at least one bar filled in the Grav Jump gauge.
For a faster escape, players can fill up the Grav Jump gauge.
While in combat, planetary fast travel is disabled, and players are unable to land. It’s also worth noting that boosting or steering away from attacking spaceships will prove ineffective, as the enemy will pursue the players. Non-Lethal Ways to Escape Ship Combat
To stop a battleship non-lethally, players will need to target the ship’s weapons. After unlocking the Targeting Control Systems skill, players will be able to aim at specific enemy vessel components. This allows them to disarm attackers and exit combat without resorting to lethal force.
It’s important to note that non-lethal escape is only viable when players are engaged with a single enemy. In other scenarios, if multiple pirates continue their onslaught, players will have no choice but to either retaliate or jump to another star system. How to Avoid Conflicts with People
To prevent in-person conflicts in Starfield, players must holster their weapons. If a brawl arises due to a misunderstanding, the optimal choice for players is to put their guns away and wait for the NPCs to leave. If legal authorities get involved, it’s best to comply, pay any fines, or break away.
A foolproof way of getting around conflicts is using Self-Service Bounty Clearance machines. With these devices, players can pay their fines in advance and shun any uncalled confrontations.
Starfield is available for PC and Xbox Series X/S.

Працює ГУР: Федоров показав відео атаки українського дрона на російський корабель


Інформаційне агентство Українські Національні Новини. Працює ГУР: Федоров показав відео атаки українського дрона на російський корабель
КИЇВ. 14 вересня. УНН. Глава Мінцифри Михайло Федоров показав відео атаки українського дрона на російський корабель, передає УНН.
“Працює ГУР. Працюють донори United24. Працюють українські технології. Працюємо всі на перемогу”. – написав Федоров.
Сили оборони вдарили по двох патрульних кораблях рф типу “Василий Быков” у південно-західній частині Чорного моря. Як повідомили у СтратКомі ЗСУ, є пошкодження.

Wreszcie udało się przełamać klątwę! Polscy siatkarze w finale Mistrzostw EuropyWreszcie udało się przełamać klątwę! Polscy siatkarze w finale Mistrzostw Europy


Reprezentacja Polski w siatkówce przełamała klątwę, wygrała ze Słowenią i weszła do Finału Mistrzostw Europy. Udało nam się roznieść rywali z wynikiem 3:1. Teraz ostateczne starcie stoczymy z Włochami lub Francuzami.
Reprezentacja Polski w siatkówce przełamała klątwę, wygrała ze Słowenią i weszła do Finału Mistrzostw Europy. Udało nam się roznieść rywali z wynikiem 3:1. Teraz ostateczne starcie stoczymy z Włochami lub Francuzami.
Udało się! Polscy siatkarze pokonali w Rzymie reprezentację Słowenii 3:1 (23:25, 25:21, 25:20, 25:21). Wreszcie przełamaliśmy klątwę, bowiem zagramy w finale po raz pierwszy od 2009 roku. To wtedy wywalczyliśmy jedyny w historii złoty medal. Co więcej, od 2015 roku zawsze przegrywaliśmy ze Słoweńcami w Mistrzostwach Europy.
Finał Mistrzostw Europy odbędzie się w nadchodzącą sobotę. W zależności od przebiegu wydarzeń, stoczymy walkę z Włochami lub Francją. Mecz między tymi reprezentacjami rozpocznie się dziś (czwartek – red.) o godzinie 21:00.
Jeszcze 12 września pisaliśmy o tym, że Biało-Czerwoni przechodzą kolejne etapy turnieju jak burza. Wcześniej, w walce o półfinał pokonaliśmy Serbów 3:1. Polacy wprawdzie przegrali premierowego seta 28:26, natomiast w pozostałych nie pozostawili żadnych złudzeń Serbom i pewnie zwyciężyli.
Ostatnie dni nie były jednak szczęśliwe dla Bartosza Kurka. Lider polskiej kadry nie mógł wystąpić w półfinale z powodu kontuzji. Poinformował o tym Filip Czyszanowski z redakcji TVP Sport. To oznacza, że Polacy musieli poradzić sobie bez jednego z najważniejszych zawodników.

What Alex Cora said about Chaim Bloom’s firing, his future with the Red Sox


“My goal here is to keep playing good baseball and help these guys to get better.”
Red Sox team president Sam Kennedy acknowledged on Thursday afternoon that the organization could be gearing up for a “broader search” as it tries to find a replacement for the recently fired Chaim Bloom. 
But could Boston opt for an in-house replacement in Alex Cora?
Kennedy noted in his press conference Thursday that both he and the organization expect Cora to return as manager for the 2024 season.
But Cora, whose current contract runs through 2024, didn’t reveal much information when asked if he was informed already that he’ll manage the ballclub next season.
“After the season, I’ll be here for a little bit, do the press conference and get ready for next season,” Cora said, as reported by Chris Cotillo of MassLive.com. 
When pressed if Cora himself wanted to return to the Red Sox next season, he didn’t budge. 
“I’ll finish the season and spend some time here,” Cora said. “I’ll go home and get ready for next year.”
ESPN insider Buster Olney tweeted shortly after Bloom’s firing that Cora could be a potential candidate to run Boston’s baseball operations — following a similar script as Brad Stevens’ move from Celtics head coach to top executive.
“Kennedy wouldn’t outright rule it out,” Cotillo added in response to Olney’s tweet. “It’s a career path Cora wouldn’t mind pursuing. But it feels like they need an experienced leader who has done it before.”
Cora has plenty of experience with the Red Sox and this market already, and has a good rapport with the team’s top brass.
“That’s something that’s for the future,” Cora said of a career beyond managing, per Cotillo. “My goal here is to keep playing good baseball and help these guys to get better. Everybody knows how I feel about this game and whatever decision we make in the future is based on my family and all that stuff. I think, right now, this is something that we have to talk about as a group, what we want to do.”
Despite Cora’s potential in a new role, Kennedy and the Red Sox might opt for more in the next the head of baseball ops.
“At the end of the day, we need leadership,” Kennedy said. “These are big operations. So we need leadership that can help continue to build the organization from the bottom up, continue to promote and expand processes and procedures, medical, analytics, keeping up with this ever-changing game.
“And leadership that is focused on winning at the big league level. So it’s something we’ve all been trying to do the last several years. And that will be a mandate going forward.”
Cora is no stranger to turnover in the baseball ops department, having gone through it with Boston in 2019 when Dave Dombrowski was fired over the final weeks of the season. Still, that familiarity doesn’t soften a day when a baseball organization opts to wave the white flag on an essential cog in its leadership group.
“Obviously it’s a decision that ownership made. They decided to go this route,” Cora said, per Julian McWilliams of  . “We worked together all these years and it’s never easy to hear that. It’s never easy.”
The Red Sox went 267-262 during Bloom’s tenure in Boston, with three last-place finishes standing as a tangible possibility, based on how Cora’s team closes out these last few weeks.
Still, given the tough hand that Bloom was dealt out of the gate in 2020 with both Cora’s season-long suspension and the Mookie Betts trade, Cora empathized with the difficult job that landed on Bloom’s shoulders.
“It was a good relationship. I think we grew up,” Cora said of Bloom. “Obviously, it wasn’t easy for him early on. I made my mistake and we paid the price. I still remember that day. He was the first one there for me.
“We actually had a great conversation Wednesday about the future of the organization and what he envisioned. We grew up a lot the last few years. But it’s like in business, right. You don’t agree with everything that your partners do, right? Or what they think. But at the end of the day, you work together for the benefit of your business. It’s the same thing here.”

Атака на бухту Севастополя: появилось первое видео с поврежденным кораблем Минск


БДК Минск. Появилось видео с поврежденным кораблем Минск в результате атаки на бухту в Севастополе. Видео с поврежденным кораблем Минск — в материале Фактов ICTV
Российский большой десантный корабль Минск получил значительные разрушения в результате атаки на Севастопольский морской завод ночью 13 сентября.
В сети появилось видео последствий попадания по вражескому кораблю.
На опубликованных кадрах можно увидеть степень повреждения БДК Минск и то, как россияне ликвидируют задымление на нем.
Напомним, ночью 13 сентября после ряда взрывов вспыхнул масштабный пожар на Севастопольском морском заводе во временно оккупированном Крыму.
Впоследствии Минобороны РФ подтвердило повреждение двух своих кораблей.
Представитель ГУР Андрей Юсов заявил, что ВДК Минск и подводная лодка Ростов-на-Дону, которые были поражены во время атаки в Севастополе, не подлежат восстановлению.

Україна та Південна Корея домовилися про кредитування для залучення корейських інвестицій


Україна та Південна Корея підписали угоду, яка передбачає надання пільгових кредитів для реалізації проєктів в Україні за участю корейських компаній.
Україна та Південна Корея підписали угоду, яка передбачає надання пільгових кредитів для реалізації проєктів в Україні за участю корейських компаній.
Про це повідомляє пресслужба офісу президента. 
“У присутності Президента України й міністра земель, інфраструктури та транспорту Кореї було підписано Угоду між урядом України та урядом Республіки Корея стосовно кредитів від Фонду економічного розвитку та співробітництва (EDCF)”, – йдеться в повідомленні. 
Згідно з угодою передбачено надання пільгових кредитів для реалізації проектів в Україні за участю корейських компаній. 
Угода з українського боку була підписала першим віце-прем’єр-міністром, міністром економіки Юлією Свириденко, а з корейського – Послом Республіки Корея в Україні Кім Хьонг Те.
Президент Зеленський подякував корейській стороні за підтримку суверенітету й територіальної цілісності України та ухвалені рішення щодо надання вагомої практичної допомоги нашій країні.
“Вдячний за рішення уряду Республіки Корея щодо виділення Україні фінансової підтримки розміром 2,3 мільярда доларів США на відбудову та відновлення. Це дасть відчутний поштовх для розвитку української інфраструктури”, – зазначив Зеленський.
Крім того, Зеленський закликав корейський бізнес до активної роботи на українському ринку та участі в реалізації проектів у сферах розвитку атомної та відновлюваної енергетики, машинобудування, автомобільної промисловості, видобутку літію, нафтопереробки, “зеленої” металургії, залізничного транспорту, водних ресурсів та місцевої інфраструктури.
Південна Корея з початку великої війни надала Україні 10 вантажів гуманітарної допомоги енергетичному сектору та зацікавлена в інвестиціях в відновлення енергосектору.
Президент Південної Кореї Юн Сок Йол заявив про надання Україні 2,3 млрд дол фінансової допомоги на відновлення з 2025 року.

大腸がんを乗り越えて栄冠 阪神・原口文仁が感じる「ありがたみ」


過酷な運命を乗り越えたバットマンが、プロ14年目で初めて味わう喜びに浸った。 阪神タイガースの原口文仁選手(31)は、18年ぶりにリーグ制覇したチームを下支えした。 役目は試合終盤、大事な場面での代…

Trump’s last-minute legal challenge could disrupt N.Y. fraud trial


A last-minute legal challenge by Donald Trump ‘s lawyers could disrupt a trial scheduled for next month in the business fraud lawsuit against the former president and his company by New York Attorney General Letitia James.
A last-minute legal challenge by Donald Trump ’s lawyers could disrupt a trial scheduled for next month in the business fraud lawsuit against the former president and his company by New York Attorney General Letitia James.
A state appeals court judge on Thursday ordered a potential postponement of the non-jury trial, scheduled to start Oct. 2, after the former president’s lawyers filed a lawsuit accusing the trial judge, Arthur Engoron, of repeatedly abusing his authority.
Justice David Friedman, a judge on the state’s intermediate appellate court, granted an interim stay of the trial and ordered the full appeals court to consider the lawsuit on an expedited basis. The court indicated it would issue a decision the week of Sept. 25, meaning the trial could still start on schedule depending on how it rules.
Among the issues raised by Trump’s lawyers were Engoron’s terse refusal to grant their recent request for a three-week trial delay, which he ruled as “completely without merit,” and lingering uncertainty about the trial’s scope because he has yet to comply with a June appeals court’s order that he determine which claims in the fraud lawsuit are barred by the statute of limitations.
Other proceedings in James’ lawsuit against Trump and the Trump Organization will proceed as scheduled, Friedman said. They include oral arguments slated for Sept. 22 on requests from James’ office and Trump’s lawyers that Engoron decide on some or all of the case before the trial starts.
Engoron declined comment through a court spokesperson.
In a statement, James said: “We are confident in our case and will be ready for trial.”
James’ lawsuit alleges Trump defrauded banks, insurers and others with annual financial statements that inflated the value of his skyscrapers, golf courses and other assets and boosted his net worth by as much as $3.6 billion. Her lawsuit seeks $250 million in penalties and a ban on Trump doing business in New York.
Trump, the front-runner for the Republican nomination in next year’s presidential election, has denied wrongdoing.
In sworn testimony given for the lawsuit in April, Trump said he didn’t think his financial statements would be taken seriously because they have a disclaimer that says they shouldn’t be trusted. He told James, a Democrat, “You don’t have a case and you should drop this case.”
“Do you know the banks were fully paid? Do you know the banks made a lot of money?” Trump testified. “Do you know I don’t believe I ever got even a default notice, and even during COVID, the banks were all paid? And yet you’re suing on behalf of banks, I guess. It’s crazy. The whole case is crazy.”
The lawsuit against Engoron, filed under a provision of state law known as Article 78, is Trump’s latest attack on judges presiding over his many legal cases.
On Monday, Trump’s lawyers asked the federal judge presiding over his election subversion case in Washington to recuse herself, saying U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan ’s past public statements about him and his connection to the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol call into question whether she can be fair. That request is pending.
Before that, Trump also sought to remove the judge in his Manhattan hush-money criminal case. Trump’s lawyers argued Judge Juan Manuel Merchan is biased because he’s given money to Democrats and his daughter is a party consultant, but Merchan last month rejected their request to recuse himself, saying he is certain of his “ability to be fair and impartial.”
Trump has shown enmity for Engoron in the past, lashing out at him on social media as “vicious, biased, and mean” after a series of unfavorable rulings from the judge, including a contempt order that cost Trump $110,000 for not turning over evidence to James’ office in a timely fashion.
Trump’s lawyers fought unsuccessfully last year to have James’ lawsuit moved from Engoron’s courtroom to the court’s Commercial Division, which is set up to handle complex corporate litigation.
Engoron has said the trial could take up to three months.
Trump’s lawyers have asked Engoron to grant summary judgment dismissing the case entirely before the trial starts. They argue that many of the lawsuit’s allegations are barred by the statute of limitations and that James has no standing to sue because the entities Trump supposedly defrauded “have never complained, and indeed have profited from their business dealings” with him.
James’ office has asked Engoron to grant summary judgment in its favor on one of seven claims in her lawsuit – that Trump and his company committed fraud.
To rule, Engoron needs only to answer two questions, James’ office argued: whether Trump’s annual financial statements were false or misleading, and whether he and the Trump Organization used those statements while conducting business transactions.
Trump is not expected to testify in court if the case goes to trial, but video recordings of his depositions could be played.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Confirms Nearly 100 Hours of Content


A recent statement by key members of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth’s development team confirms a loads of new content to expect in-game.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth will release with almost a hundred hours of fresh content. The Square Enix team has been proud to reveal many things to watch out for in the upcoming sequel to Final Fantasy 7 Remake. The company has worked hard to build expectations for the follow-up that even the Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Collector’s Edition seems choc full of surprises. Things are looking up for the next iteration of this series as the team continues to hype its release.
During the recent PlayStation September State of Play, Square Enix revealed when Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth’s release date would be. With that, the developers also revealed a brand-new trailer that showed off a lot of new characters and features that will be present in the game. While fans of the original game were already familiar with some of the things to expect, Final Fantasy 7 Remake has shown that not all familiar territory might be the same as before. Old locations could bring new experiences to enjoy, as well. And that is where three key members of the development team released statements regarding Rebirth.
In three consecutive Twitter posts, producer Yoshinori Kitase, director Naoki Hamaguchi, and creative director Tetsuya Nomura shared messages confirming what to expect once Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth launches. Hamaguchi mentioned that the game’s focus is “free exploration,” citing the presence of the world map. He concludes by stating that “nearly 100 hours of adventure awaits.” Kitase mentioned that familiar elements from the previous game will be present but will see many enhancements throughout. There was also confirmation that Rebirth can stand as a standalone adventure, yet a recap of the last title will be provided for those who need to catch up. Finally, Nomura reiterates that Rebirth is the second of a three-part adventure that fans will be excited to experience. New characters await the fans, as well as surprises that await everybody’s fates.
The teases seem promising especially with how well Remake was received. Fans who wanted more of Red XIII’s presence in FF7 Remake could possibly see more of the character, given that Rebirth will be more open in terms of gameplay. In fact, Cait Sith and Vincent Valentine will also be joining the sequel, so this will change the dynamic of the game as a whole. Having more party members would add more replayability.
Hopefully, even with the teased 100 hours of content, Square Enix can still revisit a glaring flaw that most players had issues with. Some fans felt that Final Fantasy 7 Remake’s side quests slowed the game’s pacing down. While they did add to the replay value, some thought it was filler material to lengthen the experience. If Square Enix decides to give more weight to the quests, especially with how more freeform and open the map will be, then FF7 Rebirth could really become the masterpiece it intends to be.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth launches on February 29 2024, for PS5.

Появилось видео о работе украинских надводных морских дронов


Страна имеет надводные дроны протяженностью 5,6 метра и весом в тонну, они могут нести полезную нагрузку 200 кг и разгоняться до 81 км/ч.
Страна имеет надводные дроны протяженностью 5,6 метра и весом в тонну, они могут нести полезную нагрузку 200 кг и разгоняться до 81 км/ч.

Армия дронов показала, как работают украинские надводные морские дроны.

“Как работают украинские надводные морские дроны. Такие аппараты могут развивать скорость в 80 км/ч, а их стоимость достигает 250 тысяч долларов. Это прямая угроза Крымскому мосту и кораблям ЧФ РФ”, – говорится в комментарии к опубликованному видео.

Сообщается, что у Украины есть надводные дроны длиной 5,6 метра и весом в тонну, они могут нести полезную нагрузку 200 кг и разгоняться до 81 км/ч. Дроны управляемые, продолжительность работы – до 61 часа.

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