Home GRASP/China Hong Kong pro-independence party threatened with legal ban

Hong Kong pro-independence party threatened with legal ban


The United Kingdom has expressed « concern » over the Hong Kong government’s proposed use of a colonial-era law to ban a pro-independence group.
Under the ordinance, if HKNP is banned it will be illegal to be a member of the party, act on its behalf, or raise funds for it. Offenders could face up to three years in prison and fines of up to $12,000.
Hong Kong’s secretary for security John Lee told reporters Tuesday that HKNP had 21 days to explain why he should not issue a « prohibition order » against it. »In Hong Kong we have freedom of association, but that right is not without restrictions, » Lee said, adding the HKNP could be banned « in the interests of national security. »
It was not clear what the specific concerns related to national security were.
Amnesty International researcher Patrick Poon said the move had « potentially far-reaching consequences. »
« To use sweeping references to ‘national security’ to silence dissenting voices is a tactic favored by repressive governments, » he said.
« Under international law and standards, any prohibition of an organization is subject to a strict test of justification, with the burden of proof on the government to demonstrate that a real, not just hypothetical, danger to national security exists. »
Pro-democracy activist Joshua Wong said the threat showed « we have entered a new era of white terror, where anyone’s thoughts and words could condemn them with a criminal charge. » Wong has been jailed in the past on what some observers said were politically motivated charges.
During Taiwan’s « white terror, » tens of thousands of government critics and opposition activists were arrested and thousands executed.

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