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Here’s The Actual Text Of Trump’s Executive Orders On Keystone XL, Dakota Pipelines


NewsHubPresident Donald Trump issued executive orders Tuesday to advance the construction of major pipelines blocked by the Obama administration.
Trump asked TransCanada, the company building the Keystone XL pipeline, to resubmit its application for a cross-border permit to bring oil extracted from the sands of Alberta, Canada to Gulf Coast refineries.
Trump also ordered the Army Corps of Engineers to expedite the approval process for the Dakota Access Pipeline that’s meant to bring Bakken oil from North Dakota to Southern Illinois. The Corps initially approved the project in summer, 2016, but reversed itself after months of protests by environmentalists and American Indians.
What may be interesting to observers is that Trump paired his pipeline orders with another that expedited federal environmental reviews for manufacturers and one ordering the Secretary of the Commerce to require all new pipelines to use U. S.-made steel .
Here’s the full text of Trump’s Keystone XL order.
Here’s the full text of Trump’s Dakota Access order.
Here’s the full text of Trump’s pipeline order.
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