Home GRASP/Korea Kim Jong-un Will Fire Missiles At Guam If Trump Is Serious About...

Kim Jong-un Will Fire Missiles At Guam If Trump Is Serious About Disarming North Korea With Force


North Korea is once again making threats to go after the U. S. island territory of Guam with missiles, warning that President Donald Trump’s constant barrage of threats on social media and in …
North Korea is once again making threats to go after the U. S. island territory of Guam with missiles, warning that President Donald Trump’s constant barrage of threats on social media and in the press, not to mention the various military moves he has made are pushing Pyongyang to a point where there will be no turning back.
An intricate plan to strike Guam with four Hwasong-12 intermediate-range ballistic missiles was first brought to life by North Korea in late August, not long after Trump had spoken to the media and said he was prepared to “unleash fire and fury like the world has never seen” against North Korea.
After a number of tense days passed, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un announced he had decided to hold back the plan for the time being, but would reserve it for future use.
Trump said he felt the move was a “very wise and well-reasoned decision.”
However, the two leaders almost immediately went back to their war of words, trading insults from the highest levels of government, at one point, forcing Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov, who has continually spoken of peace talks between the two as being the best way to avert disaster, to compare them to a couple of kindergarteners.
Trump used Twitter to belittle and threaten Kim Jong-un.
Meanwhile, the young North Korean leader fired back, calling Trump “ mentally deranged ” and implied Trump was too weak, old, and senile to be running the United States.
Trump has since repeated his “Rocket Man” moniker for Kim both at the U. N. last month and again on social media, where he tweeted earlier this month that he told Secretary of State Rex Tillerson that he was “wasting his time” talking to North Korea because the President doesn’t feel they deserve to be handled in a diplomatic way.

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