Home GRASP/Korea RED ALERT: North Korea Plotting Massive “Nuclear Missile” Move

RED ALERT: North Korea Plotting Massive “Nuclear Missile” Move


(Christian News Alerts) – Over the past couple of months, tension between the United States and North Korea has risen to an all-time high. Now, there are rumors of a potential nuclear strike by North Korea that could put the majority of our country…
(Christian News Alerts) – Over the past couple of months, tension between the United States and North Korea has risen to an all-time high. Now, there are rumors of a potential nuclear strike by North Korea that could put the majority of our country in serious danger.
According to NewsMax, Anton Morozov, a Russian lawmaker, stated that North Korea is currently preparing to test a new long-range missile. Morozov came back from Pyongyang and said that they gave him specific information about the launch. He claimed, “Their missile can hit the west coast of the United States.”
“As far as we understand, they intend to launch one more long-range missile in the near future. And in general, their mood is rather belligerent,” the lawmaker stated.
This news comes in light of North Korea’s repeated missile tests over the summer. Most recently, Pyongyang bragged that they tested a hydrogen bomb.
Morozov’s comments are having a variety of effects here in the United States. The price of US Treasury bonds is going up. Bonds are viewed as “safe” in times of global instability.
Reuters looked into Morozov’s claims, but were not able to confirm the story.

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