Home United States USA — China Man Knifes 11 Kindergarten Kids In China

Man Knifes 11 Kindergarten Kids In China


NewsHubA knife-wielding man entered a kindergarten in China and attacked 11 children Wednesday, Chinese media revealed.
The middle-aged man climbed over the wall around 3:30 in the afternoon and began stabbing children at a kindergarten in Pingxiang, Guangxi Province. The motives behind the attack are currently unknown.
None of the children sustained life-threatening injuries during the course of the attack.
The suspect is in police custody and an investigation is underway.
Such attacks are surprisingly common in China.
A man stabbed 10 Chinese children at a school in Hainan Province before taking his own life in February of 2016. Two years earlier, a man stabbed three elementary school kids before jumping off a building, and in 2012, a man stabbed 23 children and an elderly woman in a village in Henan Province.
In one of the worst cases, three serious attacks occurred in one month in 2010. In one incident, a man killed eight and wounded several others. In another, the attacker stabbed 31 people, including 28 students. In the final attack, the man struck children with a hammer causing severe injuries before setting himself on fire.
China has since stepped up security at its schools, but incidents like the one Wednesday continue to occur.
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