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Creative ways to boost employee morale


Employee happiness is one of the biggest things every company should focus on. Considering that a happy team is a productive one, as well as the fact that people are the most important aspect of any firm, it makes no sense why more businesses don’t try and…
Employee happiness is one of the biggest things every company should focus on.
Considering that a happy team is a productive one, as well as the fact that people are the most important aspect of any firm, it makes no sense why more businesses don’t try and capitalize on such a crucial element. While I can understand that sometimes things get hectic and the morale of a team might not be at the forefront in every single episode, it is something to consider as a top priority. This will improve everything from retention to word of mouth. And believe it or not, this isn’t that hard of a process to start on today. All you need is to follow a few of the steps below to get the ball rolling.
While a lot of companies consider putting a gym in their office as the solution to wellness, that’s not always the most advantageous route to go. The mission here is to get people up and have them do something active, whether that be going for a bike ride, run, or even just an extended walk at lunch. According to Zane Benefits, encouraging an exercise program at work increases productivity by 15 percent for those who exercise at least 30 minutes a day. Furthermore, this is also a great opportunity to drive insurance premiums down a little bit which would make both you and your employees a little happier. However, exercise is only half the battle, with the other half being diet.
We’ve all heard of some peer bragging about their company having free lunch, but these programs are actually incredibly beneficial. Benefits like catered foods can be a great hack to increasing perks without breaking the bank which is an excellent money-saving tool. Additionally, according to a survey by Steamless, 60 percent of employees find that a free lunch program makes them feel more valued, which is increasing morale tremendously. Even if it’s not in the budget to do this daily, try to consider if it’s something you might be able to implement once or twice a week, as doing so will increase happiness across the board.
Doing company outings are not only an excellent way to increase the bond between your team but increase happiness overall. Whether it be a retreat, camping, hiking, or even rafting, taking the time to do something that’s a little adventurous or challenging is a superb opportunity to bring your employees together, giving them something they can cherish for a lifetime. The goal here is to find something that isn’t too strenuous but still provides an obstacle for everyone to overcome. It’s known that when people work on something together like this, then the connections that are being built will become ironclad. Plus, with over 331 million visits to national parks in 2016 alone, this has become a pretty popular activity across the board.
When it comes to putting together an adventure, try to establish a dialogue with your current team on where their interests lie and the types of places they want to visit. Given that you don’t know the skill level of everyone, it’s best to consider something that isn’t too hard, yet provides those who are a little bit more experienced something they’d actually enjoy. Additionally, make sure you take into consideration what’s available in your area and if those activities are seasonal. Adopting these things into account will not only create the best experience but could eventually translate into sparking other new programs for morale as well.
Taking your pet to work isn’t a new thing but has become increasingly popular over the years. According to a survey by SHRM, 7 percent of employers say they’re starting to allow pets into the workplace, up 2 percent from just five years ago. Animals provide a much better environment, one that’s more comfortable and welcoming, which in turn, increases productivity. As long as their dog or cat isn’t too much of a distraction (especially when considering allergies), then programs like this are something your employees might love.
To implement a program that allows pets, first survey your team to see if they’re okay with it. While in a lot of offices it’s becoming the norm, your peers might have some issues regarding noise, illness, or even a fear of certain types of animals. Additionally, chat with them about how often they find a policy like this acceptable, as everyday might be a little too distracting for some. And while it might take some kinks to work out, having pets at work can brighten up anyone’s day in no time.
With so many options to increase the happiness of your team, what’re some methods that you’ve found to work? Comment with your insights below.
This post is part of our contributor series. The views expressed are the author’s own and not necessarily shared by TNW.
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