Home GRASP/China Will Theresa May Discuss Hong Kong in Her China Visit?

Will Theresa May Discuss Hong Kong in Her China Visit?


The last British Governor of Hong Kong urged Theresa May to speak up for Hong Kong.
“Self-determination” or changing the HKSAR [ Hong Kong Special Administrative Region] system by referendum which includes the choice of independence is inconsistent with the constitutional and legal status of the HKSAR as stipulated in the Basic Law, as well as the established basic policies of the PRC regarding Hong Kong. Upholding the Basic Law is a basic legal duty of a legislator. If a person advocates or promotes self-determination or independence by any means, he or she cannot possibly uphold the Basic Law or fulfil his or her duties as a legislator… the nomination of a candidate was invalid as she did not comply with section 40(1)(b)(i) of the Legislative Council Ordinance.

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