Home GRASP/Korea Pence slams N Korean leader's 'tyrannical' sister after their near meet

Pence slams N Korean leader's 'tyrannical' sister after their near meet


U. S. Vice President Mike Pence on Thursday assailed the North Korean leader’s sister who sat near him at the Olympics as part of an « evil family clique » that oppresses millions. Pence and Kim Yo Jong, the sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, sat in the same
U. S. Vice President Mike Pence on Thursday assailed the North Korean leader’s sister who sat near him at the Olympics as part of an « evil family clique » that oppresses millions.
Pence and Kim Yo Jong, the sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, sat in the same box during the Feb 9 opening ceremony of the Winter Games in Seoul, but the pair did not interact.
That scene, broadcast worldwide, was closely watched for its diplomatic signals.
U. S. officials said later that Pence and North Korean officials had planned to meet secretly during the Games, but that Pyongyang scrapped the talks at the last minute after he criticized the « murderous regime.

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