Home GRASP/China Chinese peacekeepers in tense stand-off with armed militants in South Sudan

Chinese peacekeepers in tense stand-off with armed militants in South Sudan


Group of 15 managed to defuse the situation in restricted area of Juba where two peacekeepers were killed 18 months ago
China’s military has revealed details of a tense stand-off between Chinese peacekeepers and armed militants in South Sudan this week, at the same location where two of its peacekeepers were killed during fighting 18 months ago.
Peacekeepers at the United Nations compound in the capital Juba were told armed militants had entered a restricted zone on Thursday afternoon. “Fifteen militants carrying rifles and pistols were found in a restricted area… chasing civilians after two gunshots were heard at about 4pm,” was the message, official newspaper PLA Daily reported on Saturday.
Lieutenant Yang Yongqiang was one of 15 Chinese peacekeepers who rushed to the restricted zone, where they are responsible for protecting civilians.
“I told the armed men that they were in a place where weapons are prohibited, but they became agitated and started firing shots into the sky,” Yang told the newspaper.
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The situation worsened as more militants appeared in the restricted area and some of them – numbering about 30 at that stage – had their weapons aimed at the peacekeepers, the report said.
“This was a very tense stand-off and the armed group was extremely hostile. It would’ve been very easy for us to lose control of the situation,” Yang was quoted as saying.
But the peacekeepers managed to negotiate with the militants, who eventually agreed to lower their weapons and leave the area, according to the report.

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