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‘Rising Star’ : Obama Partied With Cocaine, Cheated On Michelle With Sheila Miyoshi Jager


In his new book Rising Star: The Making of Barack Obama, author David J. Garrow reveals new details about Barack Obama’s sex life. The book reveals that young Obama had “passionate”…
He had also considered having a gay relationship with his Occidental College professor, Lawrence Goldyn.
“I remember being very engaged and just talking nonstop [on the night we met] . The thing that connected us is that we both came from nowhere – we really didn’ t belong.”
After dinner, they went to his bedroom to talk and she spent the night with him.
She later wrote a poem to him mentioning their “f***king.” She also wrote about their “passionate sex” in her diary.
“Sexually he really wasn’ t very imaginative but he was comfortable, ” Cook said, according to Garrow. “He was no kind of shrinking ‘can’ t handle it. This is invasive’ or ‘I’ m timid’ in any way; he was quite earthy.”
Genevieve Cook pictures, Obama’s first post-college lover https: //t.co/Q2fRnq6oW8 pic.twitter.com/bw4qk6GljW
— infowe (@infowe) May 4,2017
Cook also revealed that Obama used drugs, including pot and cocaine. She revealed in her diary that on one occasion they “got high” on cocaine at a party
Obama also used “lots of cocaine” with his Occidental College friends, Hasan Chandoo, Imad Hussain and Sohale Siddiqi, according to Garrow.
Obama and Cook finally split in June 1985. Cook admitted that she had sex with Obama’s best friend Sohale Siddiqi after she split with Obama.
Obama was 25 at the time.
According to Garrow, Obama cheated on Michelle before they married. He continued to see Jager after he met Michelle. He stopped seeing her only after he married Michelle in 1992.
Jager now says she feels bad about it, but Garrow’s book reveals that Obama might have also cheated on Jager with a “community organizer” he met while living with Jager in Chicago in the late 1980s. Obama, according to Garrow, dated Mary Ellen “Lena” Montes, a young, divorced Hispanic single mother he met while he worked as a “community organizer” in Chicago.
The woman who turned down Barack Obama’s proposal https: //t.co/ogE3I0acUc
— The Independent (@Independent) May 4,2017
“I remember very clearly when this transformation happened, ” said Jager, who is of Dutch and Japanese ancestry. “I remember very specifically that by 1987, about a year into our relationship, he already had his sights on becoming president.”
According to Jager, their relationship came under pressure partly because Obama began to voice the conviction that he needed to “fully identify as an African American” to fulfill his political ambitions. He also suggested that a non-African American spouse would not help his political career.
Before he left for Harvard, Obama proposed to Jager a second time, but she turned him down again. Jager said she turned him down partly because she was convinced that Obama proposed only out of fear of losing her at the time he was leaving for Harvard and not because he believed in the future of their relationship.
Their relationship ended after Obama left for Harvard Law School, but they started seeing each other again when Jager came to Harvard for a teaching fellowship.
Obama met Michelle after his first year at Harvard, while he worked as a summer associate at Michelle’s law firm. Despite his relationship with Michelle, he started seeing Jager again in 1990-1991. He eventually stopped seeing her when he married Michelle.
[Featured Image by Scott Olson/Getty Images]

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