Home GRASP/Korea US Stealth Fighters, Bombers Put On Show Of Force After North Korean...

US Stealth Fighters, Bombers Put On Show Of Force After North Korean ICBM Test [VIDEO]


The U. S. Air Force practiced bombing North Korea alongside allied fighters Wednesday in a show of force to the rogue regime.
The U. S. Air Force practiced bombing North Korea alongside allied fighters Wednesday in a show of force to the rogue regime, which tested a powerful new missile just last week.
B-1B Lancers, supersonic bombers carrying the largest conventional payload of guided and unguided munitions of any Air Force bomber, and F-22 Raptors and F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighters, elite stealth fighters, participated in a simulated bombing exercise with South Korean F-15K and KF-16 fighter jets at Pilsung Firing Range in Taebaek, Gangwon Province, South Korea, which is near the border between the two Koreas, NK News reports .
The B-1B Lancers were dispatched from Guam, where they are stationed as part of America’s “Continuous Bomber Presence” mission in the Asia Pacific. While the U. S. military aircraft conducted simulated strikes, the South Korean warplanes actually dropped MK-82 bombs.
“Through the exercise, the South Korean and U. S. air forces have demonstrated the alliance’s strong will and capability for strong retaliation against North Korea’s nuclear and missile threats,” South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff said in a statement, USA Today reports.

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