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The Order 1886 Developer Talks Sequel Possibility


Ready At Dawn CEO and The Order: 1886 creative director Ru Weerasuriya comments on the future of the polarizing game, including the possibility of a sequel.
The Order: 1886 has been a curious case. It initially failed to garner any critical or commercial success, but regular sales on PSN have established a half-decent fanbase for the title. While it still hasn’t been enough to completely flip public perception, there’s at least a base that may be willing to play a sequel, which was set up by The Order‘s cliffhanger ending. Now, Ru Weerasuriya, the game’s creative director, has commented on the future of the franchise.
When asked about the possibility of a sequel Weerasuriya said, “[The] IP was built with a lot of work behind it. Even before the release of the game, we put a lot of work on the foundations of why each of these characters are who they are, where they came from, what is behind the story… We asked, ‘Where did it start? Where is it going?’ There is a lot of [story] that was already written, because we felt, again, writing a game and just kind of isolating it to just the story that it would’ve been was not enough for us.”
While this isn’t the straightest answer, it would seem Weerasuriya isn’t ruling out the possibility of a sequel, or maybe even a prequel. It certainly seems that the groundwork for a narrative is there, whether that’s the continuation of The Order: 1886‘s story, or an entirely different journey set in the same universe. Despite the game’s brevity, its cast was interesting, so there’s a large cast of characters that could potentially take up the mantle of protagonist for a sequel in their own separate story.
Of course, nothing is guaranteed and Weerasuriya seems a bit apprehensive to confirm anything other than the fact that the groundwork is there. The Order certainly has the potential to be a great franchise; it boasts an interesting setting and some felt the core gameplay mechanics felt satisfying to play.
For people that would want a sequel, the best option is to simply buy The Order: 1886 and recommend it to friends. A potential resurgence could be the convincing Ready at Dawn needs to pursue another entry, which it has expressed interest in doing in the past. Until then, the future of the franchise is up in the air.
The Order: 1886 is available now on the PS4.

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