Home GRASP/Korea Trump says US will deal with North Korea 'very strongly'

Trump says US will deal with North Korea 'very strongly'


WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump on Monday vowed to « deal with » North Korea, calling it « a big, big problem » without mentioning the ballistic missile it test-fired over the weekend or any planned American response.
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump on Monday vowed to « deal with » North Korea, calling it « a big, big problem » without mentioning the ballistic missile it test-fired over the weekend or any planned American response.
The Pentagon was more pointed in its assessment of the problem. A spokesman said technical advancements in North Korea’s ballistic missile programs, demonstrated in the latest test-launch from a mobile launcher, pose a « clear, grave threat » to U. S. security.
That assessment reflected concern as well as frustration among U. S. officials, who see North Korea pushing ahead, in defiance of U. N. Security Council resolutions, with development of missiles capable of striking U. S. territory with nuclear weapons.
« North Korea’s unlawful weapons programs represent a clear, grave threat to our national security, » a Pentagon spokesman, Navy Capt. Jeff Davis, said Monday. « North Korea openly states that its ballistic missiles are intended to deliver nuclear weapons to strike cities in the United States, the Republic of Korea, and Japan.  »
Trump has said he puts high priority on developing better defenses against such missiles, but his administration has not said how it will respond to Saturday’s missile launch, short of condemning it as a dangerous provocation.

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