Samsung has upped its ambitions for its mobile payments platform – Samsung Pay by looking at ubiquitous presence. The top Android smartphone seller has held internal talks within the company and with OEMs about bringing Samsung Pay to high-end smartphones of other companies Ever since the Galaxy…
Samsung has upped its ambitions for its mobile payments platform – Samsung Pay by looking at ubiquitous presence.
The top Android smartphone seller has held internal talks within the company and with OEMs about bringing Samsung Pay to high-end smartphones of other companies
Ever since the Galaxy S6, one of the unique and powerful features of Samsung’s flagship smartphones has been Samsung Pay. The ability to use your phone to pay for things using both NFC and older MST technology essentially makes Samsung’s payment service accepted in most developing countries.
NDTV reports that Samsung also plans to bring support for full-fledged Pay on its mid-range smartphones. Further, new batches of mid-range smartphones featuring special hardware – similar to chips inside Galaxy S8 and select other smartphones – will ship later this year that would make those phones compatible with the full-fledged Samsung Pay service.
To enable support for full-fledged Samsung Pay on rival’s smartphones, those companies need to add a specialised chip that enables MST technology on their handsets.
Several sources also claim that Samsung is exploring whether selling an accessory that bridges the technical barrier for other Android smartphones to fully support Samsung Pay is feasible and in company’s best interest.