Home GRASP/Japan Top Japanese official to attend China ‘New Silk Road’ summit

Top Japanese official to attend China ‘New Silk Road’ summit


Toshihiro Nikai, second only to Japan’s prime minister in the governing Liberal Democratic Party, to take part in Beijing forum on China’s huge trade initiative
The secretary general of Japan’s ruling party said on Tuesday he will attend China’s New Silk Road summit in May, a sign Prime Minister Shinzo Abe wants to improve ties with Beijing amid tensions over North Korea’s missile and nuclear programmes. But an adviser to Abe said Tokyo remained cautious about the China-backed Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, created at least in part as a way to fund the Silk Road plan. “Given the international situation starting with North Korea, mutual understanding between Japan and China is vital, ” Liberal Democratic Party secretary general Toshihiro Nikai was quoted by Jiji news agency telling a news conference, adding he would attend the May 14 to 15 China summit. Concerns have grown that a sixth North Korean nuclear test could be imminent and that the test, or another long-range missile launch, could occur around the 85th anniversary of the foundation of the North’s Korean People’s Army on Tuesday. North Korea conducted a big live-fire exercise on Tuesday to mark the foundation of its military, media reported, in defiance of US warnings against such action.

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