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Where Was ‘Black Mirror’ Metalhead Filmed?


Find out all about where Black Mirror’s Metalhead was filmed and see photos in color. It’s not a bleak wasteland, but a lush green landscape.
One of the newest episodes for Black Mirror Season 4 is Metalhead. Filmed in black and white, the episode paints a dire story of man vs. technological beast. Much of the episode involves fighting to live in a bleak, post-apocalyptic world. This has caused a number of viewers to wonder just where the episode was filmed. This post will have minor spoilers for the episode.
Metalhead was filmed in Dartmoor in April of 2017, DevonLive reported. Dartmoor’s woodlands were a central part of the filming. Dartmoor is an area of moorland in southern Devon, England that is protected with national park status as Dartmoor National Park. It covers 954 square kilometers. The granite that forms the uplands dates back to the Carboniferous Period, making it a beautiful and fitting choice for a post-apocalyptic landscape. Interestingly, Dartmoor has portions that are sometimes used as military firing ranges (and have been for more than 200 years.) The area is known for its tors, rivers, and bogs.
Because of how beautiful the country can be, it would be fascinating to see what this would look like in color rather than black-and-white. But in black-and-white, we’re forced to focus on the man vs. machine aspect. One of the rules for filming the episode was that all the metallic things would be touched and changed for the filming, but the vegetation was not to be touched at all, TV Guide reported.
If you’re curious what Dartmoor looks like when it’s not black-and-white, check out these photos. Now imagine this as the background for Metalhead:
#HappyNewYear! To celebrate the start of #2018, we will be sharing one of our favourite images of #SouthDevon from 2017 everyday throughout January. First off, we have a beautiful image of #Ashburton, with #Dartmoor in the distance. pic.twitter.com/nQGyYpcx0t
— Visit South Devon (@visitsouthdevon) January 1,2018
Merrivale Stone Row, Dartmoor Devon, England at Sunset pic.twitter.com/On7wyXv7vb
— Tracy Hogan (@HoganSOG) December 29,2017
Sun setting in Dartmoor National Park, UK pic.twitter.com/ynyQpw3Uvs
— Tracy Hogan (@HoganSOG) December 29,2017
Dartmoor still doing its thing. pic.twitter.com/bSVqTwRgxN
— Harry Nesbitt (@harrynesbitt) December 23,2017
A day of drifting mists over the moor… #Dartmoor pic.twitter.com/Trcklw1Tbx
— Sarah Reeve (@SarahReeve3) December 23,2017
And for fun, here are some behind-the-scenes photos of Metalhead, shared by David Slade:
As Black Mirror season 4 came out today I am going to be posting my location photography and some behind the scenes images from my episode “METALHEAD” today.
Lets start here in Dartmoor. pic.twitter.com/hFXwUlqW6d
— DAVID A SLADE (@DAVID_A_SLADE) December 29,2017
When shooting we actually avoided some of the more overt destruction we came across – here are some stills of things we framed out and shot around. I love the graffiti tag “aplomb” on the caravan suggesting a vandal with confidence and a wide vocabulary. #BlackMirror4 metalhead pic.twitter.com/0p3uOFiBoF
— DAVID A SLADE (@DAVID_A_SLADE) December 30,2017
— DAVID A SLADE (@DAVID_A_SLADE) December 29,2017
I wanted everything about this world to appear oppressive, for the skies and the vehicles and the architecture to be etched out of metal. Everything had to feel heavy. pic.twitter.com/wNF2CjJYub
— DAVID A SLADE (@DAVID_A_SLADE) December 29,2017
Metalhead location photograph grade test. pic.twitter.com/vn2EjJuFb9
— DAVID A SLADE (@DAVID_A_SLADE) December 29,2017
The machine that photographed the machine. The lenses that we were using where often too heavy for the drone to carry, so I had to rethink some sequences. In the old days we’d have to be in a helicopter which wouldn’t have been practical for this production. pic.twitter.com/wQ33jNmE35
— DAVID A SLADE (@DAVID_A_SLADE) December 29,2017
All photos went through a monochrome post process to inform the look we eventually had when shooting. pic.twitter.com/1ucwkkKOY3
— DAVID A SLADE (@DAVID_A_SLADE) December 29,2017
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