Home United States USA — mix Hundreds Gather at Funeral of Californian Police Shooting Victim

Hundreds Gather at Funeral of Californian Police Shooting Victim


WASHINGTON (Sputnik) – Hundreds of people convened at the Bayside Boss Church in Sacramento, California, on Thursday for the funeral of 22-year-old Stephon Clark, the unarmed black man who was killed by police.
« This is not a local matter, » Rev. Al Sharpton said in response to White House spokesperson Sarah Huckabee Sandars’ statement that the shooting was a local matter. « They been killing young black men all over the country and we are here to say that we are going to stand with Stephon Clark and the leaders of his family … it’s time for politicians to come out the office, it’s time for us to go down and stop this madness. »
On March 18, two Sacramento Police Department officers shot and killed 22-year-old Stephon Clark, according to media reports. Police said they feared Clark had a gun, but discovered that he had a cell phone after the shooting, according to the reports.
During the service, Stephen’s older brother, Stevante Clark, interrupted speakers with chants of « I am Stephon Clark » as leaders tried to quiet him down.
Stevante Clark also remarked that representatives of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People at the funeral were only there for the money.
Protests erupted in Sacramento after police killed Stephon Clark, with demonstrators shutting down major streets and a highway, a city council meeting and two games of the US professional basketball team the Sacramento Kings.

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